Chapter 40: The celebration begins (Lemon)
We see Y/n within a dark room as he meditates silently as eveyething around him is quiet. Then he can sense someone within the room with him, someone dark within the force as he open his eyes and stood up as he grasp his Light saber as he stood up and soon there as he we see one figure circling around him as Y/n stood there as the figure circles around him until the figure stop and Y/n spoke.
Y/n: So you finally found me. How was your trip to reach here.
???: You will be wise to give me what I want Jedi, or else you will be destroy.
Y/n: (smirk) Funny. Because I heard that "destroy" part every time by the sith or anyone who try to kill me. In the end, they are defeated and lost.
???: If you do not tell me anything you know....then I will kill you.
A red blade glow behind Y/n as we see behind him the legendary sith Lord named Maul stands behind him ready to strike at him.
Maul stood there while Y/n stand there not turning around at Maul lend out a roar and charge at Y/n. Y/n ready his light saber as Maul race over and once close he eas aboit to strike at him but Y/n turns ans active his light saber just in time and block his strike. The two clash with Maul striking blows while Y/n blocks it with his blade as he quickly move around as he dosge Maul's attacks and blocking his saber with his own.
Maul try to land a strike at Y/n so he can kill him but Y/n was too fast and soon he manage to knock his double bladed light saber away as Y/n kick Maul to the ground and point his saber at Maul as Maul looks at him in anger while Y/n smirked at Maul.
Y/n: And that's how you defend against a Sith.
Suddenly the lights around them turn on, revealing a Jedi dojo room as Maul suddenly changed and we see it's not actually Maul but instead Y/n's droid named Proxy as Y/n helps him up.
Once up the door beside them open and children came into the room as they were surprised to what they saw as Y/n deactivated his saber and tells his students.
Y/n: You all not ready to face an actual sith in combat but once your older you will be. But I have faith that all of you will succeed in the future. Remember a sith is strong, smart and will do what ever they can to win. They may try to tap you into the dark side but remember, always force on the light and yourselves. And that is class now get out of here before I force push you all out.
They laugh and make their leave while Y/n smile and he and Proxy make their leave out of the room. It has been 5 months since the Empires fall and Drakken's defeat. When the Cosmic galaxy heard about this, they overthrow the empire and see the Republic as hope including the Jedi. Even though the empire are still around and people say that more will come but during 5 months there were no reports of Imperial back up so the only news about the empire were small bases within most planets which the new military Republic try to take out before they became a threat.
This is Y/n's new Jedi academy to train new Jedi in the ways of the force. After he defeat Drakken and with the help of Republic and other B-Cubers within Blue Garden, they help him along with other Jedi to fund a new academy for those who are strong in the force and with the support of planet leaders, the Jedi academy is open for business and many young Jedi either in thier children age or teenage age come to train to become Jedi. Unlike the old Jedi with strict rules, Y/n's rules is not as strict and it acts like an actual academy with many classes where older Jedi who are knights or Masters teach their students the ways of the force and help them to master thier abilities.
We now see Y/n and Proxy walking through the halls as many students make their leave while Y/n looks around and smile to himself.
Y/n: (smile) After a lot of hard work we finally done it. A new academy within Blue Garden for every student who has strong connection to the force.
Proxy: Indeed master Y/n, right now there is currently 123 jedi within this academy. It's disappointing that ut is small
Y/n: (smile) It maybe so Proxy but soon, it will get bigger. I know it will.
Proxy nodes while someone walks up behind him and hugs him by surprise and we see Yei hugging him with a smirk.
Yei: (smirk) See you have a great time with your students master Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. They were very good and are surprised about my combat skills. Ain't that right Proxy?
Proxy: Indeed. They were very surprised.
Yei: (smirk) That's very good. I also see your still using your new droid partner to help the students.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Gonna thank Shiki, Hermit and Weisz of making Proxy and give me it on my birthday a few months ago.
Proxy: Actually I was reprogrammed to service as Drakken's training droid until he defeat which I became your droid partner master.
Y/n: (smile) It's good to have you on the team Proxy.
Proxy: Thank master.
Rebecca: (smirk) Hey there Y/n!
They turn to see Rebecca, Happy and Ella as Ella rushes over as Y/n bend down and hugs her while lifting her up in the air.
Y/n: (smile) How was class?
Ella: (smile) Amazing! Mister Tripp was awesome and very kind.
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad for that.
Tripp: Is someone talking about me?
