Chapter 27: Meet a old family member

It was in the middle if the night as we over look at the imperial base as we see Stormtroopers patrolling in the base while supply vehicles came in through the gate to deliver some supplies to the base.

Within one supply vehicle we see two Stormtroopers riding the supple vehicle to the gate but what the Stormtroopers don't know that these two Stormtroopers are actually Weisz and Y/n and inside the crate is Hermit, Pino, Homura and Lop as Weisz and Y/n mange to get themselves inside the base and park the vehicle to the rest of the supple vehicles while Stormtroopers petrol the area they were in.

Once they were gone they hop out of the vehicles and Weisz can't take it anymore and took off his helmet and breaths a sigh to catch some air.

Weisz: Damn it this helmet sucks. It's hard to breath in and I can barely see through this thing!

Y/n: Well you have to deal with it for a while because we need these disguises in order to enter the base and find the map.

Weisz: Yeah Yeah whatever. Hey you guys can get out now.

They did so and they claim out of the crate and onto the ground as they too breath a sigh to catch some air.

Homura: That was very uncomfortable.

Pino: Maybe next time we get a bigger crate?

Hermit: Or never get into a crate and try to sneak in without it.

Weisz: Let's hope Shiki, Rebecca and Happy are doing alright back at Lop's clan base.

Y/n: We don't know if the imperials will launch an attack at the base so it's best we have Shiki, Rebecca and Happy to dtay back and guard the base until we come back.

Weisz: Hope so.

Lop: (whisper) Shh this way.

They turn to her as they follow Lop as they rush across the base trying not to be detected by any Stormtroopers and once they arrive at the first gate Hermit starts hacking her way in while they stand guard.

Weisz: So how come you know the base more then us?

Lop: This ain't the first time I've enter to this base before.

Homura: You raided this base more often?

Lop: Sometimes for stealing supplies or getting battle plans. For some reason they didn't upgraded their security. Guess she wants us to enter this base.

Pino: You mean your family member that betrayed you and your father?

Lop: Yeah.

Y/n sense how sadden she is so he place a hand on her shoulder and tells her.

Y/n: Whatever happens, we will find that map and then find your sister and bring her back. I'm promise.

Lop: I'm thankful for your kindness but I don't think she can not be redeemed anymore.

Y/n: (smile) Sure she can. She just lost her way and needs to find it again. I know she can be changed and I know someone who changed and sacrifice his own life for the people he fighst for. If he changed so dose your sister.

Lop smiles and nods to him when Hermit manage to open the door and they head inside. Once inside they walk through the halls searching for the room and while this Y/n calls up Rebecca throw his coms.

Y/n: Rebecca do you copy? What's the situation at your end?

Rebecca: (radio) Things are good in here. Shiki is trying making friends with some of Lop's clan members while Happy si with me outside.

Y/n: Any trouble out there?

Rebecca: (radio) Nothing I could see here. Nothing but trees and bushes and.......and....wait? What is that?

Y/n: What is it?

Y/n stop while the rest stop and turn to Y/n as he soon hears blasted fire at the other end and Rebecca firing back.

Rebecca: (radio) They're here! They must known about our plan! I gonna go but get here quick once you find that coordinations to that map! Good luck!

Y/n: Rebecca! Rebecca!

Soon the coms shut off as Weisz mutters out.

Weisz: Knew this was a trap.

Pino: I suggest we find information on the map and get going before they will find out we are here.

Stormtrooper: Hey you!

They quickly turn to see a Stormtrooper so Weisz quickly draw his blaster and fire a blast that hits the Stormtrooper and he fell on the ground. Then alarms start to go off around the base which means they know they are here.

Hermit: Nice work Weisz.

Weisz: Don't pick the blame on me! What was the suppose to do!?

Lop: This way come on!

They rush through the halls of the base trying to get to their location and once there Y/n opens the door and let's them in while he turn to see Stormtroopers as they draw their blasters at them but Y/n use the force and sent him flying to the ceiling and fell back down.

Lop turns to see this and she was surprised to see what the force can do as Y/n hop into the room and shuts the door. Once inside Hermit rushes over to the controls and start to hack her way into the system.

