Chapter 13: The Fantasy VR game
Within the imperial space station with a few star destroyers around it we see Zen walking through the halls while officers and stormtroopers are either standing and talking to each other or walking by. Some notice Zen and give him a salute for respect by he just simply walk pass them and soon enter a room.
The room was light by lights and at the far back was a large holopad as he walks towards it and press a few buttons before he steps back and waited for this person to appear. He was a bit nervous to be speaking to him but he keep his cool and a familiar mechanical breathing is heard as Zen bow down and we see looking down at him is Darth sidious apprentice and the out powerful Sith Lord ever to lived. Darth Vader.
Zen: Lord Vader.
Vader: (hologram) Report on your progress Inquisitor. Have you managed to kill the Jedi rebels yet?
Zen: No they have escape once again and gotten some supplies to try to fight back.
Vader: (hologram) The empire will not have a rebellion happening within the unknown Region. The Emperor cannot afford to have another rebellion waiting to strike at the empire.
Zen: I understood Lord Vader and we will try our best to eliminate any rebellion and put a stop to it.
Vader: (hologram) You will, if you fail to stop these rebels including your padawan, then you will be destroyed along with your Inquisitors that failed us.
Zen: It will be done Lord Vader.
The hologram of Vader dissappear while Zen stood up and then turn and walk out of the room to continue on his mission to stop Y/n and his friends once and for all.
Edens Zero jump out of hyper space and the we cut to the medical room where Witch is there trying to get rid of the inhibitor chip put of his head in case it suddenly actives order 66 and force Sev to kill the Jedi and everyone on board.
Soon it was done as she throws the inhibitor chip into a tray and patch Sev up and once that was done Sev sat up from the medical bed and grab his head and said.
Sev: Jeez is it necessary for getting rid of the inhibitor chip?
Witch: My apologies but it was Lancers orders that your chip must be taking out.
Sev: Guess that make sense. Jesus it hurts like hell.
Lancer: You'll get used to it.
They turn to see Lancer at the door and walks over to Sev while Sev slowly stand up and asked.
Sev: So these inhibitor chips that the kaminoans put on us force us to obey to any order?
Lancer: That's what I've seen when order 66 was activated. When I return to kamino I've already seen the changes of all of our brothers to cold and hardless soldiers.
Sev: Damn. Wait, if you in Kamino then how did you escape?
Lancer: Well I was not the only one who may have removed the inhibitor chip. Clone force 99 try to escape Kamino and during that it allow me to slip into one of the Kaminoans ship and escape Kamino.
Sev: Clone force 99? You mean the Bad batch?
Lancer: Yeah. Luckily they obey to Order 66 otherwise they be here and tracking us down for the Empire.
Sev: Yeah agree.
Witch: I guess we meet up with the demon Lord and his friends at the bridge.
Lancer: Sure, let's go.
Sev nods and the three exit out of the medical room and walk through the halls. Sev noticed reprogrammed battle driods walk pass them including some commando drinks that show no hostel to anyone in this ship.
Sev feels a bit different having Separatist driods working along side them but he needs to get used into it. Soon they arrive at the bridge and everyone was there as they turn to see Lancer, Witch and Sev.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Sev, how are you feeling?
Sev: Little hurt but ready for action sir.
Y/n: (smile) Glad to hear that.
Sev: So where are we, seems like we're in unknown territory?
Quinlan: We coming up to one of the shinning stars members named Hermit.
Sev: I see. Mind telling me what is the shinning star and who is Hermit?
Sister Ivry: The shinning stars are a group of androids that serve to the demon King. After he was gone, we split apart to do our own things across the stars.
Sev: So basically robot driods that protect it's king. Got it.
Witch: As for Hermit, she is a type of android model that likes to dress up.
Sev: Excuse me what?
Weisz: (smile) Like dress up in cute clothes or maybe sexxy once.
Yogi: Dude really?
Pino: Yeah really?
Leiko: (smile) That sounds like fun.
Witch: Indeed, we even have a work shop to make clothes when ever she wants.
Weisz: (smile) Like bunny outfit?
Yogi: Pervert.
Weisz: Shut up!
Shiki: (smile) I wanna dress up as a bunny!
Weisz and Yogi: No That's weird!
Oki: So she is around here? I don't see anything that might pinpoint us to her?
Quinlan: Never worry, she is around.
