Chapter 12: M.I.A commando
Birds chirping in trees, rabbits hop through the tall grass, calm waterfall flushing into the lake whole deers are drinking it.
This is what Guilts has become after Chronophage have eat it while it just want pass. Now instead of a criminal and cruel world it is now a peaceful and calm land for nature to rule once more.
Then suddenly a black boot step onto the ground and we pinned up to see an imperial death trooper looking around for anything for what they are looking for.
The death trooper signals the rest to keep moving and four or five of them came out of the bushes and follow their squad leader. While the rest of the stormtroopers are making camp base throughout the area they are in and doing their job as well.
Tie fighters fly iver them while two star destroyers having over the forest. We see Johen looking out of the window of the bridge seeing this go one while an imperial officer walks up to him and give him a salute before saying.
Imperial officer: Sir there is no sign of the Jedi and his rebel friends. I believe they must have escape the planet before it was taking.
Johen grind his teeth in anger before he turn ane walks off while his officer follow him as Johen give him orders.
Johen: Keep going on the search. We must find any clubs as if to where the Jedi's are.
Imperial officer: Yes sir.
The officer left and the doors open and two Stormtroopers drag Genko into the bridge and throw him in front of Johen as he looks down at him.
Stormtrooper 1: We found this bounty hunter when his ship crashed landed back onto this planet.
Johen: Crash back?
Stormtrooper 1: Yes sir. We believe he try to escape the planet until his ship was suddenly offline and he came crashing down.
Johen looks at Genko and Genko looks back up at Johen and Johen asked.
Johen: You've encounter the jedi, did you?
Johen bend down and pulls out a holopad and shows them Y/n and his friends while he said.
Johen: Where are they?
Genko: Don't know. They left the planet before Chronophage eat the planet. Believe me.
Johen turns off his holopad and stood up while still looking at him and said.
Johen: Then your no use to the empire. Kill him.
Genko: WAIT!
Johen looks at Genko as he cough out blood and then he looks up at Johen and said.
Genko: Let me help you find this jedi and his friends. I swear you need someone more about this galaxy so let me help.
Johen looks at Genko and have a thank about it and he see Genko may have a point. The empire don't know the unknown region so he might be their only hope of finding them.
Johen: Fine. We spare you but that doesn't mean you are safe. One mistake and I'll throw you off of this ship.
Genko: Understood.
Johen: So bounty hunter.....where should we start?
Edens Zero fly through space as we cut to a meeting room with everyone there as Oki argue with Lancer as she slams her fist and asked.
Oki: (anger) Why can't we take the fight to the empire?! We have a ship, our crew is getting bigger and we're getter stronger! We are ready to take back Endless Forest and win.
Lancer: Yes we may have all those things but we are missing one thing. We need weapons in order to take the fight against the empire. Plus this is only one ship, we need more then one to fight back against the empire.
Shiki: Like how many?
Lancer: A lot. If my brothers became the empire's own pawns, I believe they might have plenty of ships ready to shoot us down.
Witch: Edens Zero maybe powerful but Captain Lancer is right. One ship can't deal with the entire fleet.
Oki: Damn your right. Then in that case, we need to find plenty of weapons and ships and build up an army to take the right to the empire.
Weisz: Hold on a second there. Don't you think it's suicide to take on the empire? I rather ignore them and move on.
Quinlan: That's gonna be hard. They are going after the jedi which is me, Y/n, Leiko and Yei.
Yei: They won't stop until we are killed.
Leiko: Still we can't just keep running, they are gonna catch up some way.
Sister Ivry: So these imperial empire don't just rule the galaxy?
Quinlan: Kinda but it seems like the hunt of the jedi is starting.
Homura: That would be a challenge for sure.
Pino: Hang on there. Y/n, didn't you say you were in a separatist supplie ship and that's how you came to bluegarden?
Y/n: Oh yeah I remember that. But I destroy it.
Oki: (shocked) You what?! Why?!
Y/n: I don't want any criminal or gang to use the droid army and weapons to control Bluegarden so I destroy it.
Rebecca: Well at least that's a relief.
Happy: And explain why there was an explosion years ago before we met.
Oki: Well now we lost our opportunity to fight back against the empire.
Lancer: Not exactly.