Hermit: Give me a second to hack through their fire wall.

Lop: Can you do this?

Hermit: (smirk) Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Weisz: Let's hope nothing else isn't gonna stop us.

Then they hear something as they turn to see a door during into ice which confused them until I shattered into pieces and a large cryo dried enter the room and looks at them.

Pino: Maybe you should stop talking, maybe it might stop all the jinxing?

Weisz: I'm starting to hate this mission.

Homura: Pino can you EMP it?

Pino: If I do this this whole base will shut down even it's computers.

Y/n: Then we lose everything. Looks like we have to hold it off as best we can.

He active his light saber while a cryo droid fire it's cryo at him but he moves out of the way and through hi light saber at it but it pulls it's shield to block it and fire a cryo ball qt Y/n which he reach out to the force and grab it and chuck it back at the cryo droid which it blocks with it's shield.

Homura rushes over and try to slash it with her soul blades and once close she swings her blades at it but it blocks her attacks with her shield and soon grabs her and lift her up to the air.

The cryo droid moves it's cryo gun at her and about to fire cryo at her when a blaster shot from Weisz stops and it turns to Weisz attention. Then Y/n rushes over and slice the cryo droids arm off whidh cost it to release Homura and he catch her and lands on his feet while tge cryo droid steps back and look at it's cut off arm and turns to them as Y/n set Homura down and quickly turn and reach out and fire flames qt the cryo droid as it step back while flames were all over it.

The droid yells out before there was a explosion at it's chest and the cryo droid fell onto the ground offline just as Hermit was done and copy the file and grabs the data chip.

Hermit: Got it! Now let's get out of here.

Lop: Not yet. I need to see her and try to convince her to come back.

Weisz: But we have no time for her. Rebecca, Shiki and Happy needed help.

Lop: I know! But....she is still my sister and I needed to bring her back to her senses. I want my sister back.

Y/n looks at her to see her determination so he turns to them and tells them.

Y/n: Homura, Weisz, Pino and Hermit, head back to her clan's base and help Rebecca, Shiki and Happy with the imperials while I'll go with Lop and help her.

Hermit: You sure?

Y/n: I'm sure. Now go.

They agree and rush out of the room and once that Lop turns to Y/n while he walks over to te door and type in some buttons at the other door while Lop asked.

Lop: Why do you want to help me?

Y/n: Because your sister is the only family you have left and if the imperial poisoned her and her veiw of her clan. Then we must bring her back to the light.

Lop was surprised of Y/n will to help her and her heart skip a beat even more as she blushes a bit while the door opens and Y/n said.

Y/n: Let's go.

Lop: Yeah. Let's go.


The clan's base is under attack by imperials lead by Squad 756 as there is imperial tanks firing his cannons at the base while we see Rebecca with Happy turned into twin blasters and fire back at them as she takes out a few while Shiki gose around and use his either gravity gear to sent the Stormtroopers flying including their vehicles.

Suddenly he dodges two missiles as he floats in the air and see two AT-ST walkers as they give at Shiki with he dodges the blaster fire and then drops down and gravity punches the first walker which shattered and sent it flying before he turns and kicks the other one and two walkers are down.

Shiki: Rebecca how is things in your end!

Rebecca: I'm doing fine! We need to hold them off before the rest will come with that map coordinations.

Shiki: Right!

Suddenly a rocket was fires and hits Shiki which he fell and land hard on the ground.

Rebecca: Shiki!

Then a blaster fire zip by her which she takes over as we see Ryu on a try aiming his sniper blaster at Rebecca's cover and taking a few blaster shots while Shiki slowly stand up snd see a few Stormtroopers approaches him with Fuji as they qim their blasted at Shiki accept for Fuji which tells the Stormtroopers.

Fuji: No. He's mine.

They nod and rushes off while Shiki and Fuji look at each other as Fuji tells him.

Fuji: So your must be the demon king that we heard about. Well then it must be a honor meeting you demon king. Tell me, how much holy water do you give you to kill you.

Shiki: I'm not that kind of demon king your thinking of.

