Chapter 32: The bond between borther and sister

Edens Zero jumps out of Hyper space and slowly make it's approach towards the Hyper cannon where the empire are now going to fire after they retrieve the Hyper Crystal and also where Y/n is at being captured by them. Not too long later more Republic fleets arrive as they load by Captain Connor as the fleet jump out of Hyper space.

On the bridge we see a Republic officer walking up to Connor after he finish his call to Witch as once the hologram of Witch disappeared the Republic officer tells him.

Republic officer: Sir are fighters are ready to battle.

Connor: That's good. Tim's to show the empire to not mess with us, order the pilots to get into their fighters and prepare for battle.

Republic Officer: Yes sir.

At the hanger we see Republic pilots racing to their fighters as they climb onto their star fighters as they did some checks before they all start off their engines and make their way out of the hanger and fly towards the Hyper cannon as they were lead by the Marauder.

Inside we see the Bad Batch, Rebecca, Shiki, Happy, Pino, Weisz, Homura and Yogi as Tech and Echo were at the cockpit as Tech informs them all.

Tech: The Hyper cannon seemed to be charging up. All fleets, we need to take down their shield in order to get some damage to it.

Connor: (radio) Copy that.

Shiki: Don't worry Y/n, we're on our way to get you.

Republic pilot: (radio) We got tie fighters coming towards us!

They see a whole sworn of them exiting out of the hangers and making it's way towards them. Soon the space battle begins and both star fighters open fire at each other as some fighters get shot down as the fighters scatter as more and more fighters get blown up while the Marauder gets through them with Hunter have the back gunner and taking out any tie fighters that wee targing them from behind.

The other fleets included Edens Zero open fire their cannons at the incoming tie fighters before they would have a chance to deal some damage to their fleets while at the right side of the Hyper cannon we see Am sitting on her throne watching the battle happening while Haru make his way to her and stand next to her.

Haru: Ma'am the Hyper cannon is ready to fire.

Am: Good, at least we will end this rebellion and bring order to the galaxy.

Haru: Indeed ma'am but I am concerned about the function of the Hyper cannon. The onky way to fire is for you and your brother to be use as a battery with the power of the dark side and once that all the dark side engery will be transferred into the Hyper Crystal and then it will fire. Are you and your brother really gonna take this sacrifice?

Am: I am. For years I have been waiting for sacrifice myself for the dark side and I will finally do that.

Haru: Understood ma'am.

Am: I sense you are not upset by this commander.

Haru: I've seen many officers that I have work along side with die and me being the only one. I won't allow my feelings to ruin the empires name.

Am: I respect that commander. Ready the Hyper cannon.

Haru nods and order to crew to fire the Hyper cannon so they can end the Republic once and for all. But suddenly alarms start to go off while an imperial officer tells them.

Imperial officer: Sir the Hyper Crystal has been stolen! We can't fire the Hyper cannon without it.

Haru: (shocked) What?! Who would dare to try to steal the Hyper Crystal?!

Am looks at the other star destroyer and she sees Karrie not in his seat which she wounder where he could he be at the time like this.


We see Y/n at his holding cell as he was on his knees while alarms around him gose off as he waits and waits until the cell door in front of him opens and he looks up to see Karrie staring down at him. The two stare at each other for a while until Karrie reach out of the force and took off Y/n's cuffs from his legs and arms and once that Y/n stood up.

Y/n: (smile) You made the right choice Karrie.

Karrie: I'm not doing this for the Republic, I'm doing this for-

Y/n: (smile) Your sister, yeah I know that. But deep down you do care for others.

He said this while he walks oit of his cell and Karrie gives him his blaster pistol and light saber back which he takes and once that they make their way through the halls of the cell trying to get to the hanger. We see the Hyper Crystal being contain inside a glass case with Karrie as he ask.

Karrie: So any ideas to get out of here?

Y/n: (smile) We can meet my friends at the hanger. Once there we should be able to contact them and get out of here.

Karrie: Alright, just as long we don't run into any troopers, we should be fine.

They reach to a door and Karrie press it and as soon the doors opens two Navy Stormtroopers turn to see them.

Navy Stormtrooper: Sir and.....jedi?!

