Chapter 17: Belive in the force and yourself
(Several years ago)
On a planet called Newton, we look at a massive facility in the middle of the city. This facility holds a cannon that is pointed at a planet called Hook and the scientists within it are working on the cannons called the Either Accelerator Prototype Number 6. It's function is to fire a either power to power up Hook which is Homed to androids that have no either power so they decided to make the cannon to help them.
We then cut to someone have his head down and have fallen asleep from too much he is doing onky to be gentle shaking by someone who walked up to him.
???: Doctor Max, are you awake?
Max slowly open his eyes and sat up on his chair and stratch his arms and turn to his chief scientist named Muller.
Max: Sorry about that sir (yawn) Must have over slept again.
Muller: (smile) It's alright my boy, I wanna introduce you to someone.
Max: We have a new scientist with us? How come I wasn't inform by this?
Muller: (smile) You were asleep.
Max: Oh right.
???: (smile) Hi there.
Max turns to see Hermit wearing a scientist outfit as Muller place a hand onto Hermit and said.
Muller: (smile) I would like you to meet Hermit, she'll be helping us with our project on the either accelerator.
Max: (smile) I see. Nice to meet you Hermit.
Hermit: (smile) Same to you. I've heard a lot about you. How you came out of nowhere and join here to help out everyone here. I also heard you over slept a few times.
Max: Muller!
Muller: (chuckle) Maybe we should drink some coffee more.
Max just shake his hand and turn to Hermit and reach out and hand to her. She grabs his hand and they shake on it.
Max: (smile) Welcome aboard Hermit, I think we are gonna get along very well.
Hermit: (smile) Yeah same.
Max smiles although....his face and voice sounded familiar like....we heard more of his voice and known his face somewhere before.
(Present day)
Kisho star destroyer fire their cannons at Edens Zero in hope to blow it up once and for all since Spider managed to shut down their engines.
Kisho smile while looking out of the window and thinks he have finally won. But then a Nacy Stormtrooper captain walks up to him and said.
Navy Stormtrooper captain: Sir, we lost contact from a squad of Stormtroopers at the hanger bay.
Kisho: What seems to be the problem?
Navy Stormtrooper captain: No clue sir. We're trying our best to find out what's going on.
Kisho: No matter, we are close of destroying Edens Zero and the Jedis once and for all.
Imperial crew: Sir! All cannons are offline!
Kisho: (shocked) What?!
He turn to the window to see the cannons have stopped. This angered Kisho and turns to order the navy captain.
Kisho: Call all Stormtroopers to head to the control cannons and find out what's going on!
Navy stormtrooper captain: Yes sir.
The captain rushes off while Kisho order his crew.
Kisho: Lunch all tie Fighters and take down that ship! I want that ship BLOW UP!
Imperial Crew: Yes sir.
We see Delta Squad in the control cannons room and taking out all imperial guards and gunners inside. Fixer managed to block their access from evee using the cannons against Edens Zero.
Fixer: That will do.
Scorch: Looks like we show them who we are. No one controls us no more.
Sev: Still they will sent down troops to investigate, we should get ready.
Boss: Sev is right. We just need to hold on here until Edens Zero will get repaired.
Scorch: So Sev, you know those guys within Edens Zero?
Sev: Let's just say, they were the once that found me on a Separatist ship after I was captured.
Scorch: Well it's good to see you back and we apologise for leaving you on Kashyyyk.
Fixer: Yeah, we're sorry Sev.
Sev: That's alright. We're brothers after all, we stick together no matter what.
Then a red bolt zip by them and they turn to see Navy Stormtroopers aiming their blasters at them.
Navy Stormtrooper Captain: You three are Traitors!
Boss: Maybe to the empire. But not to the Republic.
Delta Squad fired at them and take out some Navy Stormtroopers while they take cover. Fixer rushes over to the door controls and the door shuts and Fixer smash the controls so they won't enter.
Scorch: I suppose there isn't a plan B to escape?
