Chapter 35: Lost within a criminal space station

We see Edens Zero along with three Republic Acclamator class doing their usual patrol through the area while the crew of Edens Zero is seemed to be relaxing as they each are doing their own thing around the ship. Y/n and Lop train together, Shiki is with Fordo and the Bad batch, Hermit and Weisz are doing something while Homura is with Witch, Pino, Yogi, Sister and Mosco at the bridge.

We see Rebecca, Happy, Ella, Asa, Jimin and Kameko within the spar bath room as they sat around and relaxed while Ella sat on Rebecca lap feeling relaxed as well.

Asa: (smile) Man you weren't kidding about this place. This feels very relaxed.

Jimin: (smile) Indeed. We never have something like this when we worked for the empire before.

Kameko: (smile) Yeah this ship is great.

Rebecca: (smile) I'm glad you like it girls. I'm glad you three join us in our fight against the empire, this will be great.

Asa: Yeah, hey sorry about what we did. We were just doing what we believe was right.

Rebecca: (smile) Hey there's no reason to apologise. In the past we were enemies but now we're friends.

Asa: (smile) Guess so. Still I'm surprised that Happy is a machine and can transform into two blasters.

Happy: (smile) Yeah We get that a lot from several people who are new soldiers of the Republic.

Jimin: (smile) Indeed. Say I'm no Jedi but is your daughter strong in the force? Because I over heard Y/n told you something about her.

Rebecca: (smile) Yeah which I think it's cool. Still she is my cute daughter ain't that right Ella.

Ella: (smile) Yeah!

Kameko: (smile) Aaawww i can't help it, your daughter is so adorable.

Asa: Say how long have you and Y/n known each other?

Rebecca: (smile) A long time. At first he was kinda mysterious which I like and once he revealed himself to be a Jedi, i started to like him even more. Surely you girls like him.

Kameko: (smirk) You know I girl, he's very handsome and nothing what I've heard in holonets back in our galaxy.

Jimin: (smile) I find him very interesting indeed. He's very wise and kind to everyone around him. I may mistaken him to be Shiki's brother.

The girls tun to Asa who blushes and looks away but with all eyes on her she sigh.

Asa: (blush) W-Well true he is very cute and handsome as well and also.....very intelligent as well I guess.

Happy: (smirk) You loooovvvveeee him?

Asa: Don't get me started cat!

Rebecca: (giggle) Seems like many girls fall for Y/n right Ella.

Ella: (smike) Everyone loves Y/n!

Rebecca lend out a chuckle as everything seemed to be quiet until three Tie fighters fly over head Edens Zero and flies off to somewhere.

At the bridge Shiki, Y/n, Lop, Fordo, Weisz and Hermit enter the bridge to see the Tie fighters flying away but not attacking.

Weisz: Are they scouting us?

Witch: Maybe but they don't seem attacking us. My lord, the other Republic ships are asking permission to open fire.

Shiki: Tell them to hold their fire. It ain't right to shoot down three Tie fighters knowing they are outnumber. Let's follow them.

Witch: Understood.

Edens Zero along with other Republic ships follow after the three Tie fighters and it wasn't long when they see something ahead.

Weisz: Hey what's that up ahead?

Pino: It looks like another planet.

Y/n: That's no planet.....that's a space station.

They get close and see Y/n was right as they see q masses space station in front of them. It was nothing they have ever seen before.

Weisz: (shocked) What is that station?

Hermit: That must be Belial Gore, according to these records it's a home place to all criminals in there.

Homura: Why would the Imperials made that place as their own base?

Lop: You think this might be a trap?

Y/n looks at the station and sense someone in there. Someone familiar which he realised that Zen is on that station.

Shiki: (smirk) One way to find out. Let's head inside and have a look.

Witch: You sure that is a wise idea my lord.

Shiki: (smirk) Sure it is. We be out before we know it, come on guys, let's head in there and explore!

