Chapter 21: Test your luck
We see Edens Zero along with a fleet of Republic ships travelling through space and heading to their next location and this location is where Valkyrie will be at. Within Edens Zero we see Witch, Y/n, Sister Irvy and Mosco walk through the halls as Y/n asked.
Y/n: So any information about Sun Jewels?
Witch: Well it's a rich place where rich people usually go there and test out their luck with many games ans gambling.
Sister Irvy: great a planet filled with rich fuckers that just wanted money for those lives.
Mosco: Mosco agree.
Y/n: So tell me about Valkyrie, what was she before she go on her own path?
Witch: She's kinda not a talkable type but she is brilliant with sword combat.
Y/n: (smile) Guess that would explain why Homura is so good with a blade. She maybe be getter then me and the rest.
Sister Irvy: (smirk) Still I think your one cool saber fighter, heck maybe there is more tricks you can do if you know what I mean.
Y/n blushes a little and they walk near Hermit's dress room and her conversation in there she they enter the room as Y/n asked.
Y/n: What's going on in here?
Shiki: Y/n! Great timing, check this out!
They turn to Y/n and the rest to see they changed into their new Outfits which Y/n find them cool.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa they suit you guys.
Rebecca: (smile) We figured we have an ungraded since the clones are getting new armor as well.
Witch: New armor?
Boss: That's right and Delta squad was the first.
They turn to see Delta squad new armor and helmets which looked pretty good on them.
Sister Irvy: (smirk) Whoa looks pretty cool.
Mosco: Soo cool, Mosco!
Sorch: Yeah and I gonna say, this one seems a lot lighter then our original one.
Y/n: How did Fordo and the rest of the clones managed to make new armor?
Max: We stock pile some supplies to make these new armor and made them within the Defender. All clones are getting their phase 3 very soon.
Y/n: Hmm perhaps I need an upgrade as well.
Witch: Cross changing sounds fun.
Sister Irvy: (smirk) Move out of the way kids, it's our turn.
The two chose out their custom and once that they enter the machine and there was a flash and then they came out wearing new Outfits.
Y/n: (blush) Wow Witch this is actually the first time we ever seen your face.
Weisz: So hot!
Witch: (little blush) Yes this might be the first time revealing my face like this.
Y/n: (smile) Well I think ut suits you.
Witch: (giggle) Thank you.
Sister Irvy: Hey Y/n, wanna have a go?
Y/n: Sure, and I know what custom I wanna try on.
He walks over and picks up the custom and walks into the machine and after a while the doors open and Y/n came out wearing his Jedi battle armor that is similar to Anakin's but with two shoulder pad have the Jedi logo on them.
Y/n: (smile) Whay do you guys think?
Sev: (smile) Pretty good sir.
Rebecca: (smile) You look very handsome.
Homura: (little blush) very hot indeed.
Y/n blushes a little follow by a smile and then Oki came into thr room and said.
Oki: Heat to break your cross dressing but Quinlan is calling to a meeting at the bridge.
Y/n: Alright, let's see what's up.
We see Quinlan, Fordo, Doom and Flanker at the bridge as they pull up a hologram of Sun Jewels as Fordo points at a red circle and explains.
Fordo: This area is where the empires star destroyers are at and this will be a problem to try to get in.
Doom: And it be risky to sent our whole fleet to the planet.
Pino: Is the planet not attacked?
Quinlan: Quite the opposite actually. The leaders of this planet allow the empire to take over and now the Empire is assisting them to control the planet and stop it from ever up rising.
Yogi: So the citizens on that planet just accept it and let the empire take over?
Fordo: I believe so and there is another reason why they are there. Max, will you?
Max: Yes sir. They are mining our crystals. As you may know they are building a secret weapon called the Eclipse.
Then he shows the massive ship to eveyone which shocked them while Hermit and Y/n already knew about this when Max show them it for the first time but seeing it again worried them a little.
Max: Once the empire finished building this ship, they will be unstoppable.
Weisz: (shocked) That ship will be bigger then a moon!
Happy: Is there a way to stop it?
Max: We can. Sun Jewels is where the empire is mining out crystals so if we destroy their supply's then maybe this will stop their progress for just a little longer.
Oki: Even if we slow down their progress, fighting it will be difficult. Who knows how many cannons and defences is there.
