Chapter 29: The abandoned planet

We see Edens zero and three Republic venator class star destroyers travel through Hyper space reaching to their location to find the first map. While they wait we see Tech on his datapad and getting some information from Happy and Pino about androids and how his tech they are.

While we see Wrecker lifting Ella up into the air as she enjoys being lift into the air as she laughs as Hunter watch this while Y/n approaches Hunter and stand next to him.

Y/n: So how was the journey for you to come to the unknown region?

Hunter: It was confusing but thanks to Fordo we've manage to get there.

Y/n: Well at least you and your squad ain't in the side of the empire. Well except Crosshair, I'm sorry for that.

Hunter: (smile) That's alright. You know I've heard many things about you.

Y/n: Really? From who?

Hunter: General Skywalker and Captain Rex. They told me a lot about your adventures and your master. Echo also told me a few things about you as well

Y/n: Yeah, wish I would have seen you and your squad during the clone wars.

Hunter: (smile) Same here.

We then cut to Omega exploring around Edens zero as she is amazed by the ship as she looks out of thw window and stare out with amazement.

Rebecca: (smile) Hey there Omega.

She turn to see Rebecca and Oki as Omega said in nervous.

Omega: (nervous) S-Sorry for wonder off. It's just this feels different to the rest.

Oki: (smile) That's alright kid. Say we want to ask you something.

Omega: (smile) Sure what is it?

Rebecca: Fordo said you and Clone force 99 are clones right? But they don't seemed to be the same like Fordo and the rest.

Omega: Oh that's why they are mutated clones but rather being destroyed they were sent into battle by the kaminaons. They have abilities to help them into battle. Hunter can use his smell to track electromagnetic pulse, Tech can store everything to his mind and Wrecker is....Well he's very strong then any clones.

Oki: That's interesting. I can tell Crosshair has good aiming?

Omega: Yep while I'm........I'm not to sure what my ability are. Well at least not yet.

Rebecca: (smile) Those sound amazing! It's a good thing you guys on our side.

Omega: (smile) Yeah.

Soon the fleet jump out of Hyper space and they arrived to the planet. We see them gathered within the bridge as Tech dose scans on the planet with Witch and tells everyone.

Tech: According to this, it appears this planet is completely empty. No criminals or anyone on the planet.

Shiki: That's odd. I thought there will be tones of them right now?

Witch: It appears they must have left the planet for some reason.

Sister Irvy: Maybe a Chronophage must have eaten the planet?

Tech: The Chronophage?

Hermit: It's a creature like entity that can swallow planets and sent the planet back in time. But to answer your question it appears not, what ever cost them to leave was not the Chronophage.

Wrecker: Aaawww and I was ready to smash some heads down there.

Yogi: Same.

Tech: I advise we take things slow. It's unknown what is going on down there. There is a small chance that the empire might have taking over that planet after all.

Hunter: We can take the Marauder down there and investigate the planet.

Y/n: And if the planet is clear, we can go and find a temple and find the first map.

Shiki: (smile) And we be one step on finding the Hyper Crystal!

Hunter: Right. Let's move everyone.

The bad batch, Y/n, Quinlan, Lop, Rebecca, Happy, Yogi, Shiki, Pino, Homura and Weisz climb onto the Marauder and they exit out of the hanger and fly towards the planet.

Flanker: (hologram) We keep an eye on things up here while you all search around. Good luck General.

Ella: (hologram) Be safe mommy and daddy!

Rebecca: (smile) We will. Now you listen to what you've been told okay.

Ella: (hologram) On it!

Once the call ends Yogi looks around the Marauder and noticed a sniper rifle which he picks up and looks at it.

Yogi: Guess this was owned by Crosshair.

Echo: Yeah.

Yogi: Must be sad to have one of your brothers turn against you. You think he'll come back?

Echo: Who knows. We hope so.

Tech: We're breaking out of planets atmosphere.

The Marauder break through the cloads and they fly through th planets surface but rather then a nasty and ugly surface, it's actually a nice planet with green forest and it seems very peaceful rather the guilts.

Lop: (surprised) Wow this looks amazing.

Rebecca: (surprised) Yeah and so beautiful. I thought this planet will be nasty and smelly.

Hunter: Looks like there is a city up ahead.

They see the city and it looks abandoned so they make their approach to the city. Once landed they exit out as they ready their weapons for a fight but to their surprise there is no one around. Everything is completely empty with no life around.

Pino: I've scanned the area and it appears that there are no life in this city.

Wrecker: So no smashing?

Echo: Why did they build a city and then left all of sudden? This doesn't make any sense.

Tech: Agree ti's doesn't make sense unless something happen here that made them to escape the planet.

Weisz: Like what a ghost?

Tech: That's....highly likely. If this placewere to be hunted then we would have known by right now.

Hunter bend down and touch the floor with his fingers and then sniff his fingers while he looks around. After a while he stood up and turn to eveyrone else.

