Chapter 41: A visitor

A Republic shuttle jumps out of Hyper space and flies towards a planet that is homed to the newly built Republic Prison to store not just imperial officer or any criminals that commit a crime against the Republic but also Ether gear users as well who abuse their power and try to commit more crimes throughout the galaxy.

The Republic shuttle break through the cloads and flies over the ocean as we see up ahead a massive prison that is like a city then a normal prison.

It holds many Republic prison guards and it's one highly defended prison in the Cosmic galaxy with many turrets around the prison, a dorm energy shield that is strong enough to hold Either gear users in case they break out and it even as a special type of missile turret underwater to shoot out EMP missiles that can take out stolen Republic ships and shut them down so the ships will splash into the water without harming anyone within. It make things easy for prison guards to retrieve them and return them back to their cell.

The Republic shuttle lands at the landing pad within the massive prison like city while there was a prison officer enter the landing pad and walks over to the shuttle while the ramp lower down and Weisz came out of the shuttle and walks over to the officer.

Prison guard officer: Mister Weisz. We weren't suspecting for your arrival. I believe you were sent here to over look at the construction around the prison?

Weisz: Something like that. Is "he" here.

Prison guard officer: Yes sir. If you follow me I can take you to him.

Weisz: Good. Take me to him.

The officer node and they enter inside the main city prison and they enter to a massive cell block that has a lot of cells that store many imperial or other crimes lords that the Republic has captured. We see Prison guard troopers on their patrol as we see their armor is based on Mandalorian armor with a special type of blaster rifle that is strong enough to knock out even the most powerful Ether gear user with it's stun setting as they walk pass Weisz while on their patrol.

Many crime Lords sees Weisz and start to laugh while they try to get Weisz some attention but Weisz ignore them as the two enter a elevator as the prison guard officer press on a floor as the elevator doors close and the lift go down.

Prison guard officer: We have several floors down and on each floor holds many dangerous criminals with some have Ether gear that cost some trouble by the Republic and the rest of the galaxy. This prison is build to keep these prisoners in line and to make sure they will learn a lesson. This location is far away from any planets so this will be a safe as long those prisoners don't escape for good.

Weisz: How many did escape?

Prison guard officer: None sir. This prison is very large and prisoners either with or without Ether gear can't escape here. This is one of many prisons that is impossible to escape, true there were some prisoners that did escape but not from this planet. This was decided by the new senate to fund of this construction and to make ensure the galaxy will not be threatened by any Ether gear users ever again.

Weisz: Impressive.

Soon they made it to their floor and the elevator doors open as they leave the elevator and make their way to a large door with two Prison guards as one reach out his hand to Weisz and tell him.

Priosn guard: You need to leave your weapons here sir.

He sigh but he hand over his blaster pistol to the guard which he take and press on the button on the wall next to him. The door opens up slowly and once it was fully open, Weisz enters as the door shuts behind him very slowly. Weisz looks over and we see what looks like a large dorm enegry shield and inside was Drakken who is sitting on his bed with some wires on some parts of his left arm and bodt with a mask on him as he breath heavily due to his old age after his battle against Y/n.

Drakken slowly turn to see Weisz which he chuckle follow by him coughing as he slowly gets up and walks over to Weisz and sent near the form enegry shield that is keeping him in.

Drakken: (smirk) I was suspected for that Jedi bouy to be here but I guess you might do.

Weisz: You know who I am?

Drakken: Your Weisz right? They're.....smuggler or something else. Doesn't matter, so what brings you here.

Weisz pulls out something from his pocket and show a necklace to Drakken while Weisz looks at him seriously qs he asked.

Weisz: You know this necklace?

Drakken looks at the necklace for a short while until he start to laugh as he sat on his bed while he slap his knee as he said.

Drakken: (chuckle) I do. I know that necklace at the top of my head. That belong to that women that I remember a while back.

Weisz: Yeah....this belong to me mother.

Drakken: your her son then. That's interesting, so you came all this way for revenge right? You came here to kill me and have your revenge. Tell you what, press that button behind you, that will cut my life support system and I will slowly die right in front of you.

Weisz turn to see the controls as he walks over to it and looks at it. He sees the button ad he slowly move his finger to press it but he stop himself and thinks about what he is going to do. True Drakken may have harm so many people and killed so many including his mother but this ain't Weisz. He's no killer like Drakken was and he's no criminal, not anymore.

He move his finger away from the button and turn to Drakken as Drakken sigh but also smirks as Weisz walks over to the door as the door opens as Weisz was handed back his blaster but before he leaves Drakken calls oit to him.

