Chapter 44: A old friend returns (Lemon)
We see Leiko, Miwa, Jaxxon, Dash and Hermit at the communication room within the Jedi academy looking at the symbol when Y/n enter the room and see all of them here so he walk over to them and ask them.
Y/n: So what's this message you told me about Hermit.
Hermit: This message is seemed to be old but this message was recently sent a few days ago.
Y/n: Any idea who it is?
Miwa: No. Who ever it is must be using a voice scramble to disguise their voice but who ever this person is knows about you.
Y/n: Really? Play the message.
Hermit dose so and the message was played.
???: (message) Jedi Master Y/n, meet me at the planet of sun heaven. We need to talk something important.
Then the message ends which leaves them wonder who that was.
Jaxxon: This could be a trap?
Hermit: I don't think so. I've located the planet and it seems its some sort a resort planet. Many beings come there to relax or stay in one of the fancy hotels.
Dash: Still this could be a trap set up by the empire.
Hermit: It's in Republic territory so that won't be a possibility.
Y/n: If this person wants to talk to me then so be it. I'll get my things ready and head there.
Dash: At least have a few Jedi backing you up?
Y/n: (smile) That's alright. Besides, I need you all to train new Jedi Padawans while I'm away.
Dash: Of course master Y/n.
Miwa: Who do you think this person might be?
Y/n: (smirk) No idea but it be a fun to go there and find out.
Miwa: Well just be safe.
Y/n: (smile) I will.
He then left the room with Hermit following him and soon they reach the hanger where we see many Jedi and Republic fighters along with many engineers working on the fighters while Hermit and Y/n make their way to Y/n's star fighter.
Hermit: Not to worry but what are the chances of this being a trap?
Y/n: (smirk) Who knows but it be interesting.
Hermit: (smirk) Guess so. Like me to tell Rebecca and the rest where you are going?
Y/n: Sure thing. Tell them if I'm not back in five days, then come and rescue me like always.
Hermit: (smirk) Bet Shiki will be the first to charge in to save you.
Y/n: (smile) That's Shiki alright. Still I hope this is not a trap, I promise Rebecca to be part of her video tomorrow along with Happy and Ella.
Hermit: (smile) That be nice.
Y/n: (smile) Indeed.
They reach his star fighter as Y/n hop inside and set up the coordinations while Hermit thinks about something and then ask Y/n.
Hermit: So is it true.....that a Padawan named Xander has a grandfather who is Muller.
Y/n sat there in silence and noded to her and turn to her.
Y/n: You okay? Judging by his personality and how he show respect towards droids, he's not like his grand father.
Hermit: Y-Yeah I'm fine. I know he doesn't know what really happened to his grand father and what he was like but still....I don't know.
Y/n: (smile) Still he's a good kid, I can sense his feelings. He won't make the same mistake like Muller did.
Hermit: Alright, I'll trust you. Good luck and may the force be with you.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you.
Hermit steps back as Y/n starts up the engines and once that his star fighter was lifted off the ground while the hanger doors open for him and once that he fly out of the hanger and take off. He soon exit out of Blue Garden planet and flies over the Hyper drive rings and once locked in place.
Once that he set up the coordinations and once that he jumped into Hyper space. During that trip Y/n lend back from his seat and looks around at the star fighter, still the fighter reminded him of Ahoska and he still miss her after soo long and wishes one day he can meet her again.
Soon he arrive to his coordinations and he exit out of Hyper space and once out of Hyper space he exit out of the Hyper space rings and fly his star fighter towards the planet. Soon he arrive at the planets surface where he sees a large city that flashes different coloured lights as he fly through the city and see many people down below buying things at the market or partying in the streets.
Soon he land his star fighter at the landing pad and once landed he exit out of his star fighter and make his way inside the city to meet this person. He was wearing his citizens outfit to blend in as he walk through the streets to see everybody celebrating and partying in different things which made Y/n smile to see everyone celebrating and enjoying their day.
Soon he arrive to the meeting point which is a bar so he enter inside and once inside he sees many people cheering and drinking with their friends while female hot waiters wearing animal outfits go around, serving drinks and delicious foods.
Y/n: (thought) It's a good thing Weisz isn't with me otherwise he might immediately kick us out of here.