They turn to Lancer and he turn to PL-D3 and said.
Lancer: Bring up a hologram.
PL-D3: (beeping)
Then PL-D3 shot out a beam and a hologram of the galaxy is shown with six lines crossed and split off within the unknown region which is where they are.
Yogi: Um what are we looking at here?
Lancer: That Supplie ship was not the only one. I've discovered there is six of them that was launch to the unknown region until the shut down was active that shut down the droids and sent the six ships off course.
Oki: (surprised) That means we didn't missed our opportunity to fight back right?
Lancer: That's right. In fact, one of them is near an asteroid belt which is we're heading right now.
Shiki: (smile) Awesome!
Weisz: So we just head in, steal the weapons or ships and get out? Sound simple right?
Lancer: Yep.
Weisz: (surprised) Really? I was suspected there will be a time limit or something that tells us we need to hurry before it's too late?
Lancer: Don't worry. These kinds of Separatist Supplies ships as hard to blow up. Heck try to fire a beam that destroy a planet and it will not scratch.
Weisz: (smirk) Cool.
Rebel trooper: Ma'am!
They turn to see two troopers drag Mosco inor the room with one or them explaining.
Rebel trooper: We found this hiding in the hanger bay. Shall we throw him off this ship.
Sister irvy: (anger) Don't you even dare!
They turn to see Sister Ivry and give the troops a scary look and says in anger.
Sister Irvy: (anger) I demand you let go of him or else.
They let him go and rush out of the room in fear of her.
Y/n: Wait you know him?
Sister Irvy: Of course. He was a crew for Edens Zero until the rogue out reprogram him until I was back.
She hugs Mosco with a lovely face while saying.
Sister Irvy: (smile) Isn't that right Mosco, I miss you~!
Mosco: (smile) Miss you too!
Lancer: Huh seems like we gotten another crew then.
Yogi noticed a button on Mosco bellybutton and walks over and looks at it and before he press it, Sister Irvy sleps his hand which cost Yogi to step back.
Yogi: Ow! What was that for!?
Sister Irvy: Don't press that button!?
Yogi: Why? What dose it do?!
Sister Irvy: JUST DON'T PUSS IT!
Yogi was more confused right now while Oki sighs and says.
Oki: Still we know where we are going so let's head there.
Witch: Right. Set corse to the nearest asteroid belt.
Edens Zero flies there while everyone do their own thing while they wait. Oki walls through the ship just thinking to herself when she heard a call behind her. She turn to see Y/n speed runs to her and once he catch up with her he asked.
Y/n: (smile) I was hoping you'll be at the training court with the rest of your troops.
Oki: Yeah Lancer offered to take over while I have a break. I gonna say, I never know what clones are until now.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, they are great when it comes to tfain others.
Oki: (chuckle) Yeah guess your right.
Oki turns away to the window for a second and Y/n can sense she still misses home and lend forward to the window and said.
Y/n: Don't worry. We will take back your planet.
Oki: Yean I know but how long? I can't go the bed every night and get nightmares of everyone down there dieing and surfing while we are out here doing nothing.
Y/n: We just have to be patient. As soon we are ready, we strike back.
Oki: Yeah guess so.
Y/n: Beside, I don't think your people didn't think you abandoned them. I'm sure they have faith that you and your troops will return.
Oki: Guess so. Thanks me hope.
Y/n: (smile) That's what Jedi's do. Give hope to those in the galaxy.
Oki: (smile) Guess that's true.
Y/n pats Oki by the shoulder and giving her a warm and assure smile before he left. Oki blushes a little while she watches him wall off before she too walk to a different direction.
Soon Y/n enter to the Jedi dojo and was surprised to see Homura there swing her either swords at some training droids while Y/n watched.
One or the driods heads was chop off and it rolled to Y/n's feet as Y/n bend down to pick it up and looks up at Homura and said.
Y/n: Nice swings Homura. Your more like a Jedi then a samurai.
She turn to see Y/n as he tossed the droids head away and walks Iver to her.
Homura: Thank you. Never suspected that no one will be here. Tell me, what is this room?
Y/n: This is the Jedi dojo. This is where all jedi's train their lightsabers and force abilities so they will be ready in the battle.
Homura: Interesting. How many are they?
