Chapter 26: Getting a padawan

It was morning as we see everyone at tge cafeteria eating their breakfast while we see some rebel soldiers and clone troopers crowded up on one table and looked at in shock to see Ella sitting next to Y/n and cuddling his arm with a smile on his face while she turn to the rest and give them a cute smile.

Shiki and the rest where there and they were surprised by this as Weisz fold his arms and said.

Weisz: So this..."cat" turned into a little girl and start calling you and Rebecca mommy and daddy?

Homura: She is so cute.

Shiki: (smile) Whoa I never know you and Rebecca have a daughter, congratulations you two.

Rebecca: It's not what you think.

Ella: (smile) Mommy, Daddy? Are these people good?

Y/n: Yeah these are our friends.

Shiki: (smile) Hi, I'm Shiki wanna be friends.

Ella: (smile) Of course.

Boss: So dis you and you know....Um did the "thing?"

Rebecca: (blush) It's none of your business!

Boss: Sorry just wondering!

Scorch: So what should we do with her?

Sev: If she isn't yours then we gonna find her real parents.

Ella:....I don't know my parents.

They were a bit surprised as Ella gose on to say.

Ella: I was just awaken in the middle of the forest, I was scary but I heart talking and that's when I find Daddy and Mommy. Now I'm happy to be with them right Daddy.

She hugs Y/n once more while Y/n blush a little to see how cute she is and pat her on the head which she purred with a smile.

Rebecca: (smile) Aaawww she's adorable! Maybe we should keep her after all. Maybe i can get more cute veiws for my channel.

Happy: (smile) It be pretty interesting to post a cat family video in the galaxy.

Rebecca: (smile) Yep and we show Labilia once and for all who is the best B-Cuber ever!

She was fired up and everyone sees her as Ella asked Y/n.

Ella: Mommy seems to be fired up.

Y/n: (smirk) Yep that's Rebecca alright.

Clone trooper: Sir.

Then a Clone trooper walks over to their table and tells Y/n and the rest.

Clone trooper: We got a transmission from someone that wants to join us. We also believe this person might be a jedi as well.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? That's surprising. I'll be there.

The Clone trooper nods snd walks off while Y/n turn to Delta squad and tells them.

Y/n: Can you mind Ella while we're on a mission?

Boss: Sure sir.

Fixer: We'll take care of her.

Max: Maybe we can teach her a few things about the Republic and the galaxy.

Y/n: Nice. What about you Ella?

Ella: (smile) Sure it be fun. Take care daddy.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks you too.

Once that he, Shiki, Rebecca, Weisz, Homura, Happy and Pino head out of the cafeteria to start their mission while Ella wave goodbye to them with a smile on her face.


They exit out of Hyper space and once there they fly towards a planet that is already controlled by the empire. Inside we see Y/n and the rest with Hermit join as a hacker as she hack into imperial computers and see she can track down this jedi.

Y/n: Got anything Hermit?

Hermit: It seems that the empire are looking for something. Apparently what ever they are looking for, they are doubling their work.

Weisz: (smirk) Is that the empire always do. Working and trying to find something everything though we are going there and ruin their plan.

Homura: What about the jedi?

Hermit: I can't find her but she is wanted by the empire.

Rebecca: What did she do?

Hermit: It seems that she is running a rebel clan that are fighting against the empire on that planet. If we find this clan, we might find this Jedi.

Shiki: (smile) This is gonna be great. Can't wait to make friends with another Jedi.

Happy: Even though you met a lot of jedi friends.

Pino: Happy is right on that.

Rebecca: We're reaching to the planets surface.

Y/n: Alright, we don't want to draw any attention towards ourselves so let's get to our disguise and let's find this jedi.

Rebecca set down her ship down at the landing pad and once that they walk out of the ship and clear the scans ans soon they were in the city. They split up to find the jedi or her clan.

Weisz and Shiki check the beach, Rebecca, Happy, Homura and Pino check the nearby forest while we see Y/n and Hermit check the market as they walk by the market seeing other people Saling fruit and other stuff. Hermit rush up to one store and look at the pretty jewellery while Y/n smiles and can't help her cute Hermit's disguise and hope her disguise won't stand out.

Hermit: (smile) Whoa look at all of these Jewels. They are very pretty.

Y/n: (smile) Yep they are. Want em to get you one?

Hermit: You sure?

Y/n: (smile) Why not. It's best we blend in from the crowd so we won't act suspicious. Besides, you wearing one will make you pretty.

She blushes while Y/n buys one and once he bought a nice necklace he puts on it her which she looks at it and smiled.

Hermit: (smile) Thank you so much. Your the best.

Sh hugs Y/n while she giggles with Y/n smile as well and the two continue on through the market while they buy a few things so they can blend in and after a while we see them sitting at a bench taking a break of walking as Y/n turns to Hermit and said.

Y/n: (smile) Even thought the empire has taking over this planet, must say it is a peaceful planet.

Hermit: (smile) Agree. Hey thanks for allow me to come along on thsi mission.