(Short while later)

We see the Marauder flying towards the station and the hanger seemed to open for them so they land the Marauder in the hanger and once that Y/n, Lop, Fordo, Weisz, Shiki, Homura, Yogi and Pino exit out ofnthe Marauder as Y/n turns to Hunter.

Y/n: Stay here with the ship, anything happens to us you come and help us.

Hunter: Roger that Sir. Good luck.

Y/n nodes and he and the rest walk through the halls until they reach the main city which was huge. Very huge, it's like a large planet as they step in and look around in shock.

Shiki: (shocked) Wow this is amazing! It's soo huge and big!

Weisz: Everything seemed to be normal.

Homura: No sign of imperial Stormtroopers around.

Y/n: Lop sense anything?

Lop have her eyes shut as she forced and after a while she reopen her eyes and tells eveyrone.

Lop: I feel.....a dark force within this station.

Weisz: Well obviously because this is a criminal home place.

Lop: Yes but I sense.....this very powerful darkk presence within the force.

Weisz: Creepy.

Fordo: What's our orders sir?

Y/n: We stick together and search around. We need to find out about the empires reason of being here and why.

???: (hologram) Hello Edens zero crew.

Suddenly the door they just enter closes behind them follow by a massive hologram of Drakken appear over city as he stare down at them.

Drakken: (hologram) I see you finally came crew of Edens zero. I hope you have a nice ride of getting here.

Y/n: Who are you?

Weisz: That must be Drakken Joe. One of the must criminals in the galaxy.

Shiki: (anger) You trick us! Let us out!

Drakken: (hologram) Sorry but I will not allow you to leave. Since your enemies to the empire, then that means your enemies to me. Now stand still so they can kill you, goodbye.

He disappeared just as Stormtroopers came out in front of them with two At-At walkers as they open fire at them. Thye dodge the blaster bolts while Y/n and Lop active their light sabers and deflected the bolts and they see there is too many of them.

Homura: We're out numbered!

Weisz: Damn it, they jammed our coms!

Y/n: We need to split up! That way, they can't catch us!

Shiki: You sure!?

Y/n: Yeah! Good luck guys, may the forcebe with you all!

He reach out of the force and lift two follow bags which blows up once one Stormtrooper shoots one of them, creating a smoke so they can split up and escape. Once the smoke clears up they see them gone and radio in Drakken the bad news.

We then see Y/n, Yogi and Lop racing through the alleyway as Yogi looks back just in case they were followed. Soon they see hologram wanted posters of Y/n and the rest as people help the Stormtroopers to find them.

Yogi: Well that can't be good.

Lop: What are we going to do?

Y/n: We need to somewhere to regroup but I don't see anyway we can regroup.

Then a door opens slightly follow by what sound like a old man whispers to them.

???: (whisper) Over here. In here.

They turn and at first they aren't sure but they have no choice and enter the room. Once inside they see this place to be a bar as they look around to see no one here as the old man was facing away from them and place in a close sign while he said.

???: That was a close call. Are you okay three okay kids?

Y/n: Yeah thanks for the help Mister.

???: (chuckle) No problem boy, and please call me.....

He turn around and Y/n and Yogi were shocked to see who they think they are seeing.

Y/n and Yogi: (shocked) Sibir?!


We see Shiki, Homura, Pino, Weisz and Fordo hiding at a large park as Fordo peaks over to see Stormtroopers looking around and moving on as they hide behind the bushes near a lake.

Fordo: That was close. We need to contact Edens zero and yell them what's happening.

Weisz: Agree but we can't go out there with eveyeone knowing us. Good thing i brought this along.

He pulls out his phone and press on an app and soon his body turn into a female avatar from a while back.

Weisz: Perfect.

Fordo:....Okay two questions, one: How do you do that? And second: Why female?

Weisz: It's a new app that me and Hermit made in case we ever need to blend in. It pulls out any clothes from the changing room and transport it into us. Here, there is some for you guys.

