Chapter 37: The Final test
Rebecca is slowly waking up after hearing what sound like alarms blurring as she slowly open her eyes and slowly sat up and see she was in a holding cell as she look around in a panic and realising that she has been captured.
Rebecca: (shocked) What the?! How did I get here? What is this place?
Stormtroopers run pass her in front of her cell while alarms were blurring outside as she stood up and get closer to see what is going on when she heard calm footsteps coming towards her and Cody appear in front of her cell as she step back a bit to stare back at him.
Cody: Drakken would like to see you.
Cody open her cell and she step out and has no choice but to go with Cody. The two walk through the halls as Rebecca looks at Cody and sees that he is a clone so she try to tell her.
Rebecca: Hey listen, i can tell that your a clone and you know that this isn't right. The empire is something your don't want ti fight for.
Cody: I fight for the empire now be quiet or I'll knock you out.
Rebecca stay silent as they arrive to Drakken's room as Cody open the door and step inside as he salute to Drakken.
Cody: I've brought the prisoner for you sir!
We see Drakken staring out of the window watching the chaos that is happening between the Republic and Empire while holding a wine glass as he tells Cody.
Drakken: (smirk) Thanks you Cody. You may leave now.
Cody nodes and turn and make his leave. Once that Drakken turn to Rebecca whoch Rebecca step back in fear which Drakken sees this as he assures Rebecca.
Drakken: Never worry, I'm not going do anything to you. I just want to talk with you, here have a seat.
He sat down his own chair whioe Rebecca was hesitant at first but with no choice she sat down across from him as Drakken take a sip of his drink.
Drakken: After for so long we finally met. Too bad your jedi friend ain't here to meet me, I have something to show him if he was here.
Rebecca: What do you want from us?
Drakken: (smirk) Well if you must know, there is something within Edens Zero that you want and what the empire wants that can chance the galaxy forever.
Rebecca: What is it do you want in there? And even if you know where it is, you never get it!
Drakken: (chuckle) Oh my dear Rebecca you must be blind, I ready have it.
Rebecca: What?
Drakken: (smirk) You see Rebecca there is a Ether gear that is able to go through time and space, changing different points in time and alternate time itself. Of course I want it for my own reasons but the empires reason is very interesting. They told me that their Emperor wants this power to control time and be able to change the past to make a better future....or make him immortal. This Ether gear can do any of those things.
Rebecca: I don't understand. There is no machine powerful enough to do that.
Drakken: (smirk) Oh Rebecca it's not a's a person and I'm looking at that person right now.
Rebecca eyes widen in fear as Drakken stare at her with a evil smirk.
Drakken: (smirk) Your our target Rebecca....or should I say No.29?
We see Omega, Lop, Happy and Pino still at Sibir's bar as Weisz is being taking care of by Sibir, while Crosshair is seen still tied up and not saying anything to no one. Then Omega walks up to him with some glass of water as Crosshair looks up at her and look away.
Omega: Thought you might be thirsty.
Crosshair: I'm fine.
Omega set the glass on a table ans sat next to him.
Omega: I'm sorry for knocking you out.
Crosshair: Why are you apologising to your enemy?
Omega: Your not our enemy Crosshair. Your Hunter and the rest is brother and.....your also my brother as well Crosshair. You even save my life and AZ as well while we try to escape Kamino.
Crosshair just look away not finding the words to say anything while Omega tells him.
Omega: You know, Shiki and the rest aren't bad. Shiki likes to make friends, Rebecca and Happy are B-Cuber, Pino is nice, Weisz is...alright, Homura is gentle and wise and everybody else are great people. You should know there is great people out there whike the empire isn't as great. They fully replace your brothers within the empire.
Crosshair: They now what they are doing.
Omega: You know, you need to understand that there is more to life then being a soldier. It's never all about being the best or what being a soldier gives you's abouts being free and spending some time with your brothers and the people around you. You maybe cold but Jinn is like you and he join us, you just need to understand that you can't just sided the empire that wants to take over the need to pick a side...that what you heart really wants to join.