Y/n: (smile) No problem, Figured you need a break from Sister Irvy for a while since she teased you a lot.

Hermit: Yeah she's sometimes a jerk.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah but that's what families are. We sometimes teased each other but we know we don't really mean it.

Hermit: Guess so but I'm actually kinda worried about her.

Y/n: Why?

Hermit: She seems.....distant towards us and rarely talks to anyone in the base. I think she is still upset abut Valkyrie.

Y/n: Yeah guess so. I know that feeling.

Hermit: She may act like a jerk but like you said, she is family and I worry about her and worry that she might be sad.

Hermit is worried but Y/n wrap his arms around her and give her a hug which she blush but smiled.

Y/n: (smile) No need to worry. As soon we go back, I'll talk with Sister Irvy and see I can help her.

Hermit: (smile) Yeah your right. Thank you Y/n...your really are sweet.

Y/n smiled and once that they stand up and about to leave when a female rabbit bump into Y/n but accident and stumble forward and turns to him and calls out.

???: Whoops sorry about that.

She rushes off in a hurry which confused them until he pat his hand onto his pocket and realised something as he pat on his pockets and court and calls out.

Y/n: She took my money!

Hermit was shocked by this and the two see the rabbit girl running away as the two chase after her. During the chase Y/n calls up everyone else and tells them.

Y/n: Guys someone took my money. We're on her tail, get here fast!

Once that they chase her down and they were surprised to see her jump really high an foot onto the roof. Y/n see this and also jumps up high as well and lands on the roof while Hermit calls out to him from below.

Hermit: I'll see if I cut her off!

Y/n nods snd chase after her while Hermit try to find a way to cut this rabbit girl off as we see the rabbit girl and Y/n leap onto one roof to another while given chase

Y/n: Hey get back here!

She doesn't stop but instead leap across and crash through a window and rush through a house. Y/n also rolled ont the broken window and still was on her tail. She leaps out of the balcony and so dose Y/n and the two land back on the ground with the rabbit girl dodge in coming cars and so dose Y/n as they continue on the chase until the rabbit girl stop to see a dead end.

She looks down at a edge to see just water and she turn back to see Y/n rush up to her and the two stare each other until Y/n tells her.

Y/n: (smirk) Must admit, you are fast but.....

He reach out of the force and pulls out his wallet out of the rabbi girls pocket and catch it while he finish off by saying.

Y/n: Try not to steal money from a jedi.

But he sees her being shocked and she point at him and asked.

???: Are you.....a jedi?

Y/n: (thought) Crap, maybe we shouldn't have done that.

Then Hermit arrived and soon everyone else catch up with Weisz points his blaster pistol at her and tell her.

Weisz: Alright miss, who are you and why did you take his money.

Shiki: Yeah stealing is wrong.

She looks at Shiki for a bit until she asked.

???: Are you Shiki Granbell?

Shiki:...Um yeah I am? Why?

???: (surprised) No way. It's an honor and I'm very sorry for that, it won't happen again.

They were confused by this as she clear her throat and introduced herself.

Lop: You all can call me Lop, it's nice to meet you all.

Y/n: Nice to meet you. My name is Y/n and this is Shiki, Hermit, Rebecca, Pino, Happy, Homura and Weisz. We're from the Republic fighting against the empire.

Lop: (surprised) Really! This is perfect.

Rebecca: Why?

Lop: Well you may not believe me but I'm actually Jedi.

Rebecca: (shocked) So your the jedi we have been looking for?!

Weisz: Well that was easy. Okay let's go home.

Lop: No! You can't!

Homura: Why?

Lop: Because I need your help and this is very important.

They all look at each other and they want to know what she has so they agree to hear her out which she takes them to her clan's base so they can talk.


We see a small temple on a hill near the city with a little clan members staying guard for any Imperial attack while we see Lop sit down including the rest as they look around the nice temple.

Rebecca: (smile) This is a pretty nice temple.

Lop: (smile) Thank you, it belong to my father and he used to be the leader of the clan before I took over.

Pino: What happened to your father?

Lop: He....died years ago.

They felt bad for her to see she lost a father but Lop change the subject and tell them all why they are here.

Lop: You see, the empire are looking for a ancient crystal and I believe this crystal will change the fate of the galaxy forever.

Weisz: What type of crystal we are talking about and can we sold it for money?

Homura: You and your money Greed Weisz.

Weisz: (smirk) Man gonna have some money in his life.

Lop: This crystal is called a Hyper kyber crystal. This kaveri crystal has enough power to power up a super weapon and can be fired to destroy a planet even through Hyper space.

Rebecca: (scared) Wow, that sounds pretty bad.

Happy: (scared) Aye.

Pino: Do they have this crystal?

Lop: No which is good. This Hyper kyber crystal is been hidden by a jedi who give my father this.

She pulls her a lightsaber and they were surprised by this while Lop gose on to say.

Lop: During my research, I discovered a piece of a map that can possibly lead us to this Hyper crystal. But one of the four pieces are gone so we need to find four pieces of the map and find that Hyper Kyber crystal before the empire will get it.

