Chapter 25: Get comfortable to a new base (Lemon)

It was the open void of space with no sign of anything out there except for three Republic star ships patrolling the area as we see three clone pilots searching the area they were in for any Imperial scout parties or any ships that might be bear their new base.

Their star fighters are also new to the Republic which is very fast and can dodge incoming homming missiles and has heavy blaster cannons to deal extra fire power.

One clone pilot named Gunner gotten board and asked one of his clone brothers.

Gunner: I'm board. There is nothing our here.

Eagle: You never know Gunner, Imperial ships might come to plan a surprise attack any minute now.

Gunner: Yeah right even though this area of the galaxy hasn't been noticed by the empire for five weeks.

Eagle: Well if the Imperial attack happens, then we sure the blame will be on you.

Gunner: (sigh) Hey Spark, what do you think about this?


Gunner: Yo spark? You okay man or is your radio cut off or something.

Spark: Oh sorry looking out for something.

Gunner: And that is?

Spark: That.

They detected something on their radars which they look around until they see it and they were amazed to what they were seeing. They see a mechanical like dragon flying over head of them that glows broghter then a shooting star ever was.

Gunner: (surprised) Wow!

Eagle: (surprised) Is that what i think that is?!

Spark: Yep. That's a dragon.

Gunner: But i thought those things were just a myth?

Spark: Nope. Their totally real. Don't believe me, ask Rebecca or the rest and they will tell you.

Gunner: Well at least this is cool to see.

After a while a dragon left and Spark order his squad to return back to base which they did. They turn their fighters around and jump to Hyper space. Once exit oit they fly through Republic fleet at us protecting a peaceful planet called "Ocean world".

This planet is very rare to find and thanks some information that Y/n have gotten from one of the female B-Cubers after the rescue of Guilts. He decided to make it as their base since there is less people life there and their are many islands they can make many bases from.

The large island is their main base and it was huge with a large city that is facing the sea, a ship docking area for star ships and fleets along with Edens Zero and the Republic HQ which looks similar to the coruscant military base but more powerful ane highly defended from an attacks.

The three fighters enter one of the hanger bays ane waiting for them was Oki and Quinlan as Spark ane his squad exit out of their fighters and walks towards the two and once there Spark reports.

Spark: No sign of Imperial fleets near our location.

Quinlan: (smirk)  Nice work. Get some rest along with your squad.

Spark: Yes sir.

The trio walks off while Oki looks like the beautiful veiw outside of the hanger and she said.

Oki: This planet doesn't look that bad.

Quinlan: Agree. Guess Y/n made a good decision to make this planet as our main base.

Oki: Just as long it's not in Imperial ares or anything that might draw attention, we should be fine.

Quinlan: Agree. Now Sun Jewels new leader is our allie, we're getting other leaders across the galaxy who wants to join us as either spies or fully allies to us.

Oki: Still there is others that is feared to rise up and fight back against the Empire.

Quinlan: (smile) We can give them hope.

Oki: Hope so. Say have you see Fordo?

Quinlan: (smile) I think he is with Y/n and the rest at the beach.

Oki: Beach? For a scouting mission?

Quinlan: Kinda.


The ocean gently waves in and out as we see Shiki, Weisz, Happy, Y/n, Fordo and Pino arrive there with the guys wearing swimming shorts while Pino have a small float ring on her so she won't sink to the ocean.

Shiki: (smile) Awesome! Beach time!

Happy: (smile) This is gonna be awesome!

Weisz: (smirk) Wise there are some ladies I can try to hook up with.

Y/n: In your dreams Weisz.

Fordo: Sir why dragging me here? I'm most comfortable wearing my armor then wearing.....shorts.

Y/n: (smile) Oh come on Fordo you've been working so hard, it's good to have some break. It makes you more relaxed and calm.

Fordo: I'm always calm sir. I don't seem to get why a Beach party will help?

Pino: (smile) Humans sometimes go to beaches and have fun there and it shows them of being happy and calm.

Shiki: Too bad the rest didn't have time to come with us.

Y/n: Well they are a bit busy finishing up the base including the city but maybe after their done we can go to the beach once more.

Weisz: (smirk) And maybe see their sexxy bikinis from the ladies.

Fordo: You are such a pervert and besides it's just clothes. I don't seem bikini can be sexxy?