Drakken: Hey Weisz......tell that Jedi boy......I say hi.

Weisz ignore him and make his leave while Drakken lend out a chuckle and soon a laughter while the doors shut on him as Weisz make his leave, leaving Drakken be to his prison for the rest of his life.


On a large island within Blue Garden and neat to Blue Garden's main city, we see the Republic military HQ were Republic forces it as their new home as new recruits come here and train to become Republic troopers for the Republic. Pass through the metal walls and wall turrets attached on top of the walls in each corner of the base, we see the main Republic military base it self.

It's very similar to the main Republic prison base many years ago on the planet Coruscant but they build to as their new Republic military base as we see many walkers and gunships fly by along with Republic troopers marching around the base as we see Y/n and Shiki making their way through the outside base as they look around.

Shiki: (surprised) This base is amazing!

Y/n: (smile) Yep. This is the new Grand army of the Republic's main HQ. Now Blue Garden is highly defended now. Come on, let's see the new Recruits at the hanger bay.

Shiki: (smile) Can't wait.

The two head there and once there they see a large armor of new Republic troopers in line facing the stage as they have their helmets off as Fordo is seen on stage looking at the New Republic troopers along with Bux, Valkier and Kriegsbau as they were behind Fordo.

While Shiki and Y/n make their way towards them Fordo gose on to tell these new troopers.

Fordo: Alright listen up! For long you all were trained here to fight against those who threating your planet such as the empire! You were are trained to fight as troopers for the Republic, trained to fight like troopers or the Republic and more importantly show your loyalty towards the Republic and to your own troops! For far too long your planets have been taking over by the empire 5 months ago but now, now the empire is shattered and broken and it's time we wipe out any last remaining forces of the empire within this galaxy! Your all trained for this and now it's time we put that training to the real test!

Soon Shiki and Y/n walk up on stage as Fordo turn to him as Fordo and Y/n shake hands.

Y/n: (smile) Sorry to the interruption Commander.

Fordo: No need sir. It's good that you and Shiki are here.

He then trun back to us troops and tells them all.

Fordo: Attention! This is Jedi Master Y/n L/n and Demon king Shiki Granbell! I want some respect from all of you if you work along side then in battle!

They all stood attention follow by a salute which Y/n lower his hand and they stand down as Y/n gose on to tell them.

Y/n: Your all may not be clones like Fordo and the rest. But your all here to fight for safety for your planet and to make sure your planets will never be taking over by the empire or any crime lords ever again. Your all maybe privates now, but soon you will be powerful and loyal soldiers for the Republic. I understand some may not be ready for what will happen in any battles that will come in our way, but i believe all of you can do it. I believe with your strong bound with your friends around you, I know that you all will succeed. I wish you all good luck and may the force by with you.

Y/n nodes to Fordo which he nodes back as Fordo calls out.

Fordo: Helmets on!

They put on their helmets on and stood at Attention.

Fordo: Turn around and march!

They turn around and they march out of the hanger and make their way to their Venator class ships as Shiki, Y/n, Ford, Bux, Valkier and Kriegsbau make their way out of the hanger and towards Edens Zero which is docked.

Shiki: (smile) That was amazing Fordo!

Fordo: Thanks. It feels good to train the next generation of Troopers for the Republic.

Bux: Their lot more better then Stormtroopers.

Valkier: (chuckle) Yeah agree. Those Stormtroopers have no idea what real training is for the Republic.

Kriegsbau: So what's going on with you two sir's?

Y/n: There is an imperial base at a planet called Mudworld. A swamp planet, we're heading there to assist another Republic forces at the planet.

Fordo: Well good luck sir. We be here in case you need us.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you. Take care and may the force be with you.

Fordo: Yes sir.

The arc troopers make their leave while Shiki and Y/n head inside Edens Zero with Flanker and Lancer waiting for them as they enter. Soon the two Venator class ships along with  Edens Zero take off as they leave Blue Garden and jump into Hyper space.

While they wait for their arrival we see Y/n with Witch at the massage room as we see Witch giving Y/n a nice massage with brings a smile to Y/n as he feels relaxed while Witch lend out a giggle.

Witch: (smile) So how is your Jedi academy doing for you?

Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. The academy has small students and teachers but soon more will come. Me and the rest were also thinking about making more academics across many planets so makes it easy for parents to bring their children to them to train while they be close to their children.

Witch: (smile) I think that's a wonderful idea.