Then Tripp walks over to them and Tripp is a Jedi knight who teaches children on how to make their own light saber while cracking some jokes to lighting the mood.
Y/n: (smile) Indeed Tripp. My daughter is just telling me how great you were as her teacher.
Tripp: (chuckle) Well I can say the same to your daughter. Always laughing and know how to make smiles around everyone in her class.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm glad for that.
Rebecca: Hey hate to break the talk but we need to go.
Y/n: Go?....Oh right him. Yei, can you take Ella Edens Zero while me, Happy and Rebecca are gone?
Yei: Sure thing.
He hands Ella to Yei and the three head off as Tripp asked Yei.
Tripp: Wonder where are they going?
Yei: Let's just say, they are going somewhere so they can ask someone some few questions.
The three arrived to the Republic police HQ which I'd a new police force within the galaxy and more are being made across the galaxy to make security to the Cosmic galaxy. The troopers are all humans but trained to be the best as Y/n, Rebecca and Happy walk up to steps only to be met by three police troopers as one step forward and ask.
Police trooper: You must be Jedi master Y/n, Miss Rebecca and Happy.
Y/n: Indeed. Is he in there?
Police trooper: Yes sir. Please follow me.
They follow the trooper through the halls as we see more troopers some without armor while some do as they march by them while they make their way through the halls. After for sometime they arrived at the interrogation room as the trooper stand I front of the door and tell Y/n before he gose on.
Police trooper: It's best you hand me any weapons you have sir. Sorry it's protocol.
Y/n understood and hand his light saber and blaster to him and once he is clear he enter the room. Happy and Rebecca over see this through the window as Y/n sat down across of the person and we see it's Noah in handcuffs as he stare at Y/n and said.
Noah: It's.....been a while hasn't it.
Y/n: Yeah....this is actually the first time I see you in person.
Noah: Indeed I has.
Y/n: Listen, Sister told me that you were apart of Drakken's plan of kidnapping Rebecca 5 months ago and try to use her.
Noah: I see. How dose she know?
Y/n: She was interrogating Maria before her, Hermit and Witch weresbut down but luckily she remember their conversation and I wanna know is why? Why are you targeting my friends but more importantly Rebecca.
Noah:.....I know you may not trust me Y/n. But you must believe me that I have no business with Drakken nor the empire. You see....I am the G.I.A director in the Sakurada Coosmos.
Y/n: G.I.A. that stood for the Galactic intelligence agency. I thought they were destroyed when the empire came.
Noah: Not exactly. Some of us survived due to our mission and since the empire doesn't know how many we are, we blend in and gather information we have and try to find a way to defeat the empire within. Then when I heard about the Empire looking for Rebecca due to her Ether gear, I knew Rebecca will be endanger was the onky way to get us in the upper hand. So I've contacted Drakken and the empire about Rebecca and pretended to be their close allie but in reality I was trying to keep Rebecca safe. I was also researching her and her Ether gear and I understood why the empire want her. Her Ether gear allows her to-
Y/n: To move fast through time and space even going back time in case things turn out bad for her.
Noah: That is correct. You see, I didn't lower Rebecca or your friends inro Drakken's hands and I definitely wasn't involved of those bounty hunters who were hired by Guilts to capture her. Still I must apologise for putting you and your friends in great danger. Now allow us to join you and be your allie for once, we can hand over the new Governments information and we be apart of the Republic's secrets intelligence to watch over the people and other planets.
Y/n can sense he is telling the truth and he really means it. He stood up and tells Noah.
Y/n: can be our allie but you need to promise to never get any of my friends in any danger....especially Rebecca. Is that understood.
Noah: Yes I understood. Thank you.
Once that he left them room and the trooper hand him back his weapons while Y/n told him to tell the chief thqt Noah is free to go which he node. Once that Rebecca, Happy and Y/n walk through the halls to make their leave.
Happy: (smile) Can't believe it has been 5 months and Blue Garden has changed.
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah but everyone can feel safe now the empire is gone.
Y/n: (smile) Indeed. So how is your videos you two. Getting more views yet?
Rebecca: (smile) Yep and with Ella apart of our videos, the fans are adore her which is soo cute!
Happy: (smile) Yeah We might be more popular then Labilia right about now.
Y/n: Well let's hope she doesn't find out.
Rebecca: Don't blame you. Oh one more thing, we need to get ready for the party remember!
Y/n: Ah yes I forgot. The new Chancellor has been elected and has invited the crew of Edens zero to join his party.
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah so let's go!
