Chapter 19: Retirement over, time to fight again
Within the imperial space station we see Zen and Akina at the bridge waiting for any news from Flanker but he hadn't contacted them back. An imperial officer walks up to them as the turn to him and Zen asked.
Zen: Any news about Flanker?
Imperial officer: No sir, there is no transmission from him and his squad aren't responding.
Akina: It's high likely he and his squad was attacked.
Zen: Yes and I believe we may have found Edens Zero. Order two imperial star destroyer to be sent to last known coordinates and be ready them for an invasion on what pkanet Flanker might be.
Imperial officer: Yes sir.
The officer walks off while Zen turns back to the window while Akina looks at him and asked.
Akina: What makes you think they are in arpanet where Flanker is?
Zen: (smirk) Because my padawan can't help but to help his former clone commander and I knew he'll try to remove his inhibitor chip.
Akina So you use Flanker as bait?
Zen: (smirk) Something like that, but it works right?
Akina looks at him while two star destroyers jump into Hyper space to head to Flankers last know coordinates to search if Edens Zero is there.
Rebecca: Wow!
Rebecc, Oki, Happy and Pino were giving a tour around the city by Commander Doom and shows them the training room where they see clones within a large room ans shooting down training battle droids while they watched through the window.
Doom: This is where Clones go down here and train so we be ready for anything that might attack this city. It looks similar to the once on Kamino before the empire took over. But we tooken some training droids with us and place them here.
Happy: (surprised) Wow it's like a shooting game.
Pino: Is this kinda mean to do with droids?
Doom: Never worry, these droids are only programmed to train clones while the clones blasters are set to training bolts so they won't damage them too much.
Rebecca: (smile) Hey mind me and Happy have a go at it?
Doom: Um sure let me pick up a squad and-
Rebecca: (smirk) That's alright, we can handle this on our own.
Happy: (smile) Aye!
Doom: Um okay then.
Once the training was over tye clones walk to the door while the doors open ane Rebecca and Happy walk out. Tye clones were confused as the two walk into the training court and decided to stand and see how this plays out.
Doom: You sure your friend wanna try this?
Oki: (smirk) I'm sure, besides your about to see some cool stuff from her.
Doom doesn't know what she ment by that but he presses the button and training droids were activated and march towards the two.
Rebecca: (smirk) This is gonna be easy. Ready Happy.
Happy: (smirk) Aye Rebecca.
Then Happy transform into twin pistols which shocked Doom and the Clones to see Happy is android while Rebecca starts to fire at the droids in quick speed while the training dorids try to shoot her down but she moves veyr quick and take down a few more while the clones watched in shock to see one signal person managed to take down a few training droids that were surrounding her.
After a while of blasting and moving around all droids where taking out except for one who try to blast her from behind but gets shot by Rebecca without her turning around.
The clones who stand to watch was shocked and with their jaws dropped as Rebecca turns to them and said to them.
Rebecca: (smile) Good luck trying to beat my high score. (Giggle)
Doom was shocked by this while Oki smirks as Doom said.
Doom: Your friend is...pretty good with a pistol.
Oki: (smirk) And filled with surprises.
Doom: Yeah, that as well.
Oki looks at Doom and then she asked.
Oki: I thought clones age was increased but you and your clones looked normal. Why is that?
Doom: It's because of this wrist.
He shows a device on his wrist to Pino and Oki as he gose on to say.
Doom: Not so long ago, a scientist came to this planet and help us to cure our accelerating ageing and he created these wrist that allow us to age normal like all humans.
Pino: So just as long you have that on, you age will be normal.
Doom: That's right. We thanked him and he left.
Oki: At least that's good. Listen, I know you and your clones are hiding out here and escaping from the empire but we could use your help in your fight against them.
Doom: Im sorry but that's a no.
Oki: Why?! Your clones are the best soldiers within the Reports before it's fall! You can't turn your back on the Republic now!
Doom: That is true but we finally have something that we weren't given before the start of the war. Freedom. With the war over and our inhibitor chips removed, we're finally free to do what ever and go anywhere we want.
Oki: (sigh) I understand. But this galaxy could really some hope. We maybe the once that will give them hope...but we can't do this alone.
Doom thinks about it before a Clone came into the room and said.
Clone trooper: Um sir, you may wanna come to Edens Zero and see what Bux and Kriegsbau gotten while they were scouting with Weisz and Shiki.
(Short while later)
Doom, Oki, Pino, Rebecca and Happy came to the medical room to see Shiki, Weisz, Bux and Kriegsbau there and they were shocked to see Flanker and his clone pruge troopers here which Doom demands.
Doom: Bux, Kriegsbau! What on earth were you two thinking!
Bux: Sorry sir but this was Shiki's idea. Not ours.
