Chapter 2: Blue cats secrets
At a area within the galaxy we see an imperial star destroyer exiting put of hyper space and a small imperial transport ship exit out as it flys over through we then see more Star destroyers hooving in space as we pinned up to see a space station for the imperial Empire as it hovers a nearby planet.
The Imperial drop ship enters the hanger bay and made a touch down as imperial stormtroopers were patrolling around the station and some were lined up as the drop ship opens up.
The imperial inquistor from Granbell exit out with two fo his purge troopers behind him as the captain walks over to the inquistor and says.
Male Stormtrooper Captain: Sir you arrive just in time. There is a meeting happening and the grand admiral's are decision about our next plan.
???: understood trooper. Tell all troops to assist the new base at the planet of Granbell.
Male Stormtrooper captain: Yes sir.
The inquistor heads off to the meeting as he walk through long hallways until he arrives at the room as he opens the door and see five grand admirals sat down on a circular table and turn to see the inquistor.
The first was a male grand admiral with brown hair and blue eyes named Joben who is viewed as one of the aggressive admirals around and questions about the emperor's orders. Next to him is a another male but with red hair and blue eyes named Kisho who is viewed as a great thinker and win many battles during the Clone Wars. Next was a female admiral named Akina who is viewed as the ground forces greatest strategists and knows how to use a blaster. Across the table was two brothers named Oki and Rei as Oki is the admiral of the fleet while Rei was then admiral of the ground and shown to be very powerful within the empire.
Joben: Ah the last of the Inquistors has finally come. I say that the mission on Grabell was a failure?
???: Yes but we now know that a Jedi is here and he is not alone.
The inquistor pulls out a holopad and active it. A hologram of Happy, Rebecca and Shiki appears as the admiral looks at them.
???: These are the Jedis friends and we now know the Jedi is not alone.
Joben: (smirk) That's great, we just find them and capture them for information and we take put the Jedi.
Kisho: Hold on for a second there Joben. We have no idea about this galaxy and we have no idea where this jedi is.
Joben: So we just take many planets until we find this Jedi.
Akina: Yes but we don't know this galaxy as a military force or not. We must be careful if we ran into any military army of fleet that may show a threat to us.
Oki: She's right. We must be careful in case a powerful fleet comes to our area.
Rei: I agree.
Joben: What's the point? We have no idea how long this Jedi has been and it's a possibility he's warned this galaxy about us.
???: I do not think he did.
Joben: And how do you know?
???: An imperial lieutenant told me that Rebecca ask about the imperial stormtroopers and has no idea about the existence of Jedi. This proofs that the Jedi doesn't know about us or the Empire.
Joben: So what's your plan?
???: We still continue taking overmany planets and make several bases until we are ready. Once that we will show this unknown region who we are and soon we will find the Jedi and take him to the Emperor.
Joben: I thought we were ordered to kill this Jedi?
???: Orders has changed admiral. The emperor wants this Jedi alive to train to be a sith.
Joben: Why would the emperor make that order?
???: Because the Jedi is a padawan and capturing him alive is important to the empire.
Kisho: Understood.
???: This meeting is over, dismissed.
The admiral stood up off of their chairs as the inquistor turns and leaves the room and walks through the halls before Joben came out and asked.
Joben: Have you requested the emperor to capture this Padawan or did the Emperor actually requested that order?
The inquistor stops and turns back to Joben and says.
???: It is orders by the emperor and you will respect his orders.
Joben: (sigh) Understood.
The inquistor turns and walks off as Joben mutters something to himself and turns to walk a different way.
At Rebecca's ship we see Y/n exit out of his room as he gotten changed into his civilian clothes. Even though he likes to wear his Jedi clothes once more but he doesn't want to draw himself attention in case they landed on Blue Garden so he did that.
Y/n walks over to see Shiki sat on a couch as Rebecca shows him what B-Cube is by showing him cube like holograms of many videos of different people across the galaxy which surprises Shiki.
Shiki: (surprises) Wow the screens are moving! Wow!
