Chapter 46: Squad: Machine Warriors
In the hills on the planet Sunbright we see imperial forces and Mountain Republic company engaged in battle as we see Republic Mountain troopers wearing green armor with green visors on their helmets as they find cover and return fire at imperial forces ad Imperial forces continues to fire at them.
The Imperial forces fired back at them as Republic troopers try to push up when they see an Imperial tank appear behind Imperial forces as the tank fires and blow up a few Republic troopers away while we see Commander Hills hiding behind cover and aim his blasted rifle and take out a few Imperial Stormtroopers before return back to cover follow by an explosion near him they spread dirt and smoke.
Hills: This is commander Hills, we need backup right away! We're getting heavy fire by imperial forces right now!
Another explosion blows up near him as he peak out of cover and fire a few more at Imperial forces now marching down the hill. Then we see a figure as she actived her light saber and leap down and stab her saber into the top of the imperial tank and leap away as it explod. Once on the ground she deflected the incoming shots and firce pushed a few imperial Stormtroopers while the rest of her troopers take out what's left of them.
She breath a sigh of relief as she deactivated her light saber and walks over to Commander Hills to see if he and the rest were alright.
Ada: You alright Commander?
Hills: We're alright ma'am. You saved us just in time.
Ada: (smile) No problem. Now let's see what's at the other side od this Mountain.
Hills: On you ma'am.
They follow Ada as they make their way on top of the mountain and soon they made it to the tope and they see a whole city there but it's surrounded in a large dorm shield.
Hills: Looks like the shield generators probably inside the city.
Ada: Guess this looks like we need a plan. That's return back to base and report this with the rest.
Hills: Yes ma'am.
They make their way down the mountain and return back to base to report this to the rest.
We see a large Republic base with many Acclamators landed including many Republic vehicles and walkers making their way through the base while Republic troopers marching by as we shifted to command room where we see Y/n, Shiki, Kohta, Ahsoka, Flanker, Lancer, Eric and Reznya as they gather around the holotable and they were told by Ada and Hills about a dorm shield that is surrounded the whole city and the only way to get in is by destroying it in there inside.
Kohta: So it looks like we need a plan to destroy the dorm shields so our forces can enter inside the city. Any ideas?
Shiki: I can fly inside and destroy it?
Flanker: That could work. I don't think a dorm shield can't handle a Ether gear user right?
Witch: Actually this dorm shield can.
Then witch and Hermit walk over to the group as Hermit tells them.
Hermit: According some intel I've pulled in, this dorm shield is a especially type of enegry shield. This shield is stronger to stand against any Ether gear attacks. Meaning even if the combined might of Shiki and Y/n, it will not break it the slightest.
Reznya: So any ideas on how we can get inside?
Ahsoka: I've sent a small scout team and they discovered a sewer pipe that can lead to the cities underground sewers. If we take that, we might enter inside the city without being detected and blow up the shield generations from the inside.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds good to me.
Flanker: Sir permission for me, Eric, Reznya and Lancer to get inside and shut down the shield generation.
Y/n: (smile) Permission granted. I can sense you four have something in mind.
Eric: Indeed. Since the Bad batch are busy I believe it's time we bring in a new squad of Republic troopers. Squad: Machine Warriors.
Witch: (surprised) I heard aboit that squad. They are team of machines is that correct?
Eric: (smile) Indeed. They are the best of tbe best. They are the first machines to be apart of the Republic army.
Reznya: (smile) Yeah and they are bad ass if you see them in action.
Y/n: (smirk) That sounds quiet interesting. Very well then, I let you four be in charge of the mission then. Good luck and my the force be with you.
The four node and they make their leave to grab a Gunship and wait on the squad.
We see Eric, Reznya, Flanker and Lancer at the gunship waiting for the squad when Weisz, Jinn and Kleene walks over to them.
Weisz: (smirk) Ah good, you guys didn't left yet.
Eric: Nope. Still here as always. Guess you wanna come as well?
Weisz: Heck yeah man! This base is boring so figured I team up with you lot and have some action.
Eric: Sounds cool to me. And you both?
Jinn just look away while he tells them.
Jinn: My sister wants to come along so I come just to keep her save.
Kleene: I want to impress Y/n and make him happy.
Reznya: Sure thing. We're just waiting on the squad.
Weisz: Cool....Wait who is the squad?
???: We are.
They turn and see the Republic squad walking up to them. Their leader Dante who is a brilliant team leader and nows everything to win a battle.
Next is Zayn a marksman who can use his robotic eyes to see his targets through his helmet and can even turn them to night vision and X-ray vision to shoot down his enemies a lot more easily.
Next is Reid who can pick up any metal parts anywhere on the ground and use them to upgrade his costume made blasted cannon and his armor that can make him a one man army and can even deploy blasted cannons from his shoulders to deal more damage.
Finally there was Orion who is a scout and has a especially made jetpack that can make him evenly fast then any Star fighters and can even survive in space in months or maybe years depending how long his battery can hold.
They make their way over to them and stood in attention and give them a salute as Dante was the first to say.
