Chapter 20: A memory that is locked

We see Y/n opening his eyes and he was in a beautiful field  within a unknown planet as the sky was bright but it seems not burn his eyes as he walk through the field and looking around and trying to find anyone that might be here.

Y/n: this place?

He see a cliff ahead so he rushes over and once there he looks at the veiw to see mountains that were sticking out onto the sky along with a temple within a mountain that looked ancient. Its not Jedi or Sith Temple.

Before he could figure out what it was a large black for appear and circle around him and Y/n step back and look around to see he was surrounded by this darkness of the cload.

Y/n: What is this?!

Then he hear what sounded like a lightsaber active behind him so he active his and turn and block a blue blade and they get into a blade lock. Y/n look at this attacker can't clearly see his face because his face was covered with the fog.

Y/n: Who are you?

???: You know who we are.

Y/n leaps back and then another light sabers were activated and he turn to see two green sabers which Y/n recognise those blades and now know who these two attackers are.

Y/n: Anakin.....Ahsoka?

Then the two charge at him and Y/n was about tondefene himself but something chocked him by the force and making him not do anything but let both Jedi's he knew rush at him and swing their blades at him.


(Dream ends)

Y/n quickly sat out of bed and he was breathing heavily and looked around to see he's within Edens Zero and see a fleet of Republic out of his window.

Y/n can feel his hand shaking and his body sweating from that nightmare but laying next to him was Rebecca as she wakes up and sat up and asked while she rub her tired eye while holding the sleeping Happy.

Rebecca: (yawn) You okay Y/n?

Y/n: (panting) Y-Yeah I'm fine.

Rebecca see he had a nightmare and place her head onto his shoulders and tell him.

Rebecca: It's alright, you don't have to hide it. It was just only a nightmare.

Y/n: I.....Guess but I feel like I knew that planet in my dream.

Rebecca: What was it?

Y/n: I.....I don't know.

Rebecca look at him a bit concerned when Y/n feel like someone else was here. He pulls over the coved snd they were surprised to see Homura sleeping next to Y/n as she gently snore.

Rebecca: (smile) Aww that's cute.

Y/n: (smile) Never knew she be here.

Rebecca: (smile) Yeah but I don't mind it. Now let's get changed, I think Fordo and his clones are giving us a tour around their super Ventator star destroyer.

Y/n: That's right the Defender, sure let's get changed.

Rebecca smiles and kissed Y/n on the check and gotten out and get changed. Y/n smile and turn to Homura who was still sleeping ane place a hand onto her head while he thinks about that dream.

Y/n: (thought) Why do I have a feeling that....I knew that planet before?


Edens Zero attach to Tye Defender and they each got a tour around the ship by Clones so they can know their ways around the ship. They show them many interesting locations that are impressive but right now we see Shiki, Pino, Yogi and Weisz at the large cafeteria along with the clones.

They sat together and eat the food they have and it was pretty delicious.

Yogi: (smirk) Never knew clones can be great chefs, I wonder why the Grand army of Republic train some Clones to make food.

Weisz: Guess they always wanna make clones fight other droids rather then cook.

Yogi: Maybe but still this food is delicious.

Shiki: Hey Pino do you needed food to eat?

Pino: (smile) I am fine. I am a android so I can't eat as normally as you all, I have to drink fuel in order to stay online.

Shiki: (tears) That's so sad. You can't be happy how the food will taste like.

Weisz: Come on man, no more of that!

Yogi: (chuckle) Same old Shiki.

Pino: (smile) But....during that VR video game adventure I was actually enjoy being a human and wished I can be one again.

Weisz: (smirk) I still remember you passing out when I show you Pino as a human Yogi.

Yogi: I didn't pass out! I asleep after I saw the picture?

Shiki: Like passing out?

Yogi: Yeah like tha- No! Nothing like that!

Pino: (smile) It's fine, I know you like my human form and maybe I can be a real human some day.

Yogi: (smile) Well when ever that happens, I'll help you.

Shiki: (smile) Same.

Weisz: (smile) Me too.

Pino smiles but then a Clone behind them laughs ans said.

???: A droid being a human? Now that's cute but I rather not believe of your wish.

They turn to see how said that and a Arc trooper was staring down at them whioe he have his arms folded.

Shiki: (anger) What was that?

???: Droids can't be humans and I laugh if it turns out she can't. Droids like her doesn't deserve to be humans.