Shiki: Look I know your mad but this is Y/n's old friend and he really dose miss him. I figured we can bring him back for him.
Doom: I know you wanna help him but he is long gone! Any clone who obays to order 66 and been like that for years is long far gone.
Shiki: But what if your wrong! Boss said when his inhibitor chip was activated, his squad including himself felt like their body and mind were doing it on it's own like it was the inhibitor chip that was controlling it.
Doom: Still....
Rebecca: (smile) Shiki maybe reckless but he got a point. Besides, Sev remove Boss, Fixer and Scorchs inhibitor chip and they have it a long time so why not Flanker.
Doom wasn't sure by this but they have a point so he said.
Doom: Fine but I have a fee clones to keep an eye on them while they have their chips removed.
Shiki: (smile) Thanks Doom.
Pino: Speaking of Y/n. Where is he?
Bux: I heard he and Hermit are away to see him at Max shop. Y/n said something about Max not feeling right around Hermit or something like that but they are on their way to meet him.
We see Y/n and Hermit at Max's shop and they see a lot of old battle droid part and droid parts while they walk through. They look around until they see Max behind the front desk facing away while they walk up to him.
Y/n: You must be Clone Commando Max?
He turns to be surprised to see Y/n and Hermit as he said.
Max: Oh hey there general and....Hermit. I-I'm sorry but we are close.
Y/n: But your door is wide open.
Max: Oh.....right.
Hermit: We came here to see how you are doing and me to apologise to you. I'm sorry for what happened years ago, I thought all humans were cruel and liars but I remember you saving me. True you are a Clone but your human and that made me realise that not all human are cruel and selfish. I just came to apologise and hope you forgive me.
Max: Hermit of course I forgive you. I don't blame you what they did to you. It's me that I am ashamed, know the galaxy is gonna be doomed because of me.
Y/n: What do you mean by that?
Max: While I was at the lab, I came across a room that shows blueprints about many projects that Muller and his scientist was go a to make. One was onoy be given and what I saw....scares me.
Y/n: What is it?
Max looks at them for a second and then sighs to himself while he reach down and pulls out a holopad and a hologram of a large and massive ship appears in front of them.
Y/n and Hermit was shocked by this while Max was shaking a bit as he explains.
Max: It turns our, Muller made a deal with someone by the name Sidious to creat this super weapon. It's called Eclipse, a massive star destroyer like ship that has a beam at the front of it to fire at any ships or small planets and destroy them while it has advised engery shield that this thing can ram to any ship without taking any damage to it.
Hermit: (shocked) And this is why you avoid me when we finally met after so long?
Max: I was.....afraid that this monster will happen to many other planets similar to Hooks. I can't forgive myself on what we created. We created one of the most deadlines star destroyers within the galaxy.
Y/n: Don't blame yourself Max. It's not your own fault. You didn't know that Muller was making a deal with Sidious and I know your not a type of clone to help him.
Hermit: Yeah and you shouldn't blame yourself for it. Besides, that either cannon is destroyed right?
Max: survived. Eclipse is not done but it can still strike fear by looking at it.
Y/n: Then we must destroy it. If we destroy it, maybe we can spark hope throughout the galaxy to rise up and push back the empire out of this galaxy.
Max: I don't know. I still think-
Then they hear sirens outside and they rush out and look up to see two star destroyers floating over head.
Hermit: (shocked) The empire find us!
Y/n: (shocked) How is that possible?!
Tie Fighters and imperial gunships exit out of the hanger ane the tie Fighters open fire and take down the clones defenses while gunships fly over and land somewhere to stand down Stormtroopers into battle.
Max: We need to head to the commad station and see what we can do!
Y/n: Right. Let's go.
We see every high ranking clones here including the crew of Eden Zero gathered around while they look at the Stormtroopers ane Clone troopers battling within the street with Fordo, Doom, Quinlan and Y/n near the holopad and infront of everyone else as they look at the footage.
Fordo: How did they find us?
Doom: During Bux and Kriegsbau's scout mission, they come across a few purge troopers ane Shiki's idea is to take one of them to get their inhibitor chips removed.
Y/n: What for?
Doom: He said it is an surprise.
Y/n: Um okay?
Fordo: Still we can't hold off their attack. We have to leave the planet.
Lancer: You can't be serious!
Then Lancee step forward and says.
Lancer: You can't just run away! We must stand a fight!
Fordo: This ain't pur fight....not anymore.
Lancer: But you can't just run away! You are Fordo, the legendary arc trooper within the grand army of the Republic. You bravery face off against general Grievous along with yoru squad, you survived a gunship crash with your squad and face off a large army of super battle droids during the battle of coruscant and lived!
Fordo: That was a long time ago.
Lancer: Yeah and so what? That doesn't mean you can do it again but this time with Stormtroopers.
