Chapter 39: For justice, peace and.....friends
We over see the Belial Gore Station floating through space looking as peace like it was before. Then suddenly a tie fighters flies by following by two Republic fighters as he turn to see a massive space battle between a massive fleet of Republic forces with a Defender and a few star destroyers as the tie fighters try it's best to survive now since there are too many Republic fighters.
We see them getting blow up everywhere and being taking out by Republic fighters as tie fighters try their best uo dodge but there was no point as they even get shot by another Republic fighters, accidentally crashed into Republic Venator class ships, crash into Imperial star destroyers or to other fighters.
This happens within the bridge of Edens Zero as we see Maria livking her lollipop while watching the fire fight happen outside. With her was Diego and a few shadow Stormtroopers guarding the prisoners while Witch and Hermit are seen laying down offline. Then a Imperial commando burst into the bridge and tells them.
Imperial commando: Sir, Ma'am! Republic forces have enter the ships and taking down many Imperial Commandos. We need Edens Zeros defences online and now!
Diego: Seth is doing his best but something is wrong. Seth, got it fixed?
Then Seth's face appear on the screen as he downloaded himself into Edens Zero's systems but something is blocking him.
Seth: No I can't fix it. What ever is happening I can't activate anything.
Maria: You think someone must have escape and try to take back Edens Zero?
Diego: That or it's one of those Republic troops. Maria head there and stop them, I'll try and see if I can figure out what's going on.
Maria: On it. Your with me commando.
Imperial commando: Yes ma'am!
The two head off while Diego get on the computers and see what's going on while we see a door open behind him and someone walking up behind Diego as he have a feeling and turn around and look down.
Diego: What the-
Suddenly he was stunned several times and he fells unconscious while the crew were shocked to see who came and save them.
We cut to a firefight that is happening at the halls of Edens Zero as we see Republic troopers lead by Eric and Reznya as they open fire at the Imperial Commandos and Death troopers and taking them out as Delta squad arrive as they open fire at the last Imperial forces while some retreated.
Scorch: Ha! How is that you bucketheads! Get off of our ship!
Fixer: Never suspected they have manage to capture Edens Zero. They must have gotten some help.
Eric: Maybe. Max see you can hack into Edens Zero's system and try to get it back online.
Max nodes and plugs in and gose through Edens Zero system but he was surprised and said.
Max: (surprised) There is something blocking the enemy of getting through Edens Zero's whole system.
Boss: Who?
Max: No idea but who ever this person might be is incredibly smart.
Sev: Incoming!
They look over to see Maria and a few imperial Shadow Stormtroopers as Maria see them. One trooper was about to fire but she stretch her hand and grab his blaster and what it off of his hand. She pulls back her arm as she fire the stolen blaster and take out the trooper and throw away the blaster.
Eric: Leave her to me.
Reznya: Be careful.
Eric: (smirk) I'm always carful.
Eric faces Maria and quick pulls out his twin blaster pistols and open fire at the Shadow Stormtroopers and took them out which impress her.
Maria: Nice shot. You must have trained well.
Eric: Your under arrest Maria. You and your Imperial forces have lost.
Maria: (smirk) We'll see about that.
She stretch out her arm to strike at him but he moves out of the way and open fire at her but she dodges the blue bolts and pulls back her arm and stretch out her leg to kick him but he leaps hard to the left and gets up close to her and swing his leg to her but she dodges and punch him in the his gut but it's been protect by his armor so he didn't feel it as he throw punches at her.
Maria dodges it and even catches his fist and strike blows at his helmet a few times until he catch her fist and headbutt her which cost her to stumble back. She stretch out both her arms to grab both blasters and open fire at him but he dodges the bolts in quick speed and fire two bolts and knock the two blasters off of her. Once that he rushes over and kick her that slammed her onto a wall and to the ground. She was about to get up when Eric pulls out his blaster pistol at her as she looks up at him.
Eric: Sweet dreams.
He stun her as she fells unconscious. Once that was done Republic troopers race towards the bridge along with Delta squad as Reznya walks over and kiss him on the cheek as she took off his helmet.
Reznya: (smirk) Now that was badass.
Eric: (smirk) That's what I am and don't you forget it.