Y/n: Yeah. I want this galaxy to see that we're no longer the old jedi order that has strict codes and kidnapped young babies who are connected to the force. I also want Jedi Padawans, knights and masters to explore the galaxy and make friends to many people and not also close themselves off like the old Jedi order did.

Witch: (smile) Your really want the Jedi to be different to the old order.

Y/n: Well I believe the reason the old jedi were hated is because the galaxy see them at nothing more then elite police, a police force that only care about the rich and the power and not those who were suffering like slavery. My master told me many mistakes about the order and now....I'm making a new order so my master will be proud of.

Witch: (smile) Your sure are.

Then Flanker enter the room as he walks in and tells Y/n.

Flanker: We close to the planet sir.

Y/n: (smile) That's good to hear. Tell the troopers to get ready.

Flanker: Yes sir.

Flanker leaves as Witch was all done as Y/n sat up while Witch said to Y/n.

Witch: (smile) You have a great commander.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. He and Lancer reminded me of Rex and Cody. Just glad we remove Cody's inhibitor chip but I wonder what Rex is doing.

Witch: (smile) What ever he is doing, I'm sure he's proud of you just like your master.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess your ri-

Then Witch lend over and kiss him on the lips which made Y/n blush a bit as Witch stops and blushes but with a smile on her face.

Witch: (smile) Your lips are very soft just like Rebecca told me and you are very cute when blushing like that.

She lend out a cute giggle while Y/n smiles and make his leave while Witch smile even more and wish she can kiss for a bit longer but maybe next time she will.


We see the surface of the planet of Mudworld as we see a Republic military camp set up with Antivechicle cannons standing at the back of the camp site as they each fire qt where the imperial base was at. We see Shiki, Y/n, Flanker and Lancer enter the large tent where the map room is at as they enter and see many Republic officers sat on their communications computers while the four walk over to a Jedi general over looking at the map on the holotable as they walk up behind him.

Y/n: (smile) See your having a tough time. Mind we lend a hand.

He turn we see a jedi named Rahm Kota who is a famous Jedi general who doesn't take clones as troops but dose take none-Clone troopers as his own military troopers with Eric as his second in command and was promoted to Captain along with Reznya as his Lieutenant.

Rahm: I wasn't suspected for some back up or I don't need any more backup.

Shiki: (smile) Come on man! We're friends, we help eqch other.

Rahm: Right. But since you are here i guess you can help.

Y/n: (smile) Good. So what's the situation.

Eric: The Imperial forces has a massive swamp base and they have beem holding on to it ever since we came here. They give us quiet a hit.

Reznya: They have multiple swamp Stormtroopers, Scott troopers, four AT-AT walkers, a few AT-DT, four SC2-M Repuslsor Tanks and four defensive turrets around the base.

Rahm: But we have managed to take out a few or their ground forces. Now we believe we can push through their troopers and break into the base with no problem.

Y/n: Sounds like a plan.

Shiki: I'll take care those defensive turrets while you guys will break inside the base.

Y/n: Right. Be safe Shiki. Flanker, Lancer your with me and Rahm's forces. Time to eliminate this imperial base for the Republic.

Flanker: Ready for some action sir.

Rahm: (sigh) Shouldn't know you will bring some clones here to help. Doesn't matter Eric, Reznya let's move.

Eric: Yes sir.

The three make their leave while Shiki asked.

Shiki: What's his problem about clones?

Flanker: He's a type of Jedi who believes that clones aren't perfect as soldiers. During the Clone wars he form his own militia army which actually saved his life when Order 66 was activated. He took his troops and escape into the unknown region.

Y/n: Indeed. We appear 3 months later and he was apart of recruiting troopers for the Republic and take Eric and Reznya to work for his unit for the Republic.

Shiki: But he knows it wasn't clones fault for turning against the Jedi order right?

Lancer: Maybe so but he doesn't care. Some Jedi doesn't trust clones even if they were told about the inhibitor chips....some still don't trust us.

Flanker: Still we should move out.

Y/n: Agree. Let's go.


There was explosions follow by Republic troopers bodies flying ad they splash onto the mud while Republic troopers make their march through the swamp follow by three AT-TE walkers along with five AT-XT walkers as they march through the muddy swamp while up ahead we see a few Swamp Stormtroopers as they find fever and return fire at Republic forces.

Swamp Stormtrooper: Push them back! Push them back!

A few AT-DT walk by them as they fire their cannon at them and sending some Republic troopers flying while they push forward as they continue to fire at them.