Once outside the trio rushes off to buy some suist as they smile while they race off to the city to buy themselves soon fancy suits for the party later on at night.
Night came and we see the party being held at top of the large tower within Blue Garden as we see many people here celebrating and talking to each other. We see the new Chanellor named Watson as he shake hands of many planet leaders within the Cosmic galaxy as he smiles to see everyone here.
Y/n: (smile) Chancellor Watson, nice to see you.
He turn to see Y/n along with Shiki, Happy, Pino, Rebecca, Homura, Lop, Flanker, Lancer, Jinn and Kleene as Y/n walk over and shake Watson's hand as he lend out a chuckle.
Waston: (smile) I'm glad you came just in time master Y/n. And it's good to meet your friends as well, though I remember.
Y/n: Sister, Witch, Hermit and Mosco are Babysitting Ella for us. Weisz is away after what Sibir told him about his mother and Yogi and Quinlan are away to do some bounty hunting jobs for the Republic.
Waston: Ah that is ashame. I wish i could get to see them. But still, I'm glad your here including all the rest.
Shiki: (smile) No problem. What are friends for.
Waston: (smile) Indeed now let's celebrate, there is plenty of drinks for everybody.
Shiki: (smile) Awesome! It's party time!
Pino: (smile) Yay!
Everyone spread out and enjoy the party as they get along with everyone else here as we see Y/n, Flanker, Lancer and Lop sitting at the booth of the bar while they over see everybody enjoying the party.
Flanker: (smile) To be honest sir, this is the first time we ever been invited to a party.
Lancer: (smile) Agree. Thanks for inviting us.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. You two have been with me and my master till the very end and you both help me so much. It's my way to say thank you.
The two node while Lop pet him on the back and ask him.
Lop: are doing?
Y/n: Pretty good but I really do miss him. But I know he'll be proud of me of rebuilding the Jedi order and teaching the next generation of Jedi.
Flanker: (smile) Yeah and we're here to help you no matter what.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks you guys. I really appreciate with it.
They smile while Jinn and Kleene walk over to them as Y/n turn to see them.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Jinn and Kleene, enjoying the party.
Jinn: Well Kleene is...I'm not.
Kleene: This party is great.
Lancer: Um it doesn't look like your not having a great time.
Kleene: Don't you remember I don't have emotions so I'm using this device on my hair to tell I am happy or not.
They look close to the device and see a happy smile and Lancer understood.
Lancer: Oooohhhh okay that makes sense.
Y/n: (smile) Still lighting up Jinn. This is a party and everybody here is happy.
Jinn: I don't do parties, especially people who are staring at us. It's best we be leaving.
Kleene: Okay. Bye Y/n.
Once that the two left and once they were gone Flanker said.
Flanker: Well we can't have a crew who is serious all the time.
Lancer: Agree. You think he'll get along.
Y/n: (smile) I know he can. He's just fighting for his sister and maybe one day...he'll be fighting for us.
Rebecca: Oh hey there (hic) Y/n.
They turn and see Rebecca move her body a bit while giving Y/n a smile as Y/n can see that Rebecca is already drunk.
Y/n: (smile) Oh Rebecca, we walk in for 5 minutes and now your drunk.
Rebecca: Hey I'm not dr-(hic) drunk! I'm feeling great! (Hic) Hey, why is there a rabbit here?
Lop: Who me?
Rebecca: (smile) Aaaww I love rabbits (hic) come here rabbit.
Lop: Wait Rebecca wait!
Then Rebecca hugs Lop and start to stroke her head while cuddling her furr while she drunkly smiles as Lancer and Flanker lend our a chuckle while Y/n looks over to see Shiki as he walk over to him and once there Shiki turns to him.
Shiki: (smile) Hey man, what's happening!
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good Shiki. I've heard you've been training.
Shiki: (smile) Yep! I wanna be stronger so I can protect my friends!
Y/n: (smile) That's good to hear. You know, Ziggy will be proud of you.
Shiki: (smile) Thanks, same to your master.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
The two smile as Shiki and Y/n look out of the window while Shiki asked.
Shiki: So when do you think Weisz will be back?
Y/n: Who knows. Help he is having a safe journey, it's not like him to dodge a party like this.
Shiki: Because he flirts with other girls.
Y/n: Well that and drinking expensive drinks.
Shiki: Still you think he'll be fine.
Y/n: (smile) Well you know him. He have been getting out tough situations so I'm sure he'll get out of what ever situation he is doing.
