Chapter 14: Imperial clone commandos
Crystal that are pointing at the sky within a fantasy like RPG game as we see tones of Crystals pointing at the Sky that appear to be space while there is no one around....except for one.
Sitting on the edge of the cliff and looking like emotionless was Hermit. She sat there just like in Iron Hill alone with no one or anything around but just sat there being silent for a while.
Soon she looks up at the Sky with stars and a planet above her and she get flashes of Ziggy in her heard before she lower down her head looking at the view of the edge of the cliff before she said to herself.
Hermit: Ziggy.......why have you abandoned me.
Shiki who changed his avatar to be a jungle boy leaps up into the air and grabs an apple off a tree and takes a bite at it. We see the rest standing around while Y/n was meditating and trying to sense Hermit anywhere while Lancer was on a small hill looking around for anything for miles.
Weisz: Jeez what's taking Y/n so long?
Rebecca: Be patient Weisz.
Weisz: We've been here for who knows how long and all Y/n is doing is Sitting his ass and doing nothing!
Lancer: That's what Jedi dose when ever they try to sense anything through the force. I'm no Jedi but that usually works.
Homura: Usually?
Happy: Like is I hard for Jedi to sense anything?
Lancer: If there is a dark force then maybe?
Pino: I guess Jedi's are train to be patiented during their missions
Weisz: Yeah but now I'm bored. Hey Rebecca, wanna take a dip in the lake with me?
Rebecca: No thanks I'm good.
Weisz: (smirk) Oh relax we are both girls, at least you can make my dream come true.
Lancer: Didn't I tell you to chance your avatar?
Weisz: Hey, I can do what ever I want with my avatar! I know my right!
Homura: He has a point.
Lancer: (sigh) Fine but if a guy or girl walks over and try to flirt with either of yous, then don't blame me.
Then Y/n open his eyes and stood up.
Shiki: Did you find her?
Y/n: No. Something is blocking me to find her. If this is really her game then there is a dark force somewhere.
Happy: Sounds scary.
Lancer: So what's the plan?
Y/n: I may not find Hermit but I do sense a nearby village so let's head there and see what's there.
Lancer: Well at least it's not just here.
Rebecca: Of course not. There is these AI bots that we may encounter when we get to the village.
Lancer: So their not real people?
Rebecca: No but if you kill them you get banned.
Lancer: So don't kill the innocent, Sounds simple.
Homura: We should get a move on.
Shiki: (smirk) Right, let's go!
They start to make their way to the village while Y/n looks back at Homura and senses something is off about her. Homura met with Y/n's and the two stare for a minute before Lancer asked.
Lancer: You alright sir?
Y/n: Yeah.....I'm good.
After a while or walking they arrived a village called "Drimille." Many people or AI bots walk around and acting like normal people they see in Blue Garden which surprised Rebecca.
Rebecca: (surprised) Wow they are more like human then simple AI bots.
Lancer: Maybe this is a type of game that AI's are more human like then just simple bots.
Y/n: Still we need to look around and maybe we can ask around and they might know where Hermit might be.
Shiki: (smile) Right.
They split up to ask around to see if they can know where Hermit might be and possibly show them the way. We see Y/n and Lancer walk through turn and Lancer can help but feel relaxed ane Y/n senses this and smiles while he asked.
Y/n: (smile) I see your enjoying the relaxing Captain?
Lancer: Well from all the battles we have saved, can't help but feel like being glad walking through a village or town without getting attack by some droids.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I agree. It sure is nice.
Lancer: it true that.....General a sith?
Y/n:'s true.
Lancer: Damn. Zen was a respectful Jedi General. Never forget on what he did for us.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah same. Flanker was like your true brother as well.
Lancer: Yeah, we were like Rex and Cody together. Fighting along side when droids are marching towards us.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. But we'll find Flanker ane we will free him. I just hope it's not too late.
Lancer: I believe in hope. There is no such thing as too late in my books.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, your right.
The two walk around asking people around but the people in this town seem to not know where Hermit is or where she is now.
(Short while later)
They all regroup outside of the village having no luck so far getting information about the where abouts of Hermit so they decided to leave the village and try to either find Hermit themselves or ask someone who is walking by about Hermit.
Y/n: So I see your search is empty.
Shiki: Yeah they seem to not know where she might be.
Pino: This might be harder as we thought it might be.