Reznya giggles while the two catch up to them qs they enter the bridge as Boss yells out.
Boss: Everyone don't.....move?
They lower theie blaster to see the crew alright and Witch and Hermit are awake and online with Ella with them ad Boss walks over and asked.
Boss: What happened? I thought you were offline?
Witch: (smile) We were and let's just say she saved the day.
Scorch: (surprised) Wait?! You mean Ella saved you?
Ella: (smile) Yep. I see that everyone was in trouble so I block that meanie robot from taking control of the ship. Luckily I did and now he is in here.
She show them a chip with Seth inside as Boss take it and everyone was surprised as he pet her on the head.
Boss: (smile) Nice job kid. I think you just saved Edens Zero and its crew.
Witch: (smile) Indeed. Thank you Ella.
Ella: (smile) No problem.
Soon Sister and Mosco came in to the bridge ad they were just wokening up after Being offline for a while.
Sister: Man remind me not to lay my guard down next time.
Mosco: Is it over?
Boss: Not yet. We still have Drakken to take down. Come on, let's head into that station and end this for good!
Republic troopers: Sir yes sir!
Inside was a warzone as Republic reinforcement has arrived with several Republic tanks and walkers as they blow away the Stormtroopers and Dark troopers that were pinning down Asa, Jimin, Kameko, Bad Batch and Fordo as they see them racing towards them as Wrecker cheered.
Wrecker: Hahaha! Now that's i like to call back up! Haha!
Asa: (sigh) I thought we be dead for sure.
Fordo: How do they even know we were in trouble?
Hunter: Don't know but glad they came just in time.
Miwa: You all alright?
Then Miwa rushes over to them as Fordo walk over to her.
Fordo: Yes ma'am, thanks for the assist but how?
Miwa: We've gotten Y/n's distress beacon and we came here as soon as possible.
Fordo: So it was Y/n. We should thank him after this. Where is the rest of the Generals?
Miwa: Quinlan is in the Defender controlling the space battle while Yei is with Oki to take control the hangers while Leiko is with Doom and his company to take control of the station. Right now we must holf off any Imperial forces as we can.
Fordo: Yes ma'am.
We see a Stormtrooper behind them as he aims his blaster at Hunter only to be shot from behind as everyone turn to see Crosshair and Lop as Crosshair stare at Hunter and he and the Bad batch stare at him back. Lop rushes over to Miwa asshe turn to the two as Crosshair walks over ti Hunter and reach out his hand to him.
Hunter looks at his hand and to him and then smile as he take his hand and shake it.
Hunter: (smile) Good to have you back Crosshair.
Crosshair doesn't say anything while Jinn and Kleene walks over to Miwa and the rest.
Jinn: We've manage to push back the imperial forces. Now we just need to find Drakken and take him out.
Miwa: Sounds great....where is he?
Suddenly there was an explosion behind them in the distance which they turn to see flashing lights like there is a battle happening over there.
Kleene: I think he is over there.
Jinn: Agree.
Drakken was sent flying back and crashed onto a building while we see Y/n in his gold like armor that is glowing with his glowing golden eyes as Drakken exit out of the building and yells out as he stomp his foot and the ground shattered inro pieces as he reach out both of his hands and turn them all into arrows and fires it at Y/n.
But Y/n reach out his hand and the arrows turn into golden butterfly's as they fly towards Drakken and surround him as Drakken try his best to break free but he either can't see because they were glowing or what. Soon the butterfly's throws Drakken towards Y/n as he punches him in the guts and with one second, Drakken was sent flying and crash through five buildings and soon crash into a 5th one and fell on one knee while a glow appear as he look up to see Y/n immediately appear in front of him looking down at him.
He makes and fist and try to punch him but Y/n immediately catches his fist and then he lift Drakken with on hand and throw him which Drakken lands on the floor hard. He slowly stand up as he wipe the blood off of his face and looks up at Y/n in anger.
Drakken: (anger) No.....No! I won't let you win kid. Your just a brat! Just a brat! I WILL END YOU ALONG WITH YOUR FRIENDS!
He burst into dark Ether gear like energy as there is a dark orb surrounded around Drakken with his eyes glow while Y/n wasn't phase by that and tells him.
