Chapter 38: Light vs Dark

We see Xiaomei standing in the void of space facing away the viewer as she stood there in silence until she start off by saying.

Xiaomei: Light and Dark are two things that is always have been fight for many years. Light shows hope, justice, honour, truth and peace to the galaxy, allowing beings in the galaxy to live in peace knowing there is hope out there in the galaxy. Whike at the other side is Dark, I shows power, fear, horror, anger, injustice and chaos. The Dark try to wipe out any hope within the galaxy and spread hopless and darkness to the galaxy.

Suddenly the room around her change and one side was the light with brown cloaked jedi holding different coloured light sabers beside red. And at the other was dark with black cloak fighters holding red light sabers as Xiaomei turns to the viewer and tell them.

Xiaomei: You all know of two sides who each have both of those things. On the left you have the light, which are the Jedi while the other the dark, also known as the sith. Both clash for many years either the light won...or the dark won. Both side fought until the rise or the empire and the fall of the Jedi order. The galaxy turned into darkness after that and hope....was lost.....but no matter how dark the darkness can go deep within all of us....there is also light that will shine out and win. Because as we never gone within our hearts....and never have been gone.


Screams of Yogi is heard as we see Drakken holding his active red light saber while he laughs as we see Yogi's arm being sliced off by Drakken as he scream in pain.


Yogi slowly stop screaming and then falls unconscious as Drakken stops laughing and deactivated his light saber as he turn to a Stormtroopers.

Drakken: Take him to the sick bay but don't kill him.

Stormtrooper: Sir yes sir.

They dragged the unconscious Yogi away while he turn back to Shiki, Rebecca and Homura who were traumatised now and scared which made him smile.

Drakken: (smirk) So? What have we learned today? Besides bad languages, if you wanna become heroes on some adventure  and come across someone who is more powerful then you. Next time, don't come across them in anyway otherwise that might happen.

Rebecca: (thought) Y/n....where are you? I'm scared.

We then cut to outside where we see two Stormtroopers standing guard and getting bored when hisnguard partner shake his shoulder and point to the cloak figure who is walking towards them as the wind gently blow as the two Stormtrooper aim their blasters at him.

Stormtrooper 1: Freeze! Don't mo-

Suddenly they were slammed onto the wall by a invisible force and they fall unconscious while the cloak figure calmly walk over to the door and the door suddenly open by it self as the cloak figure walk inside.

He walk through the halls as other Stormtroopers spotted him and rushes over to him to stop him but suddenly they were slammed into walls, being pushed far back and even slammed onto the ground while the cloak figure just walk by them like he is ignoring them.

Then one imperial officer who has a blaster pistol and hiding around the corner came out and open fire at him but the bolts stop right at his face which shocked the imperial officer. Then the bolts gose different direction as he reach out his hand and the imperial officer was sent flying towards him and grab him by the shirt.

???: Where is Drakken?

The imperial officer didn't say anything but he can sense him at the top floor so he knocks the imperial officer out and make his way to the next few floors while using the force within his mind to throw away the Stormtroopers away while we cut back to Drakken as he pinned Shiki down at tne floor and aim his blasted pistol at his head.

Drakken: You get the point kid? Never mess with either me or the empire or else.

Shiki was speechless by eveyething that has happened and this can't end like this.

He can't let his adventure end. He has met so many people in his life and can't believe this is how it will end.

Drakken: (smirk) quiet aren't we? Well kid, say something!

Drakken: That's just pathetic, crying in front of women?

He laughs while some Stormtroopers laugh as well as Shiki thinks to himself.

Shiki: (thought) It wasn't supposed to be like this. This should've been a fun adventure. Where I'd make lots of friends...and everyone would get along.

Shiki: It wasn't supposed to be like this......

He slowly get himself up while some Stormtroopers and Dark troopers aim their blasters at him while he stood up.

Shiki: But I won't give up.

Drakken stare at Shiki which guve him a smirk as he aims his blaster at his forehead and tells him.

Drakken: (smirk) There won't be a someday. Your adventure...ends here.

Drakken have his finger on the tripper as eveyrone was silence as Drakken smirked and ready to kill Shiki once and for all and end their adventure right here.

But suddenly the floor beneath him suddenly burst upward, sending him flying and crash onto the ceiling which shocked everyone while a cloak figure leap out of the hole and lands in front of the trio as the Stormtroopers around them aim their blasters at him but he reach out of the force and force pushed every Stormtrooper and dark trooper with one of the most powerful force pushed Shiki, Rebecca and Homura have never seen.