Shiki agrees as the party gose on for another hour and soon it was time for them to leave. Now we see Lop being drunk after Rebecca bet her to take one drink which she did. In the end as see Y/n carrying her and since it will be too far to get to Edens Zero, he decided to stay at a hotel for the night.
Once they rent a room Y/n place Lop on the bed and she lay there as she drifted off to sleep. Y/n watch her sleep peaceful disbite her bring drunk but he find it to be cute as he turn sto head to his own bed when he was grabbed by the arm.
He turn to see Lop looking at him as Y/n ask her.
Y/n: You okay Lop? Do you need any-
But he was pulled onto the bed and his lips were made by hers as she kissed him on the lips. Soon Y/n stop her and tells her.
Y/n: Lop your drunk, you should get some re-
Lop: (giggle) Your really are cute and sweet. You sure you don't want to have some "fun" with me?
Then she rolled Y/n over and now Lop was on top of Y/n qs she look to him as she can't hide this feeling any longer and tells Y/n.
Lop: I...I can't hold back this feeling any longer. I love you so much and....I wanna do it. I want to make you feel really REALLY nice.
Y/n was blushing deep and he was trying to say something but Lop cover his mouth with her finger.
Lop: Sssshhhhh don't say anything. You know what....maybe I can start while you lay there and....relax.
(Lemon start)
Lop crawl down to his pants and took them off and his underwear. She looks at his dick and lend out a giggle before she grab his dick and licks it which made Y/n gasp a bit as Lop continues licking his dick and soon she stick her whole mouth into his dick and giving him a blow job as Y/n lend back his head and lend out some moans.
He really feels turned on and doesn't stop Lop but allows her to do her job as she continues sucking his dick as it gets bigger and bigger.
Y/n: (moaning) Oh Lop~! Lop don't stop~! I can feel it~! There it cums!
After a while of Lop sucking his dick harder and faster, Y/n lend out a moan as his cums exploded into Lops mouth. She remove her mouth from Y/n's dick and wipe most of his cums off her lips while she drink the rest as Y/n was panting as Lop crawl up to him and the two look at each other.
Lop: (smirk) Ready for more?
Y/n: (panting) Y-Yeah. I'm ready for more.
Lop was surprised when Y/n kisses he'd on the lips which she kiss him back as they slowly took off their clothes and throw them around thier hotel rooms as they are now naked as Y/n gently stroke on Lop's furr all the way down to her butt and squeeze her butt checks which made Lop moan as Y/n get his tongue into and the two play around their tongues as Y/n pinned Lop to the ground as they were done making out and they look at each other.
Y/n stick his dick into Lop's vagina and start thrust his dick into her slow and light as Lop lend out some moans while he and Lop continues to make out more whike Y/n grabs one of her breast and squeeze it.
Lop: (moaning) Oh Y/n~!
He lower his head and start kissing her neck which made her really turned on and soon he forced on thrusting his dick into her faster as the bed moved while the two have sex. Lop and Y/n were having lots of fun as they're orgasm kicked in as the two lend out a loud moan and after that they catch thier breaths. They look at each other and they make out once more. Soon we see Lop grabbing holf on the bed while Y/n was standing on the bed as he stick his dick inro her butt and start thrusting his dick into her butt as Lop lend out a loud moan.
Lop: (moaning) Ooohhhh my Y/n yes~!
Y/n gose faster and harder as Lop eyes rolled back a bit as they continue on for another while and after several moans and cries of pleasure they lend out one last moan and Tey were done.
The two fell onto the bed as Lop lay next to Y/n and cuddle him as Y/n pulls over the blanket for them and turn off the lights.
(Lemon ends)
We see the two laying in bed at the dark with the onky light is the full moon as we see the two cuddling together and breathing heavily while they are naked. They slowly open their eyes and stare at each other and then they kissed for a shot while before they stop.
Lop: (smile) That was amazing Y/n. I love you so much.
Y/n: (smile) Me too Lop. I love you too as well.
Soon Lop falls asleep which Y/n just smiled and kiss Lop on the forehead before he too falls asleep. Then we cut to outside when we see two unknown troopers with one sewing the hotel that he and Lop are staying at as he stood up and turn to the other trooper.
???: We must tell our lord that he is here and he is alive.
??? 2: Agree. Let us go.
They leave the roof and seconds later we see a ship flying out of Blue Garden atmosphere and we see clearly it is a old ship that looks like it was from the aold Republic days.
Once they were clear, they jump into Hyper space and they disappeared to report this news to their Lord within the unknown areas of space.
To be continued..........................
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