Female cat waiter: (smirk) Hello there cutie, who may I help you?
Then one of them approaches Y/n as Y/n turn to her and ask her.
Y/n: I'm here looking for a person by the name "Fulcrum."
Female cat waiter: (smirk) I see. Well you can meet thus mystery person at table 19, good luck hot stuff.
He nodes with a friendly smile and he male his way to find table 19. Many men cheered for the strippers dancing on stage while he looks around until he sees table 19 along with a hooded figure sitting down and taking a drink as he walk over and sat down with this figure.
Y/n: (smile) So you must be Fulcrum right?
He nodes to him that means yes so Y/n ask this hooded figure.
Y/n: So why bringing me here? Is there something you needed to tell me something important?
???: Something like that. But I'm also here to see you after so long Y/n.
Y/n eyes widen in shock as he recognised that female voice but he it can't be true. Soon the hooded figure remove the hood and Y/n was shocked to see it's true. Sitting across from him was Ahoska is has grown ever since he last saw her as she guve him and friendly smile.
Ahoska: (smile) Hello Y/n, been a while hasn't it?
Y/n sat there speechless for a bit. He doesn't know what to say but he pull himself together and reply.
Y/n: Y-Y-Yeah it has been a long while since we last met. Ahoska.....I really did miss you, how have you been?
Ahoska: (smile) Pretty good. I see you've all grown up. Thought you never age but I did miss your cute self.
Y/n: (chuckle) W-Well my cute self still with me. did you get here or more importantly, what are you doing here?
Ahoska: It's a long story but you see. While you were fighting the empire in the unknown region, I was apart of the Rebel Alliance to fight back against the empire in order to bring peace to the galaxy. I took on the roll of recruiting active Rebel cells and point them to Bail Organa and his Rebel forces.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait Bail Organa is leafing the Rebellion!
Ahoska: Indeed. One od these Rebel Cells was the Ghost crew which we worked together to complete many missions for the Alliance. Then, we headed to Malachor which is where a sith Temple is at and once there we were attacked by the Inquisitor and....Maul.
Y/n: (surprised) Maul is still alive? When is he gonna stay dead?!
Ahoska: Still after a while I was separated with the rest by....Well I may tell you that part later but the important thing and the reason I brought you here is because of this.
She then place down an old sith ancient book onto the table as Y/n picks it up and look at it while Ahoska gose on to say.
Ahoska: That book was buried deep within the temple and once I read it....I knew I have to go to the unknown regions to put a stop to it.
He read through the book and I looks very important until he realised this is a journey Darth Vitiate.
Y/n: Darth Vitiate? Isn't he the sith emperor who rule the Sith empire during the old Republic years?
Ahoska: That's right.
Y/n: But isn't he dead?
Ahoska: I believe not. Coordination to his journal, he believes that enough Ether gear magic will grant any force users unlimited power and allow them to be immortality. It also said that he has been looking for Mother for years but can not find her but he won't guve up until he will.
Y/n: So you think he is still alive after for soo long and still finding Mother?
Ahoska: I believe so. I head to the unknown regions to find clues when I over hear Republic here and you so I knew I needed someone to talk so that's how I sent the message and now....we are here. Pretty crazy story huh?
Y/n: Yeah you can say that again. You have some adventure like I have.
Ahoska: Yeah, it seems we both have.
They sat there in silence trying to think of something until Ahoska break the silence and ask.
Ahoska: is things with you?
Y/n: Good. Good, I made the new Jedi academy to train new jedi and other stuff happened but nothing that important.
Ahoska: (smirk) So beaten Drakken was nothing important.
Y/n: How did you know that?
Ahoska: It was all over the news across this galaxy.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa. We are very famous.
Ahoska: (smile) Very but I'm proud of you for doing something that is right. You've become a strong Jedi like Anakin.
Y/n:.....Hey....What about Anakin? How is he?
Ahoska was silent and sat there in silence while Y/n look at her waiting for an answer until she did. She told him what happened to him which shocked Y/n while Ahoska sat there in silence while Y/n shake off the shock and ask.
Y/n: (shocked) H-How is that possible? There's no way he would have.....I mean....there is no way he can.....Ahoska.....
