Chapter 30: The temple within the ice storm
Thw cold wind blows heavily creating a massive fog that we can't see while we hear a string wind blow by. Then slowly we see four to five figures came into veiw from the fod as they came into veiw and we can see that these are imperial snowtroopers stomping their way through the snow trying to get to their location.
The squad leader wave his arms to his squad as they keep on going to thier location. Soon blaster fire and sounds of fighters are hard as they have closer and closer. They make their way up a hill and soon they made it up top and we see a large battle zone with four At-At walkers along with a few imperial tanks and snowtroopers down below marching and open fire at an Republic snow base as ee cut to the base as a few Clone Snowtroopers who were on the wall get blown away by the At-At cannons and land hard onto the ground.
A few medical troopers rushes over and carry some inside while more Clone snowdrops climb up the ladders to the wall and fire thier blaster rifles at the Snowtroopers and taking some out while the imperial tank aims at the gate which one Clone Snowtrooper calls out.
Clone Snowtrooper: Their gonna blow up the gate! Get to cover!
The tank fired and blue up the gate sending some Snowtroopers flying while they scream. One Clone Snowtrooper slowly gets up while he shake his head while he looks around to see his brothers get killed by Imperial Snowtroopers as he turn and aim his blaster pistol and take our one but another blast his pistol out of his hand and walks over and aim his blasted at him.
The Snowtrooper was about to fire when he was suddenly shot and fell onto the ground while a None-Clone lieutenant leaps over and fire his twin blaster pistols at the incoming Snowtroopers and once the entrance are clear he turn and walks over to the Clone Snowtroopers and help him up.
Eric: Keep on the fighting soldier. Back up is on it's way.
Clone Snowtrooper: Yes sir! Thank you sir!
Eric nods while he quickly turn and take out another Snowtrooper before he can give a chance to fire back. Once that he slowly stood up and swap his twin Blaster pistols to hid blaster rifle and soon his own team which are the Clone Galactic marines race out of the base and rush pass Eric as they exit out of the base and find cover while fire back at the Snowtroopers and taking them out.
The imperial snowtroopers were getting overwhelmed by this as more None-Clone Snowtroopers and Clone Snowtroopers exit out of the base and assist the marines in the fight as they fire at the imperial forces.
A few troopers take control of the base turrets and fire at the imperial tanks and blow them up and after that target at the At-At walkers and deal some damage to it. Eric exit out of the smoke and join his soldier brothers in combat as he fire his blaster rifle and tear down the Snowtroopers.
None-Clone Snowtrooper: Look at that! Rescue has arrived!
They hear Republic Y-Wing bombers and we see them flying towards the battle zone and once they they were in rang they fire their missles and take out the At-At walkers and destroying all four of them for sure.
Now the Imperial Snowtroopers were on the run as they fall back while Eric's men cheered in victory while the aqua wing fly over them which Eric knew who is inside as he make his way to the landing pad.
Once there the Aqua wing has already landed as the Clone Snowtroopers lined up with their heads straight as the hatch opens and Y/n, Lop, Rebecca, Flanker, Lancer, Happy and Shiki exit out wearing coats to protect themselves from tbe cold.
Shiki: (smile) Man it sure is chilly out here.
Rebecca: That's probably the reason why it's a snowy planet.
Happy: (smile) Let's build a Snowman!
Shiki: (smile) That sounds fun!
Rebecca: First we do work, then we can have fun.
They walk towards Eric has he give them a salute follow by him saying.
Eric: (smile) Welcome to our base sir. It's nice that you can make it here.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you lieutenant. I see your base have some fun before we came.
Eric: (smile) Yep but too bad you've missed it.
Y/n: (smile) It's cool. We're here because you may know where this other temple is?
Eric: Yep that's right. How we know this is kinda a funny story but we can show you how we got it from.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Lead the way.
Eric nods and they follow Eric as they enter the base and make their way through the halls of the base. While they walk through the halls Lop can't help but be amazed how there is so many people fighting to protect the galaxy.
Lancer: See your surprised Lop.
Lop: Yeah. It's just....I've never seen so many people fighting for the Freedom of the galaxy. You all must be lucky to haveso many joining you all everyday.
Shiki: (smile) That's because they are our friends and friends help each other, even if we don't know each other we will always help.
Lop: (smile) Yeah that's right.
They soon arrived to holding cell as Eric opens the door and they see a female soldier looking through a glass cell while she turn to see Eric and the rest as she gives Y/n and a rest a salute.