Then Shiki's clothes and hair change to a famous signer while Pino changed into human which she is very happy with. Weisz turn sto Fordo who tells him.

Weisz: I can't change you if you take off your armor.

Fordo: I'll be fine. I'm an Arc trooper, I survived many things during the clone wars. Why do you think I survived a zombie infection within a Republic Venator class ship?

Weisz: (smirk) Yeah right, your just saying that so you can be more bad ass right?

Fordo doesn't say anything which Weisz stood there for a bit until he asked.


Fordo: (smirk) Maybe.

Homura: (nervous) U-Um why do I have to wear this?

We see Homura bend down and covering her body because Weisz chose a stripe bikini for her which Weisz said.

Weisz: Well I see a few stripers walking through the street so you can blend right in.

Homura: (Nervous) Yes but everyone will know my face!

Fordo snatch Weisz phone and picks out a right clothes for her which was a female rich outfit with a different hair and face.

Homura: (smile) Thank you commander.

He pass the phone back to Weisz while he heads off to scout the area.

Weisz: (mutter) Well your no fun.

Fordo: We need to find the rest and get contacted to Edens zero before it's too late. Pino can you scan the area for Y/n and the rest?......Pino?

They turn to see Pink staring at herself in the reflection of the water with a cute smile on her face.

Weisz: What's with you pino?

Pino: (smile) My apologies it's just I'm human again! Look at me!

Shiki: (tears) I'm so happy for you Pino.

Pino: (smile) Thanks.

Weisz: Please stop crying Shiki.

Homura lend out a chuckle while Fordo turn yo the lake and immediately pulls out his blaster pistol and fire at the water a few times until he stop, which surprised everyone.

Weisz: (anger) Dude we're trying to not give away our cover!

Fordo: Our cover is already been blown.

They were confused until suddenly the water rise up and formed into a male human as he stood on water while he looks at them.

???: Now that was rude. You almost make me cry commander.

Weisz: (shocked) Did he just appear out of that lake?!

Fordo: Who are you?

Laguna: The name is Laguna, I am apart of Drakken's special forces called the element 4. I am the water Ether gear.

He then see Shiki's tears which Shiki suddenly turned into water which shocked eveyrone.

Pino: (shocked) Shiki!

Laguna: Anyone Who cries in front of me, will never stand back up again.

Fordo: Everyone don't cry! It maybe a hutch but if any of us cry, he'll turn us into water!

Weisz: (shocked) How is that even possible?!

Homura: It doesn't matter how he dose it, just don't cry!

They heard a sniff which Fordo turns to Pino who was on her knees and was crying as Fordo calls out to her.

Fordo: Pino don't cry!

Pino turns to them in tears which Laguna see and she was turned to water as well. He then turn to Weisz as Weisz smirk and tells him.

Weisz: (smirk) Try your best man but your never gonna make me cry.

Laguna: Anyone can cry. Once I made you cry, you will be gone along with your tears.

He walks over to Weisz as Weisz smirks once more and tells him.

Weisz: (smirk) Just you wait. As soon I changed into my battle suit your gonna regret messing with one of the most badass heroes in the gala-

Then Laguna stomps on Weisz foot which hurts as he yells as he hops back while he yells at him.

Weisz: (anger) Hey that hurt man! What was that for!

Laguna: Your crying.

Weisz realised that he has tears and suddenly turns into water as Laguna places Weisz's into his small glass just like he did to Pino and Shiki.

Laguna: Three down, two to go.

He turn to Fordo and Homura as Homura summon her soul Ether blade while Fordo pulls out his twin blaster pistols.

Fordo: Don't let him see you cry Homura.

Homura: Understood.

Fordo fired his bolts at Laguna but they go by him so Homura charge and swings her twin blades at him but they also go through him like they were nothing.

Laguna: I know that you have been through a lot commander. The lives that you have lost, how many clone brothers they die around you. I must dose make you cry right?

Fordo: Your gonna do better then that to make me cry!