Fuji: I know but it doesn't matter. Once your dead, I'll be one of the most strongest Stormtrooper ever within the imperial empire.

Shiki: Enough talk and let's fight!

Shiki charge towards Fuji and pulls back his fist to punch him but Fuji catches his fist which shocks Shiki while Fuji twisted his arm and kicks him in the back which made him stumble back as he turn as Fuji crackle his neck and knuckles and drops his blasters and get to a fighting stand with two fist up.

Shiki sees this and charge at him and throws his punches at hi but he dodges it while Fuji treat a few blows to Shiki so Shiki use his gravity either gear to slam his foot onto the ground and sent Fuji flying but he active his anti gravity boots and once he is back on the ground he strike a blow to Shiki in the face which he stumble back.

Shiki: Jeez how are you so good at fighting?!

Fuji: I was training to be a great fighter, even when it comes to Jedi I've beaten many of my enemies. A either gear user will be a great challenge for me.

Shiki: We'll see about that!

Shiki doesn't hold back and flies towards him and strike which blows to Fuji while Rebecca is stuck in cover as Ryu keeps firing at her cover while Rebecca sit behind cover and thinks of a way to take him out.

Rebecca: (thought) Okay think. There has to be a way to take down that sniper. Think Rebecca, Think!

She thinks until she got an idea and puts her plan into motion. While this is going on we see Ryu still sitting on his tree aiming down his rifle and ready for Rebecca to peak out which she dose and he takes aim and fire a blaster efire but the blaster gose through her and hits the wall.

Ryu: What the?

Rebecca leaves her B-Cuber on and pulls out a hologram of her while Rebecca appear out and fire at Ryu which he takes too much amd fell off a tree and land hard on the ground.

Rebecca: (smirk) Please like a subscribe to my channel.

She looks over to see Shiki fighting Fuji so she helps him by firing at Fuji which he dodges and fires many blaster fire qt her which she takes cover.

Once that Ash appears with a grenade launch and fires singal grenade shot but Shiki jumps up and catches it and throws it back at them but Fuji press a button and a engery feild appears to blocks the grenade and smokes filles the air as the blaster fire stop and they see Fuji and the rest of his team and imperial store falling back.

The clan members who ever fighting sees this and cheered as Shiki smile while Rebecca and Happy hugged as they won the battle.

Weisz: (smirk) Looks like in the end you three succeed.

They turn to see Weisz, Homura, Hermit and Pino but not Lop and Y/n so Happy asked.

Happy: Where is Lop and Y/n?

Hermit: Still at the base. They are trying to bring Lop's sister back to the light.

Rebecca: Hope they be alright.

Shiki: What about the map coordinations?

Hermit: (smirk) Got it. Now we just wait for Lop and Y/n and we make our leave.

Weisz: Let's hope they won't take too long otherwise a second wave might come.

Hermit: (smirk) Careful Weisz, you might jinxed it again.

Weisz: Oh give me a break!

Hermit chuckles as they help the clan members rebuild while they still hope Y/n and Lop will be alright on their own.


We see Ocho at the hanger looking at the sun setting up as the wind gently blow by her while we see Lop and Y/n approached her from behind as she smirks and fully turns to them.

Ocho: (smirk) Hello sis, been a while.

Lop: Ocho we came here to bring you back home.

Ocho: For the last time the empire is my life now and try as you might, you can't turn me back.

Y/n: Listen the empire isn't some good military force to protect this planet and the galaxy. Their evil and they are gonna use te Hyper crystal to take over the galaxy.

Ocho: (smirk) So you told the jedi our family secret Lop? How disappointing of you, our father should be ashame of you.

Lop: My father wanted to share this information to a jedi! Please sis don't throw your life away and come back! Your were the only person to accept me and help me the troubles of my past as a slave! Your like family to me and I can't watch you be tormented by the empire anymore! Please Ocho come back to the family.....I miss you.

A tear appear on her cheek while Ocho just smirked and tells Lop.