Scorch: He's right, this Star destroyer is nothing like Republic. How do we get out of here?
Sev: There is a door at the other side, we can take that.
Scorch: Let's hope we don't run into a army of those "Stormtroopers" at the other side of that door.
Then the navy Stormtroopers start to cut the door and Boss said.
Boss: Seems like we don't have a choice. Move out Squad!
They rush to the other side of the door but not before Scorch place down some detonators and then left the room. Once the door shuts, the navy Stormtroopers breach through and enter the room with blasters aimed as the captain looked around for them bit nothing.
Navy Stormtrooper Captain: They have gotten to the other side of that door! Breach it!
One nods but then hears beeping and they turn to see a detonator as it beeps faster and faster until a long beep.
Navy Stormtrooper captain: Oh mother fu-
Then the detonator blow up and destroy the cannon room and suck all the Stormtrooper outside of space as Delta Squad see them floating through space.
Scorch: So much for their armor.
Fixer: Agree, so what now Boss?
Boss: Now the cannons are destroyed ane no one can't use them. We should-
Then tie Fighters fly by them and they fly towards Edens Zero.
Scorch: That can't be good.
Boss: This is Boss of Delta Squad, you have in coming tie Fighters coming towards you right now!
Tie Fighters fire on Edens Zero while inside the bridge we see Lancer, Witch, Weisz, Pino, Homura, Sister Irvy and Mosco watch as the tie Fighters fire at them and Edens Zero shock I every blast.
Lancer: I'm starting to hate those Fighters.
Rebel crew: We lost all power to the cannons, we can't return fire!
Witch: We need to repower the engines before we are done for.
Sister Irvy: Yeah and the problem is Hermit is the only to do fix it but she is not willing to help us.
Lancer: Count on Y/n, I know he can do it.
Weisz: Is there any way to fight back?
Witch: We need to fix the engines even with or without Hermit. Weisz, you, Mosco and Lancer will head to the engine core and try to fix it.
Weisz: Right.
Lancer: On it.
Mosco: Mosco!
Then three rush off while Pino asked.
Pino: Where is Shiki, Rebecca and Happy?
Homura: They must be looking for both Hermit and Y/n. I hope they will be alright.
Witch: Same. I'm counting on them to convince Hermit to help us.
(Several years ago)
We see Max standing on the balcony outside looking at the view of the city while he drink his coffee to keep himself awake. Tomorrow will be the day to use the cannon to power up Hook and give it Either power.
???: I knew we could find you here.
Max turns to see both Hermit and a scientist androids walks over to Max.
Hermit: (smile) So what are you doing out here?
Max: Nothing much, just getting some fresh air.
Android scientist: The either Cannons is alsmot complete. Tomorrow we will use it.
Max: (smile) Yeah and I heard your going head over to Hook to see how it is.
Android scientist: Yep, I can't wait to see it happening.
Max: (smile) Same. You should get ready for tomorrow.
Android scientist: You right, take care.
Then he walks off and Max turn to theb veiw ane Hermit joins him and said.
Hermit: (smile) This is gonan be great tomorrow. We are gonn a help so many Androids up there.
Max: (smile) Yeah, those android will be saved.
Hermit nods but she was bothered by something and asked Max.
Hermit: Hey Max?
Max: Yeah?
Hermit: Everyone said that you used to be a solder and took part of a war. Is that true?
Max was a bit surprised by how she found out but he sighs and told her.
Max: Yeah I was. I gone on several missions and after the war, things changed that I didn't agree on and....left.
Hermit: I see.
Max: (smile) Still, I can considered retired from the army and took part on this project with you and the rrst of the scientist.
Hermit: (smile) Yeah. So, dose that means we are friends?
Max: (smile) Sure Hermit.
Hermit smiles and the two enjoy the view of the city before they head in to get some rest for tomorrow.
(Next day)
We see all the scientist even Max, Muller and Hermit were in the room as they were about to do their first test on Hook and see it will work. The scientist calculated things onto the controls while Muller turns to the two.
