Chapter 23: Mine the biggest jewel ever found

We see Y/n, Rebecca, Happy and Pino walking down the halls and leading them is Nino and while they walk down the halls Y/n walks up to Nino and tells him.

Y/n: You know if the empire finds out your helping us, you'll be in trouble.

Nino: That maybe true but they can't do anything about it since I'm not only a B-Cuber but in a bounty hunter group.

Pino: Bounty hunter group?

Nino: We call ourselves the Zaiten three and we were sent here to chase you guys down and find Shiki.

Rebecca: (shocked) Really?!

Y/n: Then why are you helping us then?

Nino: (smirk) Well I was about to capture you four when I saw your friend wearing that very cute costume of a anime show.

Rebecca blushes in embarrassment and remembers it while Y/n also blushes and thinks her costume was cute but Nino also said.

Nino: And another reason why I'm helping you is because of you. I heard Jedi's within this galaxy and at first I didn't believe it but when reports called in about Jedi defeating empire controlled planets and sees you fight against a group of shock Stormtroopers in my eyes, I was surprised.

Y/n: So the reason why your helping us is so you won't get defeated by me?

Nino: No. Because if the empire are as evil, then the jedi will stop them no matter what.

Y/n smiles seeing him as an allie and soon they reach a door and once that Nino types onto the controls and the door slowly open in front of them.

Nino: Be careful and like you jedi always said, My the force by with you.

Y/n: And you too and thank you.

Y/n, Rebecca, Pino and Happy walk through the open door and make their way to a junk city which was made out of junk as they walk through and look around.

Happy: Look at this place.

Pino: There is no way people would have survive living here.

Rebecca: Agree but where is Shiki and the rest?

Y/n shut his eyes and try yo use the force to try to find them. After a while he reopen his eyes and said.

Y/n: There not here.

Happy: Then where?

Y/n: Don't know but they are not in the city. But I believe that will tell us.

They look up and see a robotic like bird looking down at them from the roof of a building and then the bird flies away but lands at another building and turns to them.

Rebecca: Is that bird wants to follow it?

Y/n: I believe so. Come on.

They follow the bird and soon after they arrive at the junkyard where they see the bird land on a guys shoulder and he turn and sees them.

???: Ah it seems we have visitors.

He looskat Y/n and sees a lightsaber on his belt which surprised him.

???: (surprised) And one of them is a Jedi.

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n and we wanna ask you some questions.

???: Of course but first, sit.

He then sat on the floor which they follow and sat down facing this person as he introduce himself.

Paul: The names Paul it is nice to meet you. Now how can I help you travels.

Rebecca: We wanna know if you know where our friends are.

Y/n: They were sent here and we were wondering if you see them?

Paul: Hmmm you must be on about the new people taht were sent here. One male, the other female and all five brothers is that correct?

Rebecca: (smile) Yeah that's them!

Y/n: You know where they are?

Paul: I do and you may not like where they are now.


We see the imperial base where we see two Shadow Stormtroopers guardian the main entrance while the rest were at the distance searching the area. But on by one the shadow Stormtroopers get picked off by something, one was dragged away, the other fly away which the other one saw but gets tackled and knocked out and soon there was just one two who were guardian the door and one turns and asked.

Shadow Stormtrooper 1: Hey.

Shadow Stormtrooper 2: Yeah?

Shadow Stormtrooper 1: Why do we take orders to a group of bounty hunters?

Shadow Stormtrooper 2: What?

Shadow Stormtrooper 1: I mean, their outlaws right? Why do we trust them? What if they just here for the Jewels?

Shadow Stormtrooper 2: Maybe but there is nothing else we can do. Besides, what can they do? We are trained to be the best, no way we can't let them step us down.

Shadow Stormtrooper 1: Yeah I guess so.........hey, do you think I can have a shot on Kurenai?

Shadow Stormtrooper 2: Nope.

Scorch: Yeah I agree with him, no way.

Shadow Stormtrooper 2: See.....wait....WHAT THE-

Then Scorch stune them before they could even fire their blasters. Once that Delta squad and Shiki came out as Scorch turns to them.