Rebecca: (smile) Hey guys, sorry we're late.

They turn and see Rebecca and Homura arrive wearing their bikinis as well.

Rebecca: (smile) This is the best place for a beach video.

Homura: (smile) The beach feels so nice.

Fordo blushes a little but looks away while Weisz stares at them in a pervert way which Y/n use the force to lift a chuck of water and splash it at Weisz in the back of the head.

Weisz: (anger) Hey! Who did that?!

Y/n smirks to himself while he chuckles. Rebecca walks up to Y/n and asked him.

Rebecca: (smile) So what do you think? Pretty cute right?

Y/n: (little blush) Y-Yeah it's pretty cute.

Rebecca smiles while Homura feels a bit nervous to ask about her swimming bikini but Y/n turns to her and tells her.

Y/n: (smile) You look cute as well Homura.

Homura blushes a bit while Weisz is jealous of Y/n getting this much attention from Rebecca and Homura.

Weisz: (tears) Oh man what a lucky guy.

Fordo: What is he on about?

Happy: No clue.

Then Yogi came to them along with Delta Squad as they carry some BBQ equipment and set them down whike Yogi asked.

Yogi: (smirk) Hope we're not late for the party?

Y/n: (smile) Not at all. How is Witch and the rest doing?

Yogi: Should be here soon. They just need to put some for things into Edens Zero and they will be here.

Boss: (smile) Must say I never been to a beach party like ever.

Fixer: Same here.

Sev: Might be interesting.

Scorch: (smile) This is gonna be the best, I can feel it.

Max: I don't understand why you invited us to the beach?

Rebecca: (smile) Why not? You maybe clones bit you all are like us and you deserve some break.

Max: (smile) Well we appreciate your invite.

They all smiled and soon Witch, Hermit, Sister Irvy and Mosco arrive and they walk up behind Yogi and Delta squad also wearing their own swimming clothes as well.

Witch: Seems we arrive just in time.

Sister Irvy: (smirk) Finally out of work at least.

Hermit: (smile) This is gonna be great.

Mosco: (smile) Beach time!

Y/n: (smile) Looks like everyone is here. Well then, let's start this party!

Everyone: Yeah!

They start the party with some taking a bit within the ocean and having a great time while some were at shore relaxing by the beach or making some burgers and hotdogs for everyone.

Fordo was at shore just watching Y/n, Rebecca, Homura, Shiki, Weisz and Happy splash each other with water while he stare at them and never felt this kind a feeling in his life.

Hermit: You okay?

Fordo turns to see Hermit walk up to him with a smile as Fordo tells her.

Fordo: Well it's just....I'm a Arc trooper for the Republic and I've been fighting for years. Then gotten betrayed and watched my squad and all my clone brothers being turned into slaves to the empire and....just everything changed and I don't know how to deal with it.

Hermit: I see what you mean. You were made to fight for a cost you believe in but when the war is over you have nothing to do but run from the empire. I know your feeling. But the truth is, you don't have to a perfect soldier, you just be yourself.

Fordo: It's kinda hard to do that. I come Delta Squad is getting used to this life style and not be troubled by all of this sudden change?

Hermit: (smile) That's because they have each other. You are like brothers and when one of them feels wrong then another will help.

Fordo: I see.

Fordo turns back to shore and smiles a bit and soon after he decided to go for it and splash Shiki with it once he is at sea. Soon Shiki also splash him and he step back a bit and they froze a little to see that Fordo looks upset.

Then Fordo starts to chuckle and laugh a little and splash Shiki once more and Fordo now sees he can't always be a soldier that ie made to go to war, he can be just himself no matter what he is.


There was a small spar house near the beach and Homura and Y/n where there to relax while everyone else were having fun out in the beach.

We see Y/n and Homura in the very warm spar bath with plants around them to help their skins while they sat their and relaxing to have some peace and quiet.

Y/n: (smile) Ahh this feels nice.

Homura: Agree.

Y/n could sense that there is something wrong with Homura so he asked.

Y/n: Hey you okay?

Homura:......Can I ask you something?

Y/n: Sure, what is it?

Homura:.....tell did my mother died?

Y/n was stunned a little but knows he must tell her so he tells her how she died which upsets her a bit but calms and tells him.

Homura: I see.....she was killed by a bounty hunter.

