Chapter 36: Friends stick together

Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, Tech and Omega stare in shock to see Crosshair and his squad of Death Troopers as he is standing in front of his squad looking at hunter and the rest as he look at Hunter and he broke the silence by saying.

Crosshair: Been a while hasn't it Sargent? Been a long while since we last met back on Kamino.

Hunter: Yeah and you rejoin the empire, after what they did to Kamino!

Crosshair: It was for the empire. Operation: War-Mantle was necessary for the empire.

Hunter: By replacing us!? Your okay about that?!

Crosshair: If the empire wants to replace clones solders that were clones to signed up people across the galaxy....I will accept it.

Hunter: You can still walk away Crosshair. Don't make us fight you.

Crosshair just stare at Hunter while Hunter stare at him back as Crosshair puts on his helmet and tell his squad.

Crosshair: Get them.

The death troopers run pass him, find cover and open fire at them which they return fire as Hunter finds cover along with the rest as they get behind cover as they open fire at the Death troopers and take some out.

Tech: We need to get to the jammer and shut it down otherwise back up will not come!

Wrecker: I'll smash it!

Wrecker was about yo run over to the Jammer but Hunter tackle him down as Crosshair fired his blaster rifle at Wrecker but it missed.

Hunter: Best not to get shot again just like last time.

Wrecker: You mean several times I was shot but lived. (Chuckle)

Omega: There has to be a way to get over there.

Echo: Yeah but how? There's no way we can't get over there without Crosshair shooting us out.

Tech: We need to find a way to blind him some how but that's impossible.

Omega thinks of a plan when she noticed a EMP detonator and asked.

Omega: What about we use EMP detonators to knock him out?

Tech: Even we do, he'll shoot it before we can even have a chance to throw it.

Omega: But what if it's up close.

Tech and Echo stare at Omega and thinks it might be risky but it might work. Hunter and Wreckertakes out a few Death troopers while they dodge Crosshair's shots.

Wrecker: Oh man! Where is that demon king kid when you needed him!

Hunter: Same but looks like we're one our own for now.

He looks over and noticed Omega wasn't there which Tech point to where Omega is and see her ducking down of boxes and sneaking her way to Crosshair, managing to sneak by without any Death troopers or even Crosshair to noticed her.

Once there she gets behind a cargo box and peaks over to Crosshair who didn't noticed as she active the EMP detonator.

Omega: (thought) Sorry for this Crosshair.

She the rolled the EMP detonator towards Crosshair which taps on his foot as he looks down and it was too late as he was zapped by the electricity and falls unconscious while the rest take out the rest of the Death troopers and once that the hanger is clear.

Hunter: Nice job Omega.

She node while she looks over to the unconscious Crosshair and felt bad while Tech and Echo race over to the jammer and they managed to shut it off.

Tech: There, jammer is shut down.

Hunter nodes and radios in Edens zero.

Hunter: Witch this is Hunter, do you copy over?


Rebecca, Happy, Ella, Asa, Jimin and Kameko enter the bridge where Sister, Mosco, Hermit and Witch we're at as they over hear Hunter radio in Witch from the station.

Witch: Yes Sargent I read you. What's the situation?

Hunter: (radio) This was a trap! We're stuck in here and we need back up over.

Witch: Copy that Sargent. Back up is on it's way over and out.

Rebecca: I somehow knew it will be a trap.

Witch: Yes but now they needed back up.

Rebecca: (smile) Right. Ready for your first Republic Misson girls?

Asa: (smirk) Ready as always Rebecca.

Kameko: (smirk) Can't wait to get some action.

Jimin: Let's do this.

Rebecca nodes and bend down to Ella and tell her.

Rebecca: You stay here okay Ella? I don't want you to get hurt okay?

Ella: (smile) That's okay mummy. I believe you and daddy can do this.

Rebecca: (smile) Thanks. We be back before you know it.

Once that they head off as they head to the hanger bay to see many pilots enter Republic fighters as Rebecca enter her fighter with Happy sitting her lap as she puts on a Republic helmet while her clone gunner enters his gunner site.

Clone pilot gunner: Ever fly any of this?

Rebecca: (smirk) Don't worry I've played many games thqt involved flying so I know how to pilot it.

