Chapter 47: The apprentice's to Darth Malgus

It was the middle of the night of the city within the planet of SunBright as we over see star fighters of both Republic and Empire fighters flying over head, taking out each other while the streets were completely empty until we see a Republic Commando peaking out of the alleyway and scan around.

He doesn't see any Imperial forces so he wave his hand to his squad and they make out of the alleyway and move along the street while aiming their blaster rifles around to make sure nothing will not ambush them. They make their way through the street until they stop in the middle the street and look around.

Kobe: Lucille, you got anything?

Lucille who is the only female clone commando pull out her data pad and press her finger onto the screen and look at it a bit and then said.

Lucille: We're close. The distress beacon should be close.

Javier: I have a bad feeling about this Kobe. We're in enemy territory, how do we know this is a trap?

Kobe: We're trained to get behind enemy lines Javier. They don't put us in the simulation for nothing.

Javier: Guess so sir.

Ronan: I just can't wait to go back to base and eat some good food.

Lucille: Same here.

Kobe: Forced people and let's keep moving.

They node and they continue on. Soon they reach their location and it looked like a mall as they look around while they walk up towards the entrance and enter inside. Once inside they turn on their night version on their helmets and look around with their blaster rifles aimed. They search around as they walk deeper to the mall while Lucille pulls out her data pad see they were getting closer until they were on top of it.

They stop and look around but there was nothing but flipped trash cans and some other junk.

Javier: Is this some kind of a joke? Where is this beacon?

Lucille: I don't get it. We're on top of it but I don't see anything.

Kobe: It has to be here. Let's look around.

They node but then something fell and land on Ronan's helmet while the rest walk off. He took off his helmet and wipe what ever it was, he look at his hand and see it was some kind of a red liquid. Suddenly he quickly realised what it was and at the same time another drip came down and hit the ground in front of him.

He puts on his helmet and looked up to see the Republic commandos hanging on top of him with blood dripping down as their lifeless bodies is just hanging there.

Ronan: (shocked) Holy shi-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

He was suddenly pulled into the darkness while he scream which the rest turn to see Ronan is gone.

Kobe: Ronan! Ronan where are you!? Ronan!

Javier: Sir i think this might be a tra-

Suddenly he was forced chocked by something and was off of his feet as he gasp for her while Kobe and Lucille step back as they hear a snap from Javier as his body drops to the ground while Lucille was immediately pulled and a stabbed as a red glow appear through her chest as she look down to see it before the blade was pulled back and she fell onto the ground.

Kobe fire his blaster rifle at the figure but it gose fast and disappeared into the darkness while Kobe continue to fire his blaster rifle around trying to shoot at this figure but he keeps missing.

Koba: This is Lieutenant Koba, Leader of Midnight strike Squad. I've been attacked by what it looks like a sith. My squad is done, I need backup I repeat, I need back up right no-

Then within seconds a red crimson blade rush over and slash off Kobe's head off. His helmet hit the ground along with his body as well. The figure appear as he stood over the now lifeless body of Republic commando, deactivated his light saber and disappeared into the darkness of the mall.

(Next day)

It was the early in the morning as we see Republic troopers moving around as we see them taking control half of the city and it was not just the Republic troopers that were stationed but also Sky's militia army as well as we see them flying around doing a scouting run or talking with the other Republic troopers just chilling. We see Yogi chatting with Weisz and Pino and it seems like a nice morning.

We then cut to a hotel where most troopers and Jedi sleep for the time being since its also their base as well. But still we then cut to a hotel room when we hear Kame giggle a bit while she ask.

Kame: (smirk) Morning my handsome and cute Jedi.

We then cut to the room where we see Y/n just waking up and open his eyes only to be surprised to see Kame here barely naked with only her bra on her as he blushes when she grab him and place his face onto her breast while she giggle once more and said.

Kame: (smirk) You have a nice night? Do you like me being your pillow~?

Y/n was muffled due to his face on her breast which she smirked even more and cuddle him even more while she said.

Kame: (smirk) I just love cuddling you like this. I can feel your soft and warm body. Especially your cute face when your sleeping, it just melt my heart away.

Suddenly the door was burst open as Kame turn to see Rebecca and Homura as the two enter the room with Rebecca call out.

Rebecca: Hey I thought I told you to wake up Y/n! Not sleeping with him!

Kame: (smirk) I was about to but I can't, I just love his cute face when he sleeps. So I rather lay next to and watch him sleep.

Homura: Then why are you hugging him while his face is on your breast?

Kame: (smirk) Figured I give him a cuddle. You jealous.

Rebecca and Homura: Jealous?

Kame: (smirk) How mine is bigger then yours.

The two look down at their chest and to Kame's and they were angry now. Rebecca pulled Y/n away which he catch a breath a bit only for her to place his face onto her breast instead.

Rebecca: Say Y/n! You think mine is better than Kame's?!

Y/n was still fulfilled but then Homura grabs him and place his face onto her breast.

Homura: Y/n, you believe mine is better right?