Y/n quickly took out his blaster pistol and shoot two of the before they will sound the alarm.

Y/n: (smirk) So much for not running into any Navy Stormtroopers.

Karrie agrees and they make their way to the hanger as they run pass a window to see a open veiw of the space battle between both Empire and Republic star fighters as both star fighters spone out only to be gone on site from the window. Soon the two make their way to the hanger and it was clear so Y/n gets on radio and calls up Edens zero.

Y/n: Dose any copy? This is Y/n L/n doss any copy over?

Witch: (radio) I hear you Y/n. Great to hear your voice.

Y/n: Where is Shiki and the rest?

Witch: (radio) Their with Clone force 99 and trying to make their way towards you.

Y/n: Copy that, we're at Hanger B-2.

Witch: (radio) Roger but did I hear you right? Are you not alone?

Y/n: (smirk) Let's just say....someone help me. Tells Shiki and the rest to holf your fire once they arrive at the hanger over and out.

Once that is done he turn to Karrie and tells him.

Y/n: Maybe it's best you take off that dark armor off you so they see you less as a Sith.

Karrie: Very well then.

He take off his helmet and soon his armor ad he throws them aside and Y/n can see him without his armor which surprised Y/n a bit.

Y/n: (smile) You know I was suspected something else.

Karrie: (smirk) Well it is a large galaxy, who knows what you might suspect.

Y/n: (smirk) True.

Am: So your a traitor Karrie.

They turn to see Am along with her Navy Stormtroopers as they aim their blasters at them while they stood there in place.

Am: I'm very disappointed with you brother. Just what are you going to do with the Hyper Crystal?

Karrie: To a galaxy far far away.

Y/n: Am this Hyper Crystal is too dangerous to use! You need to understand that this will kill you and your brother.

Am: Foolish Jedi, I will sacrifice my life for the dark side and I will not allow my own brother to hand over it to the Republic.

Karrie: I don't care what side I will give this to, I won't let you have it.

Am: Your a fool to even listen to a Jedi brother. How's about you hand over both the Jedi and the Hyper Crystal and we speak of none of this again. It will be ashame that I have to arrest both of you.

Karrie stood there and Am see his choice and wave her arm towards them as the Nafy Stormtroopers walks towards them ready to arrest both of them. Then suddenly the Marauder enter the hanger and makes a rough landing as Y/n and Karrie move out of the way along with the Navy Stormtroopers as the Marauder makes it storm in front of the Navy Stormtroopers and Am.

(Battle theme start)

The ship door open amd Wrecker was the fire to fire his blaster rifle at the Navy Stormtroopers and taking them out while the rest take cover. Wrecker laughs while the rest of the Bad batch came out and open fire at them as they take out a few Navy Stormtroopers.

Hunter throw his knife at one that stab him in the chest as he rolled towards him and use his body as a shield from the incoming blasted shots as he tool out his blaster pistol and fire at a few Navy Stormtroopers before he kick the lifeless Navy Stormtroopers towards the rest and continues firing the them.

Tech and Echo came out and open fire at them while Omega pulls back her engery bow and fire a shot qnd take out one Navy Stormtrooper. Then Shiki and the rest came out to see this happening.

Shiki: (surprised) Wow! They are so cool!

Weisz: Well it's a good thing they are on our side.

Pino: Indeed. Life would be different if they were on the empires side.

Y/n: Guys!

Y/n rush over to them as once there Rebecca and Homura hugged him yo see him alright just as Karrie walks over to them and they turn to him.

Shiki: Hey...........who are you?

Y/n: Um yeah this is Karrie.

Rebecca: (surprised) W-W-Wait what? That's Karrie?!

Yogi: (shocked) What is he doing here with you?!

Y/n: He broke me out and he is now doing the right thing.

Karrie: Indeed. Here take it, keep it safe.

He hands over the Hyper Crystal to them and just before anyone would do anything about it, the Hyper Crystal was pulled out of Karries hand and onto Am's.

Karrie: Sister wait!

Am races off while Karrie and Y/n gose after her as the bad batch give them covering fire as chase Am out of the hanger.

Weisz: So now what?

Rebecca: (smirk) Now, it's time to do what we do best.