Then we see Rahm along with Eric, Reznya and a few Republic troopers as they were behind the left side of the forest along Y/n, Flanker, Lancer and his forces at the right as the AT-DT walk into their trap as Eric and Flanker throw their EMP detonators at the AT-DT and zap them in electricity as they shut off.

Soon both force jump out of the forest, surprising the Imperial forces as Y/n and Rahm deflected their sabers as them and taking some out. Eric fire his twin blaster pistols at them while he rushes towards the enemy as he leaps over and kicks one Swamp Stormtrooper to the ground while he dodge a swing as he shot the swamp Stormtrooper while he pulls out his detonator and throws it at a squad of Stormtroopers and they blow up.

A swamp scout trooper was alive Eric as he qim down his rifle and was about to kill him when he was shot and fell off the tree which Eric looks over to see Flanker as he node at him while Eric nodes to him back.

Rahm: Keep moving!

Rahm and Y/n run pass them while they follow as they push through and made it to the base. The turrets turn their weapons at them when they were immediately destroyed by Shiki as he gose around destroying all the turrets and soon crashed through inside the base and land it onto the control room which shocked the imperial officers and Stormtroopers as they were about to fire at Shiki when he grab both of their blasters and with his gravity Ether gear, sent them both flying and crashed onto the ceiling and they stuck there while the imperial officer reach out their hands and stand down.

Soon Rahm, Y/n and tye rest arrived at the control room and see that Shiki have already taking control of the control room as Y/n walks over to Shiki.

Y/n: (smile) Nice work Shiki.

Shiki: (smile) Thanks.

Rahm: Reznya take some troopers an take these imperials as our prisoners.

Reznya: Roger that.

Reznya and some Republic troopers handcuffed the imperial officer and take them outside while Eric tells Reznya before she leaves.

Eric: (smirk) See you back on the Venator for our "private time."

Reznya: (giggle) Sure thing Captain.

Once she left Lancer was on one of the imperial computers as he gets in and looks through the files.

Lancer: Well this looks interesting. It appears there is some problems about the empire after their lost 5 months ago.

Y/n: Really, what's happening at the imperial side?

Lancer: Seems like there is a civil war happening. The Grand Admirals are fighting each other to see who will leade the remaining imperial forces now.

Y/n: I see. As long they won't harm any other planets, we should be fine and we be ready if they are planning to strike at us. Still download all that and let's take it home.

Lancer: Yes sir.

He dose so while Rahm make his leave but Y/n rush up to him as Rahm turns to him.

Y/n: (smile) Good to be fighting along side you Rahm. Hope you'll come by to my academy for a visit.

Rahm: I'm not much as a teacher for your academy. I'm more like a military general for the Republic. But sure...I may take a visit some day.

And so he left with Eric behind him as Shiki walks up to Y/n.

Shiki: So what makes Rahm so different to the rest order the Jedi?

Y/n: Unlike many Jedi who weren't good as Generals at the start of the clone wars, Rahm was born on a planet that was in war and since then, he knows how to lead his troops to battle in his planet until the Jedi came and took him in yo be trained.

Shiki: Wow so he was already a General before the start of the Clone wars.

Y/n: Yeah. There was even some Jedi who got some advice from Rahm at the start of the Clone wars. Without him, I don't think any Jedi can't handle as Generals for the Republic.

Shiki: (smile) Yeah but we're great leading troops to battle.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, guess we get better as Generals even after the war. Still we do anything to protect the galaxy and the people as well.

Shiko agree as we see the imperial base be taking over by Republic forces as Republic troopers arrest the Imperial forces as they won the battle and the base is theirs.


Back on Blue Garden we see Miwa and Clarasse watering the plants around the Jedi academy to make it more lovely to the academy.

Miwa: (smile) Thanks for helping me watering the plants Clarasse.

Clarasse: Sure it's no problem. As long I get a break of signing and feel stressed out of all the paperwork i have to work on.

She start to tear up while Miwa pat her on the back while we see a cloak figure behind them as Miwa sense it and she turn and both of them see the cloak figure.

???: Is this place the Jedi academy?

Miwa: Um yes. This the place, how may we help you?

Miwa: (thought) I sense dark side within her.

The cloak figure pull fown her hood to reveal her long purple hair and orange like eyes but they were normal as she looks at them both and tell them.

Yori: My name is Yori, I am a sith but I'm not here to harm this planet or the Jedi order. I ask that you can help us and maybe form alliance with us. Please, we really need your help.

To be continued..................

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