Y/n: Yeah....I'm very sorry. She maybe cruel but she is still your mother.

Homura: It's fine. I just wish....I could have say goodbye to her before her death.

The two were silent a bit for a while until Y/n broke the silence and tells her.

Y/n: You know. Their not fully gone ad long you remember her.

Homura: Hmm?

Y/n:As long we believe in the force, maybe just maybe we can feel our love once with us and looking after us, sometimes they help us deal with our problems and gate us to our path. So, as long you remember your mother and all the nice things she did when you were just a baby. The good version of her will always be with you.

Homura smiles and agree to him. She then move closer to Y/n until she was at his shoulder as she rest her head onto his shoulder making him blush a little and asked.

Y/n: (little blush) Um Homura?

Homura: (smile) It's just your just so warm. Warmer then this spar, it feels....Nice.

She then gently touch Y/n's body which made Y/n blush even more while Homura sees him blush and gently grabs his cheek and turns it towards her.

Homura: (smile) Your one of the most powerful Swordsmen I have ever met in my whole life. And one handsome person as well.

Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks Homura I really ap-

She then gently lend in and kiss him in the lips. Y/n was surprised by this while Homura kisses him more while making a cute but sexxy moan while kissing him. She then feel Y/n's hand gently stroke her leg within the water and him kissing Homura back which made her gasp a little as the two continues to kiss.

(Lemon start)

The two continue to make out and even Homura sat on Y/n's lap and gently wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him gently while playing her tongue within Y/n's mouth while Y/n dose the same.

Homura feels a but turned on while they make out either from the hate or just them making out, either way she gently grabs Y/n's dick and start to gently move it which made Y/n moan a bit which they stop making out and Y/n decided to sat on the edge of the spar bath with his dick hanging out.

Homura blushes deep to see his dick but she grabs it and start to gently stroke it while Y/n try to hold his moans while Homura dose a hand job for Y/n as his dick gets bigger.

Y/n: (moaning) By the force don't stop. I can feel it about to blow up.

He then lend out a small moan follow by his cum exploded onto Homura's face and to the water. Y/n was breathing heavily and it feels wonderful as he looks at Homura and see her smirk before she start to lick his dick like a ice cream while Y/n lend out a few gasp while grabbing hold the edge while Homura stick her whole mouth into Y/n's dick and start to give him a blow job now.

Y/n can feel her mouth and it made him turn his eye back a bit and panting while Homura continues to suck his did a bit faster and harder while Y/n feels really turned on and lend out a moan once the cum exploded into Homura mouth and she drinks it up.

Y/n fell back onto the floor and he pants while Homura crawl out of the bath and was over him and looks at him with a smirk and asked.

Homura: (smirk) Are you feeling wonderful?

Y/n nods to her which she make a sexxy giggle and tells him.

Homura: (smirk) Well not over yet.

She then slide her vigina through Y/n's dick and the two stare at each other and they kissed while Y/n rolled Homura over and start to thrust his dick into her making her lend out a moan follow by more kissing.

The two continue pending out moans while Y/n thrust in and out faster and harder while Homura never felt this soo good for her life and wish it could never end.

Y/n: (moaning) There it comes!

Then the two lend our a moan while they tilt their heads badka bit and after that they were very tired from that. They crawl back to the spar bath with Homura wrapping Y/n's arm ane cuddle him while she shut her eyes with a smile on her face.

(Lemon ends)

The two were panting from that and they were sitting in the spar bath with Homura closing her eyes and cuddling Y/n while Y/n turns to her to see her smile which he smiles as well wne warp his arm around her to give her a hug while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) I'm taking good care of her. Never worry about anything. I'll make her smile, that's a promise.

(Soon after)

It was getting dark as we see them having their meal with burgers, hot dogs and other delicious food which they lick and they start to dick in.

Scorch: (smile) Man what a day.

Fixer: (smile) I feel tired even though I haven't been fighting.

Sev: (smile) Must say, it wasn't that bad.

Shiki: (smile) Beach party is awesome! We should do it again.

Happy: (smile) Yeah this planet is amazing.

Rebecca: (smile) I agree.

Y/n: (smile) So guess it's settled then. This be our new base and the first step of standing up against the empire?

Witch: (smile) I believe this planet will be perfect for us.