Y/n: Call me a kid all you want Drakken. It ain't gonna bother me or stop me of doing what I do best. No matter how string you might get, I'll be stronger because all my friends are my strength and the force and Ether gear flowing within me! I will not let you kill my friends Drakken, I will protect them! EVEN BY MEANS SACRIFICING MYSELF FOR THEM SO THEY CAN HAPPY!
(Battle theme start)
Then Y/n burst out of a golden Ether gear like engery as well with metal golden like Angel wings spreading out from his back as both Drakken and Y/n stare at each other as Drakken fired a dark beam but his wings fold in front of him and block the dark beam and soon the wings burst into feathers as the feather rain down at Drakken like arrows and hits Drakken ment times while Y/n appears in front of him and he start punching him in the stomach as he gose faster, faster and faster and soon his fist punches Drakken many times in a fast pace that anyone can barely see his fist striking blows at Drakken.
Drakken takes many of the hits as he slowly move his two hands together to form a fist and slams it down at Y/n but he immediately stop and immediately grab his fist that created a strong blast that shattered all the windows around them as Drakken struggle to land a blow and can't believe a young boy like him can even hold his two hands with one hand. Y/n use his other hand and upper punch Drakken in the check thqt sent Drakken flying up in the air and then slammed onto the glass of the station that cracked as eveyeone look up and see this in shock.
Drakken fell back down towards Y/n as he reach out his hands and water from everywhere around him start to come out and form around over Y/n's head as he throws the massive water at Drakken and he was hit by ut but then Y/n zaps Drakken with golden electricity that hits the water ans zaps Drakken as he scream in pain. The water burst and he continue to fell but before he could hit the ground Y/n slams his fist at him to the ground, kick him up in mide air and then punched him that sent Drakken flying and land hard to the ground.
Drakken: (thought) N-N-No th-th-this can't be happening.
He slowly gets up while he looks over to see his hands glow as he takes a deep breath and slowly pkace his hands together as a massive golden ball of engery appear over Y/n which shocked Drakken as Y/n grabs it and then tosses it towards Drakken.
Drakken: (thought) No,no,no,no,no,no NONONONONONONO!!!!!!!
He was hit by this engery has he try to escape but fail as he was sent flying and then Y/n leaps over and flies towards Drakken as he calls out.
He the slammed his fist at Drakken and there was a bright glow followed by a blast that destroyed all of the Imperial star destroyers in space while leaving some alive as Joben and the rest of the grand Admirals were shocked to see how many fleets they lost and immediately they pull back.
(Battle theme ends)
They jump into Hyper space and escape the area while we cut to the ruined and damaged section of town as we see Y/n without his golden armor and breathing heavily as we see Drakken laying on the ground and at least Drakken defeated.
Y/n stood there looking at Drakken laying on the ground defeated as he breaths heavily and standing there as wind blow by him as he look at his hand and can't believe he does it. He won.
Rebecca: Y/n! Y/n!
He slowly turn around to see Rebecca, Shiki, Homura, Weisz, Pino and Happy rushing over to him as he smile at them and he stumble towards them and as soon they get close, Y/n can't take it and fell both Rebecca catch him and Y/n falls unconscious with a smile on his face.
Rebecca lay him down as eveyeone were glad to see him alright as Weisz looks over to Drakken.
Weisz: (surprised) Did he just beat one of the most dangerous crime loads in the whole galaxy!?
Shiki: (smile) Yep! That's Y/n alright!
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah, that's Y/n alright.
She looks down at the unconscious Y/n as she smile and kiss him on the forehead.
Rebecca: (thought) Thank you for giving us hope Y/n. Than you.
Soon Republic troopers manage to arrive and take Drakken away along with any Imperial or criminals whike they take the still unconscious Y/n to medical bay on board Edens Zero as eveyrthing breath a sigh to see that the battle is finally over and they won.
(Hours later)
We see Y/n laying in a medical bed with his eyes shuts until they suddenly move and he open his eyes. His eyes were in a blurr but soon he can see clearly as he sat up and look around.
Y/n: I'm I back at....Edens zero?
Yogi: Yep. You are.
He looks over to see Yogi with his mandalorian armor on with bandages wrap around his lost arm as he smile at Y/n.