Muller: (smile) With the hard work we did, I believe we can bring in new life to Hook.
Max: (smile) Yeah, can't wait for that.
Hermit: (smile) Same. We are gonna save a lot of those androids.
Muller: (smile) Indeed and it was all thanks to you Hermit. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have be able to finish it.
Hermit: (smile) It's no problem, I just wanna help you all because you all are my friends.
Muller smiles and so dose Max. They turn to the screen and see the cannon aimed at Hook and it start to charge it up. After a while it fires and a golden beam travels towards Hook and it made impacted. Hermit smiled in amazed and so dose Max.
Max: (thought) I may have left you brothers, but I am doing to help the galaxy. For the rep-
Then suddenly the alarms start to go off and the screen changed to the scientist android who calls out.
Android scientist: (screen) Someone is wrong! The planet isn't giving life, it's destroying it! Please we must shut it down!
Max was shocked by thie and he thought Muller and the rrst were but they sat there not saying anything but shocked. Hermit was shocked as well and Max decided to shut it down by himself but it was too late.
The screen cuts off and the planet of Hook was blown up and that shocked Max and Hermit but Hermit was horrified by this.
Hermit: (horrified) NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Max stood there in shock and try to think on what happens and how could this happen. But then Muller start to chuckle which Max turns and Muller says in joy.
Muller: (smirk) What a success!
The rest of the scientist cheered as well while Max and Hermit were confused and shocked by all of this. Then Muller turns to Hermit and pojt at her.
Muller: (smirk) Take care of this useless trash!
Then all the scientist except Max took oit their blasters and aimed it at Hermit which confused the two eve more.
Hermit: I-I don't get it? What's going on?
Muller: (chuckle) You are a fool of trusting us. The either cannon was not designed to give power to those useful bots up at Hook. We designed it as a weapon to blow it up.
Max: (thought) A weapon?!
Hermit: (shocked) Y-You mean......You onky needed me to blow up a planet?
Muller: (smirk) That's right. Machines like you are pathetic. Humans are the true species in the galaxy and your kind shall be scrapped.
Hermit: (tears) B-But....i thought we were friends?
Muller: (smirk) Friends? We were never friends, now you will come with us so you can help us even more!
Then he ripped her clothes off and a pile of paper that said "Free pat on the back" with Hermit face on it fell onto the ground and Max picks it up and looked at it in shock and horror as he look up to see Hermit being taking away to get tortured and once that he was alone in the room shaken on what just happened.
Max: (mutter) Wh-What have I done.
(A Week later)
A week has passed since the destruction of Hook ane this leaves Max horrified on what he has done. Not only the scientist including Muller show their true colours, but they tormented Hermit and he can't forgive himself on what he did.
He walk pass to a open room and he looks over and his eyes widen in shock to see Hermit have her arms strapped onto the table and have no legs or waist but just robotic parts as Muller start to beat her and he sees in her eyes that she was in pain.
She was betrayed by them and Max mask a fist and decided he has enough. He storm off and enter his room and pulls out something underneath his bed and said to himself.
Max: Don't worry Hermit. I'm gonna get you out of here. After all, your my friend, and friends St together no matter what.
(Short while later)
Muller ans the rest of the scientist tap their wine glasses together while they cheered for a job well done. Muller take a drink from his wine glass while the other scientist asked.
Male scientist: Wonder where Max is?
Female Scientist: Bet he is sleeping like usual.
Muller: (smirk) Don't mind him. The reason I never tell that fool is because he is one of those Clones from another galaxy. I feared he might stop us but I guess I was wrong!
???: Think again.
Then blue bolt shot Mullers Wine glass and red alcohol onto the floor and they turn and someone finished off by saying.
???: But I'm not just a Clone.
Max: I'm a Clone Commando you monster.
Muller: (anger) What is the meaning of this Max!
He aim his blaster at him and he froze and Max demand.
Max: Where is Hermit?
