Chapter 45: The Empires first strike

At the senate meeting room one Blue Garden we see ten Senators sat around on a table and have a meeting of a recent attack by the empire on the planet of SunBright as they start to argue to each other about the situation until Waston stood up and calls out.

Waston: Everyone, Everyone please! Let us all calm down and think clearly of the situation we are dealing with her.

Male Senator 1: Chancellor this attack by the empire on Sunbright is a shock to all of us! We now know that the empire has returned but this time stronger the before.

Male Senator 2: I agree. The attack on Sunbright is a call by the empire that they are back and stronger then ever.

Waston: I understand your worry but as long we have the jedi and our brave Republic troopers on our side, we will drive them out of the planet.

Female Senator: Even so this rumour of a sith Lord more powerful then ever is leafing this attack. We may fear we may not stand a chance.

Y/n: We can stand a chance Senator, I'm assure of you all we will.

Then Y/n enter the meeting room as he step inside and bow to the Senator and to Chancellor Waston as he tells them.

Y/n: My apologies for interruption your meeting.

Waston: (smile) Not at all master Y/n. I can tell you too heard of this news?

Y/n: Indeed. I'll have my forces ready and we set off to Sunbright to take it back.

Waston: (smile) We're very thankful Master Y/n.

Male Senator 4: Do you think you can have a chance against this more powerful sith Lord in battle?

Waston: (smile) I'm sure he will. You along with your friends are trained for this moment.

Y/n: (smile) Indeed. Now, it's time to put the training for the test.

Waston: (smile) I'm thankful and glad master Jedi. But knowing how large the fleet it maybe, we have connected someone that can help us in your fight against the empire by your side.

Y/n: (surprised) Really, who?

Waston: A Gray Jedi who have lead his own militia group in their own battles across the galaxy. They call themselves "The order of the Black wolfs."

Y/n: (surprised) A gray jedi? That is interesting. Where do I meet their leader.

???: Right behind you.

He turn as a Mandalorian step out of the darkness and walk up to Y/n while Y/n is surprised that not only he is a Gray Jedi but embrace the Mandalorian culture and become a Mandalorian himself.

Y/n: (surprised) Your very strong in the force. Still it's very nice to meet you, your name is?

Sky: Sky Frinadir, leader The order of the Black wolfs and proud and honorable warrior for my clan.

Y/n: (smile) I see. Well it be great for us to work together in battle.

Sky: Yeah I guess.

Waston: (smile) Knowing how strong you both and your forces are, there is no way the empire will have a chance.

Sky: I'll have my clan to be ready to leave.

Y/n: Same as mine. You have no worries Chancellor, we will stop the empire before a war will start.

Waston: (smile) I have faith on you both. Good luck.

Once that the two make their leave and ready their own factions to be ready to leave.


At the Republic HQ we see a lot of Republic troopers stumble to get their gear ready, vehicles checked and troops formed as Y/n walk through the hanger when Asa race over to Y/n and tell him.

Asa: Y/n all troopers are almost ready, we just need to gather as much supplies and fleets ready and we be on our way to Sunbright.

Y/n: That's good. I'll have a few Jedi knights and master to lead Republic troopers into battle once we make out arrival at Sunbright.

Asa: Very good Y/n.

Y/n: Speaking of which, where is Ahoska?

Asa: She'll be here but first, there is someone who wants to see you.

Y/n: Who?

Asa: (smirk) You about to find out.

Soon they see Shiki and everybody else surrounded one mandalorian from the Black world clan as they smiled and hugged him. At first Y/n have a feeling he recognised him before but then the site of his robotic arm surprised him as he calls out.

Y/n: Yogi? Yogi is that you?

Eveyrone turn including the mandalorian who turn to him. He walk up to him and he was close to him, once close he hugged him while he said.

Yogi: (smile) Y/n it's been soo long man! Hahah! How are you been!?

Y/n was surprised that it was Yogi and hug him back. The two stop hugging and look at each other with smiles on their faces.