Battle driod: Sir we detected a massive object in front of us.
They look out of the window and they were shocked to see a massive floating iron island that has four statues of knifyts around it which amazed them to see them.
Rebecca: (surprised) Whoa!
Happy: (surprised) Looked at all of those statues!
Homura: (surprised) Amazing.
Witch: (smile) This is Iron Hill and those statues are the heavenly knights of the dancing sakura, groups of heros that fought in battle to protect this galaxy. Some were either dead or retired but their legend still continues.
Y/n: (surprised) That's pretty cool.
Quinlan: (smile) You could say that again.
Sev was also surprised by all this until he noticed something but he can't see it so he stood out his rifle and turn it into a sniper and aim his scope at what ever he spotted.
Yogi: What are you doing sev?
Sev: Is it me or is there a girl on top of one of the statues?
Rebecca: In space?
They look and they zoom in and they see her. A girl sitting on one of the heads of the statues looking down with her face feel like emotionless and show nothing but sadness.
Shiki: (surprised) Is there Hermit!
Witch: (smile) No doubt about that my lord. That is Hermit herself.
Lancer: Well that was easy as I thought.
Yei: (smile) Agree.
Then Y/n noticed something about her and he can sense her darkness within her and he turn to a fee battle driods and said.
Y/n: Orser some space driods to get her into Edens Zero, I think something if wrong with her.
Battle driod: Roger Roger.
The two driods left while Y/n turn back to Hermit and Rebecca and the rest noticed this and asked.
Weisz: Wonder what's wrong with her?
Y/n: No clue but I sense darkness within her. It's like.....her heart is filled with blackness.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n, Quinlan, Witch, Lancer and Sev at the medical bay with Hermit laying on a bed and see that something is wrong with her. She isn't responding to anything and jot saying anything.
Y/n gently grabs her head and shut his eyes to see what is wrong with her but he only see darkness within her before he open his eyes and let go of her head.
Quinlan: What is it?
Y/n: I sense only darkness in her but it's far more stronger then what we first saw her.
Lancer: Wonder what's wrong with her? Is she always like this?
Witch: No. She is a cheerful android who likes dressing up but this is something I've never seen before.
Witch chest the monitors and after a while she finds the problem just as Sev asked.
Sev: What's wrong with her?
Witch: It seems like her heart might be damaged.
Y/n: Her heart is damaged, how?
Witch: I'm not to sure. It seems something happened to her that cost her heart to be broken.
Sev: So what, can you just fix it and that's all done?
Witch: No, this is something we can't fix.
Then Shiki walk into the room and walks up to them and asked.
Shiki: Any good news?
Sev: Nope.
Lancer: There has to be the way to fix her some how.
Y/n: Agree but how?
Witch: According to this monitor, it appears her conscious is within a digital fantasy like world game.
Lancer: (surprised) Never know she can do that?
Witch: Indeed.
Sev: Maybe she's in the middle of a game.
Y/n: Hmmm that might be a reason for it.
Shiki: Is there a way we can get in?
Witch: Yes. I have some pods that yous can enter her game and try to find her.
Shiki: (surprised) Really, awesome!
Y/n: (smile) Then let's do this.
Lancer: Right behind you sir.
Sev: I staying reality and mind things from here.
Y/n: Alright, wish us luck.
Sev: Yes sir.
Y/n turn to Hermit and will do anything in his power to help her by anyway possible.
(Short while later)
Y/n, Pino, Lancer, Happy, Shiki, Rebecca, Homura and Weisz were in the room with pods while wearing right suits to be able to get into the game as they hop into the pods.
Witch and the rest were at the control room with some rebel crew and battle driods as they do checks to see everything is all clear.
Yei: You sure this is safe?
Witch: Of course, you have no worry about anything.
Yogi: Lets hope they be fine in there.
Quinlan: Have faith Yogi, I know they will be fine.
Rebel crew 1: O2 levels are clear!
Battle driod 1: power level stable!
Battle driod 2: Life signs normal!
Witch: (smile) Good, begin the transfer!
They press some buttons and soon the pods within lights up and Y/n, Lancer, Pino, Happy, Rebecca, Shiki,Weisz and Homura's conscious go through digital portal and they been sucked into a fantasy video game to find Hermit and bri g her back to reality.