Muller: (smirk) And why should you care about that useful android huh? She isn't like us.
Max: (anger) I don't care what she is! You betray her and killed every bot within Hook! You'll gonna face the crimes you have committed.
Muller: (chuckle) And what are you going to do? Shoot us, you'll be more of a monster then us for slaughtering a group of scientist. After all, you are a good soldier and good soldiers follow orders.
Max lower his blaster while Muller smirks before Max said.
Max: Yeah Good soldiers do follow orders. But....not to you!
He then aim his blaster at the controls and fire at them and the controls blow up ans alarms start to go off.
Muller: NO!
Male scientist 1: Sir we lost all controls!
Male scientist 2: This place is gonna blow!
Muller turns to Max and he walks back to the door and Muller yells in anger.
Max: Making things right.
Then he shuts the door and fire at the controls before he left leaving them to deal with the mess and hope they will die in hell.
Soon he looks around for Hermit and soon he finds her in a cell and he opens the door to see her with her legs now repaired.
Max: Hermit!
Hermit just looks up at him and he rush over to her and took off her helmet to let her see his face and he said.
Max: I'm here to get you out of here.
Hermit just look at him and thinks he is lying to him like the rest of the humans so she stood up and said.
Hermit: No. I know your lying. Leave me alone.
Max was shocked by this and Hermit start to walk out of her cell before Max stood up and exit out watch as Hermit walks off.
Max: Hermit wait!
But she doesn't listen to him. She just walks off and disappear into the darkness leaving Max alone as he looks down.
Max: Hermit....I'm so sorry.
(Present day)
We see Y/n and Hermit in the room and Y/n was shocked on what she told him. He never knew a group of scientist would betray her like that but one stood up and rescue her which was a Clone Commando but she sees him like the rest of the humans.
Y/n: (shocked) Hermit...I am so so sorry for what you have to go through. I'm truly am sorry.
Hermit: It doesn't matter. You don't understand how it feels like to be betrayed by your own friends.
Y/n: Actually....I have.
Hermit: ???
Y/n: I was betrayed by the Clones and then was betrayed by my own master. It hurt me but it doesn't change me, it doesn't change the fact that we need your help.
Hermit: No you don't. Just like Muller and the rest, they never needed me. I'm just useless to them.
Y/n: That's not true! You are useful, including Max who saved your life! I know you are broken but I believe you can do this. I know you can do this.
Hermit have her head down and Y/n sense the sadness and anger within her and decided help her by saying.
Y/n: Look, I know humans are cruel, selfish, nasty and mean. I really do. But....there is some out there that are nice and they will do anything to help Androids including each other when things are down. I know you were betrayed but we are not like them, we would never use you and throw you away like trash. You have feelings like us, you maybe android but I see you as human like us.
Hermit was surprised by these words and Y/n gently grabs her shoulders and also said to her.
Y/n: Hermit....I believe in you. If you think you can't believe in yourself....then believe in the force. The force will always help others in time of needed....always.
Then Hermit looked at him and this time she was in tears as she looked at Y/n.
Hermit: (tears) Y-Y-Y/n..(sniff) Will my friend?
Y/n smiled at her and he slowly hugs her wiidh made her cry even more and he told us with a smile.
Y/n: (smile) Of course Hermit, friends forever.
Delta Squad gets out number within the escape pod room and fire at the Stormtroopers while Fixer slice into the controls.
Scorch: Any time now Fixer!
Fixer: Alsmot done and there!
The pod door open and they rush in. Boss turn and fire while walking back to the pod and he shut it close and the pod injected out of the star destroyer.
We then cut to the bridge with Kishi watch the tie Fighters fire at Edens Zero.
Imperial crew: Sir an escape pod is detected near us.
Kisho: It's those Delta Traitors. Call I the tie Fighters and blow that po-
Suddenly Edens Zeros cannons comes online and fires at the tie Fighters and soon the tie Fighters were blown on of the sky whidh shocked Kisho.
