Chapter 43: When will my adventure begin?
We over look at a peaceful planet that is homed to many humans and androids as they live in peace for a while since the Republic took over as we see the planets surface large tower like cities as ships fly in and out from the city, making their way while we see many civilians down below minding their own business while walking by just getting to their location.
We then spotted a young boy rushing through town trying to make it for his lesson while people move out of the way when he come by them as he hurry before he'll be late.
???: (thought) Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap! I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna be late!
He races through the city until he enter the forests trails and make his way through the woods while some people stop and wonder where is that boy going while we cut back to the boy rushing through the woods as we look over to see a mountain and on top of the mountain was a hut as it took a boy a long while but he made it up there.
Outside of the huts entrance we a women as she takes a sip of her coffee while she looks over to see his student arrive as he slowly breaths heavily before he collapse to the ground, catching his breath while the women lend out a small smile and walk over to him.
??? 2: (smile) No need to be hurry my young Padawan. You only have one hour till our lesson will start.
She walk over and help him up as we can see the women's face as she giveth young boy a smile.
??? 2: (smile) But I'm glad you came Xander, because today is your last lesson.
Xander: (surprised) Wait what?! Really, this is my last lesson? I was suspected for the lessons to be longer master F.
F: (smile) There has been a chance of plans. I've sense a great light within the force and I believe this unknown region has it's own jedi order.
Xander: (surprised) Really? How, you said the Jedi order was wiped out by the empire?
F: Yes but this is a new order. Now we must be ready to join them but first, you must complete your final lesson.
Xander: (smile) What ever it is Master, I'm ready for it.
F: (smile) Good. You must go a short journey to a cave and inside the cave is a Kyber crystal. Once you have it, you can make your own Light saber.
Xander: (smile) Awesome so just like yours!
F: (smile) Indeed.
Xander: So how can I find this kyber crystal?
F: Trust in the force and you can find it.
Xander: Really? So no map or no clues aboit where this cave is?
F: (smile) Nope. Have fun, I'll see you back here later.
She turns and enter her hut as Xander breath in a sigh and turn to the veiw of the large forest and he figures he'll start there and have a look around. So he carful climbs down a hill and enter the large forest and make his way through to search for this cave and a Kyber crystal inside.
(Hours later)
He has been searching for this cave but no such luck. He nearly avoid dangerous wildlife that eat anyone who came to his territory or in the middle of their hunt. After a while of wondering around he decided to take a break so he sat down at a Fallen tree and breath in a sigh as he look up to the sky and wonder when he will go up there and have so much adventure?
He feel his stomach grumble for food so he reach over to his bag and pulls out his lunch that he brought and start to eat. While he is eating there is something moving in the bushes but Xander hasn't noticed it as he continues eating his sandwiches but we then see something coming out of the bushes and slowly walks around Xander while he eats his lunch. Then Xander feel something look at him so he turn and immediately he sees what looks like a small cute furry animal that is staring back at him and sat down qhile staring at him.
Xander: (smile) Oh hey there little guy. Aren't you a cute little creature, unless your here to eat me.....are you?
The creature just stare at him and shake his head for no alsmot like he can understood him. He was a but surprised by the respond but thinks its probably nothing. He took out a chip and was about to eat it but looks over to see the creature staring at him so Xander decided to share the food as he gives the chip to the creature.
Xander: (smile) Here, you can have mine if you like.
The creature walks up close and sniff on the chip before taking a bite and finds it delicious so he eats the chip while Xander smile while he finish up his lunch and stand up.
Xander: Well better go and find this cave, see ya around.
He walks off to leave but then he felt like something and crawling up his leg and before he know it, the creature was on his shoulder which surprised him but smile.
Xander: (smile) You wanna come with me?
He nodes for yes which Xander smile and said.
Xander: (smile) Awesome! Let's go then!
And so he head off along with us new friend oj his shoulder as they search around for a cave for a while but no such luck. After a while of walking Xander break through the bushes to a open feild and looks over and see something that surprised him.
Xander: (surprised) Wow!
He walks over and we see the Marauder, landed in the middle of the feild as he gets close and looks at it. He never seen any ship like this as he walks around the ship while looking at it.