Weisz: Yeah, I even try to use flirtation to see if they will give us some information but they just walk by like I was nothing.
Lancer: Yeah don't do that, alright.
Homura: Perhaps we keep on looking and possible find someone that might know.
Y/n: Yeah. Let's keep moving and we-
Then they heard a thud that made them stop dead in their tracks. In front of them was a large monster stomping towards them and it stops and puffs at them while he growls.
Rebecca: (scared) A Trollburglar!
Hqppy: (scared) So huge!
Lancer: Looks like we got to fight this thing.
Shiki: Let's do this!
Lancer pulls out his twin blasters while Shiki lighst up his either gear on his hands and they were about to fight when the Trollburglar wave his hands into the air and said in fear.
Trollburglar: (scared) Wow wow! D-Don't hurt me! I'm not a bad mob!
Lancer: What?
Trollburglar: (scared) My apologies for startling you all but I'm only walking by just minding my own business! Please don't hut me!
Y/n can sense he is telling the truth and wave his hands down to Lancer and the rest ane they stand down.
Y/n: We apologies for that. My name is Jedi Knight Y/n, We're looking for someone by the name of Hermit. Do you know her?
Trollburglar: Hermit? Y-Yeah I do! I heard she sits on the edge of the cliff and she hasn't moved for many years.
Rebecca: (smile) That's great!
Trollburglar: If you go to Crysta ane go outside of it, you might see her. But I rather not go there if I were you.
Lancer: Why?
Trollburglar: That town is completely destroyed by a player who shows to have a taste of blood and violence. His name is Jamilov and he'll kill anyone who stumble to that town.
Rebecca: A player killing digital people? How? Who ever kills a digital people bot will get banned.
Y/n: He might be a hacker.
Happy: That can't be good.
Trollburglar: Still good luck with your search, I'm gonna get going now. Be careful and watch out for that player.
Then he walks off while they watch him go.
Lancer: Huh, never suspected a monster will turn out to be friendly.
Pino: Still what should we do?
Y/n: Let's head there and see what it's like.
Weisz: Really?! I have a bad feeling about this.
They walk off and head to Crysta to fund Hermit while looking out of Jamilov and try to avoid him as possible.
(In the real world)
We see Quinlan, Yogi, Sev, Leiko and Yui as Miwa leads them through the halls of the base while rebal troops rush through halls while some are chatting to one of another as the group enter the control room and see tones of rebel troops here walking about and some planning out attack strikes and some defences around the city.
Miwa: I was glad you got our message otherwise we be done for.
Quinlan: (smirk) What can we say. I love perfect timing.
Miwa: Yes and and never know a clone turn against the empire, especially his brothers.
She looks at Sev who understood the distrust but Sev said to her.
Sev: Look I apologies on what happened during order 66 but let me assure you that I'm on your side and not the empires.
Miwa: We'll see.
They gather around and holopad of the city and Miwa gosw on to explain on what's been happening before Quinlan and the rest arrive here.
Miwa: After my clone turned on me I managed to escape and head to the unknown region to escape the rise of the empire ane found this planet. They gain my trust after I help them around but news spread about the empire going to planet to planet taking over planets and making military bases in these planets. I decided to form a small rebel forces to push back the empire and gotten everyone out of the city before the empire sent down their troops.
Yui: Do they have a reason here? This place seems to be filled with tone of people and has many cities so why are they here?
Miwa: We ask that question as well until we over heard one of the higher ups told it's commander to find the files about the mother.
Quinlan: (surprised) The mother?
Yogi: Why would they want to search for the mother?
Miwa: Don't know but this planet may know information about it. Actually, this place we're standing of holds all the information about the galaxy, including information about the mother. That's why we made our main HQ here, so the empire will be hard to take over here and steal the files.
Leiko: Do you think it's wise to set your main HQ here?
Miwa: Never worry. If they try to bomb this place then they will lose everything. It's best for them to try to get through us instead.
Yogi: Judging by the empire's determination, they will find a way and they will break through. It's maybe best we get ready when that time comes.
Quinlan: Yogi is right. The empire is smart ane they'll find their way in.
Miwa: I undertook your concerned but never fear. This tower is filled with anti aircraft cannons and many laser cannons. No way they will not breach through.