Doom: I agree, we need to plan this carefully while trying to make some allies within the galaxy.
Lancer: This might take a while.
Flanker: Agree but it be worth it.
Battle droid officer: Sir's I've detected multiple creatures all around us.
They look around the window and see what looked like space fish swimming through space which amazed them.
Shiki: (surprised) Wow awesome!
Happy: Look at all the yummy fishes!
Sorch: Again if you decided to eat one, where dose the food go?
Rebecca: You don't wanna know.
Clone officer: I've also detected something neat us.
Yei: What is it?
Clone officer: It looks like.....a person?
Fordo: What? Where?
Y/n: There!
They all turn and they see what looked like a space men flating through space while holding a wheel that looked like it would belong to a ship while they were confused and shock that he was just floating through space.
Shiki: What is he doing out there?
Doom: No clue.
Then he turns to him and his mouth moved like he was saying something but they can't hear him.
Y/n: Can you access to his helmet coms?
Clone officer: I can try......and here!
???: (radio) Can you please help me?
They were a bit stunned that he was asking them for help so calmy but Fordo turn to two Clone troopers and snap at them.
Fordo: Well what are you waiting for men, order the space troopers to get that man out of there!
Clone troopers: Sir yes sir!
(Short while later)
The two space troopers manage to get the man off the open void of space and onto Edens Zero which Y/n and the rest meet up with him.
Connor: Thank you for letting me in, my name is Captain Connor, nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you and its no problem. Glad we found you just in time.
Shiki: (surprised) How long where you live there for?
Connor: Don't know I lost track but I am glad I am out of there.
Quinlan: What happened to your ship?
Connor: No clue but I am looking at it. Anyways I feel hungry, you got a cafeteria I might get some food onto my belly.
Shiki: (smile) Sure thing, follow me.
Connor follow Shiki and the rest while Y/n noticed Fordo looking for him suspicious which Y/n asked.
Y/n: You alright?
Fordo: I just have a bad feeling about him. I don't trust him for a second.
Y/n: Why is don't think he's not that bad.
Fordo: It's not that. Why was he in space and what is he tge Captain of? Something ain't right sir.
Y/n: Maybe but maybe he'll be an allie to us and we just have to trust him.
Fordo: Hope so sir.
Y/n: By away, I heard your clones are gonna make phase 3 clone trooper armor. Mind I have a peek?
Fordo: Sure sir. I've already shown Quinlan and the rest of the jedi Generals and your our last one.
Y/n: (smile) Neat, lead the way.
Fordo nods and he follows him through the ship and soon Fordo opens the door and step into the room. Once the door shut behind them Y/n was amazed to see the phase 3 clone trooper armor as the two walk close to it and they look at it.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow.
Fordo: This armor is belt to protect the Clone troopers against heavy blaster fire and protect them from any small explosion like thermite detonators and quick explosion detonators. The helmet system has a night vision and heat vision and protect the clones from flash bangs and it's capable for space battles with or without Oxygen equipment.
Y/n: (smile) Whoa that's very impressive Fordo.
Fordo: This is only a prototype but soon it be ready for combat.
Y/n: (smile) Can't wait to see this happening. What about Oki and her rebel troops?
Fordo: They too will be given armor since now we are working together and it's not necessarily to have onky clones wear armor.
Y/n: True to that.
Then the door opene behind them and they turn to see Oki as she walks into thr room and said.
Oki: Hey sorry if I disturb anything?
Y/n: Not at all Oki, anything you need?
Oki: Yeah can I talk to you in private for a second?
Y/n: Um sure.
Y/n walks out of the room leaving Fordo to work on the phase 3 armor while we see Oki and Y/n near a window and once there Y/n asked.
Y/n: So what's up?
Oki: I....I don't want to sound selfish but me and my rebel soldiers were dieing to return back to planet and their starting to get impatient.
Y/n: (sigh) I know but I promise you, after this rescue mission, we return back to your planet and free it from the empire.
Oki: I guess. Still I'm worried what the empire did to our planet. Our trees might be destroyed....our homes and-
Y/n place a hand onto her shoulder which made her blush a little as Y/n tells her.
Y/n: Don't worry, what ever they are doing we will stop them. I won't let your planet be ruined. I promise.