Xander: (thought) This must be a military shuttle? I wonder if there are those Republic soldiers here and if so, why are they here?
He place his hand onto the ship and feels how long this ship had been through. He can sense that this ship had been through many adventures and been through so much action which surprised him much more as he let go and look at it with amazement.
???: Who are you?
He immediately turn around and he sees what looks like a young soldier with a engery bow on her hand as she stare at him.
Xander: (panic) Wait! I'm not here to steal your ship I swear! I was just walking by here and saw it landed here, please there is no need to harm any of us.
???: Oh. Well you haveno reason to panic, I can tell your telling the truth. Say, is that your pet?
She points at the furry creature on his shoulder which he respond by saying.
Xander: I find it in the woods, well he just walk up and I feed him with some food.
???: That's one cute creature. Say what's your name?
Xander: Names Xander, I'm a Padawan to my master who lives in the mountains. I'm here to search for a Kyber crystal so I can complete my training. So what about you, what's your name?
She place her engery bow on her back and took off her helmet and look at him with a smile.
Omega: (smile) Call me Omega, it's nice to meet you.
Xander: (smile) Same.
Omega: (smile) So do you know where this Kyber crystal might be?
Xander: My master told me it's in a cave and I think there is one in this area.
Omega: Oh I think Crosshair mentioned a cave just south from here!
Xander: Crosshair?
Omega: (smile) Just another team member of ours. Come on, I can help you find it if you like?
Xander: (smile) Awesome! Thank you so much.
Omega smiled and the trio head off to search for a cave as they walk through the forest that is very peaceful as they walk through searching for this cave that Xander is looking for. Omega show her skills by leaping up onto a tallest tree and looks around and pointed to the direction which Xander node and they keep on moving.
Xander: So you said earlier that you have a team right? Who are they?
Omega: (smile) They're clone brothers. Hunter is the leader, Tech is our intelligence, Wrecker is our strong guy, Echo is our slicer and Crosshair is our sniper.
Xander: (surprised) Wow they sound cool Wait, clones? But you don't look like a clone?
Omega: (smile) Actually I am. It may surprise you that I'm the oldest in the group.
Xander: (surprised) Wow that's amazing.
Omega: (smile) I know right. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Xander: Not really no. I'm just a singal child with my parents who passed away when I turn 15.
Omega: I'm so sorry for that. What happened to them?
Xander: I don't really know. First things were alright and then the next day they just committed suicide because of a call.
Omega: A call?
Xander: Yeah, the police told me that my grandfather created something and they can't handle what my grandfather have done and how many people will hate us for it so they took their own lives. I was taking in a orphanage but I still haveno idea what my grandfather had done.
Omega: Who is your grandfather?
Xander: He's a scientist who is making some kind a machine that can transfer Ether gear magic to a planet that doesn't have much Ether gear magic left.
Omega: That....sound familiar.
Xander: Really?
Omega: I think so. Someone told me about this similar machine. Can you tell me who is your grandfather's name?
Xander: Sure his name is M-
Suddenly thw wind blow stronger when a ship fly over them while Xander furry pet looks up and they see what looks like a shuttle flying over head them and making it's way to where they are going.
Xander: Are those your friends?
Omega: I don't think so. Let's check it out.
Xander node and they head off as they follow the shuttle and soon after they arrive at the edge of a cliff as they lay on the ground and look down to see two shuttles along with soldiers already deploy as Omega immediately recognised them to be Stormtroopers but in a new armor by the looks of it.
Xander: (whisper) Who are those guys?
Omega: (whisper) Looks like Stormtroopers but in new armor. Seems like they have an upgrade since the last time we fought them.
Xander: (whisper) So those guys are the empire?! Awesome, say what about those guys in black, who are they?
She looks over and see six black trooper exit out of the shuttle along with Saburo as they exit out of the second shuttle.
Omega: (whisper) Never seen those types of troopers before. Still let's see what they are doing.
Xander: (whisper) Right.
They slide down a hill and hide behind some rocks while sneaking their way to get closer as they get close and see Saburo talking to some Stormtroopers as they get closer and over hear Saburo's orders.