And then he dose to the same in front of them as they were sent flying back while scream and slammed at the end of the hall. Once that he looks up and reach out his hand and pulled the ceiling that Drakken crashed at falling down and just before it hit the ground, the cloak figure thrust both of his arm back meeting eyes to Drakken as he thrust his arms forward and created one of the most powerful and stronger force pushed in the whole galaxy.

Drakken immediately crashed at the far end of the wall so much that there was an explosion of dust that there is no way no one would have survived.

Shiki, Rebecca and Homura looks at the cloaked figure who has saved them as he pulled down his hood and turn and they see it was Y/n.

Rebecca: Y/n!

Y/n: You three okay?

Homura: Yes we are.

Y/n gets behind them and set them free. Homura and Rebecca hugged Y/n to see that not only help is alright but he saved them as well.

They stop hugging as Shiki walks up to him and the twi fist pump.

Shiki: (smile) Thanks for the save man.

Y/n: (smile) No problem man.

They hear something moving up ahead which so Y/n tell them.

Y/n: Find Yogi and get out of here. I'll take on Drakken.

Rebecca: Can you even beat him?

Y/n: (smile) Have faith Rebecca. May the force by with you, always.

Rebecca believes Y/n and the trio rush off to find Yogi while Y/n turn to the dark end halls as he hears Drakken's voice within the darkness.

Drakken: You have made the biggest mistake of your life.....Jedi.

His face is revealed when he active his red light saber that glow on his face as he glare at Y/n with extreme anger while Y/n stay calm as he took off his cloak amd throw it away.

Y/n: No. It's you who have made the biggest mistake in your life Drakken. Harming my friends, slicing off Yogi's arm and making them cry. It's you that you must pay.

Drakken: (anger) I like to see you try. Let's see what jedi's like you....can do.

Then the floor beneath Y/n turns liquid and nearly sink Y/n but he leaps up in quick speed and reach out and freezes the floor as he lands at the ice floor.

Then Drakken slice his light saber onto the metal floor that launches sparks that turns into flames as the flames fly towards Y/n but he reach out his hand and the flames gets turned into a flaming ball and grow smaller and smaller until he grab it like a tennis ball and crush the flames which surprised Drakken.

Drakken: Impressive....Well light see what you can do in light sabe combat.

Y/n: Glad you suggested that.

He pulls out both his own light saber and his fallen master's light saber as he active both and he charges at Drakken as Drakken smirks and charge at him. Once they get close the three blades clashed, creating a blast of wind as the two enter a saber lock enter they leap back but dash over and strike blow to blow, clashing their sabers as sparks fly out of their sabers as they tattle each other.

Y/n can tell Drakken didn't train himself to fight jedi with light saber combat but he is shown to be strong and quick in his arms as he block his blow with both light saber as Drakken keeps on striking and striking him with everything he got.

Then Drakken slammed his hand and turn the ice they are standing on into water and the water wrap around Y/n like a snake and he was trapped within water as Drakken smirked even more. But suddenly he disappeared in front of his eyes and look around for him when he appears behind him and Drakken turn and quickly block his saber strike. The two go back to saber fighting qs they clash their sabers at each other and then Drakken kicked Y/n so hard he crashed through a wall and off the highest building but he reach out of the force and grabs a wire as he swings back as Drakken look out of the hole to see if he is dead but he was double kicked by Y/n as he dose a back flip in mide air and land on his feet behind Drakken as he turn to him.

Drakken stood up and wipe the blood of his mouth and turn to him with anger now. He reach out his hand and Y/n suddenly feel like his body is frozen up and see he is turning into stone as Drakken smirked as Y/n was turned completely to stone.

Drakken: (Evil chuckle) Good luck of trying to get out of that! No one hasn't broken themselves out from turning inro stone! NO ONE!

He laughs thinking he won but cracks appear which made Drakken stop as more and more cracks start to appear around the stoned Y/n which shocked Drakken as Y/n breaks out of his stoned trap and dashed over and the two enter a saber lock.


Y/n: You maybe powerful Drakken but your never as stronge as I am.

Drakken grind his teeth and leaps back as he pulls out his blaster pistol and fire at him but he blocks them with both his light sabers and to see he can do the same reach out both ends and all the fallen Stormtrooper blasters were lifted up in the air and aimed at Drakken and soon the blaster open fire as rec bolts rain out as Drakken as he try to block them with his saber but there was too many as he try his best to block them but he gets overwhelmed.

He step back which the blasters stop firing and fell onto the ground as Y/n walks over to Drakken and aims his masters saber at him.

Y/n: It's over Drakken. You have lost.