Scorch: They will be knocked out for a while.

Shiki: (smile) Great job!

Boss: Is this the base?

Fixer: No doubt about it. This is the place.

Max: We should be careful. Who knows how many highly trained Stormtroopers might be in there.

Boss: Copy. Sev, I want you to be watch point and call us if imperial back up arrives.

Sev: Yes sir.

Sev rushes to his position while Fixer starts slicing the door while Delta squad gets ready.

Shiki: (smile) You know, it's pretty cool to see you guys ready for anything.

Boss: That's what Clone Commandos are trained to do. Getting ready for a fight.

Soon the doors open but luckily no one was at the otherside so they make their way inside the base while checking all corners while they make their way through the base.

Boss was taking point as he stop his squad and Shiki and peek around the corner to see two Shadow Stormtroopers guardian the prison doors so Shiki step in and use his gravity either gear to sent the Shadow Stormtroopers flying downward and Delta squad punches them in the face knocking them out.

Once that they move out and Fixer slice up the door and once open they walk inside. They were shocked to see locked females inside of their cells scared and looking at them in fear and tiredness as they walk through.

Shiki: (shocked) This is horrible.

Scorch: Yeah. Guess he likes to torment women.

Boss: Max where is she?

Max: She is near. This way.

They turn and corner and walk through another hallway until they reach to Homura cell where they see her. So too saw them and Fixer gets the barrer down and Homura walks out of her cell.

Shiki: Homura! You alright!

Homura: I'm okay. Thank you for saving me.

Boss: No problem, glad you are save. Sev, situation?

Sev: (radio) All clear here but I see something in the distance. Some sort a large circular opening and I could see someone in the middle.

Scorch: That's....weird.

Sev: (radio) Looks like.....Valkyrie?!

Homura: (surprised) So she is here!

Boss: Right. Sev check to see if Valkyrie is alright while we meet up and-

Garrot: Look what we have here.

They turn to see Garrot ans two of his Shadow Stormtroopers as they aim their blasters at them and soon more came behind them and they too aim their blasters at them.

Garrot: (smirk) Must say I was suspected an attack but guess you all choice the quiet way.

Shiki: (anger) You gonna pay for this!

Garrot: (smirk) I wish I would fight you but I have a better idea.

He snap his fingers and a beam hits them and soon they were teleported away while Garrot smirks to himself.


They reappear within a cave once more and once they land on the floor they slowly stand up and look around.

Scorch: Damn it. Not a cave again.

Shiki: (scared) Cave! Which means bugs will come.

Boss: Don't worry, we'll get out of here.

Max: Hang on, where is Sev?

Fixer: Sev wasn't with us when we enter the base so he might still be in the city tracking foen Valkyrie.

Scorch: Why dose Sev always have to be thelast squad separated from us?

Boss: Well we're not gonna lose him again. Let's get out of here and-

Then they hear a loud roar within the darkness of the cave and they turn and the roars turn into stomping and then a massive stone came out and it roars that shoke the cave around them.

Shiki: (scared) BBBBUUUUGGGG!

Homura: That's not a bug!

Scorch: Who cares what it is, it looks not friendly!

The massive stone raised its large feet and try to stomp on them but they move out of the way and Homura summon her soul blades and launch at the creature while Delta squad open fire but none of their attacks don't do any damage to it.

Scorch: How tough is this thing?!

Max: Who knows but it might be tougher as beskar armor.

Then the large stone start to summon flying stones whidh shiki gets scared to see bugs.

Shiki: (scared) Okay now those are bugs!

Homura: No their not!

Scorch: Actually i agree with him. They do and sound like bugs.

Fixer: Boss we're getting outnumbered!

Boss: We need to pull back!

Scorch: To where? We have no idea where the heck we are.

Boss: Damn it! If only we have back up right about now.

One bug flies down and try to stab Boss from behind but then a light saber flies by and slices the bug in half and then he rest of the stone bugs while blaster bolts hits the stone bugs as well.

???: Is this the back up you need Boss?

They turn to see Y/n catching his lightsaber with Rebecca besdie him holding his twin blasters and Pino as well including Paul.

