Chapter 24: Sacrifice for what's right
Within the Labor District we see a bar and inside we see other people there and among them we see Delta Squad, Rebecca, Happy and Pino. They were silent after they discovered that Valkyrie was dead this whole time and it upsets them including Homura who is sadden the most.
Scorch: Well despite the mess within the city at least the drinks ain't that bad.
Fixer: Scorch not a best time to crack jokes.
Scorch: Sorry just trying to lighting up the mood.
Max: I still can't believe Valkyrie was dead this whole time.
Sev: Yeah but she fought what she believed in.
Rebecca: I feel bad for Homura. She have been waiting to see her master for all these years and now it turns out she has been dead this whole time.
Boss: Yeah same.
Happy: I still can't believe Kurenai betrayed Valkyrie and took over the planet.
Pino: And the fact that she is Homura's mother.
Fixer: Yeah she done all of this even though Valkyrie try her best to free her. She is a rotten selfish bitch.
Scorch: So now what?
They were silent for a while until Rebecca tells them.
Rebecca: I know what we should do.
They turn to her and she stand up and said.
Rebecca: We can't allow Kurenai to slave everyone anymore. They deserve better then this, I think we should help them to rise up and drag back the empire.
Scorch: So start a huge rebellion? I like that idea.
Max: But it's unknown what special forces that Kurenai have in stored.
Boss: Then I think it's time for our brother to invade and free this planet from the empire.
Rebecca: Agree.
Paul: Lucky for you, Y/n has called all forces to invade the planet.
They turn to see Paul walking up to their table with him also telling them.
Paul: And the Valkyrie Rebels are also planning for a massive attack and try to drag the empire away.
Rebecca: We can help as well.
Pino: What about Shiki, Y/n and Saber?
Paul: They are heading up to the surface and they have their own plan, hope they will be okay.
They don't know what their plan might be but they hope it might work.
We see Kurenai's main building and standing guard we see two shock Stormtroopers guarding the door when they see something coming towards them. They raised their blasters to see Y/n but he was cuffed by Saber as he walks behind him and said to his shock Stormtroopers.
Saber: Hold your fire troopers. Have the situation under control. Contact Ladt Kurenai that I have the Jedi.
They node to him while the door opens and the two walk through and the door shut behind them. They walk through the halls and we see Asa, Jimin and Kameko at the background on their break when they see Y/n being taking by Saber to the elevator. Once inside Saber press the top button and the elevator doors shut and they head up to the top floor.
Saber: You sure this will work?
Y/n: Yeah just wait for the signal.
Saber: Right.
Y/n:.....Never worry, she already forgiven you.
Saber: Still I have a feeling she doesn't.
Y/n: (smile) She has a strong heart of believing redemption just like me. I know she will forgive you.
Saber: Hope so sir. I have a bad feeling about this.
Y/n: It's alright. I'll do the talking and wait for the signal.
Saber nods and after a while the elevator doors open and they step out. They see Shock Stormtroopers around the room with electrical staffs while in the middle was a table and sitting on the floor facing Y/n and Saber was Kurenai herself.
She takes a sip of her tea and looks over to see Saber with Y/n as the two walk up to her.
Saber: He pulled up a hood fight but I managed to take him out.
Kurenai: (smirk) Excellent commander. Please, release him.
Saber nods and takes off the cuffs and walks around the table and behind Kurenai as she signals him to sit which he did. He sat down and Kurenai pour in some tea for him while she said.
Kurenai: (smirk) I must apologise for the sudden arrest. I hope my commander didn't ruin your fun?
Y/n: Not at all Ma'am.
Kurenai: (smirk) Please call me Lady Kurenai if you like.
Y/n: Right.
He take his cup and takes a sip while Kurenai gose on to say.
Kurenai: (smirk) I must say I never encountered a Jedi in my planet. Jedi's must be very rare to be seen across this galaxy. I heard that the empire is trying to hunt down every single jedi here.
Y/n: Indeed. They believe we betrayed the galaxy and their so call "empire."