(Unknown location)
Y/n open his eyes and was blinded by sun light as he stood up and once his vision was normal he can see he is standing at a open field with a road near him. He looks around and doesn't see anyone but he looks down at his clothes and was surprised that it was changed.
He was wearing a Jedi battle armor similar to Anakins during the first years of the clone wars but with some bits of blue on it.
Y/n: (thought) Wow so this is like my avatar. Pretty neat I must say.
Y/n walks out of the field and step into the road and looks around for anyone else and then he hear Rebecca and Happy calling out to him.
Rebecca: Yo Y/n!
He to see their avatars which looked pretty nice on them as they walk ivee to them.
Rebecca: (smile) What do you think?
Happy: (smile) We look awesome!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah pretty fit yous.
Rebecca: (smile) Thanks, your avatar is awesome as well.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Lancer: Hey guys.
They turn to see Lancer with his avatar which is his old clone trooper armor that he wear during the clone wars.
Y/n: (smile) Your old clone trooper armor? Nice.
Lancer: Well it feels great wearing this after so long.
Rebecca: (smile) I'll say, you look cool.
Happy: (smile) Aye!
Lancer: Thanks. Where is everyone else?
Y/n: No clue but they should be here?
They they hear something and they turn to see something towards them so they move out of the way as a long neck purple like creature stops in front of them and they see what appears to be a prince standing on the creature like he was riding on it.
Lancer: Seems like he knows how to make a entrance.
Happy: Aye.
Y/n: Excuse me but can we help you?
???: (smile) I don't blame you to not recognise my avatar.
Y/n: Huh?
Homura: It's me, Homura.
Rebecca: (surprised) Homura?!
Lancer: Why is you avatar a male?
Homura: Thought it be cool.
Lancer: Well just as long your not gonna do something weird with your avatar, I guess we're okay with it.
???: Yo check out mine!
They turn to see a female like women walk over to them with her bikini and underway on her which Lancer asked.
Lancer: And you are?
Weisz: (smirk) It's you boy Weisz, or your girl Weisz.
Lancer:............Your serious right?
Y/n: Why did you make your avatar female?
Weisz: (smirk) You serious. This is one opportunity for a guy like me to me to be a female and have these Mellons.
He then grab his own avatars breast and giggles them while find this very weird and just ignore it.
Pino: (smile) Look at me.
They turn and see Pino but they were surprised to see her human as her avatar.
Pino: (smile) I'm a human, what do you guys think?
Y/n: (smile) Wow it's like you are a human!
Rebecca: (smile) Soooo cute.
Lancer: Looks neat on you.
Shiki: (smile) Hey guys, look at mine!
They turn to see Shiki and his avatar was this massive strong guy with muscles that were huge.
Lancer: I think you want overboard with your avatar!
Shiki: (smile) I think it looks awesome on me!
Rebecca: Yeah maybe chance it to something that doesn't freak us out!
Homura: Wow, pretty strong.
(In reality)
We see the rest within Edens Zero doing other jobs around the ship while Y/n and the rest are in a reality fantasy game to bring Hermit to reality. The battle driods were taking mosco and one was about to press the button on his belly but Sister Irvy came out of nowhere and told the driod not to touch it.
Quinlan, Yei and Leiko were at the jedi dojo training while Sev was practicing his aiming at the shooting range and took out a few targets before he stop and lowe his rifle. He looks around and he really miss his squad.
He gets flash backs to them going on missions together, saving each other and dealing with hard and tough missions together as brothers. He really miss them and wish he can see them one last time.
Witch: (speaker) All crew, report to the bridge, we have reserved a distract message!
Sev heads out and meet up with the rest at the bridge and he over hear and message.
Miwa: (message) This is Jedi Knight Miwa and we needed back up at sky city, I repeat we need back up! Empire forces are pushing through, we need help!
Quinlan: Have we got the coordination?
Witch: Indeed. We be there in 5 minutes.
Quinlan: Alright. We head there and help her from the empire.
Yei: (smirk) Finally some action.
Leiko: Let's do this.
Quinlan: Yogi, would Rebecca don't mind using her ship to get us into the planet.
Yogi: Just as long we don't damaged it, sure.
Quinlan: Alright. Let's go.
Sev: Sir I wanna take part of the assistants.
Quinlan: You sure about this Sev? There is gonna be stormtroopers down there.
Sev: Yeah but they are not my brothers and the empire destroyed the Republic so, it's time to make them pay.