Yogi: Hey! Watch it.

???: And what are you gonna do Mandalorian?

The two glare at each other while other clones turns ti see what's about to happen when Doom appears and breaks them up.

Doom: That's enough both of you!

???: Yes sir.

The Arc trooper walks off while they watch him go.

Shiki: Man who was that jerk?

Doom: That's Arc trooper Wolverine. He's a type of Arc trooper clone that hated his enemies and never seem to forget it even after the Clone wars.

Weisz: So he sees Pino as like the battle droids during the Clone wars.

Doom: Yeah, my apologies about him though. I promise this won't happen again.

Shiki: (smile) That's cool Doom, at least we know you don't hate droids.

Doom: Well just because droid killed my brothers, that doesn't mean I have to hate them forever. By away, I've been meaning to find you four, we're discussing on finding Valkyrie at the meeting room.

Shiki: (smile) Cool let's go.


We see everyone here as they sat down. In the room we're Fordo, Doom, Y/n, Quinlan, Rebecca, Happy, Homura, Pino, Shiki, Weisz, Witch, Hermit, Sister Irvy, Mosco, Oki, Leiko, Miwa and Yei.

Fordo: So where should we start to find Valkyrie or do any of you three know where she is at?

Witch: Unfortunately no. After Ziggy left we gone our separate ways.

Hermit: Homura you know Valkyrie is your master right, do you know where she went?

Homura: No I don't know. The last time I saw her is leaving me to go onto my own journey and took a ship and left the planet.

Quinlan: She could be anywhere in the galaxy or the worse is maybe she is already been taking by the Empire.

Doom: That's a low possibility but judging how many planets they are taking over, one of these planet may hold Valkyrie.

Homura: Which is why we have to find her before it's too late!

Y/n: And we will, don't worry.

Miwa: Hmmm there is one way we could find her.

They all turn to Miwa as she walks up to a holo table  and type something onto the holo table and a planet appear in front of them.

Miwa: This is the planet of Mildian, in that planet is Homed to a women named Xiaomei. She is a fortune teller and what I heard she will know immediately once you step into her doors.

Yei: Is she force sensitive?

Miwa: I don't know but she is very powerful and knows things then anyone else would.

Shiki: (surprised) Wow that sounded awesome!

Oki: So we ask her where Valkyrie is and that's it?

Miwa: (smirk) You sounded like it is hard.

Oki: (smirk) Well sad my men can't beat some Stormtroopers but then again we need some break so at least this one is easy.

Sister Irvy: I don't believe those things, I bet she is gonna scam us.

Mosco: Mosco agree.

Miwa: Still we have no choice. It's the only way.

Y/n: Then we head there. Fordo tell your crew to jump into Hyper space and head to Mildian.

Fordo: Yes sir.

Fordo dose so and they jump into Hyper space to reach to the coordinates.


We see the fleet near the planet and it was a pretty and amazing planet with rings all around it as Y/n, Shiki, Rebecca, Weisz, Happy, Pino and Homura was on Rebecca's ship and they fly down to the planet.

Once in the planet they land down onto the surface and they claim out and it was a beautiful planet and the temple looked pretty nice as they walk close to it.

Y/n: I can sense a strong light side connection within the force. This planet is pure with the light.

Weisz: Well that's a first.

Happy: Maybe this can't be that bad.

Homura: Only one way to find out.

They nod and walk over to the temples door and they open it. Once open they step in and they were shocked to see inside the galaxy itself and they were standing on it.

Pino: (surprised) What is this?

Rebecca: (surprised) Okay this is crazy but cool as well.

Shiki: (surprised) Awesome!

???: Welcome, I've been suspected you all to be here.

They look up ane they see Xiaomei sitting on a throne chair looking at them as they loom at her and Y/n asked.

Y/n: You must be Xiaomei, are we right?

Xiaomei: (smile) Indeed Jedi Knight Y/n. It is nice to meet you in person.

Y/n: So you do know our names?

Xiaomei: (smile) Yep. Rebecca, Shiki, Pino, Happy, Homura and Weisz.

Weisz: That's kinds freaky.

Xiaomei: (smile) You'll get used to it. So, your here to seek answers about Valkyrie I'm I right?

Homura: Yes. We need to know where she is.

Xiaomei: Hmm well I may know where she might be or not. But I will tell you but first.

