Chapter 42: The order of the Sith
We see Y/n making his way to the Jedi academy after he return back on his mission and just got a call that he rush over to the Jedi Academy. Awaiting at the steps of the academy were Proxy and Clarsse as Y/n walks up the steps and once he met up to them the trio enter the academy as Y/n asked the two.
Y/n: Okay I've got your message so is it true? Did a sith just walk up to the steps of the Jedi academy and want to make alliance to us?
Clarsse: Indeed. Right now she is at the waiting room being a watch eye on by two Jedi knights.
Proxy: At first they thought she is telling some lie but they sense no lie within her. She is completely telling the truth, plus she doesn't seem to have any light sabers within her.
Y/n: So she came here without any weapons? This is weird. Who is watching her?
Proxy: Jedi Knight Jaxxon and Jedi Knight Dash.
Y/n: I see. Well let's see what this sith wants.
Soon they arrive to the waiting room as they enter and see Jaxxon and Dash keeping an eye on her qs the two knights turn to see Y/n.
Jaxxon: Master Y/n. Glad your here just in time.
He looks over towards the female sith as she looks up at him while Y/n was surprised to sense no pure dark side within her. She has dark side within her but not full power then any sith as she sat out and bow.
Yori: I'm thankful you have arrived. My name is Yori as Sith apprentice and I'm here to-
Jaxxon: Your not aloow to talk Sith!
Y/n: Calm yourself Jaxxon it's okay. She can speak if she want.
Jaxxon: Of course, my apologies.
Yori: Thank you. As I was saying, I'm here for not to harm your order or anything. I was sent to by my master to make alliance to the Republic and to the Jedi order. We need your help.
Y/n: What kind of help?
Yori: There is a powerful sith Lord that is now on the lose. He is too powerful for any of us to stop him and we need your help. My master will tell you more if you come with me to our home planet called Black-star.
Dash: (surprised) Black-Star?! I've heard that planet before. It made other ships fear the planet and fly off.
Yori: Yes that is correct but those who want to harm the planet. Please you must believe me and come with me to the planet to talk with my master. I beg of you.
There was silence as Y/n try to since anything that she is trying to trick them but now. She is completely honest and truthful something he never seen to a sith before.
Y/n: If this Sith Lord your talking about I'd a bigger threat to the galaxy, then we must find out more and find a way to stop him. So yes, I I come with you to Black-Star but allow me to bring some friends along just in case.
Yori: Yes I understand. Thank you master Jedi.
Y/n nodes with a smile while Jaxxon grab his shoulder and ask him.
Jaxxon: Not to disrespectful or anything but are you sure we can trust her? She's a sith, she might be tricking us.
Y/n: Yes she maybe a sith but if this threat she is telling us is true, then we must stop it. Besides, we must understand that we're not like the old jedi way. We do not kill sith but try to turn them back to the light just like I did with my master.
Dash: I understood but she is a full on sith. Are you honestly sure about this?
Y/n: (smile) Well it can't be fun if I refuse now would I?
Dash: (smirk) Fair enough.
Clarsse: (tears) I hope you won't get hurt or anything on your mission. I don't know what to do if you do.
Proxy: Do not worry. I believe there is a 78% chance he won't come back with lose hand.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry I'll be fine. Besides I'll take Shiki and the rest with me, I'll be fine.
Clarsse: Okay. Still be safe will you.
Y/n: (smile) I will. Come on Yori, let's go.
Yori: Of course, thank you for trusting me. I thought Jedi will kill me if i ever step foot within their academy.
Y/n: We're not like the old jedi. Not anymore.
And so the two head off to meet with the crew on Edens Zero and head off to Black-Star.
Edens zero exit out of Hyper space and fly towards Black-Star as they see through the window a dark planet but they see lights down at the planet.
Shiki: So why is the planet so dark?
Yori: That's part of the planet. Black-Star is a planet that doesn't show any light within the planet. But there are rare chances of light shining down at the planet.
Pino: That si weird. I do not see anything within the Republic fil3s about this planet or anything from the past.
Yori: That's because is a secret planet. Some sith who wee exiled to the unknown region found that planet and make it as our new home.
Homura: How many of these siths are they down there?
Yori: A few who are Sith warriors also known as Knights while my master who is the ruler of the planet.
Rebecca: Looks kinda scary down there.
Witch: The weather down there is normal. We can land to the planets surfaces with no problem.
Shiki: (smirk) That's good. Take us down there!
Witch dose so, Edens Zero make it's decent to the planet and soon they enter the planet and Yori was not kidding qs they see some lights that are within villages or town as Edens Zero make it's way to a large light within the distance.
Once there they see a massive city, possibly twice as size as Blue Garden's city with a large sith castle at the far back as Edens Zero flies over and once there lands near the castle. Once that Y/n, Yori, Shiki, Rebecca, Happy, Pino, Homura and Weisz exit out of Edens Zero as they look over to see Sith warriors walking towards them with Yori walking over to them.
Y/n: (thought) Those sith warriors armor are from the Old Republic days. No wonder Yori also calls them knights as well.