Y/n: (chuckle) I see Shiki is amazed the world of B-Cube videos huh?
Rebecca: (smile) Yep figured I show him a few so he can know what they are.
Happy: Do you have something like that in your galaxy?
Y/n: Yeah but there will be a lot of things on during the Clone wars but glad Shiki is getting to know what B-Cubing is.
Then a video opens up to reveal Rebecca and Happy as Rebecca in the video was wearing a cat outfit as she smiles at the camera before saying.
Rebecca: (video) This si Happy and Rebecca from the Aoneko Channel!
Happy: (video) Aye!
Rebecca and Happy: (video) Nyan Nyan~
Shiki: N-Nyan Nyan?
Rebecca: Don't copy us!
Y/n: (chuckle)
Rebecca: Anyways since know your with us we're heading to Blue Garden and maybe sign you up as an adventurer.
Shiki: (smile) An adventurer, sounds great.
Y/n: Blue Garden is one of many planets that you can sign up to be a member of the guild and take on many jobs. It also allows you to travel to different planets without worrying about payment.
Shiki: Oh man I can not wait. Nyan Nyan!
Rebecca: Cut it out.
Shiki: Hey Y/n, how come your not wearing your Jedi clothes? I thought it looks cool.
Y/n: Well I don't want to draw some attention to myself so this clothes will do it to blend in.
Shiki: Dose all jedi wear some disguise to blend in?
Y/n: Well no, they do wear Jedi clothes on different missions but if a mission requires to enter enemy lines then wearing a different set of clothes is allows by the Jedi Council.
Happy: So can you tell us more about the Jedi order and what happened to them?
Y/n: Yeah the Jedi order has been around since the Old Republic found them and they join the Republic against any threats such as the Sith. Over the years they form a jedi temple at Coruscant.
Rebecca: So who were the members of the council?
Y/n: Well there are a few but there are three Jedi masters that are cool. The first Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi, he was one of the best lightsaber dualist around and a wise Jedi master. He lead the 212th is his clone commander named Cody during the Clone wars.
Shiki: Hw sounded like a nice guy.
Y/n: Ideed. Next was Master Mace Windu, he was a strict jedi master who is both strong within the force and power with his lightsaber combat. He master both light and dark side of the force to take out his enemies and that's why he uses a purple lightsaber as it symbols both light and dark.
Happy: And the last one?
Y/n: The last one was the head leader of the council and the order. Master Yoda, he is wise and very strong within the force and shown to be very powerful within the order. I heard he took out an army of droids by himself with some assistance to the Coruscant clone shock troopers.
Rebecca: (surprises) Whoa he is powerful.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah he was. I don't know what happened to either of them near the end of the clone wars but I hope their alright.
Shiki: (amile) I'm sure their alright.
Happy: Hey we're here.
They look out of the window and see Blue Garden as they head towards the planet which Shiki surprises to see another planet for the first time ever.
The city of Blue Garden was huge with tall skyscrapers and so much people. Shiki was amazed to see everything while they walk through the streets as Shiki asks.
Shiki: (smile) I wounder I be friends with everyone here. That would be so cool.
Y/n: That would be nice to make friends however some aren't that interested and there is some that doesn't care. It's maybe best you should be careful to some people.
Shiki: Alright.
Y/n: (smile) Man this still reminds me of Coruscant before the war. Things would be peaceful if the war never happen.
Rebecca: How long did the Clone wars last for?
Y/n: For years but we were close to end the war if it wasn't Separatist forces bomb the power station that shuts down all power including the senate building.
Rebecca: That would be close.
Y/n: Yeah agree.
Happy: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Happy: What were you like when you join the Jedi order and did you made a few friends.
Y/n: Oh well unlike most jedi Padawan's who shown to be reckless and out going I was.....I bit shy and just follow what the Jedi masters and knifhts told me. Soon I was assign to my master named Zen who shown to be more like a father figure to me and soon I made a few friends within the temple. On end which was the Chosen one named Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan named Ahsoka Tano. Me and her go out many mission together as great friends and I even help her in some struggles within the order.