Hunter: listen up this place might be a trap so let's split up and find this temple. Echo, Yogi your with me. Y/n, Happy and Rebecca will search the buildings, Weisz, Omega and Lop you stay here and keep an eye on our ship. The rest will search for the temple and report back to us as soon as possible.

They nod and they take off with Weisz, Lop and Omega stay in the Marauder as the rest enter the city and search around. There was no sound from anywhere for miles as we see Y/n, Rebecca and Happy walk through the city.

Happy: It's a bit quiet to be a city. I wonder where is everyone?

Y/n: I sense nothing here. It's almost like everyone in thsi city just left for no reason.

Happy: Could it have been the empire?

Y/n: That hard to believe. We didn't see any imperial ships and even if they were gone before we came here, we would have seen soke blaster burns everywhere in the city.

Happy: Yeah you have your point.

Rebecca: Guys.

They turn to Rebecca and she have a scared look in her face as she tells them.

Rebecca: (scared) What if this planet is hunted and those who live here were taking and we might be taking as well!

Happy: I think you've watch to many horror movies Rebecca.

Y/n: Don't worry Rebecca. Even if this planet is hunted I promise I will protect us ho matter what.

Rebecca was a bit scared but nods and stay closely to Y/n and Happy as they make their way through the city. It seems kinda peaceful a little as they walk through the city and everything seemed to be fine at first.

Y/n was looking straight when a flash of a man appears and disappeared which Y/n asked the two.

Y/n: Hey did you see that?

Rebecca: (scared) See what?

Y/n: Sorry but I thought I've saw someone in front of us. It looked like a man.

Happy: You've must of imagination it.

Y/n: Yeah I guess so. Come on, let's keep moving.

They keep on going while shakes off he man and after a while of searching around the building they came across a cave as they look at and Y/n sense something strong in the force and this might be it.

Y/n: Hunter do you copy over. I think we find the entrance to the temple over.

There was static which is bad as they look at the cave and Y/n tells the two.

Y/n: I'm going in. Stay here, I'll be back.

Rebecca: Okay. Be safe.

He nods to her and he make his way into the cave while Rebecca and Happy stay outside and wait for him.


A scream of Shiki is heard as Homura, Echo, Wrecker and Quinlan turn and they were ready for a fight with something when they see a spider crawling away while Shiki is shaking in fear.

Echo: Don't worry Shiki. It's just a bug.

Shiki: (scared) Yeah, bugs that are scary!

Wrecker: Your scared of bugs! Ha! You know what what do with bugs, I'll stomp on them and laugh.

Echo: If the bugs are in a high place.

Wrecker rolled his eyes while Quinlan stops everyone as he raises his fist and soon they heard something on a building next to them. It sounded like footsteps.

Homura: Someone must still be here?

Wrecker: Heck yeah! Time to smash who ever that is inro pieces!

Echo: Wrecker wait!

But Wrecker rush into the building yelling and a second later Wrecker was thrown out of the building and land hard on the ground. Soon a blaster pistol aimed at them as they step back as a female alien with pink skin and green outfit step out aiming her blaster pistol at them as she ask them.

???: Who are you people? I thought eveyrone left the planet after they heard the message.

Quinlan: We didn't know aboit this message or anyone else here. We're also not criminals, we're from the Republic.

???: The Republic? Shit. Your those Freedom fighters that the criminals have gone worry about ever since we heard about tbe battle of Sun Jewel.

Shiki: Hey are you stealing something in that building you were in?

???: Two things kid. One: I'm only scavenging some supplies or junk that I can find......and secondly yes I am stealing in short.

Shiki: (anger) but stealing is wrong!

???: Who cares. This is an empty planet and I can steal whatever I want.

Quinlan gets in between them before they battle as he tells her.

Quinlan: Hold on, we're not here for a fight. We're here to search for a temple that we believe is on this planet. But let's start by getting your name. What is your name?

Kira: Kira, that's you all need to know.

Quinlan: Right and can you tell us the message you said earlier.

Kira looks at them and they don't seem much as a threat so she lower his blaster pistol and tells them all.

Kira: It was just chilled when this large ship appears and a message was played by someone named Drakken Joe. He told everyone to come and live in his city where they can do what ever they want as long they obey to him. Sooner or later they left the planet.

Homura: How did you know all of this?

Kira: Because I used to live here. This "was" my home until Drakken told eveyrone he can live in his city and...Well I've just told you what happens next.

Echo: Who or this Drakken guy?

Quinlan: A dangerous criminal. It's a good thing we missed him otherwise we would be in big trouble.

Shiki: Why?

Quinlan: Best not to know.

Wrecker slowly stand up while rub his head while Weisz calls them through their radios.

Weisz: (radios) Hey guys I believe that Y/n, Rebecca and Happy found the temple. Their location is outside of the city.

Quinlan: Right, call Hunter and we get to their location.

Once that they head off to group up with Rebecca, Y/n and Happy and see if they found the first map.


Drips of water is heard echoing throughout the cave as we see Y/n alone as he travelled through the cave while he sense that he is getting closer and closer to the map, but he feels like he is being watched.