She then appears beside Y/n as he leaps back but Xiaomei walks up to him and the two look at each other and then Xiaomei nods and said.

Xiaomei: I see. A memory has been locked inside of you by someone.

Y/n: What? What are you talking about?

She then appear upside down on the ceiling as they look up as she gose on to say.

Xiaomei: A part of your memory as been sealed and locked by someone powerful during the Clone wars. This person doesn't want you to know anything about your past or your either gear.

Y/n: I...I don't get it.

Shiki: Why would someone lock a memory of Y/n?

Xiaomei: Why the father of course.

Weisz: The father?

Xiaomei: A force entity that balance both light and dark side of the force. Each force is a entity. The Dark side is the father's son, while the light side is the father's daughter.

Rebecca: And their mother?

Xiaomei: That's....for me and Y/n to talk about but never worry, you can take part of a little game whioe I chat with Y/n.

She snap her fingers and Shiki, Rebecca, Weisz, Homura, Happy and Pino get sucked into the floor while Y/n watched as they get sucked through.

Y/n: Guys!

Xiaomei: (smile) Never worry. I can sense they will be fine and win the little game I have for them. Now let's talk shall we?

Y/n look at Xiaomei and at the floor where Shiki and the rest were sucked and then asked.

Y/n: So what is it do you want us to talk about?

Xiaomei: Do you know the planet mortis?

Y/n: No I haven't.

Xiaomei: Of course not. Something on Mortis cost your memory of I to be locked and you must go back there and remember.

Y/n: How?

Xiaomei: (smile) Use the force. Try to remember and your questionz will be a answered.

Y/n wasn't sure but he sat down and start to meditate. As he shut his eyes he slowly starting to remember that name ane after a while he opene his eyes and he was a field one more just like in his dream.

He sat up and looked around to see no one but then he hear a familiar voice in the distance.

???: Y/n can you pass me that for me?

Y/n: (shocked) Ahsoka?

He rushes towards the voices and once there he was shocked to be met with a Republic Jedi class shuttle that was crashed and he suddenly remembered it somehow and there she was.

Stepping out of the shuttle and looking around was Ahsoka who calls out to Y/n.

Ahsoka: Hey Y/n! Where are you?

Y/n: (shocked) Ahsoka. Ahsoka I'm here! Look I'm-

He rushes over to hug her but his arms and body went through her and he was shocked and look back to see she doesn't see him or feel him.

Y/n: (shocked) What is this?

Young Y/n: Sorry!

Then his young self appears around the ship and hands Ahsoka the tool she needed and explain.

Young Y/n: I was just looking around. This planet is wonderful.

Ahsoka: Yeah, just hope we fix this ship so we can get out of here.

Young Y/n: (smile) But I know you learn it from Anakin right?

Ahsoka: Well kinda.

She giggles as she fixed the ship and Y/n can remember how many times she giggle and find it cute.

Y/n: How.....How was I there if I can't remember it.

Anakin: So how is things with the ship?

Y/n turn to see Anakin and Kenobi walk up to the two as Ahsoka said.

Ahsoka: This is gonna be a while until this ship will be fixed.

Kenobi: Guess Zen will wonder where his own Padawan was and may not trust us with him again.

Anakin: (smirk) Oh relaxed Kenobi, it's not the first time we nearly got Y/n in danger.

Kenobi: Yes because most of the time it's you that got him in danger.

Young Y/n: I know Master Zen maybe worry but he knows I can do this. I'm with you right, that's more important and we need to work together to fix this ship and head back to Rex and Zen.

Anakin: (smile) Agree kid.

Y/n watched as they fix the ship while Y/n still can't believe he was there but for some reason he can't remember it. He shut his eyes and then he hear his own self cry out.

Young Y/n: Ahsoka!

Y/n quickly open his eyes and now it was night time and he was senting at the garden and in front of him was Kenobi, Anakin, Son, Daughter, his young self, Ahsoka, and the father.

Y/n eyes widen to see Ahsoka that turned yo the dark side but he slowly remembered it was the son that is controlling her and see the Father on the ground as Ahsoka hands an dagger to the son.

Young Y/n: Ahsoka please snap out of it!

Y/n: (shocked) N-No no no I know this is gonna happen. No.

Son: (smirk) Everything has expired exactly as I planned.

Father: (shocked) You showed them the altar?!

Daughter: I am sorry father, I didn't know how else to stop him.

Son: (smirk) Thank you, your usefulness is completed.