Y/n: Just one which is on coruscant but now this is the only one then.
Homura: I see.
Y/n: I've been meaning to ask. Who train you to use sword and how did you met up with Lancer?
Homura: I've learn the skills of the sword from my master named Valkyrie.
Y/n: Valkyrie?
Homura: When I was young, she train me to use my Either soul blade gear and she help me until I was complete. After I was down with my training she disappear but she told me stories about the demon King and that's what I will do.
Y/n: So you were looking for the demon king after she left?
Homura: Yes. During my journey I've encounter your captain whi try to take me for credits but we were captured by groups or bounty hunters and we work together to escape. In the end, he allow me to join him and we were a team until we found yous.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm thankful for you, Lancer and PL-D3's help for rescuing Rebecca for us. Thanks a lot.
Homura: (blush) S-Sure no problem Y/n.
Homura: (thought) This young boy is adorable.
Y/n: (smile) Hey. Wanna train with me together?
Homura: (blush) Really?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah why not. It be nice for the two of us to train.
Homura blushes more and nod as they train together while Homura shown to have a crush with Y/n and wish they will keep training like this forever.
(A while later)
Edens Zero arrive at the asteroid belt and it slowly and carefully fly through the asteroids and looking for the Separatist supplie ship.
Soon they found it. It was just floating through space offline and it seems it hasn't been like that for a while.
Witch: (speakers) All hands, we have located the supply ship and it seems like it's offline.
Everyone was at the hanger bay getting ready to dock into the ship. Y/n walks onto Lancer's ship when a hand grabs him and he turn to Lancer.
Lancer: Even if it is offline we should be careful. We might not know what is on that ship.
Y/n: (smirk) We be fine. We dealt with close calls so we be fine.
Lancer: Hope your right sir.
Y/n: (smirk) Never worry. Hope is always on our side.
Y/n, Lancer, Yogi, Rebecca, Happy, Shiki, Pino, Homura and Weisz enter Lancers ship with the rest of the rebel forces and they Dock out of Edens Zero and fly over to the ship.
It was huge when they gotten close and soon they made dock into the ship. It was very quiet and empty but it seems like the power has been on for a very long time so it was safe for them to walk out of the ship without losing air and they look around.
They were amazed what they are seeing. Battle droids, weapons, vehicles and all else lying around and it was all theirs to have.
Rebel trooper 1: (smile) Alright!
Rebel trooper 2: (smile) The empire will be running away when we came back with all of this with us!
Lancer: Let's not stand around and talk and let's load them into the ship.
Rebel troopers: Sir yes sir!
So they load up the weapons and droids into Lancer's ship. Shiki use his gravity gear to lift them and out them onto the ship including everyone else. They were picking up the cargo and putting them onto the ship.
Yogi exit place down a box and exit out whioe he scratch his arms until he noticed Pino is gone. He looks around for her and stumble upon the halls and see Pino looking at a door while Yogi walks over to her.
Yogi: What are you doing here? You can't be wonder around the ship.
Pino: My apologies but.....I've detected a life signal in this room.
Yogi: A life signal?
Pino: indeed how ever the person is unconscious and been like that for years.
Yogi: Weird.
Shiki: Hey what's up?
Then Shiki and the rest walk over and Yogi tells them.
Yogi: Pino said there is a life signal through that door.
Rebecca: Life signal?
Homura: I thought the droids were shut down?
Lancer: They are.
Weisz: You think one of them is still online.
Shiki: One way to find out.
Shiki pushes a button and the door slide open. They step in and in front of them appears to be a cyrochamber in the far back of the room. They slowly walk towards it and once close they see it's online.
Shiki wipe the fog off of it and looks through the glass and calls out.
Shiki: I see someone in there?
Rebecca: Who?
Shiki: No clue but it looks like he is wearing a helmet.
Lancer sees a computer console near the cyrochamber and turns it on and see the first thing he sees.
Lancer: (thought) RC-1207?
Then Lancer widen his eyes in shock and turns to them.
Lancer: (shocked) Open that chamber now!
They look around and Weisz found it beside it and press it. Steam came out of the chamber and it slowly slide open and they have a good look on who's inside.
Y/n: (surprised) Sev?!
Rebecca: Who's Sev?