Rebecca: (smile) That's great.
Y/n: Yeah we were until......she was framed of a bombing of the Jedi temple and me, Anakin and Zen try to defend her but the council allows her to be expelled within the order but luckily she was cleared after it was revealed that Berries was the one who bombed the jedi temple and the reason why is because she believes that the jedi order is failing because of the Republic but after that she was taking away.
Rebecca: And what happened to Ahsoka?
Y/n: She....left. she believes that the order just betray her after everything she has done and what's to go on her own path. She thank me, Zen and Anakin for the help to clear her name but she just left the order after that. I was....sad to see her go including Anakin and since that day, things were not the same without her.
Rebecca: Whoa I'm sorry for that.
Y/n: That's alright. I just hope Anakin and Ahsoka are ok and hope they survive order 66. Also why are you wearing glasses?
Shiki: Yeah what's with that?
Rebecca: (smirk) Because I'm a B-Cuber, I'm famous around here.
Happy: Even though we don't have many views.
Then a glass tub was place on Happy trapping him inside as they turn and see a guy trapping Happy inside a glass tub as he ask.
Male thug: You don't mind I take this? You know what, never mind I have him anyways.
Rebecca: Happy!
Y/n: Let our friend go sir, we don't want any trouble.
Male thug: (smirk) This cat is from the star XE, I can sell this little guy for a fortune.
Happy: Hey get me out of here!
Y/n rushes over to help Happy but the thug leaps into his speeder and dashes off as smoke blinds Y/n and the rest for a while until the smoke was clear and they look around.
Shiki: Up there!
Shiki points to see the thug riding off.
Y/n: Shiki let's get Happy.
Shiki: Right.
Shiki rushes off while Y/n leaps up into roof top to roof top to chase after Happy while Rebecca stands there horrified that she will lose Happy again.
Rebecca: Happy.
We then see a mysterious figure with the crowd as he sees everything what has happen as he turns and gose to a different direction.
We see both Shiki and Y/n leaping onto roof top to roof top to chase after the thug who kidnapped Happy as Y/n slide down and fell of and landed safely onto the ground as he rushes through the crowd.
He dodges a few people and even flips over a few boxes as he is on the guys tail. Shiki was also on his tail but he gets distracted by many people he went pass seeing fat guys, thin female, small girls, bearded guys and many more.
Y/n leaps off into the air and use the force to stop the speeder as the thud was thrown off of his speeder and lands onto the ground as he rolled onto the ground along with Happy.
Y/n lands on his feet and walks over to the Thug. The Thug slowly stands up and pulls out his blaster but then Y/n quickly pulls out his own and fires a blaster and shot the thugs blaster out of his hand.
Male thug: Lucky shot.
Y/n: (smirk) Hey, that's what I am. Now hand over Happy now.
Male Thug: Happy? That's a weird name to call a cat?
Happy: No it's not. Rebecca give me that name,e years ago.
Y/n: That's right and I would like you to hand him over.
Male Thug: Not a chance.
Then Shiki catches up with Y/n as he lands next to Y/n and looks at the thug.
Shiki: (anger) Hand over Happy now Friend kidnapper.
Y/n: Friend kidnapper?
Shiki: Yeah he kidnapped our friend.
Y/n: Well I won't say Friend kidnapper I kidnapper.
Shiki: Really?
Y/n: Well he did kidnaps Happy right now and he has a glass tub that is fit for cats so I say a Cat kidnapper.
Happy: Hey can we go back to the subject in hand!
Y/n: Oh right sorry.
???: Hey what's going on out here?
Then a large fat guy appears with a gang of thugs as one of them says.
Male thug: Boss look what I have.
Male boss thug: (surprises) Wow this cat is pretty rare to find. If we sell this one, we can make millions.
Then Rebecca made it to Shiki and Y/n as all three stare at them and Rebecca says.
Rebecca: Let Happy go now.