Quinlan smiles and nods and soon they arrived at the planet and see a few star destroyers in the distance. Yogi, Quinlan, Sev, Yei, Leiko and the rest of either battle driods or rebel soldiers enter Rebecca's ship and they depart the hanger and they fly down to the planet to help this trouble jedi from the empire.
We see a beautiful floating city holding over the clouds with long bridge going to one city to the other without having vehicles fallen into the planets surface.
But the planet isn't that peaceful anymore as tie fighters fly towards the city and fly over it until one of the tie fighters were shot down and spins out of control and crashes onto the ground. Then we see blaster fire from rebel soldier lead by Miwa he deflected the blaster fire with her double bladed light saber and took out a few stormtroopers.
Then a few gunships filled with more story lands down and deployed more stormtroopers to assist in the battle.
Miwa deflected more blaster bolts until she looks up to see two tie fighters and in the middle a tie bomber and it was going to bombed them.
Miwa: Get to cover!
Her troops get some cover including Miwa just in time as the bomber drops some bombs and blow up the area near their cover. Fortunately no one was harm but the empire troops were getting close to their cover and pushing through.
Miwa: Damn we need to hold them back as must we can.
Rebel soldier: Ma'am we lost all of our forces, there is no way we can't beat them.
Miwa: We need to try. Those civilians will get killed by the empire and we cannot let that happen.
Rebel soldier: Alright, we hold them off as much we can.
Rebel soldier 2: Another bombing run incoming!
They look up to see the same bomber coming back from a run but this time it was behind them. No way they can't escape and they were ready for their fate until a blaster fire hits the bomber and the tie bomber blows up.
They look up to see a winged ship fly over them and then Quinlan, Yei and Leiko leap out and land onto the ground and active their light sabers and deflected back the blast at the stormtroopers and took out a lot of them out.
Then the ship lands down and Yogi and Sev, following by rebel troops and battle driods and super battle driods exit out of the ship and fire at the store which surprised Miwa to see Separtatist battle driods are here to save the day along with the three jedi and one mandalorian.
The stormtroopers get overwhelmed and some or their troops get taking out and their captain calls out a retreat and they fall back. They watch them escape and Quinlan, Leiko and Yei deactivate their light sabers and turn to Miwa as she walks over to them and said.
Miwa: Thanks for the help master Vos. I thought you left the order?
Quinlan: (smirk) True but figured I could help out.
Yogi and Sev walks up to them and they took off their helmet. Miwa was surprised to see a clone and was about to pull out her light saber but Yei said.
Yei: It's okay! Sev is not like them, not anymore.
Miwa: You sure? The clones I served betray me and try to kill me.
Sev looks away then Yogi step forward and said.
Yogi: It's because all clone have inhibitor chips that force them to kill the jedi but Sev's is removed.
Miwa: Alright.
Quinlan: So what's happening here?
Miwa: I was trying to build in a small rebel forces to get ready for the empire after words gone by about the empire taking over planet and when they came we put up a good fight until you came and save our butt's.
Quinlan: (smirk) Glad we can help.
Rebel soldier: Ma'am, commander Misako wants yo see you in HQ.
Miwa: Alright. Let's see what's going on.
The trooper nods and he walks off while Miwa turn to Quinlan and the rest and said.
Miwa: You'll be happy to come with us if you want, our base is safe from any impre forces.
Quinlan: (smile) Sounds nice.
Miwa: Let's go before more will show up.
They follow Miwa and her troops to their base to see the situation. Sev can't help but feel like he was being watch so he turn and look around but doesn't see anyone so he shrugged it off and catch up with them. Then we see Scorch with his sniper rifle mod watch Sev and the rest walk off while Boss and Fixer appear behind him from the darkness.
Scorch: No doubt about it. That's RC-1207.
Fixer: That traitor. He betray the empire, he betray his own brothers.
Boss: Stay your cool Fixer, we'll make him pay for his betrayal.
Fixer: Yes sir.
Boss: Contact grand admiral Kisho and tell him that Edens zeros crew is here.
Scorch: Yes sir.
Fixer: What about RC-1207?
Boss: We what for our orders and when it comes, we go in and deal with the traitor.
The two nod and they leave the sense and disappear into the darkness with the full knowledge that Sev is a traitor to their eyes and must be pay for his treason for the empire.
To be continued..............
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