Boss: Y/n, Rebecca, Pino!

Scorch: Glad to see you guys here.

Rebecca: (smirk) Looks like we came just in time. Still I don't know why you wanna fall back. Their just stone bugs.

Scorch: Yeah we're not on about those things, we're on aboit that.

They look over to see the massive stone roaring once more.

Rebecca: (Shocked) THAT IS HUGE!!!!!

Max: And it's body is strong so we can't land a damage to it.

Y/n: Have you check for weak points?

Max: Can't, without my scanner, I can't scan it.

Pino: Luckily I'm here, I can scan the weakness to this creature.

Max: Awesome! Scan away.

Pino nods and scan the creature and after a while she is done and tells them.

Pino: There is a weak point at his stomach. With enough power we can kill it.

Scorch: Yeah just one problem, How can we turn it over?!

Y/n: We need to distract it while I and Shiki can turn it over and finished it off.

Rebecca: (smirk) leave this one to us.

Boss: Same here.

Homura: We won't let you two down.

Y/n: Right. Shiki let's go.

Shiki: Right.

They split off with Delta squad, Rebecca and Homura distract the massive stone creature while Shiki and Y/n gose to the other side and once there Shiki use his gravity either gear to try to turn it over while Y/n reach out in the force to try to do the same.

Paul watched in amazement to see them working together as Delta squad use explosions to damage it much enough that made the creature to turn at them while Shiki and Y/n struggled a little but soon they managed to turn the creature over and once that Y/n lift Shiki up and throws him over to the creature.

Y/n: Your turn!

Shiki: Right!

Shiki charge up his gravity gear and soon after he fires a blast that gose through the stone creature and once that it burst into many Jewels and it was done.

Shiki lands on his feet while Y/n breaths a sigh and walks over to them and they were cheering for their win.

Scorch: Haha! Take that Garrot you creepy women sucker!

Rebecca: Hey what's wither the device on your neck and why is it counting down?

They see the numbers on their neck devices are going down and forget about still having it. It hist Zero and they were suspected for these things to come off but it went back to where it started.

Shiki: What?!

Homura: Why did it go back!?

Paul: It doesn't matter you hit zero or not.

They turn as Paul walks up to them and tells them.

Paul: You will always be a slave and there is no way they will not let you go.

Scorch: Crap! So these things are gonna be with us for the rest of our lives.

Paul: Not exactly.

Then Paul quickly hose pass them and he was now holding the neck devices and they see they were no longer on their necks no more.

Scorch: Huh. That was cool.

Paul: My either gear is called Steal. I can steal things in quick second and you all will not know.

Scorch:.....Why do i feel like I hate that type of either gear?

Max: Who cares as long we got those things off of us.

Paul: Indeed.

He then turn to Homura and walks up to her.

Homura: You must be what Valkyrie have told me about.

Homura: (surprised) So you know Valkyrie.

He looks down and nods but Y/n sense something around Paul. He then hands her a holopad which Homura takes and he said.

Paul: The truth....Will be in there.

Homura was confused until she turns it on and there was a message from Valkyrie and tells and the rest and after the message ends they were in shock.

Rebecca: (shocked) I don't believe it.

Happy: (shocked) There is no way.

Homura makes and fist and runs out of the cave.

Y/n: Homura wait!

Paul: Leave her.....she will find the truth soon enough. And he'll be there.

Y/n looks at Paul and to Homura as she disappeared from the cave and we see her rushing through town and after a while she arrived at the location and she was shocked to see what she is seeing.

She step forward and fell to her knees to finally to see Valkyrie after so many years......but Valkyrie.....was dead. She was bowed down with a blade stabbed onto the ground with a smile on her half face as tears came out of Homura to see her master dead.

Homura: (tears) can't can't be true.

???: It is true and I'm very sorry for your lost.

She turn and coming out of the darkness was Saber. Saber walks up to her and once there he looks at Valkyrie and to Homura and tells her.

Saber: She was a brave leader. She fought for a cost that I was blind but she let me see the truth about Kurenai....and the empire.

Then her sadness turn inro anger as she summon her soul blades and place on of them at Sabers neck and she glare at him in anger.

