Chapter 33: A fun day as a Jedi (Lemon)
We see Y/n meditating in the middle of space as he have his eyes shut while his Kyber Crystal is on the floor in fro t of him with several pieces to make his new light saber scattered around him as Y/n focus on the force as the Kub3r Crystal moved a little on it's own but soon it start to float and it float in front of him along with the other pieces around him as they start to piece together while Y/n still focus his mind and the force as the pieces formed inro bigger pieces and soon it form a hilt of Y/n's new Light saber as it float in front of him.
His Kyber Crystal floats towards the hilt as a small hatch opens up and the Kyber Crystal is insert it and once closed the Y/n move his hand and grab his light saber and he open his eyes just as he active his new light saber. He stood up and swin his light saber around to get to the feel of it and I felt a lot more faster to swing as he thought. Soon he stop swinging and look at his new light saber with a smile on his face.
Xiaomei: (smile) I like your new Light saber.
He turn to see Xiaomei as she sudden appear in front of him while Y/n deactivated his light saber and asked her.
Y/n: Where you just standing there when I first came in?
Xiaomei: (smirk) Maybe. Still apologise for the wait, how may I help you?
Y/n: I need to know about the future. On one of the planet I've gotten a dark vision about the future and I need to know how to stop that from happening.
Xiaomei: Ah I see, so you wonder what will happen to you and your friends in the future?
Y/n: Yes, please I need to know what will happen so I can stop it.
Xiaomei: Well I can tell you that things will be worse. You will be faced with a massive battle with a power Ether gear user, so powerful in fact that Shiki can't defeat him. There will be more deaths and your friends will feel hopless.
Y/n: I there anything else?
Xiaomei: There is. There are two times lines that might happen. You succeed to save your friends and defeat this powerful Ether gear user and win the battle. But in another time fail and everyone will be fallen into darkness and be part of this Ether gears slave.
Y/n knows he can't let that happen and must defeat this Ether gear user no matter what happens.
Y/n: Okay. Thanks for everything Xiaomei, sorry if I enter unannounced.
Xiaomei: (smile) Your welcome and don't worry, your always welcome to come anytime you want.
Once that the door behind him opens and Y/n turn and make his leave and once he left Xiaomei turns away just as the door closes as Xiaomei smiled.
Xiaomei: (smile) I know you can do it Y/n. I know you will succeed and save your friends from "him".
Y/n fly his jedi star fighter back to the Republic base and make his landing at the landing pad and once landed he was greeted by Clone engines which he node to them as he walks over to Flanker who was waiting for him at the at the door.
Flanker: (smile) Welcome back sir. How was your trip?
Y/n: Pretty good Flanker. Anything I've missed while I left?
Flanker: We have some Imperial planets being taking over by Republic forces now with the help of Quinlan and the rest.
Y/n: Sounds good. Wish I would have join them.
Flanker: It's probably best to stay here and take a break besides, you need to build your new light saber.
Y/n: (smile) Yep which I finished. So where is Shiki and the rest?
Flanker: He's at the Jedi dojo along with everybody else.
Y/n: (smile) Wonder why are they in there?
After a while the two enter the dojo to see Weisz putting on blindfolds over his eyes as he have Lop's light saber as he active while a training droid flies around Weisz try to block the incoming shots while Shiki, Pino, Happy, Lop, Ella, Mosco, Yogi, Sister and Witch watch as Weisz ready for the incoming shot that is right in front of him.
But the training droid was behind him as it shot him in the butt which Weisz leaps back with a yell as Ella and Lop lend out a giggle as Weisz turn to try to block it again but he gets hit everywhere and turn he turn to where the shot came from, he get shot in another direction. He keeps get hit over, over, over, over and over until he was on the floor as the training droids hover around him keeping shooting him while everybody lend out a laugh while Y/n laugh also as Weisz stood up and took off the blindfolds.
Weisz: Damn it! How dose Jedi suppose to see the incoming attack with their eyes being covered!
Pino: Maybe perhaps they use the force to guide them the incoming shots?
Weisz: That doesn't make sense. Dose the force whisper to Jedi's ears or something like that?
Y/n: The force works on mysterious ways Professor Weisz.
Y/n and Flanker walks over to them as Weisz tells Y/n.