Kurenai: (smirk) I understand. You are a young boy without a master or parents to take care of you. Tell you what, how's about you join me and that way, you can live out the rest of your life here at my brilliant casnios. What do you say?
Y/n takes another sip of his tea until he set his cup down and instead of agreeing to her offer, he asked her a question.
Y/n: Tell me. Do you have another family that you cared?
Kurenai was a bit surprised but she chuckles and tells him.
Kurenai: (smirk) Well of course not and even I have one I be a mess.
Y/n: Really? Then isn't it true your daughter is working for the Rebels fighting against the empire across the galaxy?
Kurenai was a bit surprised once more which Y/n can sense and fully tell her.
Y/n: Yes I know that your the mother of Homura and she have been helping us fighting against the empire for a while and now seeing you working for one sickness me. Even after what Valkyrie did yo help you, you betrayed her and those below you for what? Money, fame, power or something far more.
Kurenai is starting to get mad now and snap her fingers and her shock Stormtroopers walks over and two grabs hold of Y/n whike Kurenai walks up in front of him.
Kurenai: Your one smart jedi I'll give you that. But you will learn how to be silent like a good boy.
She then start to reach over to grab his face so she can hear his screams as she smirks. But Y/n just stay calm and looks at Saber and nods to him which he nods back and took out his wrists blades and slice off the handles of the staffs and kicked the shock Stormtroopers away.
Kurenai turns just as Saber points his blade at her neck whike Y/n calls apon the force to force blast the two shock Stormtroopers away and stand up.
Kurenai: (shocked) Commander! What in hell are you doing?!
Saber: Making things right. I'm done standing here and watch you tormenting everyone anymore.
The shock Stormtroopers stands up and took other their blasters which Saber grabs Kurenai and gets behind her with his blade on her neck thresting to kill her if they don't stand down.
Kurenai: (anger) Your a traitor!
Saber: I was already a traitor when i join the empire. Now, I serve for the Republic.
Kurenai: Very well.
Then she grab his arm and burns it which Saber screamed and let's go. Kurenai leaps away and stand between two shock Stormtroopers which theynwlak closer to Saber and Y/n.
But suddenly a window smashed and Shiki came in which caught Kurenai and the shock Stormtroopers by surprised while Shiki used his gravity either to sent the shock Stormtroopers flying into the air and then crash them down to the ground while he lands on the ground ane tossed Y/n's light Saber to Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) Perfect timing.
Shiki: Thanks. Now let's do this.
Saber: Agree. Let's end this.
The trio gets to a battle stand whike Kurenai is shocked by this while riot troopers arrived into the room.
Kurenai: (anger) KILL THEM!
They charge at them while Kurenai escape out of the room. Y/n active his light saber and they charge at the riot troopers and Shiki flies towards them and crashed through them senting them flying. Y/n slices the batons while he used the force to sent them flying which he kicks them either on the helmet or stomach while he pulls out his blaster and fire a few at the riot troopers.
Saber rushes over and the riot troopers formed a wall to block him bit Saber slides under the shield and once over and start to kick and slice them up and even grabbing one or their batons and hits them with it and quickly pull out his blaster pistol and fire a few shots at the riot troopers.
Y/n reach out of his hand and the batons exploded with electricity and zaps them while Y/n turns and summons flames which they block with their riot shield but this was enough for Shiki to kicks them all senting them flying before Y/n grabs them mid air in the force and then slams them to the ground hard.
Soon the room was clear and they group up and once that Y/n calls up to Witch within Edens Zero.
Y/n: Witch I think it's time to sent a full invasion here. Clear out the Stormtroopers on the top floor and second floor below and tell them to watch out for civilians.
Witch: (radio) Understood. The fleet is making it's approach to the planet.
Y/n: Thanks Witch.
Shiki: Now let's go and find Kurenai. She needs to pay for making Valkyrie cry.
Saber: I think she maybe trying to escape in a shuttle. If we head there, we might catch up.
Y/n: Right. Let's go.
The trio head out of room to find Kurenai and put a end to this once and for all.
It was a large battle within the Laber District with Valkyrie's Rebels fighting against the imperial shadow Stormtroopers as Valkyrie's Rebel troops start to push them back with the help or Delta Squad, Rebecca, Happy and Pino.
