Chapter 31: Care for those you are close to

Within a jungle like planet we see a small group of Stormtroopers and scout troopers patrolling the area while tie fighters fly by while we see a temple where the third map is while we also see Quinlan, Yogi, Pino, The bad batch team and Weisz sat on their knees with their arms being cuffed in place while we see Karrie finished his call to Y/n and walks over to them and glare down at them as Weisz smirks and said.

Weisz: You may look scary but we know your just a kid underneath that mask.

Karrie: You will be wise to be silent otherwise you will lose a bit more then just your trusty blasted.

Quinlan: Your plan will never work. What ever your gonna do with the Hyper Crystal it will never work.

Karrie: It will work. Once the Republic hand us the rrst of the maps, we will find the planet and then find the Hyper Crystal. Once that we will install it into the Hyper cannon and the galaxy will bow down to the empire.

Hunter: (smirk) Good luck that. No way that will never happen.

Karrie looks at Hunter and was about to say something when Fuji approaches him.

Fuji: We have secured the map sir. We're ready to leave.

Karrie: Good, take the prisoners to our ship. They will be use as a trade for the Republic while they hand us the map.

Fuji: Yes sir.

A group of Stormtroopers grabs Weisz and the rest and force them to enter the dropships and once inside they take off back to the Star destroyer and exit out of the planet.


We see Y/n at the bridge with Witch, Sister Irvy, Mosco, Hermit, Oki, Miwa, Leiko and Yei as Y/n tells Hermit and the rest about Weisz and his teams capture and what Karrie wants so they can be set free.

Oki: So they want the other two maps we have.

Leiko: I have a bad feeling about this. This could be a trap.

Miwa: That maybe so, they will be killed if we refuse.

Sister Irvy: So what is the plane? Should we do the "Breaking and rescue mission?"

Mosco: Mosco thinks so.

Witch: That will be risky. If we try if rescue Weisz and the rest, they will kill them before we even get to them.

Hermit: So what should we do?

Y/n:........We have no choice. We have to give them what they want otherwise they will kill them. But just in case, I will bring a tracker on me so if things do go wrong, you guys will find me.

Witch: Understood.

Sister Irvy: Let's hope the demon king doesn't know where you are going. He might try to save you.

Y/n: I know but it's a risk that any jedi must take.

Yei: Agree. Take care Y/n, be safe.

Y/n nods to them and he walks out of the bridge and soon after he is at the hanger and loading the two maps qt his jedi on fughter just as Lop walks over to him as Y/n turns to see her.

Y/n: Thought you were resting?

Lop: I couldn't help myself but feel like your leaving to save Weisz and the rest. I'm worry for you.

Y/n smiles and walks over and place a hand on her head while she blushes a bit as Y/n tells her.

Y/n: (smile) I'll be back...Well hope so but no matter what happens, I will be safe.

Lop: (blush) Y-Yeah I just.....don't want to lose anyone else within my family.

Y/n: (smile) You won't. Trust me and trust in the force and your heart. Even if I am in trouble always have faith and never assume the worse. I'll be fine, trust me I'll be fine.

Lop cracks a smile and nods to him as Y/n smiles back at her and walks over to his Jedi star fighter to leave but Lop calls out to him. He turn and Lop rush up and kiss him on the cheek. This made Y/n blush a bit and so dose Lop qs she stumble back blushing but she smiles while she tells him.

Lop: (smile) Good luck Y/n and....may the force be with you.

Y/n was still surprised but smiles and nod to her as he climb inside his jedi star fighter and close down the hatch. Once that he takes off out of the hanger of Edens Zero and soon he jump into Hyper space to the coordinations where Karrie wants them to meet.

(Hours later)

Y/n jumps out of Hyper space and travels towards q planet that is nothing but a rock like planet with mountains and rocks as Y/n enter the planets atmosphere and flies over the landscape of rocks and hills.

Soon he land his jedi star fighter down and once that he leaps out of the star fighter and looks in front of him to see Am, Karrie and a line up of death troopers with Weisz and the rest behind as they see Y/n as he walks towards them and then stop in the middle.

He pulls out the two maps out of his pocket and shows them to the twin siths.

Y/n: I have what you wanted! Now let them go!

Weisz: (whisper) what the heck is he doing?!

Echo: (whisper) Doing what he thinks is right.

Pino: (whisper) This might end bad.

Yogi: (whisper) Yeah but I know Y/n have a plan, trust me.

Karrie: So you willing to hand over the other two maps. And here I thought Jedi would never do that.

Am: Indeed. How can you call yourself a jedi if you care for those even though the order have a rule about strong attachments.

Y/n: This is a new galaxy. Now let my friends go.

Am:.......As you wish.

She snap her fingers and the death trippers let Weisz and the rest go as they stood up and look over to Y/n. He node to them so they make leave to Marauder that the empire also took while Y/n walks up close to Am and Karrie and hands them the two other maps.