Y/n: (smile) Fine but glad to see you here wearing a new armor and joining a clan.

Yogi: (smile) Yep. Soon I cone across the wolf clan and after a while hanging out with him I join them to help the galaxy.

Y/n: (smile) That's awesome to hear. Say where's Quinlan?

Yogi: Oh we done some bounty work until he found a women he fall with and told me that he'll start with her while I'll head out to do seme bounty work.

Y/n: (smile) I'm glad for Quinlan and I'm glad your back.

Yogi: (smile) Thanks.

Shiki: (smile) Even if your in a different clan, your always in a crew of Edens Zero.

Yogi: (smile) Thanks guys. Seen all of you have changed after i left.

He look at everyone and his eyes landed on Weisz who look at him and then added.

Yogi: Well....almost everyone.

Weisz: (anger) Hey what is that suppose to mean!

Pino: It means you haven't chanced your pervert ways since he left.

Happy: (smile) Yep, your the same old Weisz.

Weisz: Hey I've been training too you know!

Yogi: (smirk) Sure you have.

They chuckle a bit when two mandalorians from the Wold clan came over with one of them calling out to Yogi.

???: Yogi! Stop talking with them and get your gear ready. We be leaving soon.

Yogi: Yes sir. See ya guys.

He head off while the two mandalorians watch him leave before they turn back to Y/n and the rest as one fold his arms and ask.

???: So you all the crew of Edens Zero.

Shiki: (smile) Yeah! Names Shiki, wanna be friends?

???: If you want to make "friends" with us, then you must proof to us and to our clan.

Shiki: By how?

???: By showing your true warrior spirit in battle and show no mercy to your enemies.

Rebecca: W-Well at least can you tell us your names at least?

Nick: Fine. The names Nick Vizsla, second commander to to our Wolf clan leader and former member of the House of the Vizsla....Well used to.

Homura: The house of Vizsla? Who are they?

Y/n: They're the family that Pre Vizsla was on who rule over Death Watch.

Nick: Indeed, he was.....a tyrant and I wished to never be like him. I rather serve those who is truly worthy to leaf our clan like Clan leader Sky. Anyways this is my wife, Jeanne Rossiya we got married a while back and she lead the ground troops along side me in battle.

Jeanne: (smile) It's an honour meeting you all.

Rebecca: (smile) That's great! Congrats on your marriage. May I ask what wedding you two have.

Jeanne: (smirk) The planet of Chaos. I love that planet, the volcanos exploding at the background, the nice dark skies and more importantly....the creatures me and my handsome husband hunted down that was also our honeymoon. I loved ever bit of it.

Rebecca: (shocked) Wow you both have.......some fun time on that planet.

Nick: Still we should get things ready to head out and you group as well. Hope to see you skills in battle.

Shiki: (smirk) We will.

Once that they split off to get their gear ready. Then Ahoska came which Y/n walk over to her and ask her to follow which she did. He take her down the hallway while troopers saluted to them while they walk by.

Ahoska: So where are you taking me?

Y/n: (smirk) Just you wait.

Ahoska: (smirk) You have a surprise for me do you?

Y/n: (smirk) You could say that.

Soon they enter a large room and once inside Ahoska was surprised to see a large army of Republic troopers wearing orange on their armor as they stood in attention and saluted to her.

Ahoska was surprised by this and get give her flashbacks how Anakin give her some of his troops as she step forward and look at her own troopers while Y/m smile as he also said.

Y/n: (smile) That's not all you get, Commander you van come out now.

Then a Republic Commander troopers came out and walk up next to Y/n as Ahoska turn see him as he saluted to her.

Trevor: Nice to meet you ma'am. My name is Trevor and I'll be your commander.

Ahoska wa surprised by this as she turn to Y/n and then hugged him. Y/n smile and hugged her back.

Ahoska: (smile) Your the best. I love you.

Y/n: (smile) Love you too Ahoska.