Male Boss thug: Or what? You have no chance against all of us.
Rebecca: I swear id you hurt Happy I will never forgive you.
Y/n could since the anger within her and he can see he doesn't want Happy to get hurt.
Shiki: Ready Y/n?
Y/n: Ready?
Shikis arm start to glow and he dashes over and slide onto the ground and take out some of the thugs. Y/n rushes over and punches the first thug in the stomach before he lands a backwards kick at the other thug before he dodges blaster shots from another and pulls out his blaster and fires a shot to blast the thugs blaster away.
Before Y/n rushes over and knocks the head out by hitting him with the back of his blaster. The thug fells onto the ground as more blaster fire wet by Y/n as he looks over an see this. He reach out of the force and move a large box and throws it a the thugs and taking them out.
Male thug: (surprises) Wow their very strong.
Male boss thug: Yeah but not strong enough against this.
Then their boss pulls out a large blaster cannon and aims it at Shiki, Rebecca and Y/n.
Y/n: Oh crap. Take cover!
Then their boss opens fire as Y/n, Shiki and Rebecca takes cover. Y/n sees many innocent people out of the open so he use the force to move some boxes and made some cover for them before he pulls out his blaster and open fires at their boss. But he misses and their boss turns to Y/n's cover and fires his blaster cannon at him.
Y/n takes cover as Rebecca peaks out and see the thug who still has Happy dodging his boss blast shots before he trips and drops Happy which mashes the glass and Happy lands hard onto the ground.
Rebecca: Happy!
Rebecca exit out of cover and rushes over yo Happy.
Y/n: Wait Rebecca don't!
Happy sees her and he reach out his hand and so dose Rebecca as blaster fire come towards them.
Y/n: (thought) Dawn it, guess I have no choice.
Y/n rushes over to them as he pulls out his lightsaber and gets in front and active his lightsaber as he blocks the blaster shots.
Male thug: What the hell is that weapon?
Male boss thug: Who cares let's take them out.
Y/n use the force to lift Rebecca and Happy to cover as he blocks the blaster shots with his lightsaber and he gets overwhelmed as one of the blast fire hits Y/n in the shoulder as he grunted in pain.
Rebecca: Y/n!
Shiki: No!
Y/n tyr to hold his line as he thought this will be it for him but he will die like a Jedi. Just before he feels like he is about to give in a missile came out of the roof and lands at the middle and blast the thugs and Y/n back.
Y/n lands on his feet as the thugs slowly stands up as they wounder what was that. Then a sound of a jetpack lands near one thug as the thug turns and gets punched in the face by a mysterious figure.
The thugs all turn and Shiki, Rebecca, Happy and Y/n watch as the smoke clear up and Y/n was surprised to see a Mandalorian as he stare up at the thugs with twin blaster pistol in hand.
Y/n: (thought) A Mandalorian here? How is that possible.
Male thug: (scared) Um boss I think we might be in trouble.
Male thug 2: (scared) Is that him? The armoed Justice?
Y/n: (thought) The armored Justice?
The mysterious Mandalorian looks at the thugs before he quickly fires a blastee shot at one thug that was about to fire at him and he fell onto the ground. More thugs open fire at this Mandalorian as the Mandalorian fired them back with his twin blaster pistols before he takes cover with Rebecca and Happy.
Y/n also takes cover as the Mandalorian turns to Rebecca and Happy and says.
???: Guess they give you some trouble huh?
Rebecca: Yeah and they kidnapped Happy.
???: Those thugs. I'm gonna make them pay.
Y/n: Wait yous know each other?
???: It's a long story Jedi but we explain after this. Rebecca you ready?
Rebecca: (smile) Yeah, let's do this Happy.
(Happy transformation)
Y/n and Shiki was shocked as they just see Happy not only a robot but transform into twin blaster pistols. The Mandalorian and Rebecca leap out and fire their blaster pistols at the thugs and taking them out.
They charge at them while Y/n pulls out and looks at his blaster pistol and to Rebecca's and smirks.