While we see Asa ordering the other troopers to their gunships while someone asked.

???: Allow me to join you.

She jump and turn to see Jinn who was surprised but said.

Asa: Um sure? Never knew you want to cone with us.

Jinn: My sister is in there and I want to see how is she up to. If you have a problem with it?

Asa: (panic) N-No no you can come!

Jinn just walk to the nearest Gunships while Asa breath a sigh of relief.

Asa: And here I thought there will be nice people on this ship. Well you can't have a classic crew with one person who is serious as hell.

Asa enter her gunship and once that  Republic fighters were the first ti exit out with Rebecca taking lead while the Gunships follow behind.

Rebecca: Alright everyone let's show those empire scum who we are.

Happy: Aye!

Clone pilot: Rebecca we have two star destroyer exiting out of Hyper space!

Then suddenly two star destroyers appear in front of them and seconds later tie fighters came out of the hangers and fly towards them.

Rebecca: Alright eveyeone, all wings and green in attack formation. Don't let those tie fighters get any near of our Gunships.

Clone pilot: Copy that squad leader.

Clone pilot 2: There they come!

The tie fighters open fire at the Republic fighters with some get hit but they still they open fire the tie fighters while we cut to the imperial bridge where we see Joben watching the space battle as an imperial officer walks up behind him.

Imperial officer: Sir the tie fighters have engaged the enemy.

Joben: Excellent. Order the tie fighters to punch through the destroy those Gunships.

Imperial officer: It be done sir.

We cut back to the space battle as Rebecca show her pilot skills by taking out many tie fighters out of the sky while her gunner was surprised by her skills while he open fire at tie fighters that were following them.

Clone pilot gunner: Nice flying kid.

Rebecca: (smirk) Thanks.

Asa: (radio) Rebecca we see a hanger opening up for us. I believe it's tge bad batch letting us in.

Rebecca: Copy that. Attention all fighters, I need a small squad to follow me to escort the gunships to get inside the hanger.

Clone pilot: Roger that squad leader.

A small group of Republic fighters follow the gunships and protected them form in coming Tie fighters and soon they enter the hanger where the bad batch is waiting as Asa, Kameko and Jimin order the Republic troopers to move out while Rebecca and Happy climb down from her Star fighter while Hunter and the rest walks over to her.

Hunter: Never suspected you can fly a star fighter.

Rebecca: (smile) Comes to show there is more to truth than me being just a B-Cuber.

Hunter: (smile) Guess so.

Happy: So now what?

Rebecca: (smile) We just get to the city and assist Y/n and the rest. Let's hope they're alright up there.

???: I afraid I will not allow you to do that.

Then a strong wind blows around them and then a women with short green hair appear out of he wind as she gently set down while imperial Stormtroopers came and aim their blasters at them.

Kleene: You all will be blown away. I am Kleene from the element 4 and I used Wind Ether gear. You all will he swipe away by my wind.

Asa: Wait a minute, wind Ether gear? That's similar to-

Jinn: Sister.

Then Jinn walk pass eveyeone which surprised everyone that Kleene and Jinn are siblings as the two stare each other while the Stormtroopers aim their blasters at him.

Jinn: See that your doing fine. Do you want to aide us in our fight?

The Stormtroopers lower their blasters and they start to laugh, thinking there is no way he can't just ask Kleene to join the Republic disbite her working for Drakken.

Kleene: Oh sure thing brother.

Stormtrooper Hahahahahaha......Wait what?

Suddenly she turns on the Stormtroopers and trapped them all in her wind cage and once that she walks Iver to Jinn while eveyeone else were surprised that it just happen.

Kameko: (surprised) S-So she just join us like that?

Jimin: (surprised) I was suspected for a battle between siblings or something like that?

Kleene: I would never fight my brother. He is the onky family I have and I refuse to fight him. Besides, I hate the Stormtroopers and since Drakken allie them, I hate him now so yeah....I'm on your side now.

Rebecca: (surprised) O-Okay then. Well let's go and help out Y/n and the rest.

Happy: (smile) Yeah let's go!

Asa: Right. Eveyrone! Move out!

They all rave out of the hanger to get to the city while Rebecca was about uo follow but she forgot about something and turn back to her fight and get it. She looks around inside her cockpit until she find her B-Cuber.