Ocho: (smirk) You don't to seem to get it fo you? The family is my true family and I'm gonna find the Hyper crystal and use it to take over the galaxy! THIS PLANET, OUR FATHERS CLAN AND YOU WILL KNOW THAT THE EMPIRE ARE THE ONKY OBCE TO PROTECT THIS PLANET FROM THREATS SUCH AS THE JEDI!

???: Or a sith.

Suddenly a red blade stab through Ocho which shocks Y/n and Lop as Ocho was shocked by this surprise attack ad the blade pulls back and Ocho stumble forward as she reach out to Lop which tears appear on her eyes as Ocho fell in the middle of them and lay there dead as Lop burst into tears while she yell out.

Lop: (tears) OCHO!!!!!!!!!

She rushes over to her sister and try to wake her up while Y/n looks up to see a masked sith stare back at him with his light saber on as the two stare at each other.

Y/n: Your very strong within the dark side of the force.

???: That's because I was born within the dark side of the force.

Y/n: Why did you kill her? She was loyal to the empire and you just killed her for no reason.

???: Her services is no longer needed. She must be killed in order for our plan to succeed.

Y/n: I won't let you find the Hyper crystal.

???: Then I must destroy you Jedi.

The two stare at each other while Lop still in tears watch this as Y/n slowly hover his hand over his light saber while this sith stare at him for a while until he disappeared and reappear ready to strike at him but he active his light saber and blocks the strike as the two clash blades in which speed while Lop sees this as the two clash blades in which speed.

After a while they get to a blade lock before Y/n kicks the sith back and the sith fires lighting at hi  but he blocks it with his light saber as he hold it long enough before he blocks another strike from a sith and the two continue to clash blades once more.

Y/n leaps over and land behind the sith while the sith turns to strike but he reach over his light saber to block a sith's attack before he kicks the sith back while he pulls out his blaster and fire three shots which the sith blocks.

Y/n reach out to the force and grab a few crates ans throws it at the sith but he slice it like they were paper before he rushes over and the two enter to a blade block once more.

Y/n: Someone must have trained you very well. Who is your master?

???: Someone that trained you.

Y/n sees it must be his old master as he breaks and blade lock and leaps back and lands at the hanger as the two stare at each other for a bit.

Then imperial Stormtroopers came out of the doors and once there they aim their blasters at Lop and Y/n as Y/n stare at the sith foe a bit until he gives a sith a smirk. Soon the aqua wing appear behind Y/n rising up as the hatch opens and Y/n turns to Lop and nods to her.

She nods back and carries Ocho into the ship while he turns back to the sith and gives him a singal salute before he leaps backwards and enter the aqua wing and shuts the hatch.

Once that Rebecca takes off while the sith watch then leave as he deactive his light saber while Fuji tells the sith.

Fuji: Sir shall we follow them?

???: No. Squad 756 your right me and tell Commander Haru that he is my sisters new second in command now.

Fuji: Yes sir.


They pull up a funeral for Ocho as she is buried next to her and Lop's father as everyone is here to pay respects to her. She may have betrayed her family for the empire, but she is still Lop's family and once the clan members left we see Lop sat in both of their grave when Y/n approached her and tells her.

Y/n: I'm so so sorry for your lost Lop. I'm really am.

Lop: First my parents, my step father and now my step sister. Why is this faith denied me of a family.

Y/n: Don't say that Lop. Life maybe hard but we never forget that bo matter what happens, we be strong in the light, no matter what.

Lop: Yeah....your right.

The two sat there in silence and and  they tood up and Lop tells Y/n.

Lop: Guess our base isn't that safe no more. We need a new place, a new home now.

Y/n: If you want you and your clan can join us.

Lop: Really? You want us to join your rebellion?

Y/n: (smile) Of course. There is a lot of people you will meet and your clan members can get stronger with the help. What do you say?

Lop looks down and turns back to the two gravestones and know that this is what her father wanted her to be. A jedi so she turns to Y/n and nods to him.

Y/n: (smile) Welcome to the Republic Lop. Glad to have you in.

Lop: (smile) Yeah, let's be a great happy family.

Y/n smiles and nods back to her while the two return back to help her clan members packing and once that they enter to the aqua wing and take off back to base to instructed their new members to the Republic.

To be continued...................

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