Oki looks at Y/n and feels her heart calm and nods to him before she hugs him which made Y/n blush a little but hugs her back.
Oki: (smile) Thanks guess Jedis are always there to calm people from any worry.
Y/n: Yeah but weirdly they come to me.
Oki: (chuckle) Yeah but that's because your kinda great at making people happy.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, guess you can say I am a-
Suddenly Edens Zero jump into Hyper space whidh made Oki and Y/n stumble a little while still hugging and soon Edens Zero exit out of Hyper space and they let go and look out of the window.
Oki: Thet hell just happened?!
Y/n: No clue.
Weisz: (coms) Hey Y/n you might wanna come here.
Y/n: On our way.
Y/n and Oki made I to the bridge and once there they were shocked to see Sun Jewels which they don't see Star destroyers anywhere.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa Witch you must have figured that our very well.
Witch: That wasn't me.
Y/n: Wait what? Then who-
Connor: I did.
Y/n looks over to Connor as he have the wheels of the ship as he turn and said.
Connor: I've also order your fleet to stay by and come as back up when things go down.
Y/n: (surprised) Really. Thank you.
Shiki: (smile) See I told you he's a good guy.
Yogi: Yeah a good guy who tesch Pino some languages?
Pino: Like Fuc-
Yogi: Yes! Like that.
Connor: This will give you all a chance ce to head down there and rescue your friend. Good luck and be safe.
Connor walks off and left the bridge and we see him walking through the halls until he stop and behind him we see Fordo pointing a blaster pistol at him as Connor turn to him.
Fordo: Tell me what ship you are the captain are and why did you help us?
Connor looks at Fordo and sigh and then pulls up his sleeves and shows him a tattoo that said "Edens One" on his arm which confused Fordo.
Conmor: I served under Ziggy years ago and still is after his death. The reason why i help you all is because you all maybe this galaxy's hope to defeat the empire and save the galaxy.
Fordo look at Connor and then he lower his pistol now knowing he's really on their side and not with the empire.
Fordo: Alright you can stay and I thank you for helping us.
Connor: It's no problem but there is one thing you must do and it's about Y/n.
Fordo: And what would that be?
Connor sighs and tells Fordo something that made Fordo shock and the Connor left before he said.
Connor: Tell Y/n that when ever he finds out.....his father is still out there.
Within the streets of Sun Jewels we see Y/n, Rebecca, Homura, Shiki, Pino, Happy and Delta squad as Delat squad are wearing normal civilian Outfits but have colour patting that are similar to their armor including Y/n and the rest.
They stroll around turn and see a few Stormtroopers with red marks on their armor as a squad of them walk pass them.
Shiki: What type of Stormtroopers are they?
Boss: Shock troopers. They are more like the police and it seems like there is more.
Scorch: Yeah but far less the once on coruscant.
Boss: Max got anything?
Max: There is a floor beneath us but it's hard to tell what it is.
Fixer: Might be where the mining operation is happening down there.
Sev: Then we just have to find the way to get down there and trash it.
Homura: Yes and find my master.
Rebecca: Let's check in there.
They turn to see a Casino and they head inside and they look around to see many rich people playing and gambling for luck as they step into the casino and looked around.
Shiki: (surprised) Wow look at all of those clothes!
Scorch: That is the life of the rich people. Wearing fancy dresses ans suits so you can tell "Hey look, it's a rich person."
Sev: We gonna be careful while we're here.
Boss: Agree we gonna be blend in and not draw any atten-
Everyone turns to Homura which Boss facepalmed that they drawn attention.
Scorch: Well so much for blending in.
Y/n: Homura I know your wanna find your master but you need to be calm and relaxed.
Homura: (little blush) My apologies. It's just not like me to act in such behaviour.
Y/n: (smile) Never worry Homura, we find Valkyrie and you'll be happy with her I promise.
Homura: (smile) Thank you, I-
Then blaster fire is heard and everyone screamed as robbers came to the casino with blasters at the leader calls out.
Robber leader: Everyone get down now!
Everyone dose so except for Shiki which the roboors aimed their blasters at him.
Robber leader: I said get on the floor now!
Rebecca: Shiki get down!
Shiki: Why are they wearing weird masked?