Ahoska: It's true. I try to bring him back.....but he was far gone.
Y/n: (shocked)......Still....I believe there is still good in him. He may have done terrible things but people can change, just like my master.
Ahoska: So Zen turned to the Dark side as well?
He noded which made Ahoska bad and tell him.
Ahoska: I'm so sorry. It was all my fault, I left the order and cost Anakin to turn.
Y/n: Ahoska no! It wasn't your fault, none of this was not your fault. You left the order because everybody besides me, Zen, Anakin and Padme believed you were innocent. The council or the Republic have no right just to accuse you in crimes without investigating further.
Ahoska: I know but if I would have stayed, none of this wouldn't have happened. More importantly, I've hurt your feelings after I left and I'm truly am sorry. Will you forgive me.
Y/n: Ahoska of course I forgive you! Your the person that spoke to me when I'm shy, saved my life, gone several adventures together and even shared a kiss at-
Suddenly he blushes to remember that mission including Ahoska who blushes as the two were silent when Ahoska slide around and sat next to Y/n and Y/n gose on to say.
Y/n: (little blush) O-On that mission on Alderaan, we were assigned to protect Bail Organa and during that mission....watching the sun set setting down...I just....kiss you without even thinking. I was about to stop but you kiss me back until there was knock at the door and we stop. I still don't understand why you didn't stop.
Ahoska places her hand onto his lap and gets close to his face as Y/n turn to her while Ahoska tells him.
Ahoska: (blush) Because.....on that day when you kissed me, I felt something that I was too young before I was found to never learn. Love, at first I thought attachments will sent other Jedi to the dark side but....after seeing Anakin with Padme and you kissing me....I finally learn what love really means and it was.....good. I still don't understand why our old Jedi order banned attachments but it doesn't matter, on that day I found love and that is from you.
Y/n: (little blush) St-Still we would have got expelled oit of order because of it.
Ahoska: Maybe so....but in the end, you made a better order, an order that isn't afraid to show true feelings and what it feels like to be like many other beings and....I could have been even more happier to see the new order reborn again and fix the mistakes that the old order did.
Y/n: That's because I've seen how feelings isn't always bad and we should let the feelings out because one day...our feelings might be stronger and help us protect the people we care for.
Ahoska noded to him while she give him a smile. Then before Y/n know it Ahoska lend over and kiss him on the lips which surprised him but he allow her as the two kiss while they hold hands until they stop and look at each other.
Ahoska: (smirk) Say....wanna take this somewhere private?
Y/n: You sure you want to do it?
Ahoska: (smirk) Been waiting forever for this. I want to do it now.
He smirked and after he ask a waiter of a private room, she show them one of their private rooms on the few floors up and once there they enter the room with Ahoska locking it behind them as they go down to "fun" business.
(Lemon start)
In the room we see the two laying on a comfortable bed ad the two make out. Ahoska was laying on top of Y/n as the two play around their tongues while sharing some sexxy moans which Ahoska really like and after a long while of making out the two stop and look at each other.
Y/n: (smirk) Your lips are still what it was years back.
Ahoska: (smirk) I can do more then kissing if you allow me?
He noded as Ahoska took off his treasures and underwear and start licking his dick and moaning while Y/n grab hold on the soft blanket while lending out some moans while Ahoska start giving him a blow job as she start sucking his dick while Y/n lend out some moans as he hold the blanket even harder.
Y/n: (moaning) Oh Whoa Ahoska that feels soo good~!
Ahoska dose it faster and harder which he really likes as he lend his head back while he can feel it coming and after a long while he lend out a moan follow by his cum coming out of his dick and into Ahoska's mouth.
Ahoska remove her mouth from his dick while she drink his cum and see him panting which to her eyes is very hot. She then took off her clothes and her bra while Y/n dose the same and soon the two were on the bed as Ahoska lay on the pillows while Y/n was on top of her and the two share a kiss. The two kissed while Y/n grabs her breast which made her moan a bit as the two share a few more moans together until the two stop kissing and Y/n lend down and start kissing on her breast which made her moan a bit in a sexxy and cute way.
Ahoska: (moaning) By the force your amazing~!