He fire his blaster pistol at him which gose through him while he fire a grabble out of his gauntlet but it gose through him. Then Laguna turns to water and splashes onto Fordo and he was surrounded with water. But Homura dash over and pulls Fordo out of the water bubble and set him down.

Fordo: Thanks.

Homura nodes and turn only for Laguna to hold a onion to her which Fordo try to pull her away but he crushes the onion and tears appear oit of Homura's eyes as she turned inro water.

Fordo: HOMURA!

Laguna: more to go.

Fordo swings a punch at him but Laguna dodges his punches as he gose on to say while he dodges his punches.

Laguna: Your an old arc trooper commander. Fighting all your life for what you believe in only for those around you to betray you and let this darkness to rise and take over the empire. All your brothers now serve the empire while you, your left behind.

Fordo throws a punch only for Laguna to grab his fist and throw him towards the lake and Fordo splash onto the lake. Laguna walks over to him while Fordo slowly gets up as Laguna stop behind him and tell him.

Laguna: Your nothing but a traitor to your brothers. You abandoned them, let then to be the empires pet and now they are gone because of you. You were selfish commander, your not this legendary Arc trooper that people see you....your a coward.

Fordo doesn't say anything while Laguna awaits him to cry as he stood up and turn to him. Fordo looks at Laguna and then he felt something attached to his hand and looks down to see the anti Ether gear cuffs as Fordo tells him.

Fordo: You forgot one thing about Arc troopers Laguna.

He then blows punches at Laguna as he try his best ti turn into water but the anti Ether gear cuffs were stopping him as Fordo blow each punch to Laguna which shocked Laguna as he step back. Then Fordo aims his gauntlet at Laguna before he finish it off by saying.

Fordo: Arc troopers never show any emotions towards their enemies. Especially enemies like you.

He fired a grabble at his chest and he was shocked in electricity. Once that he fell onto the lake unconscious as Fordo walks over and cuffed his other arm while Homura, Weisz, Pino and Homura were back to normal ad Fordo throes Laguna inro shore while he step out of the lake.

Weisz: Man that was terrible.

Homura: Very terrible indeed.

Pino: What happened?

Fordo: He turn you and the rest into water when ever you cry, I took him out.

Weisz: (surprised) Really? You mean, he fail to make you cry?

Fordo: Arc troopers never show their emotions towards their enemies.

Shiki: (surprised) Wow Arc troopers are soo amazing!

Fordo: Still we need to find Y/n and the rest, let's move.

They agree and they head off to find Y/n and the rest.


We see Wrecker trying to open the main entrance while we see the rest of the bad batch looking around as Wrecker steps back and said.

Wrecker: Man those doors are tough.

Tech: Very tough indeed. It appears they were ready for us.

Echo: I still can't get contact to Edens Zero. What should we do?

Omega: There has to be a jammer somewhere in this station? If we take that out, maybe we can call for help.

Hunter: That's probably our best option we can do. Tech, see if you can find a jammer in this station.

Tech: Already on it Hunter. Hhhhmmm well this is convenient. It appears there is a jammer near us. At gate 5.

Hunter: Then that's where we go. Bad batch, let's go.

They move out as they make their way to gate 5 so they can shut down the jammer. Soon they arrive at gate 5 and they search around. At first they don't see nothing but then they see a jammer device at the back of the room.

Wrecker: Aaawww this was too easy.

Echo: Something isn't right. Why is I here unless.....?

Hunter: It's a trap!

Then bolts fly by which they take cover as death troopers came out of the doors and open fire at them. They were about to return fire when the Death troopers stop firing and a familiar voice said.

???: Been a long while hasn't it bad batch.

Their eyes widen as they look over and they see a trooper that is not like the rest exit out of the death troopers and took off his helmet as they see it's their old team member....Crosshair.

Hunter: (shocked) Crosshair?!

Crosshair: Hello Hunter. It's been a while. How are....things with your new family?

To be continued................

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