Crosshair stood there in silence when suddenly the door was kicked open and Stormtroopers enter the bar and aim blasters at everyone within the bar. The Stormtroopers free Crosshair and once freed Fie enter the bar with a chuckle.
Fie: (smirk) Find ya!
Lop: How did you find us?!
Fie: (smirk) Do you honestly think I can't see you through that smoke? Ha! You all must be fool to think that.
Crosshair walks over to Fie while he put on his helmet and turns to everyone alright.
Fie: (smirk) Now how many times have you been captured Crosshair? Keep this up and you might be called "Crosshair the captured Clone trooper.
He laughs while Crosshair doesn't say anything while he met eyes with Omega while Sibir step forward.
Sibir: Please spare them, they're only kids.
Fie: (smirk) Sure they are. You know, I got a bit hot-headed back there, but I ain't gonna kill no one.....
He then pull out his blaster pistol at Sibir while the rest Aim their blasters at eveyrone else.
Fie: (smrik) No one but traitors.
Sibir shake in fear while Omega looks at Crosshair who looks at Fie and back at her as he stare at her in silence until he pull out his blaster and aim it at Sibir.
Crosshair: No. I do it.
Fie: (smirk) Fine.
Crosshair turns to Sibir as Sibir shakes in fear while Crosshair stood there for a bit with his finger at the trigger as Sibir shut his eyes and ready for his fate. Suddenly Crosshair aims his blaster at a mirror and fire as the bolt reflected around the bar and hit all the Stormtroopers and Fie as shot in the chest as all the Stormtroopers fell to the ground.
Eveyrone was surprised by this as Fie drop his blaster pistol and fell to his knees while he looks up at Crosshair with a glare.
Fie: (anger) What....the hell.....are you doing you stupid.....clone.
Crosshair remove his helmet and throw it aside while he aims his blaster pistol at Fie and tell him.
Crosshair: My name is Crosshair.....and I'm doing what is right.
Then he zapped Fie as he fell onto the ground unconscious while Crosshair lower his blaster and look at eveyrone else. He walks over to a Stormtrooper and pulls out a medical supplie and tossed it towards Sibir.
Crosshair: Here. This will heal your friend better.
Pino: (surprised) Wow that was amazing.
Happy: (surprised) You saved us. But why?
Crosshair:.....I just listened to what my heart told me....and I want.....I want to be with my brothers.
Omega smiled while Crosshair turns to Lop.
Crosshair: You coming kid? Hunter and the rest might need some help.
Lop: Um sure thing.
Sibir: (smile) Thank you for saving us.
Crosshair: Whatever.
The two walk out of the bar while Omega smile to see Crosshair is now back and he is going to help his brother in battle.
Light saber strikes is heard within gate-6 as we see Shiki, Homura and Yogi battling the dark troopers while qt the badk round we see Y/n battling Zen as they strike light sabers at each other.
Yogi fired a few blaster bolts at the dark troopers and it ain't doing anything to slow them down.
Yogi: What the hell are they made out of?!
Homura: I do not know but they are tough to fight.
Shiki: Still we're not leaving here until we get Rebecca!
Shiki slams his fist and sent all the Dark Troopers floating while Homura slice them all up and once that he Dark troopers were taking out and Y/n and Zen battle somewhere else as they turn to see them gone.
Yogi: Where did they go?
Shiki: No clue but let's go!
They were about to find them when suddenly they froze in place and look down to see their bodies slowly turning into stone.
Homura: What is this?!
Shiki: I....I can't move.
Yogi: Shit this can't be happening.
Soon they were completely turn into stone as Drakken and a few Stormtroopers walks up behind them as Drakken tells them.
Drakken: Take them to my home. It's time to teach these kids a lesson.