Weisz: Can you stop calling me Professor will you?
Y/n: (smirk) Just kidding. Still the force is a mysterious thing around the galaxy. The force is something that during the galaxy together and allows some beings to use them.
He reach out to grab Lop's light saber away from Weisz and hands it to Lop as she stood up and step out as she puts on the blind fold as Weisz sat down on the floor.
Y/n: Allow my padawan to show you.
Lop active her light saber as the training droid flies around her and she focus on the force and when a training droid fires, Lop turns and deflected the bolts again, again and again. After a while the training droid stop and Lop took off the blind folds.
Y/n: (smile) Good work Lop.
Shiki: (surprised) That was amazing!
Pino: (smile) All perfect hits.
Ella: (smile) Yay!
Weisz: (mutter) I could have done it better without the blind folds.
Flanker: Say here is Rebecca and Homura?
Witch: I believe they are with Hermit within Edens Zero.
Sister Irvy: Yeah znd playing around with the dress up machine.
Mosco: (smile) Mosco wishes he will join.
Y/n: (smile) Well I hope they are having fun with that. Say Ella, wanna spend some time with your daddy?
Ella: (smile) Yeah of course!
Lop: Mind if I join?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. Let's go.
The trio head off and once thet left Yogi asked Flanker.
Yogi: So Flanker, any news going on with the rest of the Republic forces?
Flanker: Well we're taking more and more Imperial planets and freeing them from the empire. I believe the empire will soon be outnumbered and we might have a chance to throw the empire off this galaxy.
Shiki: (smile) That's awesome!
Weisz: Let's not forget about more empire from another galaxy. Who knows how long it will take until the empire will call for back up.
Pino: Weisz has a point. If the empire call in reinforcements then we might have a problem.
Happy: (smile) But I'm sure we can handle more!
Flanker: Let's hope so. Who knows how much they are gonna be sent to try to take us out.
Witch: Agree but I believe there is no reason to fear. Your galaxy called this galaxy the unknown Region right? Without a map guide they might get lost and there will be no way they can't continue.
Sister Irvy: If they don't sent a map to them, then we be fine.
Shiki: (smile) Surely we can handle this! If those Imperial scums are gonna mess with us, they're going to regret it!
They agree as they node knowing they have a chance to win against more Imperial forces if they call for help.
We see Y/n, Lop and Ella at the park as Ella is playing around with the other children as they laugh and having fun while we see Lop and Y/n sitting on the bench watching Ella play with the other children which made Y/n smile.
Lop: (smile) She's so cute playing around with the other children.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. She's just so innocent playing around with joy and hope within her.
Lop nods but she also sense something within Y/n as she turn to him and then ask him.
Lop: Are you....okay?
Y/n looks down with a sigh and then looks over to Lop and tells her.
Y/n: I'm just worried......about the future Lop. Ever since I gone down that first cave I was hunted with thoughts about what I saw in that cave and worry what will happen in the future.
Lop: What ever it might be, we can stop it form happening. I promise.
Y/n: Yeah I know but I have several questions about the visions I've saw. Like, why me? What was those visions trying to tell me? And what will my fate will be but more importantly.....her fate will be.
They look over to Ella and the other kids sliding down the slide laughing while Lop understood and tells Y/n as she place her hand over Y/n's.
Lop: Don't worry, we will stop it from happening and we will do this together.
Y/n: Yeah your right. I just.......I've lost so many people when I was a Padawan. Important people in my life and.......I don't want to lose anyone else.
Lop understood and hugs Y/n which Y/n smile and hugs her back as the two embrace as Lop assures Y/n that things will be okay.
We see the Bad batch at the hanger as Tech and Echo were fixing up the Marauder while Delta squad approaches them as Boss said.
Boss: So what are you all going to do now your job is over?
Tech: Well we made a decision to stay here with you all and help you in your battles against the empire.
Scorch: That's awesome!
Fixer: We could need some elite squad with us in our fight against the empire.
Wrecker: (smirk) Well is there is some Imperials to crush! You call us! Haha.
Hunter: Gonna say, you have a nice ship. Mind telling us how you got ut?
Hunter: It's a long story.