Dante: It be an honour working along side you for our first mission sirs.
Weisz: (surprised) Wow so the rumours were true? There is machine Republic troopers?!
Eric: (smirk) That's right. These guys are like the Clone commandos for the Republic and they know how to fight well.
Dante: We were already told by our general and we're ready to help.
Eric: (smirk) Good. Climb on ladies and gentlemen, because our mission starts now.
They Climb inside the gunship and once that the Gunship takes off and flies off to their location so they can start their mission.
(Short while later)
We see the gunship making it's approach towards their location and once there they make their landing and once landed they exit out of the gunship and look around. The gunship leaves as they look around to see no imperial forces.
Zayn: It looks like this area is clear. But not for long.
Weisz: Man I can smell the sewer. Are we close?
Flanker: Either that or you didn't get a shower for weeks.
Weisz: (anger) I don't smell!
Reznya and Kleene: (mutter) Kinda do.
Weisz: (sigh) I regret coming with you guys.
Lancer: (smirk) Learn to cheer up a bit. We're only playing around.
Dante: Orion scout ahead and see you can find the entrance of the sewer.
Orion: Yes sir.
He heads off while the rest stay here and look around. After a while Orion return back and lead them to the sewer. Soon they made it and see a large broker pipe that is pouring out disgusting liquid while Weisz cover his nose from the bad smell.
Weisz: Damn it that stinks! Say can we go another way or something?
Eric: Sorry Weisz but this is the only way we can get to the city. Look at the right side, at least your out here rather back at base.
Weisz just roll his eyes as they enter the sewer and make their way through while making sure they won't be ambushed by Imperial forces.
Weisz: So Dante tell us about your squad and how you met them?
Dante: We saw how the Republic was and we decided to join them. We show our skills in battle and they were surprised and allow us to join. So much so Commander Fordo allows us to be trained to be Republic Commandos.
Weisz: (smirk) That's cool. You know I was a commando one time. So much so infact many girls fall for me.
Lancer: Weisz you never were a commando. In fact, you even stole one of the commando armor just to flirt with the other girls with it.
Weisz: That was called "Borrowing" the armor. I mean I I put it back.
Lancer: Yeah after it was nearly blasted by some gang members.
Weisz: (smirk) Still the girls liked it.
Lancer: Even though they can't see your face.
Weisz: Okay are you going to ruin my achievements or what?
Lancer: (smirk) A little.
Dante: Hold it.
They stop dead in their tracks as Dante looks ahead and can hear something splashing ad it head towards them. Soon the splashing stopped and seconds later red bolts came out from the darkness which they immediately take cover. They see Imperial purge troopers marching towards them while firing at them while they return fire.
Reznya: Great these droids again!
Eric: Guess they must have taking the purge droids from Drakken space station after he was arrested.
Dante: Reid form a shield!
Reid: Coming right up!
He grab many parts he can find and soon he manages to build a large metal shield attached to his blaster cannon as he gets in front of everyone and open fires at them. His high powered blaster cannons ripe off the armor of the purge troopers and soon after they were wiped out. They walk over to see the purge troopers being destroyed as Jinn asked.
Jinn: Those Pruge troopers were strong. How did your Blaster cannon do that?
Reid: I've been upgrading this thing for years. I was once a mercenary before I decided to change and join the Republic. It was the greatest decision I've ever made.
Orion: Looks like the imperials already know we be here. We should keep moving before they sent more.
Dante: Copy that. Let's move everyone.
They move out as they make their way through the sewer and soon they reach to a circle sewer area with many tunnels above them pouring out sewer liquid as Kleene tells everyone.
Kleene: Best you all stick together. Don't want anyone to fall.
Once that was clear she used her air Ether gear magic to pull everyone off the ground and sent them up into the air. Soon they reach to a tunnel they needed to go and they enter inside the tunnel and up ahead is a ladder which Dante walk over along with Eric to see a sewer lead up ahead.
Eric: Bet there is imperial forces waiting for us up there?
Dante: Hard to say. You wanna go first. I can tell you want some action.
Eric: (smirk) Oh you know I do.
He Climb up the ladder and once there he slowly open the lead and peak out to see no one. He open the sewer lead fully and climb out. The rest follow as we see them in the middle of the empty street as they look around.
Zayn: No life detected. It seems what ever happened here there is nothing here now.
Reznya: You think everyone is alright?
Dante: Let's hope.
Then they feel a rumble and they turn to see an Imperial tank along with Imperial Stormtrooper marching towards them. Jinn quickly gets in front and they were gone in thin air. The Imperial forces didn't spotted them while we see them on top of a large building where they will be safe.
Weisz: Man that was close!
Reznya: (smile) Yeah, good one Jinn.
Jinn just nodes while Zayn walks over and pulls out his sniper blaster and aim down his scope to see the generator shield along with a few imperial forces there.
Zayn: Looks like we're close.
Dante: How many?
Zayn: 30 Stormtroopers, 6 sniper Stormtroopers and 4 sith troopers. And it looks like a sith down there.