Rebecca: There you are. Don't want to lose this thing. That will be a nightmare.

???: Yeah it would be.

She turn around only to be sent to sleep as she fell onto the ground while we see Zen and two purge troopers looking down at Rebecca as Zen smirks to himself.


We see Shiki, Homura, Pino, Weisz and Fordo taking out the last squad of Stormtroopers that wer coming at their way and once they were taking out Fordo looks up to see a space battle between the empire fighters and the Republic forces.

Fordo: Looks like they notice we're trapped.

Shiki: (smile) Awesome! Looks like things are getting better.

Homura: Still we need to find Y/n, Lop and Yogi. They could be in trouble.

Pino: If I'm correct they should be close by somewhere.

Weisz: That's good, because anymore walking I might die.

Fordo: Maybe you need more exercise since all you do all day is laying around you room all day and looking at some "Magazines" in your private time.

Weisz: Oh shut up. At least I didn't shot ever since we came to this cis-

Everyone turn around to see Weisz fell to his knees while he spit out blood and land hard onto the floor.

Shiki: Weisz!

Fordo: Sniper! Get to cover!

They find some cover as Fordo dragged Weisz for cover and once that he get behind cover. He peak over to see where the sniper come from but he can't see anything.

Fordo: Crap! I can't see where the sniper is.

Pino: Calculation.........If I am right the sniper should be on that building over there.

Fordo and the rest peak over to a far away tower tower was impossible to any normal sniper while we cut to that building and see the sniper aiming down his scope at them with a smirk.

Fie: (smirk) Those fools didn't even know that I shot him. Fie one of the element 4. I will melt off their heads with my rifle.

We then cut back to Shiki and the rest as Shiki get in the middle while Fordo and the rest see this.

Fordo: Shiki get back to cover now!

Fie have his aim on shiki and charge up his sniper rifle and fired a powerful shot at Shiki. Shiki sess the blast coming towards him and he grab the blast using his gravity Ether gear as he spone the blast around and swing it back to Fie which surprised him as the blast took down a tower he was on which surprised Fordo.

Fordo: (surprised) That was impressive.

Shiki: No one never shoot my friends like that.

While the tower fell more Stormtroopers came towards them with a few walkers making it's way towards them.

Homura: In coming back up!

Suddenly smoke bombs landed near them and smoke blow up around them as Lop and Y/n appear and signal them all  to follow which they did. Fordo carry the injured Weisz to the bar as Lop shut the door just as the smoke clears up.

The Stormtroopers looks around while Fordo set Weisz onto the table as he moan in pain.

Lop: Is he okay?

Fordo: He's injured but okay.

Shiki hugs Y/n and Yogi to be glad to see them alive while Sibir appear which Shiki looks at him and then ask.

Shiki: Who are you?

Y/n: Yeah this might be hard to believe but this is....Sibir.

Shiki: (shocked) What!?

Y/n: But he's not the same one that we met! He was among those who left Norma remember. Just like older Weisz.

Pino hidden behind Yogi as Sibir stare at her and tell her.

Sibir: Your jedi friend and mandalorian friend told me what my past self has done. And I'm very sorry for what I have treated you Pino.

Pino: (nervous) I-I-Its f-f-fine. Y-Y-Your not as bad anymore.

Sibir node while he looks over to Weisz as Y/n walks up to him.

Y/n: We need to get him healed as possible.

Fordo: Agree but we don't have medical equipment to heal him.

Wrecker: Did somebody say explosions!

Then Wrecker kick the door open as the bad batch came in and set tge cuffed Crosshair on a chair as Crosshair finally woke up and look around.

Fordo: No I said medical equipment.

Wrecker: (smirk) I think you must have misheard yourself. Haha!

Shiki: Who is he?

Hunter: That's Crosshair.

Shiki: (anger) So he's the brother who betrayed your team.

Shiki glare at Crosshair which doesn't phase him as he just look at Shiki and said.

Crosshair: I was suspected you to be an actual warrior but no....your just a kid.

Shiki: (anger) You betrayed your own brothers!

Crosshair: Why do you care? You don't know what they did to me.


Crosshair: (smirk) Your trying to scare me kid?

Hunter: That's enough Shiki. Just leave him be.