Reznya: Glad you came sir.
Y/n: At ease second Lieutenant. So what brings us here Eric?
Eric: Well the empire have found out where the second map is which is inside a temple but it's been protected by a Ice storm. There's no way they could have go through the storm without freezing to death so.....they needed some help and unfortunately "he" got outbase wrong so we easily capture him and now...he's in there.
They turn to the glass case and Y/n, Rebecca, Happy and Shiki were shocked to see Jinn sitting on a chair with his hands being cuffed whike he glare up at them and then look down.
Rebecca: (shocked) Is that Jinn?!
Lop: Who is Jinn?
Happy: (shocked) He's apart of the mercenary group called the rogue out and wolked for Illega in Guilts.
Flanker: What's that on his arms? They don't like hand cuffs I've never seen.
Reznya: Those are anti Ether gear hand cuffs. It can block off the users Ether gears magic, pretty useful if you want to capture someone alive.
Y/n: So he was sent by the empire to use his Ether gear to clear away the ice storm?
Reznya: That's right sir. What should we do?
Y/n thinks about it and if that were true then there is no way they can get pass the storm without freezing to death. He looks at Jinn and soon after we see Jinn still sitting when Y/n enter his cell and grabs another chair and sat across of him. He stare at Jinn while he looks away as Y/n tells him.
Y/n: We need your help.
Jinn doesn't say anything for a while as the rest watch this at the other side until Jinn broke the silence.
Jinn: I was hired by the empire, not to the Republic.
Y/n: I know you were but what your about to do is gonna make things worse to the galaxy. Listen, you did many bad things in the past but we can change that. If you help us, we can clear you from your crimes.
Jinn: And why should I work with you? Have you already forgotten that we are enemies after Guilts.
Y/n: That maybe so but I believe we can be allies if you can understand what the empire is really gonna to do once they found the Hyper Crystal.
Jinn sat there in silence but still listen as Y/n gose on to tell him.
Y/n: They have a super weapon builds and ready to go but they need one last item they need which is the Hyper Crystal and is they have that, who knows how many lives they will take away. We're trying to stop them and you are our only hope of getting into they temple and get that map.
Jinn:.....Do you think you have the strength to defeat the empire?
Y/n: Well judging by what we have been through Yes. But it won't be once they have that map and your our only chance to get that map and get use one step closer of getting the Hyper Crystal. I'm now giving you a choice Jinn, you can either help us or stay here. The choice is yours.
He leave his chair and walks to the door. Before he press the door controls Jinn asked.
Jinn: What kind of super weapon is it and how dangerous can it be?
Y/n:....It can destroy a planet through Hyper space and it's extremely dangerous.
Jinn have a thought about the choas it might do and knowing thet the empire will be unstoppable snd there will be nothing he can do since some planets will get destroyed. He stood up from his chair and walk towards Y/n while Y/n turns to him and Jinn lend out his hands to him. Y/n sees this and take it and shakes it.
Jinn: I'll help you destroy that super weapon but once this is over. I'm leaving.
Y/n: (smile) Understandable. Now let's go, we don't have much time to waist.
We see four Republic gunships flying through the cold skies as in front we see Y/n, Shiki, Rebecca, Happy, Lop, Jinn, Eric, Reznya, Lancer and Flanker whike the rrst of the gunships hold the None-Clone and Clone Galactic marines as the pilots see a Ice storm dead ahead.
Clone polit: Icestorm dead ahead. Work your magic wind guy.
Jinn ignores what the Clone call him as Flanker takes of the Anti Ether gear cuffs as Jinn shut his eyes and use his wind Ether gear as the ice storm breaks open, allowing the gunships to go through the ice storm and not so long later they gone pass the ice storm and see the temple ahead.
It was filled with ice as the gunships make their landing and once that they exit out and they look at the ice temple.
Rebecca: (surprised) Wow it's so beautiful!
Happy: (surprised) Wish we could have lived in there.
Flanker: Yeah but we might have to deal with the cold.
Y/n place his hand onto his head while he shake his head a little.
Lop: What's wrong?
Y/n: It's the temple. It's different to the other temple I've been in to. Eric order some of your marines to guard out here while we take a look inside.
Eric: Yes sir.
Eric order some of his men to stay out here and guard while they head inside and search for the map. Once inside the main entrance halls were filled with ice and it was also dark as seme troopers turn on their flash light either attached to their helmets or blasters while Y/n and Lop active their light sabers as lights and scan around to see no one here.