Hunter gose on to tell Boss and the rest how they got it while Omega walks over to Max as Max turns to her and Omega asked.
Omega: You know I didn't know that commando squads allow more then five commandos in the team?
Max: Well this is a new galaxy so who really cares. So how long have you been with Hunter and the rest?
Omega: (smile) Only a few months but we've gone on many missions before we got your call.
Max: Sounds interesting. Is that what you guys did during the rain of the empire?
Omega: Yeah and we gone through many missions and lost many things. Especially Kamino.
Max: Kamino?
Boss: What about Kamino?
Hunter: Oh right. This might be hard to tell you this but.....they destroy our home on Kamino.
Delta squad stood there in shock by this news. Scorch sat down on a box still in shock.
Scorch: (shocked) They destroyed our home? Why?
Tech: It was part of Operation: War-Mantle.
Boss: War-Mantle? What the hell is that?
Tech: It's a Operation to replace clones to None-Clones who are trained by higher ranking clones or Clone Commandos.
Hunter: We saw this during a rescue of a clone commando and we saw new armor and underneath their helmets, they we're not clones.
Echo: And apart of War-Mantle, they destroyed Tipoca city to finally complete Operation: War-Mantle.
Sev: (anger) Those Imperial scum. Their gonna pay for what they did!
Boss: Same here Sev. We will make them pay for destroying our home. We will make them pay.
The sun was about to set as we see Y/n carrying a sleeping Ella on him as he takeher to bed after she have so much fun. Soon he arrived to her bedroom and lay her down on the bed and tug her in. He bend down to her and watch her sleep peaceful as she lay there with a smile on her face.
Y/n smiles a bit while he gently grabs her hand and he suddenly sense Ella is strong in the force but not just strong in the force, very VERY strong in the light side of the force.
Y/n: (thought) I've never sense so much light side in the force in my life. Ella, is very pure in the light side.
Ella: (mutter) Love you daddy.
She turn to Y/n while she is still asleep as Y/n smiles and kiss her on the forehead.
Y/n: (whisper) Love you too sweetie.
Once that he leave her to sleep and shut the door and walks back to his room to get some sleep as well. He still thinks about the upcoming future and he knows he will not allow his future to happen. Who ever this person who has captured Shiki in his version he thinks he might be thid powerful Ether gear user and he must defeat him before it will be too late.
Once he arrive to his room he was suspected Rebecca to be here but Rebecca wasn't here as he shut the door behind him.
Y/n: (thought) Hmm where could she be?
Rebecca: (smirk) Hey there Y/n.
Y/n: Oh hey Rebecca, didn't see you the-
He turn around to face her but it wasn't just Rebecca but Homura as well while both are wearing sexxy rabbit outfits which made Y/n blushes bright red to see them wearing like that.
Rebecca: (smirk) What do you think~?
Homura: (smirk) See something that you like~?
Y/n stood there lost of words while Rebecca qnd Homura see this and walks over to him and walk up to him as they surround him as their smirk together.
Rebecca: (smirk) See your surprised huh Y/n?
Homura: (smirk) It's okay to be nervous. Your cute when your nervous.
Y/n: (blush) I-I-I-I um....I.....
Rebeca: (smirk) You think we might have broken him?
Homura: (smirk) Maybe so Rebecca. Perhaps we clear his mind.
Rebecca: (giggle) Agree. Throw him onto the bed.
Y/n: (blush) W-W-Wait wha-Wow!
(Lemon start)
He was thrown onto the bed with a bounce as both Rebecca and Homura climb onto bed and make their way towards Y/n with sexxy looks as they craw up to him. Rebecca craw up the right side while Homura gose to the left as giggle to see Y/n blushing hard while they get close to Y/n, so much so their breast pressed on his arm.
Y/n turn to Rebecca to say something only for Rebecca to kiss him on the lips as she shit her tongue within him as she made out with Y/n as she let out some moans while Y/n was surprised by this but he really gets turned on by this and kiss her right back as Homura watch them make out as Y/n grabs Rebecca's breast as he squeeze them which she lend out a moan before Y/n kisses her neck which she lend out more moans.
Rebecca: (moans) Oh Y/n~! Yes~!
Homura: Allow me to take a turn.