Shiki agree and leave Crosshair be while Y/n asked Hunter.

Y/n: So what's the situation?

Hunter: Well Asa and her troopers are pushing through the city and taking care of any imperial forces. Jinn and Kleene is leading them to battle.

Y/n: Kleene?

Hunter: Long story but Rebecca is........

Y/n: What's wrong?

Hunter: She was with us but she is gone.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! Where!?

Happy: Y/n! Y/N!

Then Happy suddenly came into the bar and change Y/n Rebecca's B-Cuber.

Happy: (panic) I came back to the hanger to find Rebecca and she wasn't there but I think this was left by someone and it's for you.

Y/n takes it and set it at the table as a hologram of Zen appears in front of eveyrone.

Zen: (message) Padawan it has been a long while since we last met. Now it's time to see how string you maybe are against me. Come to Gate-6 for yoru final test. If you succeed then I will let Rebecca go....but if you fail....Well....she will be sold to Drakken for credits. See you their.

The message ends as Y/n stood there in anger as he turn to leave.

Lop: Wait where are you going?!

Y/n: I'm going to save Rebecca. Even I have to face my master in combat.

Homura: Then let us come with you!

Y/n: No I can't.

Shiki: Why? Rebecca is our friend and we need to save her.

Y/n: No! I just......I just.....i can't let you go out there. I'm sorry.

He turns to then door but Hunter block his way.

Y/n: Hunter, get out of the way. That's an order.

Hunter: I'm sorry sir. I won't let you leave until you tell us what is going on with you.

Y/n: It's just.....It's just......I don't want to lose anymore people.

There was silence as tears appear at his face as he turn to eveyeone and gose on to say.

Y/n: (tears) Your all like family to me and while I was a Padawan....I've watched as everyone I care for around me were gone around me. I've lost Ahoska, I've lost many Jedi friends, my temple, my masters and everyone I care for! I was weak.....I wasn't strong enough to save eveyone. When I saw the visions of your deaths I just....can't afford losing anymore people that I care for. I just....(sniff) Don't want to lose anymore of my friends.

Y/n tears up even more until Shiki grab his shoulder and tell him.

Shiki: I understand you don't want to lose us. But we don't want to lose you as well. No matter what happens, we go together as friends.

Lop: (smile) That's right.

Homura: (smile) You have no worries Y/n. We will succeed like always.

Pino: (smile) Agree.

Happy: (smile) Together we can save Rebecca and beat Zen and Drakken!

Hunter: (smile) Your never alone Y/n. No matter how difficult the situation might be, friends will always be with you, just like my squad.

The bad batch agree while Y/n node and wipe the tears off his face and look up at Shiki and node to him.

Y/n: Bad batch, find Asa and her squad and assist them. Shiki, Homura, Yogi you three are witn me. Fordo you go with the bad batch, Lop, Omega, Happy and Pino, stay here with Sibir and try to heal Weisz as best you can. Alright everyone, let's go and save Rebecca.


The four enter gate-6 and once there the place was completely empty as they enter and search around for Rebecca as Y/n can sense Zen and calls out for him.

Y/n: Zen! I know your in there! Come out and show yourself!

Then a red glow apppear behind them as they turn around and see Zen with his inquisitor helmet on staring at them as he said.

Zen: I see you've brought your friends. This will be interesting.

Shiki: (anger) Where is Rebecca!

Zen: unfortunately she is at Drakken's place but don't worry. She will be fine....maybe.

Yogi: Your sick. How could you betray your Padawan for the empire after everything you and Y/n have been through!

Zen: That is a thing of the past. Now it's time for my padawans final test. As for you lot, I have some toys you can play with.

Then several doors open behind them as Homura, Shiki and Yogi turn around and Dark troopers march out of the door and spotted the two and open fire at them while they march towards them.

Homura: What are those things?!

Yogi: Who cares what they are! Let's take them out!

The trio fight the dark troopers while Y/n and Zen stare at each other as Y/n took out his light saber ans active it.

Zen: (smirk) So you got a new light saber. Gonna say, I like it

Y/n: Yeah...Well your gonna like the new me.....master.

The two stare each other for a moment and then within seconds they charge at each other and once close they strike their sabers towards as this will be Y/n's final test to Zen as the two battle to the death.

To be continued....................

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