Reznya: This place gives me the chills.
Eric: (smirk) Want me to cuddle you so you can be warm?
Reznya: (giggle) Save that once we head back to base hot tiger.
Eric: (smirk) What ever you say.
Lop: So where to?
Y/n: Try to use the force. Let the force tell you which way to go.
Lop nods and the two shut their eyes and ask the force to which way they should go. After a while of wind gently blowing the two open their eyes and they point to the right hallway.
Y/n and Lop: That way.
Rebecca: (smile) Awesome! Let's go!
They take the right path and while they walk Jinn stare up at Y/n and then to Shiki as he asked Shiki.
Jinn: You know, I was suspected the devil King to be.....more stronger and powerful.
Shiki: And your point being?
Jinn: The fact that your just a boy makes me doubt you being a true devil king? You and your friends are just kids playing hero and saving the galaxy from a empire that is unstoppable.
Shiki: Nothing is unstoppable. My grandfather told me that.
Jinn: Hm then he must be a fool to teach you that.
Shiki turns and grabs Jinn by the shirt and loft him up in the air whike he glare at his while Jinn wasn't phase by it.
Shiki: (anger) Don't you dear!
Flanker: That's enough both of you! We have a job to do so let's focus.
Shiki nods and let's Jinn go and walks off. Flanker push Jinn so he can keep moving while Y/n and Lop feel like they are getting closer and closer and soon they reach out a door, the same door that Y/n saw a while back and he's kinda afraid to touch it.
Lop: Let's do this together, okay.
Y/n nods to Lop and the two reach out their hand and they grab the door. But instead of a vison the door open and they were met by a large beautiful room with a circular like ice with a map in the middle as they walk down the steps and walk towards the map.
Shiki: (smile) Well that was easy.
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah. I thought we have to face some sort a Guardian or something like that.
Lop: (smile) Well the map ain't gonna walk towards us, let's grab it.
Lop walks over to it and she reach out her hand to grab it but Y/n sense a disturbance within the force and then he calls out.
Y/n: Lop!
He rushes over and active his light saber once he gets to Lop he blocks a incoming red light saber that came out of the darkness which surprised eveyrone else.
The red light saber flies back and grabbed by a female sith who stood there as they turn to face her.
???: So your the jedi that my brother told me about. How interesting, this is will be first and last time we met.
Y/n: Lop take the map and get you and the rest out of here. I'll hold her off.
Lop: No way! I won't leave you, we do this together.
Y/n:.....Okay. Shiki take the map amd get out of here. We hold off the sith.
He nods and grabs the map and they make a run for it while Lop stand beside Y/n and active her light saber and get into a battle stand.
???: You have a padawan? How interesting. I guess a Knight will soon get an apprentice to teach them the ways of the force.
Y/n: I can sense your the same straight as your brother. Tell me, who are you?
Am: If you must know my name is Am. My brothers name is Karre and like he said when you first met him, we are born within the Dark side and once we will have that Hyper Crystal we will take over this galaxy and soon all will bow down to the empire.
Lop: I have a bad feeling about this.
Y/n: Just stay with me and we should be fine.
Lop: Okay.
(Epic fight theme start)
Am just laughs as she swing her red light saber while she walks sideways to the right while Lop and Y/n walk side ways to the left while they lock eyes to each other. They continue to lock eyes at each other for a while until Am swing her light saberonce more and then dashes towards them and clash a blade to Y/n while Lop try to help and swing her light saber at Am but she quickly blocks Lops and they battle as their blades clashed.
Y/n leaps back and reach out of the force and spark out fire to attack Am but she reach out her hand and the fire split apart and go different ways while Lop see this opportunity and use force push to sent Am flying but she reach out her other hand and destroy Lop's force push while she turns and charge at her qnd clash blades at Lop while Y/n see this and throws his light saber at Am but she let's his light saber with hers like a bat and swing herbladr at Lops which vost her to the onto the ground. She stumble backwards as Am raises her saber to finish her while Y/n race over amdcall on the force to pull his saber onto his hand as he leaps over Am and getting front of Lop as he blocks Am's strike and saved Lops life.
There was a saber lock as Am use every straight she has to get her blade to strike on Y/n but Y/n sees a Ice shapd above so he reach his hand and the ice sharps break apart and falls down which Am turns and reach out her hand and freeze the ice sharp in place.
Y/n: Let's go!
Lop agrees as she gets up with a help of Y/n and they make a run for it while Am throws away the ice sharps and turn to see them running away.