Sev was quiet because he can't help but heard something. He turn to the main entrance doors and he stare at it ane then suddenly hear what sounds like someone placing a bomb at the door.
Sev: Get away from the door!
They were all confused until the door suddenly opens and two grenade rolled into the room. Sev knew what they all so he ducks Miwa and the rest down and there was a big flash of light that blind the rebel soldiers.
Then red blast fire hits the Rebel soldiers apeune the room. Sev shot out of cover and aim his rifle at who ever was the door. To his shock he sees Boss, Scorch ane Fixer breach into them room ane they draw their blaster rifles at Sev.
Quinlan ane the rest came out ane the jedi active their lights saber ane Yogi aim his twin blaster pistol at them but Sev calls out.
Sev: No stop! Let me talk them!
Miwa: (shocked) What?!
Sev: Trust me!
Miwa was hesitant but she allowed him and Sev turns to his old squad and lower his rifle and said.
Sev: Boss it's me, Sev! You remember me?
Boss: RC-1207 stay right you are traitor.
Sev: Traitor? Boss it's me, Sev! You know me! We are brothers.
Boss: Your a traitor to the empire and you shall be killed on sight.
Sev: No! This is wrong and you know it! Scorch you remember me right? You used to make jokes during missions and have a sense of humour, I know your not a type of brother of doing this.
Scorch: Good soldiers follow orders Sev, you should know.
Sev: screw that! Listen, it's the inhibitor chips! Please fight it!
Boss, Scorch and Fixer suddenly lower their blaster a bit as if they were fighting the inhibitor chip but they lose the fight and aim their rifles at Sev ane calls in through his comms.
Boss: Shadow stormtroopers, assit us.
Then on the second floor above them shadow stormtroopers deactivated their cloaks and aim their blasters at Sev and the rest.
Boss: kill the traitor and his rebel scrum!
They were about to fire but Yogi fire his jetpack rocket into the sky that cost an explosion that cost the shadow troopers to be sent flying back.
Quinlan ane the rest of the Jedi slice open a large hole from the ground and they leap down one by one.
Boss, Scorch and Fixer looks at Sev ane Sev looks back at them anehe rush inro the hole ane they open fire at him. One of the blaster bolts hits Sev the shoulder whilehe leaps down onto the hole and vanished into the darkness.
Boss and his squad rush over to the hole and looks down to see only darkness while the Sargent or the shadow troopers walks over and said.
Shadow trooper Sargent: Sir, should we go down there and track them?
Boss: No. The traitor is ours. Get your squad to download as many information while we deal with the jedi and the traitor.
The shadow troopers nods and he and his squad rush off while Boss, Scorch and Fixer stab in a Rob ane they slide down down the hole to find Sev ane the Jedi's.
The halls were dark as Boss, Scorch and Fixer slowly walk through with their visors glowing while they search around for Sev and the rest. Scorch and Fixer check their corners and see no one but themselves.
Then Sev peeks out and just see them walking by at the far end of the hall while he turn back to the rest and Miwa whispered.
Miwa: (whisper) They won't stop until they will find us.
Yui: (whisper) We need to find a way out.
Miwa: (whisper) Follow me, I think there is a way out over there.
Yogi: (whisper) The let's go.
They follow Miwa so they can get out of here. But Sev stop and turn back and realise he won't abandoned his old squad.
Sev: No.
They turn to Sev as he turn ane walk the opposite way.
Quinlan: Where are you going?
Sev: I'm gonna try to convince them to stop this. I know they are still in there.
Miwa: But they are now loyal to the empire. What makes you think they turn against them?
Sev: Lancer told me it's their inhibitor chip that is controlling them. I know they are in there trapped because of the inhibitor chip and I'm gonna do what's necessary to bring them back.
Sev turns away and before he head off he said.
Sev: Good luck and if I don't come back. Leave me, I rather be with my brothers.
Then Sev rushes off and even though some what's to help him, he was already gone so they head off. Yogi turn back ane hopes Sev will be fine while he catdh up with the rest.
We then cut to Sev hugging the wall and peek his head out to see Boss and the rest walking towards him. Sev takes a deep breath and then he leaps out and fire his blaster rifle at them but he ment miss them and they start to fire at him.
Blaster fire went by him and he run through the halls with Boss and delta squad following him. They fire a round of blaster bolts while Sev leads them through a door and locks it. Boss and the rest made I to the door and they see it's locked.