The sith warriors bow to Yori while the lead Sith warrior said.
Sith warrior: Welcome back lady Yori. Your master sense your return along with the Jedi Master and his friends.
Yori: Indeed. Lead us to my master at once.
Sith Warrior: Yes lady Yori.
They stood up and lead them as they follow them.
Rebecca: Those guys look kinda cool.
Yori: Indeed. Unlike the past Sith, we practice our dark side abilities for a test and not as a way to take control and use to harm others.
Weisz: So your like good sith?
Yori: (smile) If you wish to call us that then yes. But it's maybe best my master would explain more once we enter the castle.
Happy: (smile) You know this planet ain't so bad. It maybe dark but with all the lights across the planet.
Pino: (smile) It feels very peaceful and nice.
Homura: (smile) I agree.
Soon they arrive at the entrance of the castle and the large doors open slowly and once it was open fully, they all enter the castle and walk pass many paintings of a sith Lord along with statues of the sith Lord while we see more sith warriors around as they walk bay and reading books and all.
Y/n sense all of them and they don't show any full power of the dark side and now he thinks about it, they don't show any corruption within them. It feels like they have control over the dark side of the force but with a little bit of the light as well.
The sith warriors stop at another large door which open as Yori allows them to leave and they did so. They walk away while they enter the throne room where they see Yori's master sitting on a throne as she looks at her apprentice while she bow down to her master.
Weisz: (whisper) Damn her master is smoking hot!
Rebecca: (whisper) Shut up Weisz!
Yori: Master Kame, I have return and I have brought the Jedi Master along with his friends as well to discuss our alliance to the Republic.
Kame looks at Shiki and the rest and then looks at Y/n which she smirk. She was a bit surprised to see a young Jedi Master but she find him very cute as she gets off of her throne chair and pat Yori on a shoulder.
Kame: Excellent work my apprentice. Please leave us and get some rest. You deserve it.
Yori: Thank you my master.
Yori turn and leave the room. Once that Kame turn to them and looks at Y/n and said.
Kame: (smirk) You must be the Jedi Master.
Y/n: Indeed. My name is Jedi Master Y/n and these are my friends. Shiki, Rebecca, Happy, Pino, Homura and Weisz.
Kame: (smile) A pleasure to meet you all. I hope you found your journey here alright?
Rebecca: (smile) Our journey was alright but thanks for asking.
Shiki: (surprised) You looks very awesome! You wanna be my friend!
Kame: (smile) Of course and if it not mistaken you must be the demon Kings grand son?
Shiki: Yeah. How did you know?
Kame: I've learn tails about the great Demon king Ziggy. Actually he came to this planet and help my father many years back.
Shiki: (surprised) Wow really?!
Kame: Yes but that will be a story for another day. So I believe you wonder why you all are here correct?
Y/n: Indeed. Your apprentice talks about a sith Lord correct?
Kame: Indeed. Please, come.
They follow Kame as they exit out of throne room and walk through the halls of the castle as Kame shows them all the paintings of the same Sith Lord while Kame tells them about this Sith Lord and why is he so important.
Kame: As you all may know, these paintings hung on the wall are the paintings of Darth Vectivus. The Sith that did no evil.
Weisz: Wait a Sith Lord that didn't kill tones of people, forming an empire or try to take over the galaxy?
Kame: No. Unlike many Sith Lord who have tragic past, Darth Vectivus was the only sith who have a happy life. He has a loving and caring family, a peaceful planet with a nice job and soon got a wife and several kids. Rather then joining the jedi order he wants to know more about the dark side but he promised himself to never go too deep towards the dark side in fear it might corrupt him. And so the order of the sith was born after he was Banished by other sith who see him as a failure as a sith Lord. Still he continues researching the dark side of the force and take hold of this planet, rather then turning the innocent as slaves like other siths, Dark Vectivus treats them all respectfully and created the sith warriors but rather to use the sith warriors to strike fear to his own people, he use them ti protect the planet and those they care for.
Y/n: That is very interesting.
Kame nodes and they continue on walking while Kame gose on to say.
Kame: Maybe pirates and other criminal organisations came down to the planet, planning to spread chaos but we defend our planet and soon our planet was peaceful....until he came.
Shiki: He?
Kame: A powerful sith Lord who came to the unknown region to search for a spiritual entity called the mother, on hopes to grant a wish of turning the whole universe into darkness and make him as God.
Weisz: So who is this sith Lord?
Kame: His Darth Malgus.
Y/n: (shocked) Darth Malgus?! But I thought he was killed during the Republic and Sith empire wars during the old Republic years?!
Kame: He escape into the unknown region and found this planet. Soon the Sith civil war began and it lasted for four years and it ended my great grand father trapping Malgus in carbonite and after that the war is won and Malgus was imprison. My great grand father told me how powerful Malgus was and told me to never release him when ever I became ruler. I kept his promise but years later...he was free and killed my father and escape the planet. Knowing how powerful and dangerous he might be, I told my apprentice to go to the Jedi academy on Blue Garden and ask for help and make alliance to the Republic and the Jedi order.