Drakken: Lost.....Lost.....LOST!!!!

He grab Y/n's masters saber and takes it out of his hand and crushes it and drops it to the ground as Y/n watch hid masters saber being destroyed. Then he blocks Drakken's saber as the two clash sabers once more as Y/n dodges his swings while blocking his strikes.

Then Drakken kicked Y/n nearly off the building as Drakken just glare at Y/n and tell him.

Drakken: Your blind Jedi! Your Republic has lost! Your all alone and hope......your hope as ran out!

There was silence between them as the wind gently blow by Y/n as he lower his head and he smirked.

Y/n: (smirk) Wow. Just....just wow. Everything that you said just now......was wrong. The Republic haven't lost, me and the rest ain't alone and hope.....hope never runs out on us. endless.

After he said that suddenly more venator class ships exit out of Hyper space and there weer so many of them. The Republic fleet was far more bigger then Drakken thought as everyone from Shiki, Rebecca and Homura at the sick bay where Yogi is at looking out of their window, to Asa, Kameko, Jimin, Bad batch, Fordo and other Republic troopers who we're getting overwhelmed but look up to see an army do Republic fleets jumping out for Hyper space and coming last was the Defender. The Defender was even bigger then Drakken's station as all the grand Admirals who arrive to assist were shocked by this massive army.

Form their line of service within the army......they haven't seen a massive fleet like this one before. Drakken was shocked by this as he turn to Y/n who was smirking at him.

Drakken: (anger) WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!

Y/n: (smirk) I've sent a distress beacon to Quinlan and other Republic forces and sent them our coordinations and...let's say they arrive here just in time.

Soon a massive space battle erupted as Republic fighters immediately destroy the tie fighters and Gunships were making it's way to the station while some to Edens Zero to retake it as Drakken yells out in rage and charge at Y/n.

He tackle him and the two fell off the building together as Drakken throws punches to Y/n in his blind rage but he punched him back as the two fought each other while they fell.

Soon they crashed onto the floor, creating a large explosion of dust once they crashed. Among the smoke we see Y/n very injured with his jedi outfit a bit torn and ripped but he was alright as he stumble out of the dust when a hand grab his head as Drakken behind him start to squeeze his head while he said.

Drakken: Your getting inro my nerves kid. I've never met anyone who get in my nerves except for you....Jedi.

Then the smoke clears up as we see Drakken in his overdrive state as he tosses Y/n across the city and he slammed onto the wall of his building while he walk towards him whioe he guve Y/n a death glare.

Drakken: Kids like you must be punished if you piss any adults off.

He walks over to Y/n and aim his blaster pistol at his head as he glare at Y/n while he tells him.

Drakken: Any last words kid?

Y/n stare at Drakken and flashes of eveyrone appear in his head. Anakin, Ahoska, Kenobi, Yoda, Quinlan, Shiki, Weisz, Happy, Pino, Homura, Witch, Hermit, Sister Irvy, Mosco, Connor and everyone one else he loves and cares for appear in his head with smiles looking at Y/n which made his way glow as Ether gear marks appear of his body as he grab the Drakken's blaster pistol and once he touch it, it was immediately blown up which shocked Drakken as a burst of blast sent Drakken back as Y/n slowly stand up with Ether gear marks appear around his body and crawling up to his face as he open his eyes to see them pure of gold and filled with the light.

Y/n: Your the darkness of this galaxy Drakken. The one that strike fear to others and bring death and destruction to all you come across. Shattered the dreams, hopes and beliefs to everyone you come across.....but your darkness apon the galaxy ends today.

Drakken: (thought) Wh-What is this?! I've never seen anyone who is powerful then I am!?

He pulls out his light sabe and rushes towards him and swings at him but Y/n grabs tne blade of the saber and crushes the saber while at the same time Drakken's light saber hilt exploded into millions of pieces as Drakken step back and for the first time in his whole life....Drakken.....was shaking. He was shaking in fear to see Y/n in this new Ether gear he never come across before.

Drakken: (shocked) J-J-Just who the hell are you?!

Y/n: My name ie Y/n L/n, a Jedi Knight and I will be this galaxies true light of justice.

Drakken: (shocked) Th-Th-This......This....THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!

Then Y/n burst into a golden blast as his torn of clothes was covered up by gold armor thet surrendered his whole body and soon his back spread metal gold like angel wings as he fly over Drakken while he looks up at Y/n as a glow appear down from Y/n as he stare at Drakken almost like he was God.

Drakken: (shocked) Oh my god!

Y/n: Now Drakken.......Time to end this battle.....Once and for all.

To be continued......................

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