Homura: Indeed. Stopping this weapon from ever gonna arm anyone else.

Shiki: Okay guys, let's do this!

Shiki leaps up over the Bad Batch and slams his gravity fist at tbe floor and sent the Navy Stormtroopers flying which surprised the Bad batch.

Omega: (surprised) Wow that's amazing!

Wrecker: Now that's I like to call a slam down! Hahaha!

Hunter: Alright Bad Batch, follow his lead! Let's do this!

They leap out of cover as Rebecca and the rest join in on the battle as they hold off the Navy Stormtroopers long enough so Y/n and Karrie will get the Hyper Crystal back from Am.

(Battle theme ends)

Am arrived at the main Hyper cannon and she was to put it back in when the Hyper Crystal was suddenly grabbed by the force by Karrie as the two arrived to stop her.

Y/n: Guve up Am, your plan is falling apart.

Am: No! It ain't over yet!

The Hyper Crystal was let go from her hand but she too calls alone the force and she grabs the Hyper Crystal. Y/n reach out to help Karrie as the Hyper Crystal was at the middle as the glass case shattered leaving the exposed Hyper Crystal as Karrie and Y/n try their best to grab it but Am was strong in the force.

Then suddenly a piece of the Hyper Crystal breaks and suddenly a flashing light blinds them. Soon they open their eyes and they see the same version that Karrie have seen as Am sees herself dieing which shocked her.

Am: (shocked) Wh-What is this?

Y/n: This was your fate if you use the Hyper Crystal. You will die by it's power.

Am: That's impossible. I am strong enough in the force, surely I can-

Y/n: It doesn't matter how strong you might be the Hyper Crystal is fat more stronger then both you and your brother  and it will kill both of you.

Am: Is this true?! You wish to stop me so you can save me?

Karrie:.....Yes. I know the Jedi are our enemies but he is telling the truth, I can sense it. If you use the Hyper Crystal then you will die. I'm asking you to stop this before-

Then they hear her lend out a chuckle and seen turn inro laughter as she force lighting the two which sent them flying back while Am grabs the Hyper Crystal and took off her helmet as she tells them both.

Am: (smirk) Your a fool brother! I will die for the empire and to the dark side and there is nothing that you and your Jedi can stop me!

Y/n: Am don't!

She insert the Hyper Crystal into her armor and sparks fly out of her as she scream in pain but it burst and four robotic arms came out of her back and red whipe like light sabers were activated along with two red light sabers on both on her hand as she whipes her red light sabers towards them but Y/n active his and blocks their attacks.

But they were too many as one of thw whipes slice off his hilt which he stumble back and see his light saber sliced off as more whipes came as he dodge her strikes and gets behind cover with Karrie.

Y/n: We need to get that Hyper Crystal out of her before it's too late. Any ideas?

Karrie sees the glow on his hand and sees that he have the other broken piece and got an idea.

Karrie: I have one but you have to trust me.

Y/n: Whatever you might be thinking, do it.

He nods and pulls out his light saber and took out his red Hyper Crystal and insert the Hyper Crystal in. Once that he rolled out of cover and Am use her light saber whipes to strike at him but he active his light saber and use it to block all of them before he pulls Am towards him and the two siblings battle each other at the walk way as they strike blows at each other.

Soon they enter a saber lock as they look at each other while Am laughed.

Am: (evil laughter) Your a fool to sided with a Jedi! Once I'm done with you I will show the galaxy the true power of the dark side of the force!

Suddenly she felt something on her as she leaps back and suddenly sparks came out of her body and soon red electricity came out of her body as she scream in pain just like Y/n and Karrie seen in the version as red lighting hits everywhere around them and things start to blow up around them as this power gets stronger and stronger and it start an alarm to evacuate because this ship is aboit to blow.

Flames start to off everywhere as Am continues to scream in pain while Karrie dodges the red lighting and so dose Y/n.

Y/n: Karrie we need to go now!

Karrie: I won't leave my sister here! You need to go!

Y/n: No way! I won't leave you both here to die!

Karrie: You have to! If not, then we all will die! Now go!

Y/n was hesitated but with no choice ne turns to leave and before he he leaves the room Karrie calls out to him.

Karrie: Y/n!