Saburo: Listen up Stormtrooper, this will be our base camp until the whole fleet will arrive to take control of this planet. Under no circumstances you shall not allow anyone to find this base camp. Those who did will be killed on site. Do this for your new Sith Lord, for Darth Malgus!
Stormtroopers: For Lord Darth Malgus!
Xander: (whisper) Who is Darth Malgus?
Omega: (whisper) A sith Lord who controls what remains of the empire and turns it into his own empire.
Xander: (whisper) That's sounds pretty bad.
Omega: (whisper) Agree, hang on while I active my distress singal so Hunter and the rest will find us.
Xander: (whisper) Well at least those bucket heads ain't gonna know we're here.
Stormtrooper: Freeze!
We see a Stormtrooper behind Xander aiming his blasted at him while another appear and aim his blaster at Omega.
Stormtrooper: Hands where I can see it!
They slowly stood up and slowly rais their hands to surrender but then Xander force pushed the Stormtrooper away and then turn and force pushed another away while Omega pulls out his engery bow and fire a few shots at the Stormtroopers while the rest aim their blasters at them while the two turn to them as they stood there while Saburo walk out of the crowd of Stormtroopers and smirked while he said.
Saburo: (smirk) Well look what we have here. A female clone and a jedi Padawan without his light saber.
Xander: (smirk) Hey give me a break, I'm just gonna go in there and get my own Kyber crystal.
Saburo: (smirk) You mean that cave? Please, that's high likely there is a Kyber crystal in there.
Xander: (smirk) What ever you say buddy.
Omega: Why are you targeting this planet?
Saburo: (smirk) To reveal ourselves to your Republic that the empire is back but this time reborn and rebuild by a far more powerful sith Lord that really knows true fear to the galaxy.
Xander: So your old empire was just boring then?
Saburo: (smirk) The emperor had left us here to die. What is the point to serve someone who doesn't even care his own loyal and most powerful officers or soldiers in the galaxy. We now pledge our service to Darth Malgus, the true ruler of the new empire.
Xander: Guess who ever your emperor maybe is probably a huge dick while your new one sounded even more then a dick.
Saburo: Silence you Jedi scum! You know, I've encountered one jedi in the past and I never get to kill the jedi that I swear to kill. Now, I can kill you instead. Troopers, kill them.
They aim their blasters at them ready to kill them while Xander's furry creature lands on top of the box in front of them while the rest looked at him and Saburo lend out a laugh.
Saburo: (laughing) Now that is just pathetic. What is that thing gonna do? Take us all out?!
The furry creature glare at them and then turn to swing his tail and suddenly he force pushed every Stormtrooper away including Saburo while leaving Omega and Xander shocked as they look at the creature who turn and give them a smile.
Omega: (shocked) Did he just use the force?!
Xander: (shocked) Y-Yeah I think so.
Saburo slowly gets up and see his Stormtroopers unconscious except for his Sith troopers as they stood up and aim their blasters at them along with Saburo only for blue bolts to fly by and take out the sith troopers while Saburo turn to see Hunter, Tech, Echo, Wrecker and Lop as Lop aims her saber at Saburo while he step back when a blaster pistol was pointed at the back fo his head and we see Crosshair behind him as he tells him.
Crosshair: Best not to move and surrender.
Saburo realise there is no way getting out of this one so he drop his blaster pistol and rais his hand to surrender as the Bad batch handcuffed Saburo as Lop walks over to Omega and Xander.
Lop: We got your distress singal after we met the Jedi Master in the mountains.
Omega: (smile) You made it here just in time.
Lop smiled while she turn to Xander and ask.
Lop: (smile) You must be the jedi Padawan your masted told us about. My name is Lop, a Jedi knight.
Xander: (surprised) Wow so your a Jedi Knight!? It's nice to meet you.
Then Lop look down to see the furry creature as she bend down and pet him on the head.
Lop: (surprised) Wow he is strong in the force. Where did you find this creature?
Xander: Before I met with Omega. I give him some food and he start to follow me.
Lop: (smile) How interesting. I believe I've recognised this creature before. I believe his name is Ikrit.
Xander: Ikirt?