The two smile before they kissed. Once that they head off as all Republic forces loaded everything into their Venators and Acclamators and once that the fleet takes off with Edens Zero taking lead as the ships exit out of Blue Gardens atmosphere and once on space Shiki give out the order to Witch to jump to Hyper space and she did. Once Edens Zero jump into Hyper space, the rest of the fleet follow as they heaf off the Sunbright to free it from the empire.


At the spar bath we see Rebecca, Happy, Pino, Homura, Ahoska, Asa, Jimin, Kameko, Ella, Kleene, Miwa, Leiko and Yei all taking a spar bath while they are traveling through Hyper space as Rebecca turns to Ahoska and ask her.

Rebecca: (smile) So Ahoska can you tell us the adventures you and Y/n have been during the Clone wars?

Ella: (smile) Yeah can you tell use pretty please!

Ahoska: (smile) Of course. We been through a lot during the Clone wars. We been through many planets across the galaxy and met soo many people. Still I could never forget how cute he was back then, soo shy and sweet.

Kameko: (smile) Aaawww that is soo cute!

Jimin: (smile) Bet he was nervous when he first met you.

Ahoska: (giggle) Very nervous indeed. I even surprised him several times when ever he's not looking. Even Anakin helped by distracting him long enough for me to jump him.

Homura: (smile) You must have taste him a lot.

Ahoska: (smile) Yeah but disbite that he is brave. One time during the space battle over Ryloth, I was reckless when I was giving commander and I was blind to not see it was a trap....except for Y/n. He noticed the fleet was being attacked so rather then being with me and charge forward, he fky back and take down as many fighters as he can. One was heading to where Anakin and Wullf were at, he risk own life by having his fighter block the fighters suicide run and the fighter collided into his fighter. Luckily his fighter didn't exploded somehow but he was unconscious and we manage to drag his fighter our before we retreated. I blame myself for what happened to him. Wullf told me he was a bravest jedi he has ever seen....and I think so as well.

Rebecca: (shocked) Wow! Was he okay?

Ahoska: (smile) Yeah he was fine but I still feel bad for him. I even apologise which he forgive me, telling me that I didn't know and he could never be mad at her because that's what friends for.

Ella: (smile) Daddy loves everyone and never have any anger towards anyone.

Miwa: (smile) Yeah, he's very sweet and risk eveyething for all of us.

Yei: (smile) Indeed. We're glad we fall in love with a nice and kind Jedi Master.

Kame: You said it.

They agree but then quickly were surprised when they see Kame and Yori there with them.

Rebecca: (surprised) Kame and Yori! What are you both doing here?

Kame: (smirk) We figured we help Y/n in battle and show our loyalty towards the Republic by helping them.

Yori: Indeed I hope we don't mind.

Ahoska: (smile) Not at all. Ain't the first time I have to work along side a sith.

Kame: Really? Who?

Ahoska: Well I'll.... tell you another time.

Kame: (smirk) I understand. But I would agree, I find Y/n very cute and handsome. In fact me and my apprentice fall the same boy just like you all.

Yori: (little blush) A-Agree.

Asa looks at Kame's chest to see them huge and realised as she look around to see most girls chest were a bit huge while she look down her hers to see hers small which she sigh. She then caught Kleene looking at her and then she noded her head and agree to her which Asa agree back in disappointment, wishing to have bigger breast then the rest one day.


We see Y/n at the bridge with Shiki, Weisz, Witch, Sister Irvy, Mosco, Hermit, Flanker and Lancer while we seen a hologram of Sky and Rahm as there is a hologram of the planet of SunBright as Rahm tells them the situation.

Rahm: (hologram) There is a blockade over the planet so we needed to punch through the blockade in order to have our ground forces get to the surface.

Sky: (hologram) I agree with our combined strength, we can succeed and break through their defenses.

Shiki: So what's the plane once we enter the planets surface.

Weisz: Well not getting killed is one thing.