Kisho: What?!
Imperial crew: Sir their cannons are online including their engines.
Kisho: (anger) Those blasted rebels.
Imperial crew 2: Sir we have a incoming transmission.
Kisho: What now!
Kisho turns and a hologram of Y/n and Hermit appears with Y/n have his arms behind his back and he start off off saying.
Y/n: (hologram) Hello there grand Admiral, see you were shocked by our ship suddenly gone online I see.
Kisho: (smirk) You'll think you can win but one ship can't stop the empire! You'll be outnumbered.
Y/n: (hologram) Your right, we are outnumbered. But what you fail to notice that we are gonna get bigger and soon while build a large army to kick you imperial scum off of this galaxy.
Kisho: (smirk) I like to see you try, Jedi.
Y/n: (hologram) Looks like our time is up. Hermit, your up.
Hermit pull out a trigger which panic Kisho and yells to his crew.
The star destroyer turn and then jump into Hyper space. Soon it exit out which breath a sigh of relief to Kisho but when he looks back at the hologram he works with Hermit smirking as she said.
Hermit: (hologram) Idiot. Those are fireworks. See ya.
Then the holo call cuts off and Kisho shake his fist in extreme anger that he was ticked by those Rebels.
We see Delta Squad within the escape Pod drifting through space and they think this is it for them.
Boss: Well brothers. I think this is it for us. It's an honor serving you all till the end.
Scorch: At least we die what we believe in.
Fixer: Yeah and back together, right Sev?
Sev: Yeah. It's good to have you all back.
The three smiled and they were ready to accept their fat but then there was a thud like something attached the pod to a ship and then Quinlan spoke through their radios.
Quinlan: (radios) Miss us Sev?
Then we see Yogi, Quinlan, Oki, Leiko, Miwa and Yei where in Rebecca's ship and they attach the ship to the pod and Yogi fly the ship towards Edens Zero.
Sev: Sir! Glad to see you and the rest are safe.
Miwa: (radio) The empire drawn out from the planet after the main destroyer that holds the grand Admiral retreated that force the empire to fall back.
Yogi: (radio) We were just heading back when we detected you and yiru Squad in there so we're here to pick you up.
Scorch: Yes! We are saved!
Soon they landed at the hanger and yehy have gotten out and and up with Y/n and the rest. They all catch up on what happened while Rebecca scolled Yogi for using her ship which he apologise.
Delta Squad remove their helmet and Lancer and Y/n walk up to them and all four give then a salute.
Y/n: (smile) At ease men. You four did a great job and without you, we all might have died.
Boss: We just do our job sir.
Shiki: Wow so you are all Delta Squad!
Shiki walks over to them in amazed and Boss nods to him.
Boss: That's right. Names Boss, Squad leader. This is Scorch, demolition expert, Fixer, Slicer and I bet you know Sev right now.
Shiki: (smile) You guys are awesome!
Scorch: (smile) I like this kid.
Shiki gets along with them while Y/n and Lancee watch this. Then Y/n felt a tug and he turn to see Hermit who said to him.
Hermit: I just wanna say, thank you for helping me and I'm sorry for all the things i said. Will you forgive me?
Y/n smiles at her and pat her on the head and said.
Y/n: (smile) Never worry about the past Hermit. What more important is that your one of us, forever.
Hermit smiled at him with a little blush and hugged Y/n whidh Y/n hugged her back. Witch sees this through the screen from the bridge and she smiles from this but then one of the crew said.
Rebel crew: Ma'am we have received a message.
Witch: From who?
Rebel Crew: No clue. Putting up right now.
Then a hologram appears and what Witch saw surprised her.
Witch: (surprised) Now this is new.
Doom: (hollgram message) This is Commander Doom of the Clone army. If any Clone who disobey to order 66 or escape the empire. You must come to Clone Utopia, I am sending the coordinates right now. Find this planet Brothers, the war is over, it's time to earn ourselves some retirement.
To be continued...........
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