Once he was done with Rebecca he turn to Homura and the two make out while Rebecca dose the same to Y/n as she start kissing his neck making Y/n really turned on as Y/n grabs both Homura and Rebecca's breast as he squeeze them both lending out some moans.
Rebecca slowly move her hand down and unzipped his pants and after a while we see their Y/n's thrown away leaving Y/n completely naked as we see Homura and Rebecca start licking his dick like the two are sharing an ice cream together as Y/n grabs hold on the blanket while he try his best to holf on the moans as his dick gets bigger and bigger.
Y/n: (moaning) There it cums! There it cums~!
Soon his cum exploded oit of his dick and some landed onto both Rebecca and Homura as they were now covered by it. Y/n was breathing heavily while he lay in bed as Homura Start to lick off the cums off of Rebecca and Rebecca dose the same to Homura. But soon they look at each other and they turn make out in front of Y/n as the two girls lend out some moans while they collapse onto the bed ad they took out their own clothes.
Soon we see Rebecca on the bed as she makes out with Y/n while Homura was sucking her left breast as Rebecca's breast gets bigger and soon her milk exploded out of her breast. Rebecca lend out a moan and then Homura and Y/n sat on their knees in front of Rebecca and made out in front of Rebecca as she sat up as well and all three kiss each other as moans was shared around as they touch each other tongues like they were having a sword fight.
Soon Y/n insert his dick inro Rebecca's vigina while Homura sat on Rebecca's face as Rebecca stick her tongue inro Homura's vigina while Y/n thrust his dick into Rebecca as she lend out some moans and so dose Y/n and Homura as Y/n stroke Rebecca's leg to feel turned on even more as he gose faster and harder.
Homura: (moaning) This feels amazing~!
Rebecca: (moaning) Go faster Y/n~! Go faster~!
He dose what she said and after a while all three lend out a moan and after they Rebecca passed out as she breaths heavily while Homura makes her way to Y/n as she pressed her breast to Y/n's chest.
Homura: (giggle) Is my training complete~?
Y/n: (smirk) Almost Homura. There is one last test.
Homura: (smirk) I'm ready when ever your ready.
Y/n giggle ad the two make out once more as they collapse onto the end of the bed and soon we see Homura laying on the bed as Y/n insert his dick into her bed and start thrusting in as Homura lend out a moan while Y/j gose faster and harder as Homura sticks out her tongue and rolled her eye back as she really do love the feel of this.
They shake the bed as Homura lend out some moans while she calls out.
Homura: (moaning) Yes~! Yes! This is a wonderful training Y/n~!!!!!!!
Then it was done as she soon passed out on the bed while Y/n pulls out his dick and he was breathing heavily as he look at both girls know passed out on his bed as he breaths heavily ans said.
Y/n: (breathing) Well......this was an unsuspected night.
(Lemon ends)
(Nex day)
The sun shines through the window as we see piles of clothes everywhere while we see Y/n, Rebecca and Homura laying in bed sleeping with blankets over them as Rebecca and Homura each cuddle Y/n as Y/n was the first to wake up and sat up to see the two girls sleeping as he smiles.
Mysterious voice: Th-That's enough.....We understand....we've lost.....
He heard that voice and it sounded familiar to him. It sounded like Homura but that's impossible, he is watching her sleeping peaceful with Reb-
Mysterious voice 2: Please forgive us....
Now it sounded like Rebecca but she is also asleep with a smile on her face as he grab his head trying to figure out what are these voices that he just heard.
Then a door open as a Clone Trooper enter and was about to day.
Clone trooper: Good morning sir. How was you slee-
He see Y/n with both Rebecca and Homura who were naked with smiles on turn face with clothes around the room as the Clone trooper see what has happened during the night so he slowly step back and stumble to close the door and soon he push a button and shut the door.
Now Y/n was alone now as he wasn't phase by a Clone trooper just enter his room, seeing him and the twonother girls naked but he was focused on the voices he heard in his head.
Y/n: (thought) These voices. I believe they are Homura and Rebecca but.....they sounded sadden and.....hopless. I get a feeling it has to have something to do with the visions I've saw and I need to find a way to stop the future from ever coming true. Mark my words, I will NOT lose my friends! Never again!
To be continued..................
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