Kame: (smirk) Just face it. Mine is bigger and he likes it.

Rebecca and Homura: He loves mine better then yours!

Then all three girls placed their breast together with Y/n in the middle as they argued more while we see Ahoska, Asa, Jimin, Kameko, Shiki, Happy and Ella peack over by the door and watch this happen.

Shiki: Why are they slamming Y/n onto their chest? Are they playing a game! Cause I wanna go!

Happy: Yeah I believe their not playing a game here Shiki.

Ella: What are breast?

Ahoska: Um it's best you'll know that when your older.

Asa: (anger) Man look how large Kame's is! I'm so completely jealous right now!

Jimin: I wounder he would like my chest?

Kameko: (smirk) I don't mind if Y/n's "accidentally" fell onto my chest.

Ahoska: You do realise Ella is here right?

Then Sky gose pass them and enter the room as he clear his throat and the girls stop and turn to him. Then Y/n fell onto the bed while breathing a sigh of relief, thinking he would never get out of that while Sky tells Y/n.

Sky: Sorry to burst in but we got a transmission that you wanna see.

Y/n: Y-Yeah I-I'lll be there just need to (sigh) catch my breath.

Sky: Well best be hurry. Midnight strike strike never came back but we have gotten their team leaders transmission before it was cut off.

Y/n: Really? We be right there.

(Short while later)

We see everyone gathered around the tent as Nick open the message and they listen to it before it was cut off. They noticed a light saber blade before it was cut off as Y/n thinks a out it and ask Flanker.

Y/n: Flanker when you, Lancer and the rest enter the city, did you say there was a sith there before he left?

Flanker: Indeed. We believe his name was Apollyon. You think he is the same who attacked them?

Weisz: Hard to say really. Who ever that was mustbbe very good in stealth.

Witch: Weisz is correct. The squad was surprised by this unknown attacker. Who ever it was must be quick and quiet in his or her movement.

Sister Irvy: So we have a stealthy like sith in thus city. Just great, so what's our plan?

Hermit: I've tracked down the last squads location. It appears they enter an abandoned mall before they went quiet.

Nick: It's maybe possible this sith wants someone to come to investigate it.

Y/n: And by someone this sith wants us.

Nick: Seems like it.

Shiki: So what's the plan?

Y/n: We need to know our enemies so here's the plan. Me, Ahoska and Sky will enter the mall to look for this sith while Shiki, Weisz, Rebecca, Homura, Happy and Pino will stay outside unril we need help.

Kame: If all of you are in trouble, I'll call apon the sith warriors to come and help you.

Y/n: Thank you Kame. Flanker, you'll follow Yei until we come back. Report to me if anything happens.

Flanker: Yes sir.

Nick: Sir allow me and Jeanne to aid you. For your safety.

Sky: You maybe strong Nick but this is a sith we're talking about. Are you sure you are ready?

Nick: We're ready as always sir. Please, allow us to join you all for the hunt.

Sky looks at them and nodes and then turn to Yogi.

Sky: Yogi, your in charge once we return. I'm counting on you to aid in the fight for our pack.

Yogi: No problem, you cab count on me!

Witch: We watch things here while you all search for this sith. Good luck and be safe.

Shiki: (smirk) We be fine. Okay guys, let's go!


We see them walking through the empty street heading towards the location and see they can track down this sith and see if they can capture him for questioning. We see Y/n, Sky and Ahoska taking lead while Shiki, Weisz, Homura, Happy, Pino, Rebecca, Nick and Jeanne follow as Rebecca ask Jeanne.

Rebecca: That is some cool mandalorian armor you have. You mind there is some for me?

Jeanne: Sorry but only those who join our pack can wear the armor.

Rebecca: Aaaaawwww.

Happy: I thought you think the Republic armor were awesome?

Rebecca: Yeah, I find both of them amazing. And I can even costume it so the fans might like it. I figured cat like ears and bright colours around it.

Jeanne: Say don't mind me asking but are you that B-Cuber who wears cat like ears?

Rebecca: (smile) Yep that's me!

Jeanne:'s actually nice to be working with a person I like. I'm a huge fan of your channel.

Rebecca: (smile) Thanks.

The two girls chatted while Weisz look over to Nick and was about to say something when Nick tells him.

Nick: If you want to "borrow" one of our armor so you can flirt girls, the answer is no.

Weisz just mutters something and looks away. Soon they arrive at the mall and I looks abandoned but still Y/n turns to them and tells them.

Y/n: You guys wait here and make sure nothing is not gonna come out and attack us once we escape. I'd we're in trouble, come in and help.

Shiki: (smile) On it man!

Weisz: Well at least we're not going to have our hands chopped off.

Homura: Be safe you three.

Ahoska: (smile) We will.

Sky: Come on. Let's see what we can find.

They agree as they enter inside the mall while the rest stay behind and guard. They enter the mall and they see the place empty and a mess. They make theie walk through the mall while looking around for this sith and after a while of walking Sky stops Ahoska and Y/n as he felt something and soon Ahoska and Y/n felt it as well.