Lop: Indeed. My master told me that there was once a creature who was force sensitive and was taking to the Jedi temple long ago before the Jedi purge. According to my master he journey throughout the galaxy when he became a jedi master and now it seems he made it to the unknown region before order 66.
Xander: (surprised) Wow that's cool.
He turn sto Ikirt and bend down to him and pet him on the head.
Xander: (smile) Nice to meet you Ikirt, guess you surprised me and Omega a bit about your force ability.
Ikirt nodes while Xander sense something strong in the force and it was coming from the cave as he stood up and look at the cave.
Lop noticed it as well as she place her hand on his shoulder amd node to him. He node back and turn back to the cave and take a deep breath and enter the cave while the rest waited for him to return. He journey through the cave while he feels the force very strong as he gets closer and closer. Soon he see something glow in the distance so he gets close and soon he sees the Kyber crystal glowing orange as he gets close. Once close he gently reach over and soon he grabs the Kybee crystal and looks at it with amazement.
He can feel a strong connection to the force with the Kyber crystal and believe this is the crystal he needs to make his own Light saber. He smiles as he slide it into his pocket and make his way out of the cave to rejoin with the rest and meet up with his master so he can finally leave this planet and start his adventure as a jedi after for so long of training.
At the Jedi academy within Blue Garden we see Xander at the jedi dojo with his orange light saber as he swings around while he can feel it's power as he swings around while we see Ikirt watching him swinging his saber as the door open and Y/n, Shiki, Happy, F and Rebecca came as Xander turn to them and deactivated his saber and bow to Y/n to which he said.
Y/n: (smile) It's nice to meet you Xander. The names Y/n, Jedi Master and leader of the Jedi academy. But you cab see me as your principal.
Xander: (smile) Awesome! It's an honour meeting you in person. I've heard many stories about you.
Shiki: (smile) Do you also heard about us?
Xander: (smile) Yep! I heard the might crew of Edens Zero which I'm honoured to meet.
Rebecca: (smile) The honour is all ours. It's nice we have a new student here along with two jedi masters.
Happy: Yeah with one of them is an animal.
Ikirt walks over to join them as F picks him up and stroke him while she turns to Y/n and the rest.
F: (smile) We will do our best to make this academy better and make the galaxy better.
Shiki: (smile) Awesome! Glad to have new friends.
F: (smile) Same.
Rebecca: (smile) Say Omega told us about your parents, it must be hard to lose them.
Xander: Yeah but I know that my grandfather is still out there and maybe can find him and together we can be a family again.
Shiki: (smile) That's awesome to hear! Who is your grandfather so we can help!
Xander: (smile) He used to work to make Ether gear machine that can transfer Ether gear magic to a planet that is lower on Ether gear. His name is Muller, he's very smart and very friendly to me when I was a child and maybe one day I might find him and we can be happy again.
Y/n, Rebecca, Happy and Shiki's eyes widen in shock to hear that name and they were even more shocked that Xander is the grandson of Muller. After a short talk they exit out of the room as F turn to them, noticed their shock and ask.
F: What's wrong?
Y/n: It's just Muller. Do you know who Muller is?
F: Well just like Xander said he is a scientist who work on many projects but why?
Rebecca: actually responsible for blowing up Hook and tortured one of our friend who is an android. Muller has a deep hatred towards androids which is the reason he blow up Hook.
F: (shocked) By the force that's horrible. My apologies for one of your android friend.
Shiki: It's fine. Still I don't see Xander not a friend, he's a good person so there is no reason for any of us hate him just because he is related to Muller.
Y/n: True. Still when the time is right, we will tell him the truth. I feared he might take it the wrong way.
F: I understand. Still we must go now but it's nice to be apart of your Jedi academy.
Y/n: (smile) Trust me you both will like it here I assure of you.
F: (smile) We will, thank you.
And so F and Ikirt and head off to their own class while Y/n smile and he and the rest head off to do their own thing while Xander still trains his own saber without knowing that his grandfather's dark thing he did to Hook and what he did to Hermit in the past. Only time will tell until he will find out the truth about his grandfather and the evil things that he had done.
To be continued............................
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