Weisz: (surprised) A sith? Is it this Malgus guy?
He aimed down his scope and looks at the Sith talking to a few Stormtroopers as he give our orders which they node and march over while Zayn gets a clear look at his armor.
Zayn: No, he's wearing some kind a sith armor. Must be Malgu's apprentice or something.
Dante: Let's head over there and see what's happening.
They agree and leave the roof and soon we see them at the alleyway as they hug the wall as Dante peaks over to see the sith on the controls as he push some buttons and then bend down as a hologram of Malgus appears.
Malgus: (hologram) Apollyon give me an report.
Apollyon: The generator is working perfectly. No one will not punch through.
Malgus: (hologram) Good. If the Republic forces managed to find a way to get through. You know what to do.
Apollyon: Of course. I will not disappoint you.
Malgus nodes and he disappeared while Apollyon stood up and walks over to his speeder and rides off. Once he was out of site Dante turn to the rest.
Dante: So how can we play this? Take them out one by one and blow it up?
Eric: Stealth isn't our menu today Dante. I think we stick with our usual meal, rushing in and blasting them.
Reznya: (smirk) I have what he's having.
Weisz: You both are crazy........but who I'm kidding, I'm in.
Flanker: Guess all of us are on it as well.
Dante: Neat. Let's go.
The Stormtroopers were patrolling the areat neat the generator when a blue bolt hits the first which they immediately turn to see them rushing out of the alleyway and open fire at them. They return fire but a few were taking out. Orion fires a few until seeing the sniper Stormtroopers aiming down at them so he flies over and kicks one sniper Stormtrooper away before turning and fire two bolts at another. Two sniper Stormtroopers aim him when Jinn and Kleene appear behind them and blow them away.
Eric and Flanker rush together and fire their twin baster pistols at them as Eric dodges a swing from a Stormtrooper before blasting a bolt at the Stormtroopers head and fire several more shots at a few more while Flanker also takes them down as Lancer and Reznya race by and take out the Stormtroopers near the generator and plant some explosions on it.
Reid give them covering fire as he ripes through the imperial forces when he turn to see two ten fighters flying flying and firing at them.
Reid opens up his shoulder cannons and fire two red bolts at them and they blow up out of the sky and crash landed to the ground. Weisz was shocked by this as he take out afew with his blaster pistol before calling out.
Weisz: Hey, are you two done?!
Reznya: Almost there.....done! Everyone get clear!
They all make a run for it while imperial Stormtroopers chase after them. At first they thought they won when they turn to see the explosions as they get behind a wall as Reznya pulls the trigger.
Stormtrooper: Oh crap.
There was a huge explosion that sent every Stormtrooper that was near it flying ad the shield generator blows up and the shield generator dorm shuts off around the city. Once that Republic forces start to make its move into the city and take out any Imperial forces while we see Flanker and the rest making their way out and meeting up with Y/n and Ahsoka who walk over to them.
Y/n: (smile) Great job. Now we can contact Sky and his mandalorian militia the good news and they can come in and help us.
Flanker: (smile) It's no problem Y/n. Still there was no one in the city when we came out from the sewer.
Y/n: I see. I'll sent in a team of troopers to find any survivors and they can tell us what happened.
Ahsoka: For now get some rest and....probably a nice shower as well. Can't give into battle while s elling like you came out from the sewer.
Weisz: No kidding.
The two head off while Weisz head off to take a shower while Jinn tells them.
Jinn: Guess you all aren't as bad as I thought to be.
Flanker: Um thanks.....I guess.
Jinn: Come on sis. Let's go.
Kleene: Okay brother.
They leave while Reznya place a hand on Eric's shoulder and said.
Reznya: (smirk) Guess we're taking a shower together. This will be "fun" ain't that right.
Eric: (smirk) I believe so. Excuse me gentlemen bit I believe we are going to take a shower together in private.
The two make their leave as they watch them leave. Then Dante turns to Flanker and Lancer as he tells them.
Dante: Well it's great to work along side you and an honour. I hope we can fight along side each other in thr future.
Flanker: (smile) Same here. Take care.
Dante: Same to you.
Once that he and his squad make their leave while Flanker and Lancer bright in a sigh as Lancer tells Flanker.
Lancer: (smile) You know.....this is just like the old times. Fighting against the Separatist during the clones wars. Now, a lot has changed since then.
Flanker: (smile) You said it brother. I just wish Zen would still be here with us right now.
Lancer: I know. We all miss him bit we'll always remember how great a general he was to us. Always.
Lancer make his leave while Flanker smiled as he took off his helmet and turn it to stare at his helmet and flashes of Zen, Y/n, Flanker and Lancer appear in his head as he stood there with a smile on his face while staring back at his helmet.
Flanker: (thought) I'm taking care of him sir. You can count on me to be his second in command. Always.
He slide his helmet back on and joins up with Y/n and the others in battle while we see a spirit of Zen watching him go with a smile on his face before he fates away, knowing that even though Zen might be gone, the trio will always fight to keep the galaxy safe again.
To be continued.....................................
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