Sky: You sense it?

Ahoska: Yeah. I believe we're not facing with just a sith.

Y/n: Agree. I sense something strong in the dark side the force. Either this sith is powerful or....there is more then one.

???: At have finally came Jedi.

The two actived their light sabers and look around until they hear footsteps on the second floor so they turn to see Apollyon as he appear on the second floor and look down at them as he gose on to say.

Apollyon: Finally, after all these years of training I've finally get to face with a Jedi.

Ahoska: So your must be Apollyon?

Apollyon: Indeed. I am Apollyon, second in command to Lord Malgus and second sith apprentice to him.

Sky: So you want us to come here so you can kill us.

Apollyon: You fool, I was not here to lower you two here. I was only here to lower him here.

He then pointed to Y/n which confused Y/n so he ask.

Y/n: Why just me?

Apollyon: Lord Malgus has been waiting for you all his life and I have orders to take you to him.

Y/n: Why? What is his reason for me to go and see him?

Apollyon: He wants revenge for what happened many years ago and he order me to bring you alive so you can face his punishment.

Y/n: Revenge? What are you talking about? We've never encountered Malgus in our lives. How dose he know me?

Apollyon: Let's just say he doesn't know you much.....but he knows the people who defeated him in battle and ruin his plan, and that is your parents.

His eyes widen in shock when he said that and he was confused so he ask.

Y/n: How doss he know my parents?!

Apollyon doesn't answer but instead pulls out his cross-guard light saber and active it. He then leap off from the second floor and land on his feet. The trio ready their sabers while Apollyon tells both Sky and Ahoska.

Apollyon: I rather face Y/n then you both but do not worry. Malgus third and fourth apprentice will love to play with you.

Suddenly more footsteps are heard behind them so Ahoska and Sky turn and they see two other siths came out of the darkness and activated their light sabers.

Xitto: I am Xitto the master of blade combat. You may have powerful skills but you have no match against me.

Gak: I am Gak, the most silent and deadly assassin in all of the galaxy. I'll hunt for my prey and once you realised where I am, it be already too late.

Ahoska: (smirk) Well looks like this is where the fun begins.

Sky: Agree. I'll face the mask figure.

Ahoska: Right. Leave the double bladed one to me. Y/n you okay with Apollyon?

Y/n: Yeah be safe you two.

The two node as they charge at them and battle the sith. Sky clash blades against Gak whioe Ahoska and Xitto leap onto the second floor and clash blades while Y/n snd Apollyon stood there and stare at each other.

After what seems like while Apollyon quickly charge at Y/n and the two clash blades. The two clash blades at each other with powerful swings and quick dodging. The two continue unril Apollyon force pushed Y/n back but he blocks it by reaching out hid hand and only was pushed back a bit.

He lower his hand while Apollyon use the force to pick up heavy objects and throw them al Y/n which he slice some with his saber and then summons fire out of his hand as the flames head towards Apollyon but he blocks it with his own hand and tossed his saber at him but Y/n leaps over to dodge the saber but the saber turns back which Y/n can sense it, turn around and block the saber.

The impact sent him flying and he land onto the second floor across where Ahoska and Xitto are battling. Then Apollyon leaps up andlands behind Y/n but he quickly turns and quickly block his attack. The two gets into a saber lock before Y/n use Force phase to Phase through Apollyon which caught him at guard and turn and quickly blocks Y/n's strike.

The two lock blades once more and after a short while Y/n got his saber through and land a hit at Apollyon's helmet as he stumble back while grabbing his damaged helmet. He look only to see Y/n smirk at him which anger Apollyon as he took off his helmet snd throw it aside to reveal his face to him.

Apollyon: Your going to pay for that Jedi.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey, I've heard that a lot with many enemies of mine.

Apollyon grind his teeth and charge towards him and the two clash blades as Y/n steps back while he blocks his strikes while he ask Apollyon.

Y/n: Tell me! How dose Malgus know my parents! How can a ancient sith Lord know my parents!

Apollyon kicks Y/n back which cost him to stumble back as Apollyon look at Y/n and then tells him.

Apollyon: Many years ago near the end of the war in the old Republic days, Malgus was sealed by the Jedi order and was sent to the unknown region so no one will never find him again. However years later, he was free and learn about Mother and her wishes. His goal is to find Mother by any mean necessary and nearly succeed but it was stopped by your parents. Soon they defeated him which cost him to be sealed once more by Kame and her sith cult until he was free once more.

Y/n: (shocked) parents faced him.

Apollyon: Indeed and now he wants revenge but he could not find your parents but when he learns of you being related to them, he thinks you will be their replacement then.

Y/n: (smirk) I like to see him try.

Apollyon: Enough talk, let us battle so I can defeat you and take you to him for your punishment.

Y/n: (smirk) Well better tell him he won't get his birthday present this year.

Apollyon just swings his saber around and dash towards him while Y/n dash towards him as well as the two swing thier sabers back and they clash at each other as their battle still continues.

To be continued................................

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