Am: Cowardly Jedi's.
We see Lop and Y/n racing through the halls as Y/n radios in Eric.
Y/n: Eric we're coming out! Ready the gunships!
Eric: (radio) Yes sir! We get right on it!
Lop: Look out!
Lop stop and get behind Y/n as she blocks an incoming blade strike from Am who leap out of the darkness before she was lifted from the ground and throne across the rom and she lands hard and fell onto the ground unconscious.
Y/n: Lop!
He then blocks Am's strike as the two enter a saber lock once more as Am look down at Y/n as he tells him.
Am: You could never defeat the empire! We are born from the dark side and we will defeat the Republic once and for all!
Y/n: Am.....I know you and your brother are controlled by the empire. You haveno idea what they will do once they get up they need! You must understand the Hyper Crystal is too dangerous for anyone to hold!
Am: Your wrong! We will use the Hyper Crystal and make sure all those will bow down to the empire and the jedi will be destroy! Any last words Jedi?
The floor crack below them as Y/n noticed as he stare back at Am and doe some reason fell something within her. There is something that Am cares more then the empire, someone very important to her.
Y/n: I know you can change. Anyone can change, including you and your brother. Please, don't let the empire control you both.
Am: Will that be your last words?
Y/n:'s a choice to you....and your brother!
He then pushes Am's light saber and her back while he slam doen his hand and the floor start to crack more and soon the floor below Am shattered and she fell but she stab her saber onto a wall to stop herself from falling to her death while Y/n picks up the unconscious Lop and the two escape out of the temple and meet up with eveyroen else as they enter the gunship.
Am manage to climb out and reach the outside entrance just to see the gunships flying away as Am has failed but she hopes her brother haven't fail on his mission with the other map.
(Epic battle theme ends)
(A while later)
Aboard Edens zero we see Lop waking up and sat up as she sees that she is in the medical room and sees Ella and Y/n there as Ella hugs Lop.
Ella: (smile) Thank goodness that your okay miss Lop.
Y/n: How are you feeling?
Lop: A bit dizzy but fine.
Y/n: Alright. Ella you go and check up on your mother and Happy.
Ella: (smile) Okay daddy.
Once Ella left Y/n turns to Lop and he can sense a bit of fear in her.
Y/n: You sure your okay Lop?
Lop: It's just. It's the first time I ever fought a sith before and it was......scary.
Y/n: I understand. When i first fought a sith I too was scared. It was a sith I've feared till this day.
Lop: Who was he?
Y/n: Darth Maul. Me and master encounter him and his brother during a mission andi stood there in fear of the site of Maul. He an actual devil and if it wasn't for my master....I wouldn't have be here to tell you this.
Lop: That must be scary for you.
Y/n: It was. But listen, fears something that we all have and we never let our fear drive us down. Always fight back the fear and conquer it.
Lop: (smile) Yeah your right. Thank you master.
Lop blushes a bit whe she realised what she just said while Y/n was a bit surprised but lend out a chuckle while Lop tells Y/n.
Lop: (little blush) S-S-Sorry it's just that....your a Knight while I'm a-
Y/n: (chuckle) It's fine, you can call me what ever you want. Besides, I've never been called maser before.
His smile made Lops head skip a beat while she blushes as she stare at his smile. Then Witch calls him to the bridge which he stood up and walks over to the door but before he leaves he turn to Lop and tell her.
Y/n: Get some rest Lop. You deserve it.
Lop nods and once he left thr room, Lop lay back and smile to herself as her heart beats harder as she thinks about Y/n more.
Soon Y/n enter the bridge to knky see Sister Irvy, Mosco and Witch as he walks over to them and asked.
Y/n: Usually you call Shiki to the bridge.
Witch: (smirk) Well I sometimes call someone else to the bridge like Fordo or Quinlan. Plus Shiki had a cold due to the snowy planet you group been to.
Y/n: Let's hope Shiki will get better but let's move on the subject in hand, what's the situation on Quinlan and his team?
Witch: We believe they have been captured by the empire.
Y/n: (shocked) How?
Sister Irvy: Maybe this will tell you.
They look up to the screen as the screen opens to Karre starting at the screen while Y/n stars back at him as Karre says.
Karre: (transmission) Hello there, Jedi.
To be continued.....................
(A/n: I just wanna thank @Izanagi_kuno for the oc characters and more of his oc characters will come along very soon, thank you and I'll see you all in the next chapter.)
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