Weisz: I don't see how this is our problem?
Rebecca hits him on the head for being rude but Kame understand and tell him.
Kame: The empire you have defeated have join with Darth Malgus and his remaining sith empire and together they form the Dark Legion Empire. I fear they might be forming troops across the galaxy as we speak.
Y/n: If that's the case then we have to stop him. With the combine force of the Republic, Jedi order and your sith order I believe there is a chance that we can win.
Shiki: (smile) Yeah We can help as well!
Rebecca: (smirk) We face the empire before, we can beat them again.
Homura: (smile) Agree.
Weisz: Maybe for good this time.
Happy: (smile) Aye!
Pino: (smile) Agree.
Kame: (smile) I am very thankful for this. I promise we can always be allies forever and ever.
Y/n: (smile) Same here as well.
Y/n reach out his hand which Kame reach out hers as they grab and shake hands for an alliance as Kame smirks a bit to feel his warm hands and definitely really like this cute Jedi Master.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n on the balcony of the castle as he has a holopad as he calls up Lop as a hologram of Lop appears on the holopad.
Lop: (hologram) Wow so Kame and her sith order are now our allies now?!
Y/n: (smile) Yep. I hope you don't mind this.
Lop: (hologram) Not at all. Its very interesting to have sith backing us up against a new threat.
Y/n: Agree. What about you and the Bad batch?
Lop: (hologram) We're alsmot arrive to the planet. Still I'll call back once we find any Jedi survivor's.
Y/n: Right. Be safe out there Lop and may the force be with you.
Lop: (hologram) Same to you.
The cholocall ends just as Kame walk over next to Y/n as they look down to see the rest along with Ella as she hugs Yori which made Yori blush to see how adorable Ella is and hugs her back while the rest smiled.
Kame: (smile) Your daughter is very strong in the light side of the force.
Y/n: (smile) Indeed. Say I always wonder if there were any good sith when I was a Padawan.
Kame: Really?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I always wonder if there was on or two sith that are good and doesn't want to harm others. My classmates just told me there were no good sith but I guess they were wrong.
Kame: I do not blame them. I just wonder why Jedi just assume we are evil. True some sith want to harm the galaxy but what about others that just want to be alone but the Jrdi order doesn't care and kill them. I've learn what happened to the sith species on Korriban. Those people do not deserve to die.
Y/n: I agree. They were just innocent beings and true, they may have took part in wars but it wasn't the Jedi way to kill all of them just like that.
Kame: Agree. Is that the reason you recreate your new jedi order?
Y/n: Yes. I want to make the Jedi order a lot more better, I want to show the galaxy that the Jedi aren't some people that ignore their cry foe help. I always want to show the Jedi to be more like themselves and not some emotionless groups of people that has strict codes and all else. I want to make a order that is a true light and have everyone across the galaxy to see them as hope rather then some elite police force or Generals or war. Besides I've learn one thing from Shiki and all Jedi from the past must learn must learn.
Kame: Oh and what would that be?
Y/n: (smile) No matter what happens, friends will always be with you and we should make new friends, even friends we may not like but who may not know them so, why not make friends and be happy.
Kame: (smile) Agree.
She then grabs Y/n and pull him over for a hug which Y/n's face was at her large breast which made Y/n blush bright while Kame lend out a friendly giggle.
Kame: (smile) I can't help myself. My apologies but your just too cute and I'm glad we're allies.
Y/n thinks so as well as everyone is happy to make friends with a sith order and together, they can bring hope to the galaxy against a new threat which is Darth Malgus and uus new empire.
At the far off galaxy we see a fleet of Star destroyers flying through space along with a completely different ship which is a sith dreadnought which is a flag ship to Darth Malgus.
Inside the bridge an imperial officer enter the bridge as he walk through the huge bridge with some imperial officers on their computers while they look over to see an imperial officer walk over to a sith Lord who is facing away from the Imperial officer as he bow down to him and tell him.
Male imperial officer: My Lord.....we got a message from the scout team that were sent to Blue Garden.
???: And?
Male imperial officer: It is confirm. Jedi Master Y/n is alive and well as we speak.
There was silence from the Sith Lord as the imperial officer was suddenly force choked and lifted off of his feet while the sith Lord turn to him and we see Darth Malgus himself ad he said.
Malgus: All my life, I thought that the young boy is dead so long ago only to find out that he was alive this whole time!
The Imperial officer try to breath but Darth Malgus just glare and him and then let's him go as he drop to the ground and cough while Malgus turns back to the window and tells the Imperial officer.
Malgus: Our time will come soon. Sent in a few imperial star destroyers to take control of Republic planets so we can lower him out. I want to see if he's really alive.
Male imperial officer: Y-Yes my lord.
The Imperial officer turns and rushes off while Malgus new fleet enters Hyper space as Malgus heads off to take over some Republic planets so he can lower Y/n into his hands and see if him being alive.....were true or not.
To be continued..........................
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