He then turn to his clone brothers and then told them all.
Lancer: Are we really gonna keep on running away from the empire? They destroyed the Republic, force us to betray our Jedi Generals and turn our galaxy into a cruel and dark galaxy ruled by the Sith. They used us as pawns but now it's time we show them that we are NOT their pawns! Captain Rex once said that we are not droids, we are no programmed but living, breathing people like Y/n and all of us! We maybe clones, but we are not droids! We are clones and if we keep run away, then what are we then?
The clones look at each other and whisper to each other and they weren't sure before a voice spoke out.
???: I think my Captain his right.
They all turn and Lancer and Y/n was shocked to see Flanker coming out of the crowd wearing his old clone trooper armor that he wear years ago as he walks up next to Lancer.
Lancer and Y/n: (surprised) Flanker?!
Flanker: (smile) Nice to see you two are still around. And Y/n, I'm sorry I betrayed you years ago. I should have stopped it.
Y/n: (smile) It's alright, I'm just glad your back.
Flanker nods and then looks at Shiki and nods to him to say thanks and he nods back which Y/n noticed and realised Shiki was the one that captured Flanker so he can remove his inhibitor chip from him.
Y/n: (thought) Thank you Shiki.
Flanker: Alright listen up! Lancer is right, we're not cowards and we're not gonna run away no more! We are clone troopers of the grand army of the Republic and the Republic maybe gone but we're not! The empire took everything from us and I think it's time to teach them and their Stormtroopers that Clone troopers are the best soldiers within the galaxy!
The clones cheered while they wild their arms into the air which convinced Fordo and Doom that they are right and they shouldn't run away but stay and fight.
Fordo: I don't know you two are fools but I like it. Let's show them that we are not pawns.
Stormtroopers managed to take down a few Clone troopers before they make a run for it which clear the streets as Stormtrooper march through the streets with two walkers backing them up while one Stormtrooper said.
Stormtrooper: And they came themselves one of the greatest soldiers within the Galaxy Republic. Yeah right, they are just cowards.
Just then a rocket zoomed by and hits one of the walkers and takes it down. They all turn to see Y/n, Quinlan, Miwa, Yei ane Leioo active their lightsabers while behind them where Clone troopers lead by Fordo and Doom as they look like they are ready for a fight.
Stormtrooper: Oh crap.
Fordo: Charge!
They charge at them as the clones open fire at the Stormtroopers and they were quickly taking out while one walker try to open fire at them but Shiki suddenly flies over and punches the walker and it crashed onto a building and fell to the ground.
Stormtrooper: We're under attack!
They continue blasting at them until Pino active an EMP onto the Stormtroopers and their blasters can't fire no more while he clones charge at them and they make a run for it and fall back. Soon back up arrives that involves a large AT-AT walker appear around the corner and open fire at them.
Y/n: Rebecca, Happy, Weisz it's your turn now.
Then we see Rebecca, Happy, Weisz and few clone trooper appear on a roof above the AT-AT walker as they leap down on top of it and sneak their way inside and to the cockpit.
Imperial driver: What was that?
Weisz: (smirk) Hey boys.
Then Weisz slam their heads at each other and knock them out while he pushes them away and leaps onto the driver seat and turns the walker around and fire it at the Stormtroopers.
Stormtrooper commander: We're getting overwhelmed doen here!
Then they were taking out by Homura along with Delta Squad and a few Separatist droids as they start to outnumber the Stormtroopers as they start to fall back and enter their drop ships and fly off.
The Clone troopers cheered but this ain't over yet as they turn to see the star destroyers are still there.
Quinlan: We need to take those star destroyers out.
Fordo: I've contact Witch and their ship ain't read yet and ours need some repairs.
Shiki: Allow me.
Then Shiki flies towards the two star destroyers and they watched as Shiki dodges the green bolts from the star destroyers and once close he reach out both of his hands and use his either gravity gear to froze them in place while slowly move his hands together while the two star destroyers get closer and closed to each other until Shiki clap his hands and the two star destroyers crashed to each other and they start to fell splashed into the ocean while Fordo and the rest of the clones down below were shocked on what they seen.
Then Shiki returns back and lands onto the ground while he catch his breath and said.
Shiki: (breathing) Now that was......the larges thing....I have ever used with my either gear.
The clones cheered and raised their blaster to the air to see they have won while Y/n and the rest of Edens Zero crew smiled and so dose Shiki.
(Short while later)
We see them at the hanger bay as they have gotten word that Edens Zero is now repaired and they can leave. Y/n walls up your Flanker and the two look at each other before Y/n hugs him and said.
Y/n: (smile) Good to see you back Flanker.
Flanker: Same here sir.
The two stop hugging and Shiki walls up and Y/n turns to him.