Lancer: (shocked) He is a clone commando and a member of delta squad during the clone wars.
Weisz: Clone commando?
Y/n: A task team of clone troopers who goes into enemy lines and task on dangerous missions.
Shiki: (surprised) Awesome!
Lancer: Sev was M.I.A during the battle of kashyyk and was thought to be dead.
Weisz lend close to Sev and pock at his helmet before he turn to Lancer and said.
Weisz: I think he might be dead.
Then his viser turns on and a hand quickly grabs Weisz and he was pinned onto the ground by the awaken Sev while the rest step back.
Sev: You Separatist scum! Your never gonna get information from me! NEVER!
Weisz: Dude let me go!
Lancer: Sev! Stand down! It's okay, we saved you.
Sev turns to see Lancer and the rest and this confused him for a second. Then he let's Weisz go and step back a bit and felt dizzy and grab the wall while he grab his helmet ane looks around.
Sev: Wh-What happened to me? Where I'm I?
Y/n: Your at a Separatist supplie ship but your safe.
Sev turns to see Y/n and see his lightsaber and can tell he is a jedi so he turn and give him a salute.
Sev: General. Clone Commando RC-1207 reporting for duty sir.
Y/n: At ease commando. Tell us what happened to you if you remember.
Sev: I.....I remember some. I was on a mission to Kashyyk with my squad, we completed many missions, the last destroy a Separatist was destroyed droids jumped me and.....I was stund and knocked out.....last thing I remember was being forced into a cryochamer ane that was the last thing I remember before I black out.
Rebecca: So you were captured.
Shiki: (anger) I can't believe those Separatist do that to you.
Sev: Yeah but.....who are yous?
Y/n: Sev this is Shiki, Rebecca, Pino, Happy, Weisz, Yogi and Homura. These are our allies.
Sev: Nice to meet yous all and thanks. Now let's head back to the Republic and finish the fight.
They fall silent and look at each other while Sev was confused on why they are looking at each other and Y/n turn to and said.
Y/n: Sev....I'm sorry to tell you. But the Republic is-
Witch: (comms) Guys I've detected a star destroy jumping out of hyper space. They found us!
They all heard that except for Sev and they rush out with Sev following them still confused on what's going on. Once back at the hanger bay they see two star destroyers there. Sev sees them and said.
Sev: Nevee know the Republic have new ships.
Y/n: Those aren't the Republic.
Sev: What? Then who are they?
Rebecca: They are the empire. And they are responsible for the Republic's falls.
Sev: (shocked) WHAT?!
Then the ship shake and one rebel troops run up to them and said.
Rebel trooper: Imperial's are inside the ship.
Yogi: We need to get out of here as soon as we can.
Y/n: We hold them off until we get every weapons and droids into the ship.
Lancer: Right.
Rebecca: Let's go guys!
They nod and they fush out. Sev was still confused on what's going on but he sees his old DC-17 blaster rifle and pulls it out and follows them.
Imperial stormtroopers fire at the rebel troops just as Y/n and the rest arrived and see this. Y/n active his lightsabers and gets to the front line and blocks the blaster fire while Lancer fire back at them and so dose Yogi and Weisz.
They take out a few stormtroopers and Happy turn into twin blaster pistols and fires at the stormtroopers and taking them out.
Shiki and Homura rush forward and Shiko blows them away while Homura slice up their weapons while the rebel troops take them out.
Sev catch up to them and see the stormtroopers and was confused by all this so he rush up to Y/n and fire with him while he asked.
Sev: Sir you need to tell me what's going on and why are they shooting at us?
Y/n: The empire destroy the Republic ane the Jedi order. The clones turn against the jedi and kill them.
Sev: (shocked) What?!
Lancer: He's telling the truth Sev. Once that was done the empire was born and our galaxy fall into darkness after that.
Sev: Our galaxy?
Y/n: Your, I and all are in the unknown region, far away from our galaxy ane the empire.
Sev was shocked by all of this and it is a lot to take in. Soon heavy stormtroopers came into view and fire their blaster cannons at them ane they take cover.
Y/n: Let's pull back!
They nod and they pull back. Yogi throw his grenade at them and it exploded. They rush through the halls until they made it back to the hanger ane they were about to rush to Lancer's ship until another door opens up and stormtroopers rush out and they aim their blasters at them.