Homura: (anger) I hear the message that Valkyrie told me! About Kurenai being my mother, you and Valkyrie rivalry and it lead to her death but you survived! So I wanna know from you...WHAT HAPPENED!

Saber see the anger in her and sighs and tells her.

Saber: It's true, we were rivals. When i came to this planet I was fully loyal to the empire and it's cost. I was shown to be a master of blade combat and soon I encountered Valkyrie and....till that day we were rivals. I try to get the upper hand as best I can and defeat her and her rebel forces. Soon Kurenai became our leader and I was sent with my troops to deal with Valkyrie and her rebel forces once and for all. Once there we torched down buildings, killed many citizens and miners in order to lower out Valkyrie so I can face her. But....Kurenai decide to release the beast within the caves and they killed many of my brothers and I was about to die when Valkyrie saved my life. We fought side by side against these creatures and when they were getting our numbered, she thtow me to a nearby roof and she sacrifice her own life for everyone and even me. After the battle...I walk up to her and in those last moments with me and Valkyrie still in my mind till thei day.


We see Saber staring at Valkyrie who was on her knees as Saber makes a fist and then asked her.

Saber: Why! Why did you save me! We are enemies not allies! Why did you save your rival and enemy!

Valkyrie just smirks to herself and then said.

Valkyrie: (smirk) Enemy or not you have a life to fulfill but not as an imperial trooper but your own.

Saber was silent a little ad Valkyrie continues on by saying.

Valkyrie: You and I know that we were created to do what we are best for. Fighting, serving and protecting what we believe in. fight for a cost that wants to rule the galaxy while I want to protect those that are weak and scared to fight. You must understand that your blade doesn't belong to the empire, It belongs to you and only you and you should use your blade to protect others then abuse it.

Saber was surprised by her words while Valkyrie smirks once more and tells him.

Valkyrie: (smirk) You reminded me of a small child I take care for so long. Young, stubborn but have a heart of honor in her. You two might get future.

She was almost about the shut down while Saber was in tears realising that Valkyrie was right. He was fighting against the once that took down the Republic, the Jedi and turn the galaxy into darkness and he was following it like they were the better Republic.

Valkyrie: Remember.

Saber turns to Valkyrie as she tells him one final time.

Valkyrie: (smirk) Fight.....for.....honor.

She then dies right in front of Saber as he looks at her and sees that Valkyrie have given him a second chance to redeem himself. A chance to make things right.

(Flashback ends)

Saber looks at Valkyrie and back to Homura who still have the soul blade at his neck just as Y/n and the rest arrive to see this.

Shiki: Homura do-

But Y/n stops him and they listen as Saber tells her.

Saber: I wanna join up her rebel forces and make things right. To honor Valkyrie and fight along side them....but they never trusted me and some believe I killed her. Kurenai also believe this and congratulated me and I was her second I command but in reality I wanna give Valkyrie's rebel forces as much information as possible in to earn trust and respect and let them see I change. But they still didn't believe me except for Paul. He believed I've changed and help me with this secret operation and promised to inform me if you arrive and we are.

He then took off his helmet snd throws it away and looks at Valkyrie and tells her.

Saber: I understand you don't want to forgive me and I know why. If you believe I killed Valkyrie then I will allow you to kill me. It may not bring Valkyrie back but if you want to kill the one that have been enemies with Valkyrie....then I understand.

Homura glares at Saber while having her blade at his neck but she start to shake it and realised that Saber was serious about all of this and soon she drops her blade and instead hugs Saber as she cries while Saber was surprised by this.

Homura: (tears) I will not kill you. I.....(sniff)...I forgive you.

She burst into tears while Saber hugs her back while everyone else feels bad for her while Y/n looks at Valkyrie and then back to them as Homura lends out tears and cries whike hugging Saber while Saber too have tears in his eyes as he looks at Valkyrie.

Saber: (thought) I wish things would have been different back then. But I can't change the past....but I will change this planets future......Don't you worry Valkyrie....your sacrifice will always be remembered within all of us and I will always remember you....not as my rival and enemy.....but as my friend.

To be continued................

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