They node and carry the stoned Shiki, Homura and Yogi away while Drak troopers march over to Drakken as he turn to them.
Drakken: Find Zen and Y/n, once you did.....kill them both.
The Dark trooper node and they march on whioe Drakken smirk and turn and walk off to teach them a lesson.
We see Y/n and Zen battling out at the engine room as they clash their light sabers at each other and striking blows while sparks fly out of their sabers. They were on the second floor as Zen dealt some heavy blows to Y/n as he punch him in the chest making Y/n stumble back and catch himself with the handrail as he turn and block a light saber strike from Zen.
Zen: Give in to your hate padawan! Give in to the dark side! Join me and together we can take over this galaxy as master and apprentice.
Y/n: Never!
Zen: Too bad.
He kicked Y/n standing him off the second floor and slamming onto the walk way with lava below him as Zen leap down which Y/n leaps back as Zen lands to where Y/n has landed and walks over to him.
Zen: I can sense your anger padawan. Your fear, your frustration and all else. You must let it out, let the dark side take over you!
Y/n: I won't!
Zen: Why do you care for your friends? They will holf you back including Rebecca and the rest of the girls you love.
Y/n: Shut up!
He rush over and strike blows at Zen as they clash their light sabers at each other as Y/n dodges a punch and force pushed Zen back as he was sent back but lands at the far end of the walk way as he smirked and said.
Zen: You have someone do you? Someone who is very strong in the force do you? It's someone who is.......a child.....aaahhhhh so you have a daughter huh? That's cute, very cute indeed. I can not wait to turn her to the dark side and she will be my new apprentice.
Y/n: (anger) NO!
His eyes flash yellow as he charge at Zen and strike blows at Zen as the dark side took a hold of Y/n as he strike powerful blows to Zen while tears pour down of Y/n's face as he can't allow Zen to turn Ella to the dark side as he swings his light saber as Zen as he blocks his strikes.
Zen realised how powerful Y/n hss become and he can't get a chance to strike at him. After what seems like a long battle Y/n have manage to grab his hands and slice them up with his light saber as he fell to his knees while Y/n grab his light saber and active it and form an X qt his next qs he look at his Padawan with his eyes filled with hatred as he laugh.
Zen: Good my padawan good. You've gone stronger then I thought. I am very impressed, really I am. Now.....strike me down Padawan and complete your final test.
Y/n stare at his own masted with hatred in his eyes as Zen was ready for his fate and Y/n suddenly start to cry and he deactivated both light sabers and hugged Zen while he burst into tears.
Y/n: (tears) Master......please don't do this. You told me that no matter happens always believe in the force and yourself....I did....and now I see you turned to the dark side and joining the empire! I been waiting for you all my life master, waiting for you to arrive at Blue Garden just so we can complete pur training and meet many friends. I just....I just don't want to be alone anymore. I've lost so many people that I care for during the clone wars and I just.....I just don't want to lose you.
He then look at Zen still with tears with his eyes back to normal as he said.
Y/n: (tears) Please master (sniff) Come back to the light. were not just my master but.....a father figure to me. Just my master again.
Zen looks at Y/n as he looks down and realised what he has done. Suddenly he grabs Y/n and turn him around as a red blaster bolt hits Zen at the back while more bolts hits Zen as Dark troopers open fire at them.
Y/n was shocked as Zen call apon the force to tear down the second floor walk way and once that the dark troopers fell into the lava. Once that he fell to his knees while Y/n panic and drag him out of the engine room and set him in the hallway as he took off his helmet and throws it away.
Y/n: (panic) Master! MASTER! Stay with me please!
Zen: Y/n.....Y/n....I'm sorry.
Y/n: (panic) No No No I can still save you! Please let me save you!
Zen: It's too late for me. I......I can't move anymore......(Coughing) this is it.....I'm going to die.
Zen: Y/n listen to me.....your friends are in trouble. Right now Drakken is taking Shiki, Homura and Yogi to where Rebecca have to save them.