The shadow Stormtroopers are getting out numbered and soon the phase zero dark troopers arrived to try to push them back.
Max: Dark troopers incoming!
Boss: ready the charges! Throw!
They throw the charges into the air and onto the ground which blows up most of the Shadow Stormtrooper and Dark troopers and they are pushing them but but soon Imperial back up arrived with two At ST came in and fire at the Rebels.
Scorch: They got walker's!
Sev: And back up as well.
Pino: I can EMP the walkers.
Boss: We can't risk that. We need more back up.
???: (radio) Someone call back up?
Suddenly missles went by them and blows up the two walkers. Soon Gunships arrived and they set down and Clone trooper wearing Phase 3 clone trooper armor came out which Valkyrie's Rebels cheered. Yogi came out of the gunship along with a unknown armor person stepping out as well.
Boss: Thanks for the help Yogi and......who is he?
???: I am the hero across the galaxy! The one that everyone will call for help. I am tbe hero-
Yogi: That's Weisz. Apparently Hermit made him a suit of armor so he can be a hero and get more girls.
Weisz: Dude seriously!
Yogi: Where's everyone else?
Rebecca: Y/n and Shiki are at the capital trying to capture Kurenai.
Yogi: And Valkyrie as well?
She looks down and then tells the two what happened which shocked them.
Yogi: Damn....she's gone.
Weisz: And Homura is with her right now?
Rebecca: Yeah. Hope she'll be alright.
We then cut to Homura sitting down in frontbof Valkyrie while the battle is happing around her. One Stormtrooper spotted her and slowly walks behind her while he aim his blaster at her but suddenly he gets hit on the back of the head by Quinlan and the Stormtrooper drops to the floor.
Quinlan sees Homura and Valkyrie and understood Valkyrie is long dead and walks up behind Homura.
Quinlan: I'm sorry for your loss.
Homura: It's fine.
There was silence for a bit until Quinlan walks up next to her and bend down to her and tells her.
Quinlan: I know how I feels to lose someone that you cared. I once fall in love with a sith many years back when there was still a Republic. She was a sith Assassin but....she have a troubled past. Lost everyone she ever cared for, being used as like a tool and then been thrown when her usefulness is done. But....I cared for her and we fall in love but her master killed her which angered me and I managed to beat him.
Homura: Did you kill him?
Quinlan: I wished but I didn't. Because I know I ain't the Jedi way to kill a person who is defeated and unarmed. I may not know about your past or what Valkyrie have been for the past years but I know you'll fight to see justice for Valkyrie's death but instead of it in a honourable way possible.
Homura realise that he is right and so she stands up and so dose Quinlan. Quinlan pats her on the shoulder and turn to see in coming Stormtroopers coming towards them. The two actived their blades with Quinlan asked her.
Quinlan: (smirk) Ready?
Homura: Yes.
The Stormtroopers open fire at them but they dashes over to them and fights them.
Two Stormtroopers who are guarding the hanger bay doors get shot by Saber as the trio reach to the door and Saber opens it. The trio heads into the hanger bat and looks around. They only see Tie fighters and other vehicles as they look around for Kurenai.
Shiki: Where did she go?
Saber: Hope we're not too late.
Y/n use the force to sense where she is at until he calls out.
Y/n: Look out!
Suddenly rockets came out of nowhere but Y/n use the force to hold them in place and then throws the rockets away. Then Kurenai steps into the shadows but within a large mecha that is heavy build for anything like them.
Kurenai: (smirk) You think you three can try to ruined my ruling empire huh? Once you deal with you, I'll use you all to teach others to never Rebel against me!
She fires more rockets at them but they moved out of the way. Y/n throws his light saber at the mecha but it was blocked by a engery feild around the mecha as he catches his light saber to see this.
Y/n: We need to shut down that engery feild and fast.
Saber: Hold on, I think i may have a plan. Hold her off as best you can.
Shiki: Right.