Sister Irvy: Agree. At least I have just walk around on some plamet then staying in a ship all day.

Scorch slowly move his hand to push Mosco's button when Sister Irvy slaps his hand which he says Ow.

Scorch: Ow! Can you at least tell us what it dose?

Sister Irvy: Just don't push it.

Scorch: And why?!

Mosco: Mosco?

Fordo: Scorch nock it off.

Hermit: (smile) So what's our next plan?

Fordo: Well we may be called in for some help in other planets that needs some help against the empire.

Shiki: (smile) As long we stick together, those empire jerks won't stand a chance.

Happy: (smile) Aye!

Rebecca: (smile) Yeah.

They all smiled and chatted while Y/n look around him and see everyone around him smiling and being happy. He was once a jedi survivor alone without a master and now he is a Jedi Knight with friends that will take up the fight against the empire and bring freedom to the planet.

???: Meow.

Everyone stop talking when they heard something said Meow. Then they look over and they see a small kitten sitting on the sand looking at them but looking at Y/n more.

???: Meow.

Y/n: Is that a kitten?

Rebecca: (smile) Aaaww look how adorable.

Witch: Interesting. Why would a kitten be here?

Hermit: Maybe it belongs to someone else?

Sister Irvy: I never recall anyone who owns a kitten in this base.

Then the kitten leaps onto Y/n lap, gose around circles before lay down and fell asleep on Y/n's lap.

Rebecca: (smile) Soo cute~!

Shiki: I think she likes you.

Scorch: You can tell what gender she is?

Shiki: Yeah isn't that hard.

Y/n smiles and scroke on the kittens head which she purred which made him smile.

Y/n: She is alone alright. Maybe we should take care of her.

Rebecca: (smile) That's a nice idea.

Happy: (smile) I think so as well. Maybe it will boosted our channel.

Rebecca: (smile) Yeah but we need a cute name for her. How about Ella.

Weisz: That's a weird name.

Y/n: (smile) Well i think it's great name. For now on her name will be...Ella.

He stroke Ella once more and they continue to have their meal and after a while they start to pack up and make their way back to base. Once there Rebecca and Happy wanna sleep with Y/n's room with Ella and so we see them laying in bed with Happy sleeping next to Ella as Y/n and Rebecca watch them sleep peaceful.

Rebecca: (smile) Their so cute sleeping together.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Rebecca: (smile) It's alsmot like a family.

Y/n: Family?

Rebecca: (smile) You now. Your the husband, I'm your wife and these are like our kids.

Y/n: (smile) Guess so.

Rebecca smiles and so dose Y/n as the two kiss and then Rebecca shut her eyes while cuddle up with both Happy ane Ella while Y/n also cuddle up with them as well with a smile on his face before he too falls asleep as they spent the night together with smiles on their faces.

(Next day)

It was bright outside as we see Y/n slowly open his eyes and yawns to himself and have a great night and looks over to see Rebecca still sleeping whidh he smiles and he looks down to Happy and Ella but his eyes widen in surprised and he calls out.

Y/n: (surprised) By the force!

He sat up while his cry cased Rebecca and Happy to wake up and they open their eyes and sat up while Rebecca asked Y/n.

Rebecca: What's wrong?

Happy: Yeah...why waking us up?

Y/n doesn't say anything by points to where Ella was and they look down and they too were shocked to see what they were seeing. Instead of a kitten sleeping with them....a small little girl with small cat ears was sleeping with them instead.

Rebecca: (shocked) Um who is she?

Y/n: (shocked) I....I have no idea.

Happy: (shocked) What is going on?!

She then woke up which they froze up and she sat up while rubbing one eye with her small hand and fully open her eyes and looks at both Rebecca and Y/n and then she made a cute smile and spoke.

???: (smile) Morning.

She then hugs Y/n with a smile which they were still confused so Y/n asked her.

Y/n: Um excuse me but who are you?

She looks at him and smiles and she said.

Ella: (smile) Silly Daddy. I'm Ella, I'm your daughter.

Y/n: Wait....daddy?

Ella nods with a smile and then points to Rebecca ane said.

Ella: (smile) And your my mummy. Like I said, good morning mummy and Daddy.

Rebecca and Y/n: Wait......WWWWWHHHHAAAATTTT????!!!!!

To be continued..............

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