More tears came down from Y/n's as he looks at his master and just tell him.
Y/n: (tears) I don't even know I'm strong enough to help my friends.
Zen gentle move his hand and touch his cheek as he gives him a weak but warm smile.
Zen: (smile) My Padawan, I believe you can do this. I believe in you. You weren't stronger before but now.....I can sense your Ether gear and the force flowing around you and's your time to put that to the test. I know you can do this my Padawan and I'm truly am sorry for betraying you. I shouldn't have turned to the dark side....I failed you as a master a father figure.
Then Y/n hugs Zen once more still with tears in his eyes as he tells him.
Y/n: (tears) didn't fail me. You help me to become something that I am today. I will remember your lessons and your teaches forever and ever. Thank you.....thank you so much master.
Zen smile weakly knowing his time is nearly up as he pat him on the back while he tells him.
Zen: (smile) Your
Then he took his last breath and die as Y/n look at his now lifeless master as us body disappeared leaving his black clothes behind as he wipe the tears away and stood up.
He look both his and his master's light saber and knows what to do as he walks off to rescue Shiki, Homura, Yogi and Rebecca and end this battle once and for all.
We see Shiki laying on the floor back to normal and tied up as he suddenly wake up and sat up and realised he is tied up.
Rebecca: Where I'm I?
Homura: Shiki!
Rebecca: You okay?!
He sees Rebecca at his right while Homura at his left.
Shiki: Yeah I'm fine. But where is-
Drakken: I rather you not move a lot kid.
He looks in front of him to be faced with Drakken with Yogi behind him with Two Stormtroopers holding him as three dark trooper aim their blasters at Shiki, Homura snd Rebecca's heads while a army of Dark troopers and Stormtroopers were behind them while they were behind Drakken.
Drakken: (smirk) Must all really trashed my ship. Really you all did. Your Republic friends are still out there battling but it will not last long. My Dark trooper army will wipe them out for sure.
Shiki: (anger) You won't get away for this!
Homura: (anger) There is still others that will come and beat you.
Drakken: (smirk) Well I hate you break it to ya but no one doesn't even know where you are. There is no way they can come to the rescue.
Rebecca: There is still Witch and others within Edens Zero that will come and beat you!
Drakken: Oh that. Well I guess you all get the upper hand if they arrive. But unfortunately they're not coming.
Then a hologram of Republic fighters that were fighting 5he empire were wiped out when more Stormtroopers arrive and his Drakken Organised team along with Shadow Stormtroopers and Imperial Clone Commandos have manage to enter Edens Zero and shutbdown Witch, Sister, Mosco and Hermit whioe capturing the crew as well.
Rebecca: (shocked) No way.
Homura: (shocked) That is impossible.
Drakken: (smirk) Now you see. Your fleet is destroyed, no one isn't going to find you and your trapped here....forever.
Yogi: You fucker! We will beat you just you wait and see!
Drakken turns to Yogi as Stormtroopers slammed Yogi to the ground while Drakken walks over to him.
Drakken: Did someone not tell you not to say those bad words.
Yogi: Fuck you!
Drakken: Hmm well, guess it's time to teach you what will happen if you say those bad words.
He reach into his coat and pulls out what looks light a light saber hilt.
Drakken: (smirk) Like it? Got this from some ancient temple and it still works. I was using it as a trophy or something to look at....but now.
He active it as a red glow shine on everyone in the room qs the stormy forced to stretch out his arm while Yogi panic while Drakken raised his saber up to the air while he calls out.
He swings his saber down and the only thing we hear were screams from Yogi while laughter from Drakken as it echo throughout his home and to outside as we see Y/n wearing his cloak walking towards the building and seeing his friends are in danger as his eyes glows golf with Ether gear marks appear of his body as he will save his friends....and beat Drakken once and for all.
To be continued........................
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