Scorch: Yeah I agree, what is with that masked, looks horrible.
Robber Leader: (anger) Shut up! Get down to the ground or we will fire!
Sev: I like to see you try.
Then Sev quickly stand up and fire his sniper at a fee robbers whike the rest of Delta squad open fire and the robbers fire back as well. People start to run away whioe Delta squad kicks turn table ane get behind them.
The rest get behind some cover as Boss looks at his squad and dose hand signals to them which they nod. Scorch and Fixer split off and each grab a table and use them as shields while Sev peeks out and fire his blaster rifle at him whike Boss turns to Y/n and nods to him.
Y/n nods back and reach out of the force and lift a fre tables that were near Shiki and Homura which they see this and get behind them and they move towards the robbers whioe Sev, Max and Boss grabs the table and moves towards the robbers which the robbers were surprised they they are surrounding them once they were close Shiki used his gravity either to lift the robbers off the ground while Homura slash their blasters so they won't use them and then Shiki drops them down.
Then Delta squad stun them and they fell onto the ground. They throw away the table while eveyone cheered for their hard work while they turn to them.
Rebecca: (smile) That was amazing team work!
Happy: (smile) I agree.
Pino: (smile) Looks like a robbry has been stopped.
Y/n: Now we have to get out of here before the Shocj troopers com-
Then suddenly a red circle appears over the robbers ane Delta squad, Shiki and Homura step back as the leader woke up and see this and then start to panic.
Robber leader: No! NO! Please Don't do this! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!
Then a red flash blinds them and once it was gone they open their eyes and they were shocked to see the robbers gone as well only leaving burns on the floor while the rich people cheered that they were being punished.
Scorch: Um what the hell was that?
Boss: Max?
Max: It looks like there is a satellite over the planet. According to these readings, they've been teleported.
Sev: To where?
Max: Not to sure but might try-
Suddenly a red circle appears over Delta squad, Homura and Shiki.
Y/n: No!
Rebecca: Guys!
Then with a flash of light they were gone. Y/n, Rebecca, Happy and Pino look around but they we're gone.
Rebecca: (shocked) Do you think they are?
Y/n: No I can still sense them and i can sense they are below us.
Happy: Then we have to rescue them.
Pino: I agree but the question
They have no idea how to get down there and they hope they will be alright down there.
We see what looked like a junk town as we see many people wearing awful clothes as we see them walking about trying to survive whike living in this miserable town.
Shock stormtroopers 1: Move out of the way!
A trooper pushes a little girl onto the ground as she looked up with tears to see two shock Stormtroopers while her father bend down to her and hug her while he tells them.
Father: I'm so so, please don't hurt us.
Shock Stormtrooper 2: Quit! You gonna be tought a lesson to respect the empire.
The little girl hug her father while the two shock Stormtroopers were about to hurt them tehy hear someone call out to them from behind.
???: What is going on here?!
The two turn to see their commander walking up to them and he looks at the two storms waiting for a answer.
Shock Stormtrooper 1: Saber sir, these two were disrespecting us, we should punished them.
Saber looks like them and see then scared but Saber tells them.
Saber: You have your orders, now do it. I'll Short them out.
The shock Stormtroopers nod and walks off. Once gone Saber turns to them and they thought he was gonna hurt them instead but Saber reach out a hand to them which they were confused snd they take it ane Saber help him up.
Saber: I'm sorry for that, please take this.
He hands the father a key cards to be let out which shocked the father and asked.
Father: Thank you so much...but way?
Saber: Because I believe true justice and you and your daughter have no right being here and being abuse like poor people. You deserve freedom, and freedom is what you get.
Saber looks at the little girl and bend down to her and pulls out a stuffed bear which she widen with happiness with Saber said.
Saber: I've found this after your bullies through them in the ocean and I fixed it right up for you.
Little girl: (smile) Mister fluffy!
She takes it and hugs her stuff bear and turned to Saber.
Little girl: (smile) Thank you so much.
Saber: (smile) No problem. Now get out of here before they come back.
The father nods and takes his daughter and runs off while Saber watches them go as he smiled underneath his helmet before he heard a beep on his wrist meaning he is being called on the surface so he turn and walks off to meet up with her and see what she wants from him this time.
To be continued...............
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