Y/n: Once we get to the planets surface we land around the capital city and away from the anti aircraft cannons. Rahm and his forces will take down the Anti aircraft defence along with Ahoska and Miwa's forces. Once that we take control half of the city and make our next phase of attacking the empire forces at the other half of the city. Say I need you and your militia to remain up in space along with the other fleet until we have taking over half of the city. We needed all the backup we can get.

Sky: (hologram) Understood.

Rahm: (hologram) Do you believe this Darth Malgus will be on the planet as well?

Y/n: Maybe but we need all the powerful Jedi and forces we can have. We need to stop Dartn Malgus and his forces before it's too late. I wish you all good luck and may the force by with you.

The call ends as Y/n turn to Flanker and Lancer as he order them to get the troops ready qhich they comply and head off while he turn to everyone else.

Y/n: Ready for this?

Shiki: (smirk) Always buddy.

Weisz: (smirk) Guess this is where the fun begins.

Sister Irvy: Say do you mind we take part of the battle as well. Getting tired sitting here all day, been dieing to get into the fight.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. We needed all the help we can get.

Hermit: (smile) We're always help no matter what.

Witch: We're coming up to the planet

Y/n: Alright, exit out of Hyper space.

Soon they did along with other Republic fleets ad they fly towards Sunbright as they see a few imperial fleets blockading the planet as Y/n and rest see this and suddenly Witch said.

Witch: We got a incoming transmission.

Shiki: Call it through.

Then a hologram of Joben appear in front of them as he smirkes to see Y/n along with the crew of Edens Zero.

Joben: (hologram) Ah it seems we have meet after for soo long. I see you all have chance quiet a bit.

Y/n: Grand Admiral Joben in the name of the galactic Senate and to the Republic, your under arrest. I order you along with your fleet to stand down at once!

Joben: (hologram) Hehehehehe, do you honestly think you can beat us? We're stronger now and soon we will rain this galaxy just like we nearly did before.

Y/n: That will not happen. Your rain of terror ends here. Stand down at once.

Joben: (hologram) I like to see you try jedi. All fleets, open fire.

The call ends just at the imperial fleets open fire at the Republic fleet so they return fire. Soon Tie fighters came out from the Empire fleet while Republic fighters and Qolf clans fighters came out as they fly towards the Tie fighters and a space battle begins.

The Republic and Black wolf clan fighters punch through the fighters so Edens Zero along with two Acclamators fly by while we see Y/n, Miwa, Yei and Leiko, exit out of the hanger with their own star fighters as they lead the other Republic fighters as Y/n takes point as he order the other star fighters.

Y/n: Alright pilots let's destroy those Star destroyers so we can get to the planets surface.

Republic fighters: (radio) Yes sir!

Nick: (radio) Mind I join?

Suddenly Nick fly with his own star fighter as he immediately took down a few tie fighters and fly next to Y/n's fighter.

Y/n: (smirk) Nice fighter. Stolen it.

Nick: (radio) Something like that. Let's see who's the best pilot.

Y/n: (smirk) Gladly.

They take on many Tie fighters that were getting near Edens Zero and two Acclamators as Y/n who his pilot skills as he take down several Tie fighters along with Miwa, Leiko, Yei and other Republic fighters as they managed to get pass the tie fighters and make their way towards the star destroyers as Nick fire two EMP missiles and once tne missiles hit the star destroyer, their shields came down along with their power.

Once that the Republic bombs came in and drop bombs on the star destroyer, blowing it up and sending it down while they got pass the blockade along with Edens Zero and two Acclamators as they make their way to the planet with Joben seeing this in his star destroyer as he smirk and turn to a hologram of Darth Malgus as he tells him.

Joben: (smirk) The Republic forces has enter the planet just like your planted my lord.

Malgus: (hologram) Good. My sith apprentices to take care with the Jedi while I'll take care of Y/n....myself.

To be continued.

(Wanna thank Izanagi_Kuno for his new OC characters, they are amazing and I'm thankful for them, see you guys in the next chapter!)

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