They stare at the maps as the two maps float into the air as Karrie pulls out the third and the three maps combine together and form a bigger map.

Y/n: I see. So this planet we're standing is wherethe Hyper Crystal is then.

Am: Indeed. This map will guide us to the temple where it is being stored. And as for you.....

Then death troopers cuffed Y/n and took away his blasted and light saber out of his belt.

Am: Only Jedi can sense where the temple is so you will take us to where it is. If you refuse, then we will kill your friends.

With no choice he gose with them as they follow the map while Weisz see this as he peaks pout of the Marauder and enter inside to everyone else.

Weisz: Okay so let's get out of here before those sith Lords decided to come back and kill us.

Echo: Not a chance kid. Y/n is now captured and we're going to save him.

Pino: Besides he came here to save us so we should return the favour.

Weisz: (smirk) Hello be fine. I mean how powerful are this twin siths are they?

Quinlan: Very powerful.

Weisz: Huh?

Quinlan: I wasn't sure when Y/n told me about the brother sith but once we met him face to face, I realised how very powerful he and his sister is to the dark side. It's almost like they were actually born from the dark side it self.

Weisz: But that's impossible right? There is no way a force can't do that right?

Quinlan: The force works in mysterious ways Weisz. I may not as wise as Yoda but the force is something we all do don't clearly understand.

Yogi: We're missing the point. We're not gonna abandoned Y/n after what he did. We're gonna save him even you like it or not Weisz.

Weisz:.......(sigh) Fine but as long Quinlan deals with a sith lord, I'll be fine.

Omega: So what is the plan?

Tech: Well I thinm the wise choice is to follow them and once they arrive to their location, we will kindly request them to let Y/n go.

Wrecker: In other words, WE'RE GONNZ BEAT THEM UP! Haha!

Hunter: (smirk) Let's do this squad. Time to save a jedi.


We see Y/n, Am, Karrie and a squad of Death troopers as they make their way through a mysterious trail that Y/n sense they should follow and while this walk, Y/n who is at front turn to the twins and tells them.

Y/n: So tell me about this plan you two are gonna do once you found the Hyper Crystal?

Am: We're gonna use the Hyper Crystal to power up our secret weapon. Once that, we will target at one of the Republic planets and show the galaxy the true power of the empire.

Y/n: So this super weapon can blow up a planet?

Am: More then that. It can travel through Hyper space to it's destination. Any planets will not know until it is too late.

Y/n: So your gonna kill innocent of planets just so you can bring order to the galaxy.

Am: Indeed. We were born to sacrifice our bodies for the power of the dark side and once we get the Hyper Crystal, our mission will be complete.

Y/n: What do you mean by sac-

Suddenly Y/n felt something strong in the force and he turn and stop dead in his tracks. They all stop and turn to look at a large crater as they make their way down and walk around for a bit and don't see anything.

Karrie: I don't see anything?

Am: This must be a trick. You trick us.

Y/n: I haven't. Wait for it.

After a while there is a sudden earthquake and after a while the ground in front of them start to open up and then a tower like temple rise out from the dark hole as Death troopers ready their blasters but Karrie stand them down as the large tower like temple appear in front of them and stop rising.

It was something that they have ever seen as Am sense something and they turn to see the Marauder flying towards them.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like they came back.

Am: Go and get the Hyper Crystal. I'll hold them off.

Karrie: Understood. Good luck.

Am: I don't need luck.

Karrie turn and push Y/n inside the temple as the temple closes behind them while the Marauder's cannons open fire and blow up the death troopers while Am leaps back and reach out and froze the Marauder in the air.

Then the hatch opens as Quinlan leaps down and active his light saber while Am active her's and the two clash blades as Quinlan leaps back and land on the ground while the Marauder start to move just as tie fighters came open and fire at the Marauder which the Marauder flies around trying to dodge the shots while Weisz takes back gunner and take out a few tie fighters while Am and Quinlan battle at the ground.

Am: Your maybe a Jedi master but you underestimate the true power of the dark side of the force.

Quinlan: That maybe so but we will do what ever we can to stop you and your brother's plans to use the Hyper Crystal for darkness and destruction.

Am: You will be destroyed before that comes jedi.

Am fires lighting at Quinlan which hits him and sent him flying. He rolled onto the ground but he stood up and charge at Am while Am dose the same as they clash light saber blades as they continue their battle.


We see Y/n and Karrie walking up the steps within the temple as the temple is light with blue flame touches around them as they climb up the stairs so they can get to the top.

Y/n: I can sense you deeply care for your sister.

Karrie: What are you talking about Jedi?

Y/n: I know deep down you care the onky family you see in your eyes which is your twin sister. You two were born together, train together and raise together from children to adults. If you do care about your sister then that means there is a small light within you.

Karrie: I have no light within me Jedi. We were born within the Dark side of the force, there is no light within us and there will never be one.