They turn ane they turn to them and ready for a fight. Sev sees enough and rush out ane get in between them and said.
Sev: That's enough! This ain't right. I can't stand by and watch this go one anymore!
He turn to the stormtrooper and said to them.
Sev: I know yous are clones in there and may doing their duty but this ain't right! Your killing incident people that just want survive! We service the grand army of the Republic, not their empire!
They stormtroopers stood there still aimed until Saburo came out of the crowd of his troops and asked.
Saburo: Your a clone commando right? What's your name?
Sev: Sev and you are?
Saburo: I'm lieutenant Saburo of the imperial empire, Nice to meet you. Tell me, do you know what the jedi did while you were M.I.A.
Sev: What are you on about?
Saburo: (smirk) Well Clone commando Sev. The jedi try to overthrow the Republic by assassin the supreme Chanceller palpatine.
Sev was shocked by this but Y/n step forward and said.
Y/n: Sev listen to me! The Chanceller was a sith Lord, believe me Sev!
Sev shaking his rifle trying to think about this while Saburo continues.
Saburo: Fortunately he was saved and Order 66 was activated and the Jedi was killed escape for him and those on Edens Zero. The Republic maybe gone but the empire is more stronger then ever. Now you know, do what must be done.
Sev looks at Y/n and the rest and aim his rifle at them. They were shocked by this and can't believe Sev would betray them like this.
Shiki: Don't do this Sev! Friends never betray each other!
Rebecca: I know it's hard to take in but you must know that the empire are the evil once, not us!
Happy: Please don't do this Sev!
Sev was shaking his rifle and has second thoughts while Saburo hose on to say.
Saburo: Sev. Your squad misses you. They were sadden when you were gone, they will be glad to see you return and alive and well. Now, do you job and kill them.
Sev was looking at Y/n and the rest and he realised this isn't right. He knows this ain't what he wants. He lower his blaster rifle and said.
Sev: I am RC-1207 code name Sev. And I serve one cost......THE REPUBLIC!
Then he throw smoke bomb at them and smoke covers them while Sev fires at them while he calls out to Y/n and the rest.
Sev: Get to the ship now!
Y/n and the rest were glad by this and they leap onto the ship with Sev following them and once on board, the ship takes off while stormtroopers open fire at their ship and Lancer take his ship out of the docks and flies over to Edena Zero.
Once inside, Saburo watched as Edens Zero jump into hyper space and it was gone. Saburo gets mad and kicks a nearby box in anger.
Saburo: (anger) Damn it!
Edens Zero travel through Hypee space and we cut to Sev without his helmet looking through the window just taking this all in.
Lancer walks up without his helmet and stand next to Sev and asked.
Lancer: You alright Sev?
Sev: Yeah it's just that.......I don't know what to do about all of this.
Lancer: I understand why. I'm sorry.
Sev: My squad.....they are one of them right? Like the rest of our brothers?
Lancer: Yeah. But we will do what's necessary to kick the empire off of this galaxy and maybe see our brothers again.
Sev: You think so?
Lancer nods and place a hand on Sev shoulder. Sev smiles a little and nods and Y/n walks up to them and they turn to him.
Y/n: (smile) You did the most honourable thing for us Sev. Thank you.
Sev: My loyalty is to my Jedi generals and to the Republic. Not to the sith or to the empire.
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad for that.
Y/n lend out his hand for Sev and he smiled and he grabs Y/n's hand and they shake on it. Now the Clone Commando RC-1207 aka Sev joins the Edens Zero Crew as they travel to what ever planet they go next.
Aboard the Empire space station we see Zen looking through a window looking through space while Flanker walks up to him and said.
Flanker: Sir Saburo reported that he and the stormtroopers attack your padawan and his crew. But that's not all. RC-1207 code name Sev has been found and join his crew.
Zen: (smirk) Interesting.
Then Zen press a button and asked.
Zen: Delta Squad, report to the bridge at once.
Once that they turn and the doors open ane three white stormtrooper commandos march through the bridge ane they stop in front for Zen while Zen smirks and said.
Zen: (smirk) I have a mission for yous and this might be surprising for yous.
Boss: What ever it is sir.....we're ready for it.
To be continued.......................
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