The son reach his finger out to touch her forehead and Y/n eyes widen and suddenly remember this part.


But the Son touch her forehead and she fell onto the ground as she dies right in front of everyone.

Anakin: Nnnnnnnoooo!!!!

Y/n fell to his knees in disbelief but then he looked at himself and see he too was on his knees and tears start to pour out as the Son smirks at his own self.

Then suddenly his Young self's arms start to glow and Y/n realised.

Y/n: (thought) That's either gear!

His young self shot a glare at the Son while the son was shocked at this new people as young Y/n slowly stand up and then yells out!

Young Y/n: (anger) HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!

Then a force pushed the Son senting him flying and he slam onto the wall while young Y/n still reach out of the force and slowly walk towards the Son while Anakin, Kenobi and the Daughter were shocked by this unknown power as Y/n reach out of the force and grabs the dagger out of the sons hand and then yell out.

Young Y/n: (anger) NOW DIE!!!!!

Daughter: No!

His young self throws the dagger at the son but the daughter gets in front of the son and take the hit. Y/n, his young self snd the son were shocked as the daughter fell to the sons arms while his young self realised what he has done and step back and let's the Son go.

Son: No! NO!

The daughter was injured as the Son shot a glare at young Y/n and yells out.

Son: (anger) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?

Young Y/n: N-No I didn't mean to. I.....I.

Then he fell to his knees and start to cry while everything slowly turn dark except one light that shine on Young Y/n as he cries while Y/n looks at this and a tear apper on his cheek as he remember now.

Father: You have used your Either gear.

Then the father appear in front of his young self as he looked up at him in tears and said.

Young Y/n: (tears) I.....I didn't mean to (sniff) I didn't mean to. (Sobbing)

Father: It's okay. Your a young boy and I know you didn't mean to do it. But your either gear has awoken too soon. They should be used later on.

Young Y/n: (sniff) Later...later on?

Father: Soon your Either gear will save another galaxy and you destiny to save the entire universe rest in yoru hands. But now I tell you this, your memory of this and this place will be taking away.

Young Y/n: (sniff) Please....I....I don't want to remember what I did. I (sniff) Don't want to bare to remember her death. Please.

Father: If that is your wish. I will grand it.

The father then tap his finger onto Y/n's young self and after that Y/n was back at Xiaomei's temple as Xiaomei appear behind him and he turn to her.

Y/n: I......I remember now. And I.......I...

Xiaomei: Don't blame yourself Y/n. It is not your fault for the Daughters death.

Y/n: But I wanna know. What was that Eithe gear I used. What is it called?

Xiaomei: It's called Fury either gear. It can increase your speeds and attacks to the max and use force abilities that no other jedis can't use.

Y/n: I see.

Y/n look at his hand and Xiaomei smiled and said.

Xiaomei: (smile) It seems our time is up. Your friends are waiting you outside and I already told then where Valkyrie is.

Y/n: Thank you.

He walk towards the door but before he open it Xiaomei said.

Xiaomei: Ah, I almost forgot. Someone came by and she wants you to have something outside.

Y/n: Really? Thanks you.

Xiaomei: (smile) Your welcome and come again.

Y/n smiles and open the door and step outside. H meet up with the rest as they turn and see him walking up to him.

Shiki: Y/n glad to see you!

Weisz: What happened to you?

Y/n: It's a long story, I'll explain once we're back at Edens Zero and the fleet.

Weisz: Right. Also there is a ship over there and I think this belong to you?

Y/n looks over and was shocked to see a familiar jedi start fighter as he walks towards it.

He walks over to it and rub his hands over to the ship as Rebecca asked.

Rebecca: You know that ship?

Y/n: (smile) It belonged to someone else I know during the Clone wars.

Pino: We should head back now we know where Valkyrie is.

Shiki: (smile) Right. Coming Y/n?

Y/n: (smile) I think I give this lady bird a try.

They nod and walk to Rebecca's ship while Y/n claim onto the star fighter snd press some buttons and it turns on. He smiled to himself as he grabs the controls.

Y/n: (thought) Thank you Ahsoka. I take care of it no matter what.

Then we see two ships fly off back to Edens Zero while we see a Morai on top of Xiaomei's temple and watch them leave the planet before it flies off somewhere as the Daughter doesn't show hatred towards Y/n and knows that Y/n will change the faith of the universe along with his friends.

To be continued...............

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