Saber rushes off while Kurenai moves the mechas arms and fire multiple blaster fire at them but they move out of the way and get behind some cargo. Y/n force push the cargo boxes towards the mecha which hits the engery field but not enough to break the enegry field.
Then Kurenai fire more rockets at them which Shiki used his gravity gear to sent them floating while Y/n grabs them and throws the rockets back at Kurenai which she dodges and fire more blaster bolts at them which they move around to dodge her blast.
But she fire another rocket which hits them and sent them flying and they land onto the ground. They slowly stand up and Kurenai aimed her large armed cannon at them as she smirks at them and ready to kill them.
Suddenly a engery blast hits her mecha from behind and she turns to see a tie bomber and inside we see Saber as he tells her.
Saber: Sorry Ma'am but I'm not interested to go on a date with a physio like you!
Then he fires more rockets at her which hits her mecha and her shield gose down so she try to fire at Saber but Saber moves his tie bomber and fire more rockets at her which brokes her engery field but at the same time she fires a rocket at him and it hits Saber and he gose down.
Kurenai smirks but then a blade was stabed above her which was close of stabbing her through the head while Shiki takes down her weaponry while Y/n cuts open her mecha and once that aimed his blade at her and tells her.
Y/n: Your under arrest Ma'am.
Kurenai was angered by this but soon we see her out of her mecha with cuffs on her as Y/h calls up Rebecca.
Y/n: Rebecca we captured Kurenai, what's down below?
Rebecca: (radio) Good. The empire forces are pushing back. We're winning.
Shiki: (smile) Awesome!
Then they hear a chuckle and soon laughter from Kurenai as they turn to her and she tells them.
Kurenai: (smirk) You think I'll let you all win?! Pathetic! YOU WILL ALL BURN!
Witch: (radio) My lord I am detected a large engery charging up with a satellite.
Saber: She's gonna fire at this city snd kill everyone in!
Shiki: What should we do?
Y/n: Can the fighters get to the satellite on time?
Sister Irvy: (radio) Those blaster tie fighters are blocking us. No way we can't get through them.
Y/n: There has to be a way!
They think of another way while Saber looks at the controls and sighs before he tells them.
Saber: Y/n,'s a honour working along side you until the end.
They don't understand what he ment by that until Saber managed to take the tie bomber in air and fire a rocket at the hanger bay doors and flies through it and heads up to space.
Shiki: What is he doing?!
Y/n: Saber what are you doing?!
Saber: (radio) Doing what I was trained to do. Protect lives.
We see Saber enter space and see tie fighters in battle against Republic fighters and ships not knowing that one of their own tie bombers is a betrayed clone. He can see the satellite almost done and Saber fires rockets but sees it wasn't working so he dose what he thinks it's the only way. But first he active his comms to the city and tells everyone.
Saber: People in both Labor District and Gold Palace. This is commander Saber of the imperial Empire but now fully betraying the empire and joining my brothers. But before you anger me you must know that what Kurenai was doing was wrong. Not only she is tormenting the poor but also the rich as well, burning your face just so she can hear each and ever one of yoru screams. You must know that I was horrified by this. I used to serve the empire but when Valkyrie's death I realised that the empire are the true evil and you all must stand up and rise against the empire. This is Commander Saber....singing off....for the final time.
Once that he flies himself towards the cannons of the satellite as it alsmot but to fire as Saber remove his helmet and smiles before he shut his eyes and was ready for his faith.
Soon after there was a large explosion that shock everything near it whike everyone stand there in shock to see the Satellite was blown up and Saber sacrifice his own life to save everyone which shocked everyone even the Valkyrie's Rebels who thought to Saber as a monster but realising now he sacrifice his own life for them, they were deeply ashamed.
Y/n and Shiki were shocked by this while Kurenai was angered by this and start to rant while she stands up.
Kurenai: (anger) I can't believe this. After everything I did for him, after everything I give him he just throw that away for those Pathetic poor people! HE IS NOTUING MOTE BUT JUST A STUPID FUCKING CLO-
Suddenly there was blast fire which widen Kurenai while Y/n and Shiki turns and they see a burned blaster hole through her head and she fell onto the ground and the one who shot it was Genko lowering his blaster pistol and then said.