He looks around but he doesn't see anyone so he keeps on moving. Drips of water keeps on going as Y/n feels like he has been walking for a while but soon he comes across a large door with a jedi symbol on the door as he walk towards it and he looks at it and then place his hand onto the door.

Suddenly a flash of light blinds him as he shut his eyes and soon he reopen his eyes and he was in a different location now. He stands in a large highway that looks like he was in a base as he walk along the hall while he asked himself.

Y/n: What is this place? Where I'm I?

Laughter is heard echoing through the halls as Y/n pulls out his light saber and actives it as he slowly and carefully move through the halls of what seems like a base. After a while he noticed someone in the distance and it doesn't take fre steps to see that it is Shiki.

Y/n: Shiki? Shiki what are you doing here? How did you get here

Suddenly everything turns red around him follow by a massive headache as he deactivated his light saber and fall to his knees.

???: Look I you wake and pathetic like always Shiki.

He slowly looks up and Shiki was on have his arms tired up behind, he was on his knees and there is a man that he see him before standing overtime looking down at him.

He then pulled out his blaster pistol and aims it at Shiki's head while he glares up at him while the man smirks and tells Shiki.

???: Your adventure ends here.

Y/n: Shiki! SHIKI!

He rushes towards him as he active his light saber and onceclose he swings his saber at the man but he and Shiki turn into dust and everything changes to an alleyway in some city as he looks around now confused.

Y/n: What is going on here?!

He feel like he should look into a nearby trash bon next to him so he looks in and his face was in horror to see what is inside.


???: You can't run form us Jedi.

He turn to see four figures at the end of the alleyway as everything around him turns red once again.

Y/n steps back a bit and use his force push to strike at them but they suddenly turn into dust including the rest as Y/n stay back while he looks around and just wants this to end.

Suddenly the air around him turn cold as he heard heavy breathing behind him and his body froze in fear as he slowly turns around and at first he doesn't see nothing but then a blade of a red Crimson light saber is revealed and Y/n froze in fear to be faced with he sees is a monster.

???: You cannot hide any longer Jedi.

He walks towards him while breathing heavily as Y/n step back while he ready his light saber but he was shaking in fear as he approaches him. But rather then killing him, he reach out his hand and Rebecca appears floating out of the darkness while she was grabbing her throat as Y/n realised he is forcechocking her.


???: Your love towards those is a weakness. You must embrace the true power of the dark side of the force.


???: Then you will did here along with her.

Then he pulls Rebecca towards her and his saber stabbed into her stomach as tears and shocked appear on his face as he yells out in sadness and anger.


He rushes towards him and then swing his light saber at him but he and Rebecca turn into dust and everything changes back to normal as Y/n slam his body onto the door as the door opens and Y/n rolled onto the ground.

He slowly sat on one knee while he looks around and see that everything is back to normal. He wipe the tears away and stood up and looks ahead and see what looks like a rolled up map as he walks up to it and picks up thr rolled up map.

Without a word he make his way out of the temple and outside where eveyrone is waiting as they see Y/n coming out of the temple as Y/n hands over the map to Quinlan.

Quinlan: (smile) Nice job Y/n.


Rebecca: You okay? What happened down there?

Y/n: It was.....nothing. Let's just get out of here.

They node and they make their way back to the Marauder and they leavetge planet and return back to Edens Zero with no problems.


We see Y/n at his bedroom as he sat on his bed and stare out of the window as he can't stop thinking about what he saw when he was in the cave. Soon Rebecca came in to check on him and she sat on his bed.

Rebecca: Hey you okay? If there is something you want to talk about, you can tell me?

Y/n:.....I.....I saw you die right in front of me. That cave....I don't know what but it was showing me a version. A version of the future.

Rebecca: Really? What did you see?

Y/n: I saw...Shiki being captured by this guy, Pino and Happy offline and throw into a trash, four figures that are stronger and.....that dark sith Lord. I don't know who but....I've sense him. The cold....the anger...the suffering. It's something I'm scared of if I ever faced him in real life. Who ever this sith's nothing like what I've saw and faced during the clone wars.

Rebecca see how traumatised he was and she give him a warm hug to cheer him up.

Rebecca: Don't worry Y/n, nothing is not gonna happen to any of us. I promise we will make sure that will never happen.

Y/n: Yeah guess so.

Rebecca: (smile) Sure I'm sure. Come on, we've been through dangerous situations ever since we started off our adventure and no way we can't allow your visions to come true.

Y/n cracks a smile and nods to Rebecca.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right. Thanks Rebecca.

Rebecca: (smile) That's what I do best. Hey, wanna see Ella in her cute outfits that me and Hermit pick out for her. It's so adorable!

Y/n: (chuckle) Sure thing. Let's go.

The two head off while Y/n is happy being with a great family he is still worry that the vision he saw were true and that something bad will happen in thr future. He promised himself that he will not allow that to come true and he'll find a way to stop it from happening, no matter the cost.

To be continued...............

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