He stop and turn back to see him smiling at him as he tells him.

Karrie: (smile) You were right. No matter how much the Dark side we may have....we also have alight within us no matter what.

Y/n smiles and nods to him and make his escape while Karrie turns to Am and approaches her while the whole ship around them falls apart around them and explosion blow up as we see Y/n rushing to the hanger and once there he sees everyone else.

Rebecca: Y/n what's happening?!

Y/n: This ships is about uo blow! We need to get out of here now!

Hunter: Right! Everyone let's get out of here!

They rush back to Marauder and once inside Tech and Echo start it up and they fly the Marauder out of the hanger and leave the Hyper cannons as other Republic star fighters leave the area as they see the Hyper cannon blow up in a gaint explosion destroying thw weapon and possibly the Hyper Crystal itself once and for all.

The Republic cheered for this victory while Y/n looks at the ship and honour both Karrie and Am's deaths. Am might still be loyal to the empire but in the end, she died along with her brother.


We see Y/n at the beach outside of the Republic HQ as celebrating is happening behind him as Shiki and the rest cheered with eveyrone as they dance around. Y/n looks at the sea thinking about the twins deaths and what Karrie's last words to him before his death.

Then Lop walks over to him and stand next to him watching the sea with him.

Lop: Are you....okay?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine....just hoping both Karrie and Am made it out there alive.

Lop: But didn't Am try to kill her own brother and you?

Y/n: That maybe true Lop but I think there is a lesson for all Jedi must learn.

Lop: And what is it?

Y/n: No matter how dark you might be, no matter how many lives you have taking and no matter how selfish and cruel you might be.......there is a chance of Redemption. We may have seen them as evil but we must remember that in the past they weren't always evil. Some might have been wrong in the dark planet, some were abuse by those they love while some.....was teach by a person who teach them the wrong way.

Lop: I see, you think they made it out there alive?

Y/n: Maybe but let's have hope that they are still alive.

Lop agrees as Lop see his broken light saber and ask him.

Lop: Can you repair your light saber?

Y/n: Well the Kuber Crystal is still alright so I can repair I but it looks like I needed an upgrade.

Lop: (smile) Yeah your light saber is kinda old.

Y/n: Oh come on it's not that old!

Lop looks at him with a smile until admits.

Y/n: Okay fine it's....kinda old but at least I did kept it safe for a very long time! I might have been the onky jedi who have his own Light saber still attached until the end.

Lop: (smile) Maybe.

She lend out a giggle while Y/n lend out a chuckle. Then Lop hugs him which caught Y/n off guard but he hugs her back as Lop smiled.

Lop: (smile) I'm glad I didn't lose another family.

Y/n: (smile) Never worry Lop. You won't lose anyone because we be with you no matter what.

Lop: (smile) Right and same to you.

Y/n smiles with a nod and they rejoin the party with Shiki and the rest as they party and cheered while we wee Jinn qt the alleyway watching this as he turn and decided to find a place to stay in this planet because he find this place lot more better then other planets he might have stayed.


We see the destroyed Hyper cannon and parts floating through space as we see three star destroyers searching for any survivors as we see Zen watching all of this and see that the twins plans has failed.

Zen: What are the casualties?

Then his new second in command walks up to Zen and we see he is a imperial clone Stormtroopers by the name.....Cody.

Cody: By now, 28,000 imperial personal were killed when the explosion happened sir. We believe there is still escape pods out there, shall I order a rescue team?

Zen: No, that won't be necessary commander. They have failed their mission and they must pay the price for it.

Cody: Yes sir, understood sir.

Then footsteps is heard behind him as a figure appears behind Zen as Zen tells the person behind him.

Zen: You see what they are cable of. Be careful around my apprentice, he is far more powerful then you think he was.

???: I know much about that boy but I don't care about him. I only care about what is inside Edens zero and I want it.

Zen: (smirk) Very well then. It's time we show the Republic to never mess with us, it's time for them....we meet our greatest allie in the whole galaxy. Ain't that right.....Drakken?

Then he turns and we see a the figure fully as he smirks at Zen and agrees.

Drakken: (smirk) Agree, time to show these kids not to play hero and go on fun adventure and messing with both of  us.

To be continued.............

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