Y/n: (smirk) Now I feel jealous now. But who I'm I kidding, I have a lightsaber so that count for something.
Y/n active his lightsaber once more and assist them with the fight.
The thugs fires at them as the Mandalorian active his jetpack and fly up into the air before he throw grenade at them and they were blown up. Their boss continues to fire his blaster cannon at them as the shots were about to hit Rebecca but Shiki grass her arm and the two float up into the air.
Shiki: (smirk) Bet this will give you the upper hand.
Rebecca smirks as she nods and Shiki let's her go and before the thug boss could even fire at her. Y/n rushes over and slice the blaster cannon in half and Rebecca fires her blaster guns at the boss and once that he was down.
The rest of the thugs run off as Y/n deactivate his lightsaber and set it into his waist and walks over to Rebecca and see all the thugs laying on the ground and asked.
Y/n: Are they gonna be alright?
Rebecca: (smile) Don't worry. Those shots didn't kill them unless I set the levels up.
Y/n and Shiki: (thought) And you really need a bodyguard?
(Short while later)
We see them walking away the area as Rebecca tells Shiki and Y/n that Happy is a machine.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow I never know you were a machine Happy.
Happy: Aye, there have been many machine living among us. See that business guy right there, he is a machine as well.
Shiki: (shocked) No way!
Rebecca: Happy got into an accident when I was young. I lost all hope when Happy died. But he walk up to me and told me he know something to bring Happy back.
She turn to the Mandalorian as he nods. Y/n walks over your the Mandalorian and says.
Y/n: Thanks for the help and thank you for saving my life.
???: No problem Jedi.
Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n and your name?
The Mandalorian took off his helmet revealed to have blue hair with green eyes as she smiles at him and introduces himself.
Yogi: (smile) My name is Yogi Chiba, it's nice to meet you.
Y/n: I never know their be Mandalorians here at the unknown region?
Yogi: I'm just here for some adventure and probably take a break from galactic stuff like the clone wars. When the rise of the Galactic empire began I have no choice but to stay here and take on jobs to survive.
Y/n: Your not like many Mandalorians what I've seen.
Yogi: I'm diffident. I'm not just a bounty hunter but a bounty hunter that fights for justice and the free will for all species.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm glad for that.
Yogi: (smile) Same. So where are yous off to now?
Shiki: We're heading to a nearby guild so I can take on jobs.
Yogi: (smile) Cool, follow me. I know a short cut.
They follow Yogi through the streets to head to the guild. After a while they arrive as they look up and see guild ahead of them.
Shiki: (surprised) Wow!
Yogi: (smile) Welcome to Shooting starlight, a place where people can begin their adventure.
Shiki: (smile) This is awesome! I can not wait for this!
Y/n: (smile) Then what are we waiting for, let's go.
And so they enter the guild to get Shiki sigh up and start off their adventure throughout the stars.
We see a singal ship floating through space as we cut to a soldier rushing through the ships halls until he enters the bridge and runs up to two people. One was sitting on a throne chair and the other was wearing a cloak over him as the soldier says.
Male soldier: Sir, Ma'am we have some news.
???: What is the news?
Male Soldier: We have news that the demon King as left Granbell and he is at Blue Garden right now.
???: Are you sure?
Male soldier: Yes and what's more. There is a person with a laser sword and have an ability to move objects at the thugs.
??? 2: You mean another Jedi?
Male Soldier: I believe so.
Then the one who is sitting on a chair stood up and it revealed to have red long hair as she taps her blade onto the floor as she says.
???: Well it seems your not the only Jedi in this Galaxy after all.
??? 2: (smirk) Yeah I guess so.
Then he remove his hood to reveal a guy with a yellow pain across his face as he says.
??? 2: (smirk) I wounder this Jedi is a master or Knight? Either way I can't wait.
???: (smile) Agree. Men set course to Blue Garden.
His men nodes as they press a few buttons before their ship jump into hyper space heading to Blue Garden to meet with Shiki and Y/n in person.
To be continued............
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