She lend out a moan when he start licking and soon sucking her breast while he squeeze on her other breast as her breast gets a bit bigger while Ahoska lend out some moans of pleasure and never have this much pleasure in her whole life and she really enjoyed it.
Then Ahoska lend out a moan when her breast milk came out from her and Y/n drink all of it and looked over to Ahoska to see her panting and breathing but wants to Continue more.
Then we see Y/n pinning Ahoska onto the wall, lifting her off the ground while Ahoska wrap her legs around Y/n's waist as they stop kissing and Y/n start kissing her neck while putting his fingers into her vigina which made her moan out load in pleasure as she stick out her tongue.
Then she was on the ground as she stick out her butt out towards Y/n while grabbing hold on the wall as Y/n insert his dick inro Ahoska and start thrusting his duck into her which made her cry out in pleasure as Y/n thrust his dick in and out of her butt while Ahoska roll her eyes back a bit while sticking out her tongue.
Ahoska: (moaning) Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! That feels soo good~!
Y/n have never seen her get turned on before but this made him turn to even more as he gose faster and harder and soon the two lend out a moan of pleasure after that. Soon Ahoska tackle him back onto the bed and the two made out more as they roll around in bed and soon Y/n was on top of Ahoska as he insert his dick into her and start thrusting it in and out which made her moan while Y/n lend down and the two start kissing and making out while Y/n continues thrusting his dick in and out faster and harder qhich made Ahoska moan even more.
Y/n doesn't stop and keeps on going and after a long while the two lend out a loud moan and they were done. They were very tired after that as the two look at each other with love in their eyes and Y/n lend down and lay on her breast and passed out. Ahoska smile and kiss him on the head before she too passes out ad the two drifted off to sleep together.
(Lemon ends)
(Next day)
It was morning and we see Ahoska and Y/n completely naked while the two are laying in bed together with Y/n laying on her breast as Y/n was the first to wake up and slowly get up. He sees him and Ahoska naked which made him blush and couldn't believe they done it.
Soon Ahoska wake up and sat up from the bed as she looked over to Y/n and give him a gentle smile.
Ahoska: (smile) Morning Y/n. That was some night together.
Y/n: (blush) was.
She then gently wrap her arms around Y/n and give him and hug as she tell him.
Ahoska: (smile) It's great to see you again Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah....same here Ahoska.
The two share a smile together until they hear a beep which is coming from Y/n's pocket so he pulled it out and see the message on his B-Cuber.
Y/n: Shoot! I totally forgot!
He quickly gets out of bed and quickly gets changed while Ahoska asked.
Ahoska: What's wrong?
Y/n: I forgot abouts Rebecca's Video and I have to be in it today!
Ahoska: Is she a friend of yours?
Y/n: More then a friend. Long story sort, I have a lot of girls that fall for me.
Ahoska: (smirk) Oh I see. How interesting.
Y/n: Anyways its great seeing you here but I gonna go now, see ya.
Ahoska: Hold on! Let me come with you.
He froze and turn to Ahoska while Ahoska gets changed.
Y/n: (surprised) You....wanna come with me?
Ahoska: (smile) Of course. I regret leaving you when I left the order so I want to make things right for you. I won't leave you, not this time.
Y/n was surprised by this and smile as he walks over and hugs Ahoska which made her smile and hugs him back. She then whisper to his ear.
Ahoska: (whisper) And don't worry about me getting mad about Rebecca and many girls fall for you. I don't mind we share you for some "fun" maybe even do it with you....together if you like.
He blushes deep while Ahoska smile, see his blushing so cute and once she is done changing she walk over to the door and open it while she turn to Y/n.
Ahoska: (smile) Well, you coming?
He turn to Ahoska to see her smile and gets flashes of her and him being young and still at the temple and them going on several adventures together. All these memories appear in his head and after for soo long....he and Ahoska together again and they will go on more and new adventures just like the old times. A smile appear on his face and he reply.
Y/n: (smile) Sure. Let's go Ahoska!
She smile back as the two leave the room and walk through the halls together as the two share a smile together as they walk together as they return back to Blue Garden and introduce his old friend to his new friends as two friends that were separated years back....has now finally ruined after for soo long and now will go on new adventures together....just like the old times.
To be continued..........................
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