Genko: Glad I killed her. She was starting to annoy me.
Y/n and Shiki glare at him whike Genko looks at them before he turns to walk away not before telling them.
Genko: Don't worry I'm not here to kill you two, I'm here to kill her. Well I'm off, see ya.
Then he was gone. Shiki wants to chase after him but Y/n stop him. Shiki agrees there is no point and looks down at the now dead Kurenai seeing that it is all over.
The planet of Sun Jewels gose back to normal and a new leader or the planet is voted and he let all the people who suffered within Labor District to be free and either leave the planet all they want or stay in the surface. A statue was held for Valkyrie and Saber standing side by side to honour their sacrifice for saving their city and the planet itself from the empire.
The empire left the planet and Sun Jewels is now in peace thanks to Y/n and everyone else. Within Edens Zero we see everyone in a room and they were in silence still sadden of both Valkyrie and Sabers deaths.
Hermit: I'm really gonna miss them.
Sister Irvy: (sigh) This sucks. So i guess it's just three of us now?
Mosco: Mosco sad.
Miwa: Their deaths will never be forgotten. They truly did die for what's right.
Leiko: Agree. So I guess we can't form the four shinning stars now Valkyrie is gone?
Y/n: Actually we can. Homura can be a new member.
Homura: (surprised) excuse me?
Y/n: (smile) You said you wanna follow on yoru masters footsteps right? She'll want you to be apart of the four shooting stars.
Homura: I-I don't know.
Witch: (smile) In my opinion I think we never have a human as a member before but it be interesting.
Hermit: (smile) Yeah I agree.
Sister Irvy: Sure what ever. Just as long you don't screw it up, I'll be fine.
Homura: (surprised) Th-Thank you so much. I promise i will not let you all done.
They all smiled to see the four shooting stars are remade.
Quinlan: I can guess that the galaxy now know us fighting against the empire. In that case, I think we need a name to spread hope to the galaxy.
Shiki: Like what?
Pino: (smile) What aboit the Edens Rebellion?
Yogi: Or Demon strikers?
Oki: Sounds kinda evil.
Yogi: But cool as well?
Y/n: Actually. I think we can bring back what tne empire once destroyed.
They turn to Y/n and he press on a button and a Republic symbol appear on the hologram as Y/n said.
Y/n: We be known as the Republic but better, stronger and more dependent on helping the galaxy.
After a while they all agree to it and they liked that idea. Fordo walks up to Y/n and he tells him.
Fordo: And we be fighting along side you sir.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Pur next step is to find a base and I think I know which base that will be suitable for us.
Soon after Edens Zero lead by Republic fleets gets ready to jump to Hyper space and soon they jumpd to Hyper space to their search for a maine base so they can stand up against the empire and give the other galaxy hope and help them rise up against the darkness.
We see a imperial shuttle jump out of Hyper space and flies through space towards something ahead. Soon it moves and we see two star destroyers with a large cannon in between as the shuttle flues towards one of the hangers.
The shuttle makes its landing within the hanger as a line up of Stormtroopers stands in attention as the shuttle dose opens and Zen steps out wearing his helmet and looks around ad an imperial office walks up to Zen and Bow to him.
Imperial office: I was surprised to see you here sir.
Zen: Indeed. Where are they?
Imperial office: At tge bacta tank. Follow me.
Zen dose so and they go through the halls and soon they enter and room that is glowing red as Zen step inside the room along with the imperial office as he looks at tge tanks and we see inside there are two life forms are alive in there.
One is a female with blind hair and the other a male with short blonde hair.
Zen: I see that the rumours were true. They were born within the Dark side of the force.
Imperial officer: Indeed sir. Shall I awake them?
Zen:.....Do it.
The officer nods and walks over to the controls and types it is. Bubbles start to appear at the tank as Zen watched as the famle human slowly turns her body towards him and then she quickly opens her red glowing eyes at him.
Zen: Excellent. Soon....your journey will beging and this galaxy....will now who we are. (Evil laughter)
To be continued..................
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