Y/n: (smile) Shiko I can't thank you enough on what you did but I gonna ask....why?
Shiki: (smile) Because you lost your friend because of his inhibitor chip and after everything you did for us. It's right you deserve something for your hard work.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you Shiki. You're really are a great friend.
Shiki smiles while Fordo and Quinlan watch this I the distance with Fordo saying.
Fordo: You have a great crew sir.
Quinlan: (smile) It's not my crew commander. It's Shiki's crew.
Fordo: I see.
Quinlan: So what do you do now?
Fordo: Well.....we have been thinking and I think both Lancer and Flanker are right. We havebeen hiding here for far too long and I think it's time we join your fight against the empire.
Quinlan: You sure?
Fordo: I'm sure general.
Fordo lend out a hand to Quinlan which he smirks and grabs it and the two shakes on it.
Quinlan: (smile) Welcome back Commander Fordo and Welcome to our rebellion.
Fordo: Thank you sir.
After that Edens Zero flies off along with Doom, Fordor and some Clones inside. But behind them Republic venators and carriers came out of the hangers and star to fly with them to show that they will join them in their fight against the empire while Y/n and the rest were shocked to see so many Republic ships.
Rebecca: (shocked) Wow!
Weisz: (shocked) That is a lot of ships.
Witch: There is 100 venator class ships and 68 Republic carriers.
Yogi: (shocked) That us a lot!
Fordo: (smirk) We also have a super star destroyer as well.
They were surprised until the bridge was turn into darkness but they all look up and were in shock to see a Republic super star destroyer over head and it was slightly bigger to Edens Zero.
Doom: We call it "The Defender" we made it ourselves when we first came to this planet. It took us long but it worth it.
Shiki: (shocked) Wow the Republic is so cool!
Y/n: (smile) I'll say.
Doom: But we can't take all the credit. Max was the one that suggested the idea.
Max: N-No I just share my idea while you did all thw work.
Doom: True but with your intelligent, we made it because of you and and think we couldn't have made it without your idea.
Max: (small smile) Thank you sir.
Doom nods while Hermit walks up to him and said.
Hermit: (smile) You did a great job.
Max: Thanks Hermit.
Boss: Hey Max.
They turn to see Boss and Dekat squad walk over to them with a Boss asking.
Boss: Where is your squad?
Max: They obay to order 66 and.....join the empire.
Boss: I'm sorry for that. But hey, we been thinking. Your skills and knowledge about androids and technology could is pretty impressive.
Max: Um thanks?
Boss: Since you have no squad we decided to allow you to join us. Join Delta Squad.
Max was surprised by this and asked.
Max: Y-You sure?
Scorch: Sure? Of course we're sure. Fixer maybe the slicer but I bet he needs an extra hand.
Fixer: Well maybe I could use a hand but why not.
Sev: I think you fit right in with us. What do you say?
Max wasn't sure but Hermit joins in and said.
Hermit: (smile) I think you should. You deserve to be in a new squad and I think you fit right in as well.
Max: You think so?
Hermit nods with Max thinks about it and made his decision as he looks at Boss and said.
Max: (smile) Alright. I'm in.
Boss smiles and the two shake hands with Boss saying.
Boss: (smile) Welcome to Delta Squad Max. Glad to have you in with us.
Max smiled and after that they all turn to see them jumping into Hyper space and soon Eden's Zero along with a large Republic fleet jump into Hyper space and away on their next mission which is finding the past member of the shooting stars which is Valkyrie....Homura's old master.
A drip of water made a small splash what looked like a galaxy as we see a young girl standing in the middle of the galaxy facing away but she says while looking away.
Xiaomei: It looks like Edens Zero have more and more allies everywhere they go during their fight against the empire and now I their way to search for Valkyrie, the last member of the Shooting stars and Homura's old master. With the clones now backing them up, no way the empire can't beat them.
She then turns to the viewer and says to them with smile.
Xiaomei: (smile) But a question is asked. Where ie Valkyrie? What planet will they go? What new allies or enemies that await them and one important question....What is Y/n destiny? Will he save the galaxy or fail? Only time will tell....what do you think?
She then turn and we see a cloaked figure standing with its hood on him as the cloak figure looks up at her and we see blue eyes staring back at her and she said
???: I may not know but I know....Y/n and his friends will win and I know....he can save this galaxy from the empire.
Xiaomei: (smile) Do you believe so?
???: I know he can.
She then remove her hood to reveal to be Ahsoka Tano as she smiles at Xiaomei and said.
Ahsoka: (smile) I know they can do it and I know they can bring hope to this galaxy but first I need to know something from you.
Xiaomei: Ah yes I forgot. You are here for a reason. My apologies, what is it are you here for.
Ahsoka: I need to know where this Either magic came from? Where did it begin and who was the first to use it?
To be continued..............
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