Shiki: Then looks like we need to stop the empire of finding the four maps before it's too late.

Happy: But how can we find them? They could be always in the galaxy.

Lop: I believe the empire might have the coordinations to the other map but in order to get it, we must breach into imperial base and steal as much files as we can.

Y/n: (smile) Well that be easy.

Shiki: (smirk) Yeah.

Lop: So your in on this?

Rebecca: (smile) We won't let the empire destroy a pkanet in our watch. We're in.

They all agree which Lop smiled and thanks them for agreeing on this mission. Soon after we seen Y/n exploring around the temple when he walk pass a room which he stop and look through the open gaps to see Lop putting on blind folds and active her green lightsaber as a training driod fly around and fire stunt beams at her which she blocks a few times but struggled to force and gets hit a few times.

After a while and a few hits she took off her helmet in frustration which Y/n sees so he enters the room and walks over to her while telling her.

Y/n: It's best you clear all distractions and force your mind.

Lop: (sigh) I've been trying but....I just can't.

Y/n can sense something is bothing her so he place a hand on her shoulder and ask her.

Y/n: Is there something on your mind? Something that is troubling you. No need to be nervous, you can tall to me.

Lop was a bit surprised and blush a little to see him smiling at her which she sigh and tells him.

Lop: Me and my father were not the only family member. I used to have a sister named Ocho. To tell you the truth I wasn't actually apart of their family, I was a slave to the empire until I escape and soon they found me and adopted me as their own. Ocho and father always argue a lot while i try to keep the family together but.....I feel like I fail when Ocho join the empire fully and turn against the family.

Y/n: I see, I'm very sorry for what you have to go through. But you try your best to try to get them together and that's what any jedi would do in times like this.

Lop: Still I feel like it's my fault and if I haven't met them, their family would have never broken apart.

There was silence for a while until Y/n ask her.

Y/n: The lightsaber. Did your father guve it to you before he death?

Lop: Yes but....I starting to wonder why though. He could have given it to someone else within the clan but why me?

Y/n: I may not know why but what I do know is that your father give you that lightsaber because he believes in you. He believes that you can lead this clan and lead them to freedom. Don't let your doubt get to you, let the force and your heart tell you to believe in yourself and be yourself. Ignore all the bad thoughts that is in your heart and listen to the force and heart.

Lop was surprised by his words and start to grow more attached towards Y/n even more with a small blush on her cheeks.

Y/n: (smile) Hey, how about I'll help you train before we head out.

Lop: (surprised) Really?

Y/n: (smile) Sure. I can teach you the ways of the force and help you to be a great jedi.

Lop was surprised by this offer which she agree to with a smile on her face.

Y/n: (smile) Alright. Let's start out lightsabee combat and the  we practice our force ability if we have time or not, okay?

Lop: (smile) Sure.

Y/n nods and they train within the training room with Lop's heart beats as she stare at Y/n and smiles to herself and wish this will last forever.


Within the bridge of the imperial base we see Ochco looking through the window withher arms back as she watch shuttles fly out of the star destroyer that is parked above the base and make it's landing at the landing pad.

The door opens behind her and a imperial commander walks up next to her and give her a salute before he tells her.

Haru: Ma'am, Squad 756 has arrived at the base and waiting at the briefing room.

Ocho: Good commander. Let's meet them.

Haru nods and the two exit out of the bridge and make their way to the briefing room. Once there they came to the room and see four imperial Stormtroopers with different armor and weapons as they are sat down and look up at Ocho and Haru.

First was the squad leader named Fuji and he is a strong leader and very deadly when it comes to driving any Imperial vehicles or fighters.

Next is Kenta who is the hacker of the team and vewied as a Stormtrooper who can upgrade any of his squads weapons to make them more powerful and deadly to their enemies.

Next is Ash who is a explosion expert and very strong, so strong in fact he can hold two rocket launchers and even fire them while he can hold a large cannon and can fire it while he can stand on his fight while after the cannon is fired.

Lastly was their sniper named Ryu who is one deadly sniper and can even customs his armor and his sniper blaster to make his target more easy to hit and his target hard for them to hit him.

Ocho: Squad 756 I'm glad you came just in time. We have a mission for you all.

Haru puts up a hologram of Lop along with the temple as Ocho points at the empire and tells them.

Ocho: Lop and her clan have been a pain for far too long and itstime their rebellion will end once and for all. Your mission is to enter into the temple and destroy it within it. Lop and her clan will never know where it will hit them. Is this all clear to you all.

They node to her and soon they sat up and make their way out of the room. Once our Haru turns to Ocho and ask her.

Haru: Are you sure you wanna kill your sister? She is the only parent that might be your family.

Ocho just smirk and tell Haru.

Ocho: She is no sister of mine. Not anymore.

Haru nods as the two leave the room with a evil smile on Ocho's face as soon she'll kill the last family member within the clan once and for all.

To be continued...............

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