Y/n: (smirk) You can say that but just because you and your sisters are born form the dark side that doesn't mean there is some light that the dark side can't destroy. The forceis stong but I sense no true hatred within you or your sister. I know you two can make things right.

Karrie was know silent now, not knowing what to say. Soon they see a bright glow at the top and once they made it to the top they see it. They see the Hyper Crystal float in the middle of the room as Karrie was amazed by it's power and walks over to it. Once close he reach out he hand to grab it.

Once he did he suddenly sees a version of his sister screaming in pain while red enegry appear around her body as she yells out in pain almost like she is dying. Then Karrie snap back in reality and step back as he stare at the Hyper Crystal while be breaths heavily, wondering what in the force was that.

Y/n: So you seen the version of the future have you?

He turn his head to him and active his red light saber and point his blade at his neck while he ask him.

Karrie: What did you do!?

Y/n: I didn't do nothing. The Hyper Crystal did. It showed you the future and what will happen to your and your sister and it seems bad.

Karrie: How do you know that?

Y/n:.....Because I too seen a version of the future. At the first temple I've seen version of the future that scared me. I wasn't sure if it was true or not but either way I know I must prepare when it comes. But the main reason how I know is the maps.

Karrie: The maps?

Y/n: I've research the two maps and the books that Lop give to me and it told that the Hyper Crystal is unlike any kyber Crystal that any jedi has ever gotten. It has an ability to show versions of the future, sometimes it can case rooms, objects or anything that same ability to show users who are force sensitive some versions of the future. It seems you and your sisters didn't do your homework about them before coming here huh?

Karrie stood there in silence not knowing if he is lying or telling the truth. Y/n looks at him and tells him.

Y/n: I know you don't want to see your sister die right I front of. I know how to feel like being alone for so long. But you can stop it form happening, you can stop this if you can trust me. Please Karrie turn back now and leave the Hyper Crystal where it is and come with me. I know you and your sister can make things right. So....what do you say?

Karrie just stare at Y/n not knowing what to do now but he turn to see an imperial shuttle heading their way so he deactivated his light saber and place a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Karrie: Sorry about this.

He then punched Y/n in the stomach so hard thqt cost Y/n to fell onto the ground and soon falls unconscious as Karrie takes the Hyper Crystal and pick up the unconscious Y/n as the shuttle arrives and the hatch opens to reveal squad 756 as Karrie throws the unconscious Y/n to Kenta and Ash while he climbed into the shuttle.

We then cut to Am and Quinlan continuing their battle just as green blast knock Quinlan away while the imperial shuttle hovers over Am as the hatch opens and Am sees that Karrie has completed his mission so she leaps inside the shuttle as Quinlan stood up and see the shuttle flying off while he sense Y/n inside and unconscious as he deactivated his lightsaber as the Marauder makes a landing and they see they fail to stop them from getting the Hyper Crystal.


Shiki: THEY TOOK Y/N?!

We see everyone else gathered at the bridge of Edens Zero as everyone was shocked by this news.

Ella: I hope daddy will be okay.

Rebecca: Don't worry sweetie. Daddy is gonan be fine.

Flanker: Any idea where they would have taking him?

Tech: In our guess they are taking him to their secret weapon. They are gonna use it to destroy a planet filled with people who supported the Republic.

Shiki: (anger) Those jerks! Once we find them, I'm gonna make them pay for kidnapping one of my friends.

Jinn: Is that Jedi really that important to you all?


Jinn: Whatever.

Lop: Do we even know where this super weapon is?

Witch: No but Y/n did request to have a tracking beacon on him in case he is in trouble. If his are active, we can head to his location and we can find him.

Shiki: (smirk) Really! That's cool!

Ella: (smile) Yay we're coming Daddy!

Omega: This will be a thought battle and I don't think three ships ain't gonna stand a chance.

Witch: Your right. I'll contact Captain Connor and his fleet to help us on this mission.

Sister Irvy: Oh great that annoying guy. I swear if he try anything I will snap.

Hermit: I have Y/n's coordinations! I'll sent this to Captain Connor's fleet and we can head there right now.

Shiki: Right! Jump into Hyper space Witch! Time to go and save our friend!

Witch: Yes Demon king.


We over see the Hyper cannon star destroyer  floating through space ready to get into position while we cut inside to see Karrie walking through the hall along as he made it to the first door as the door opens to reveal Navy Stormtroopers as they stood up straight as Karrie gose by them making his way to a large door in front of him.

Once there the huge door opens slowly while a red and crystal like blue shines out of the cracked door as the door fully opens and Karrie walk through the walkway and we see the Hyper Crystal inside a glass case as Karrie approach the Hyper Crystal and stare at it as the glows of it shine out around the room as we see an eye through the visor as Karrie remembers what Y/n has told him and he is about to do something that he will regret....but he must do keep "her" safe.

To be continued.....................

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