Yogi: (smile) Glad your awake man.
Y/n: Yogi! I'm so so sorry I didn't have time to save you!
Yogi: (smile) It's fine really I'm okay. Just glad you won.
Y/n: What happened?
Yogi: (smile) Well you defeated Drakken and sent what's left of the imperial forces running. After this the whole galaxy heard about you stopping one of the most dangerous criminals ever and see the Republic as hope so they start to rebel and drag the empire away.
Y/n: So that means.
Yogi: (smile) Yep, the galaxy is now ours. The Republic....has taking control the unknown Region.
Y/n was shocked by this and he can't believe it. Soon Flanker and Lancer came in and see Y/n awake.
Flanker: Y/n! Lancer call everyone here and tell him he is awake.
Lancer agrees and rushes off while Flanker rush over to him.
Flanker: You okay sir?
Y/n: I'm okay. Good to see to Flanker.
Flanker: Same here. I was worried me and Lancer will lose you as well.
Y/n: you know what happens to Zen.
Flanker: Yeah we do.
The two were silent for a moment as Yogi lay back down to get some rest while Flanker place a hand on his shoulder and tells him.
Flanker: matter what happens. I'm always with you till the end.
Y/n: (smile) Thqnk you Flanker.
Flanker smiled and soon everyone came in after Lancer told him and they surround Y/n and asking him if he is alright and he need any help. Y/n just look at everyone and then start to tear up.
Witch: Are you okay?
Hermit: Your crying!
Shiki: (tears) I don't like you to cry Y/n!
Y/n: (tears) I'm okay.....I'm just....I'm just....
He looks at everyone still in tears but with a smile on his face as he said with tears of joy.
Y/n: (tears) I finally get uo save the people I care for! I've managed to save all of you.
They all smiled and they hugged Y/n as he smile with still tears in his eyes while we see Quinlan smiling and watching this as we soon cut to Belial Gore and inside a park we see Y/n was finished as he stood up and stare at his master's grave and honouring his sacrifice.
He stood there looking at his grave as Rebecca who was behind him approach him and place a hand on his shoulder.
Rebecca: You okay?
Y/n: Yeah. I'm really going to miss him. I may have saved all of you but.....I failed to save him.
Rebecca hugs him and tells him.
Rebecca: No you haven't. Your master give his life for you and give you the strength you needed to win. And in the end, you did and he should be proud of you for what you did.
Y/n: (smile) Right. Thanks Rebecca. I love you.
Rebecca: (smile) Love you too.
The two kissed just as Ella rushes over to them as Y/n stop and see her as Y/n bend down and grab her and pick her up.
Ella: (smile) I know you win daddy!
Y/n: (smile) Yep and Witch told me what you did, we're so proud of you!
Rebecca: (smile) You were very brave Ella and saved everyone on Edens Zero.
Ella: (smile) Because I knew that you both will never give up so that means I never give up!
The two smile as they hear fireworks as they look up to see fireworks as the Republic celebrated thier victory and dragging the empire away as they know take control of all planets as we see every planet celebrating and on board Edens Zero as they cheered while some smiled.
Y/n, Rebecca, Ella and now Happy are sat down on the grass watching the fire works going off as Y/n and Rebecca look to each other and hold hands as they watch the fireworks as hope is now the cosmic galaxy can now live in peace knowing that the empire....Will no longer bother any planet any more.
On a unknown planet we see Elsia's ship floating over the planet as we see a small island and a hut near a beach as we see a man cooking some soup while we see Elsia appear behind him at his door and said.
Elsia: You won't believe what your son just did.
???: What do you mean?
Elsia: (smile) Your son manage to not only defeat Drakken but also make the empire run away and now the Cosmic galaxy is now in peace.
???:......That maybe so but I feel this ain't over yet.
???: I seen the future Elsia.....and I think he might return.
Elsia: You sure?
???: I'm positive Elsia. He will return and as soon he dose......I'll be ready.
Elsia: You sure your up to do it again?
???:.......I have no choice's either I finish him off for good of leave him alive. I can't risk that Elsia....I can't risk any of that and I also can't risk of him getting hid hands on.....Y/n. I must do what ever I can to protect the cosmic galaxy, mother son.
To be continued........................
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