Boss: Slice that door open!
Fixer: Yea sir.
Fixer slice through the controls and after a fee seconds the doors open and they rush inside ane aim their blaster rifles around only to see darkness within the room.
Then the doors behind them shut close and the lights suddenly turns on and they see this room is a training room with platforms around and a large tower where Sev is standing at.
They aim their blasters at him but Sev looks at them and said.
Sev: You remember we train to be clone commandos in Kamino? Remember the hard training and the hard work we did in order to become what we are now? Well....let's so your training is still there.
He then press a button and the training droids start to active and they aim their training blasters at them. Boss and his squad looks around and the training droids open fire at them, their bolts just stun them whenever they were shot but they get down while blaster fire flies by them.
Boss singles Fixer ane Scorch to flank the droids and they nod. Soon the breach and they fire at the training droids and taking them out with no problem. Sev gets flashes of him and his team taking down the training droids with no problem before they were sent to take part in the battle of Geonosis and taking part many missions during the clone wars.
For some reason Boss, Scorch and Fixer also have flashes as well. Serving with their Jedi Generals, helping either their clone brothers or alien beings across the galaxy and even feel sadden or the lost of Sev during on the mission on Kashyyyk which hurt them into the burns before all that was taking away when Order 66 was executed that force them to kill their own Jedi Generals and be turn into the imperial clone commandos.
Now the training droids were all taken out as spark came out of them ane they managed to capture their own team member and force him down the steps and Fixer and Scorch force him onto his knees while Boss looks down at him and Sev looks back at him and said in a calm voice.
Sev: Sir. Your not one or the best squad leader to service with.....but the best brother to be around. Including Fixer and Scorch. That mission on Kashyyyk when your abandoned me was not you fault or any of yous. You have your orders and you follow it like a good soldier within the Republic. Forgive you.
Boss stare down at Sev while he pulls out his blaster pistol and he aims it at Sev's head ready to kill him. Sev smirks under his helmet sne ready for his fate, he was glad to finally be with his brothers even if he try to rescue them from the inhibitor chips....or not.
Sev looks back up to see Boss's hand shaking while he aim his blaster pistol before he steps back while he grab his head like inside his mind he is fighting the inhibitor chip inside of him.
Scorch: Sir you okay?
Fixer: Sir what are you doing, we got a job to do.
Boss could hear the "Good soldiers follow orders" inside his head as it echoing him but he is trying to win and soon he felt like the inhibitor chip inside of him suddenly malfunction and it just destroyed it self which Boss scream out in pain as he step back.
Fixer: That's it! If you won't do the job sir, then I'll do it!
Fixer aim his blaster rifle at Sev and he was ready to kill him but suddenly a stun blast hist Fixer ane he fell unconscious while Scorch turn to see who fire that shot.
Scorch: Wh-What are you-?
Then he too was stunt as well and fell onto the ground unconscious. The two squad of delta squad was uncomfortable while Sev looks forward to see Boss aiming his pistol at Scorch before he lower his pistol down and Sev stood up ane asked.
Sev: alright?
Boss: Y-Yeah I'm fine. Sev, brother I am so sorry. I didn't mean to-
Sev: Boss it's alright. I know it's not your fault. I'm just glad your back.
Boss can't resist it ane hug Sev and Sev hugs Boss back.
Boss: Sev I'm so glad your safe. We're sorry we abandoned you on Kashyyyk.
Sev: (chuckle) Never worry sir. I have this dream me being a lone clone without back up or a squad. Guess my dream did came true.
Boss chuckles ane let's go of Sev ane the two share a smile before they turn to the unconscious Scorch and Fixer.
Sev: What should we do?
Boss: They are unconscious but it won't be long before they wake up.
Sev: We need to take them to the nearest medical bay and get them out.
Boss: You know how to do that?
Sev: Lancer told me where they are, I just need to program a medical droid and that droid will do the rest.
Boss: Right. Let's go.
Boss picks up Scorch while Sevpick up Fixer ane they drag them out of the training room as they open the door and they go through and before the door close, Boss said.
Boss: Sev?
Sev: Yeah?
Boss: It's good to see you back with us and thank you, for not abandoning us.
Sev: (smile) No problem sir. After all, We're brothers. Brothers never leaves a brother behind in conbat, never.
To be continued.................
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