Chapter 10: Rescues the B-Cubers

Rebecca slowly starts to wake up and realised she is tied up as she sat up and look around the room.

It was dark but she can make out a few female girls in the room with her tied up like her and seems to be scared by all of this.

Rebecca: (thought) What is this? Where the heck I'm I and Where's happy? The guild master isn't here as well? OK, think what was the last thing I remember?

But before she would remember what happened to her. The wall opens up and all the girls turn and at the other side of the window were two Bounty hunters looking at them through the glass window.

Claw-Slicer: Look at these adorable cute girls.

Genko: Don't do anything stupid. We need them for our client.

Claw-Slicer: Hey what's wrong having a few screams from them? I like the screams of these cute B-Cuber girls.

The girls were all scared except for Rebecca and she realised that all of these girls are B-Cubers like herself.

???: Has the girls behaviour themselves?

Then three Bounty hunters enter the room and walks up to the glass window and looks at them.

Genko: Indeed air. 39 B-Cuber girls have been captured and behaved well.

Ganoff: 39? The client said 40. What happened to the last one?

Genko: There was....trouble on the last one. Let's just say a Jedi stop me before I even have a chance.

Jinn: A Jedi?

Mosco: What the heck is that?

Genko: No clue but it has been spread out to the galaxy about space wizards with Liser swords.

Claw-Slicer: Oooohh I like the sound of that.

Rebecca: Hey!

They turn to Rebecca and Rebecca asked.

Rebecca: Where are you taking us?

Genko: We're taking yous to our Client at Guilts. There you'll be with him at Illega tower along with the rest of the girls that we captured.

The other B-Cuber girls were sacred that their going to Guilts and worried that they will be slaves for them.

Copa: (crying) I wanna go home! Please I wanna go home!

Ganoff: Jesus that is soo noisy.

Claw-Slicer: No problem. I know how to deal with this.

Claw-Slicer opens the glass window and step inside and walks up to Copa as she cries.

Claw-Slicer: I like girls that cries and beg for help but no one is not gonna save you. So it is best you shut up or.....

Then his arm change into chainsaw and turns it on which scared Copa even more.

Claw-Slicer: Or I'll slice you up and you'll suffer more then what our client will do to yous all.

Rebecca can't let this happen so she stand up and got in front of Claw-Slicer and said.

Rebecca: She'll be quiet. You don't know to threatening her so leave her alone.

Claw-Slicer looks at Rebecca for a while until he said with a chuckle.

Claw-Slicer: Looks like we got a brave one. Well, let's see how brave you are if I do this.

Claw-Slicer press a button one his wrist that cost Rebecca's rope to glow and give her a show of electricity that cost her to fell onto the ground while Claw-Slicer chuckles and increased the electricity.

Claw-Slicer: How dose it feel? Thinking just because your brave that you believe you can tell us what to do? You must be an idiot.

Rebecca: (smirk) Well at least this may give me some views. Unless the video maybe block for this sort of thing.

Claw-Slicer: I like this one.

Genjo: Claw-Slicer, that's enough.

Jinn: Remember our job.

Claw-Slicer: Fine.

He press a button and the electricity stops and the pain was gone. Claw-Slicer heads back and closes the door leaving Rebecca and the rest of B-Cuber girls inside until they arrived at Guilts.

Copa: (smile) Thank you so must.

Rebecca: (smile) No problem and don't worry. We will get out of here.

Couchpo: But how?

Miyako: There is no way we can escape this ship including escaping guilts.

Rebecca: We'll find a way. For now, we just can't give up hope.


Edens Zero floats through space were we see Witch repairing Happy while Y/n, Quinlan, Shiki and Oki looks through the hologram map of space and trying to find Rebecca.

Oki: Ok so if I'm correct those Bounty hunters might have taken them to Guilts.

Shiki: Guilts Huh. Isn that planet that Elsia mentioned?

Quinlan: Indeed. That planet is one of the lowest planet ever. Criminal's, Bounty hunters or even war criminal go there to hang out or join gangs or guilds.

Y/n: If they have taken Rebecca there then we must find her.

Oki: We will don't worry.

Y/n: I know but I just.......

He slams his fist onto the holopad and says.

Y/n: I'm suppose to be her body guard and I just let her get captured. This is all my fault.

Shiki: Don't blame yourself. We didn't know that Rebecca would be taken.

Witch: I agree with the demon king. Taking the fault will not do anything.

Y/n: I know but still.....I should have been there to save her. Damn it I'm such an idiot.

They look at Y/n and wanna help him as best he can. Then a different but familiar voice said.

???: Don't blame yourself kid. I know you can rescue her as a Jeid.

Everyone turn to see Weisz there with three other guest there as well.

Shiki: Um who are they?

Homura: My name is Homura. Don't be alarmed, I am not your enemy.

PL-D3: (beeping)

Y/n looks at one Bounty hunter and he recognised that armor even if in some Bounty hunter parts.

Y/n: Lancer?

Lancer pulls out his helmet and revealed his one scar on his left cheek and his original clone hair as he give Y/n a salute and said.

Lancer: (smile) Indeed sir. Nice to meet you after so long.

Y/n was surprised by this and walks up to Lancer and he too give him a salute as well.

Oki: (surprised) Wait you know this clone?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. This is Captain Lancer. He's the Captain of me and Master Zens clone unit during the Clone wars.

Shiki: But you said that all Clones betray the Jedi and join the empire?

Lancer: It's a long story but we met up with Weisz here and we're here to help.

Homura: Indeed.

PL-D3: (beeping)

Y/n: (smile) Well I'm glad for that. We need more back up if we ever gonna save Rebecca from those Bounty hunters.

Rebel crew: Ma'am I have the coordinations on Guilts.

Oki: Jump into Hyper space.

The Rebel crew nods and Edens Zero jumps inot Hyper space. They travelled through Hyper space for a while until they exit out and arrive at Guilts.

They hover over the planet and then we cut to Y/n, Shiki, Weisz, Homura, Oki, Lancer and Pino enter the hanger bay with Yogi along with the rest of Oki's Rebel troops there getting ready to head to Guilt to rescue Rebecca.

Yogi: We're ready. So which ship are we going?

Lancer: We're take mine. It's bigger and has enough room for all of us.

Shiki: Cool yous have your own ship?

Lancer nods and he points at the ship and see it's huge as Lancer walks towards it.

Shiki: (surprised) Awesome!

Lancer: This ship will blend in so we won't be detected by anyone that try to shoot us down.

Weisz: How can you be sure?

Lancer: Let's just say, it's nit the first time we've been to Guilts before.

Lancer step into his ship while Weisz wasn't sure by this clone trooper as he too step into the ship. Quinlan walks up to Y/n and asked.

Quinlan: This might be a dangerous mission? You sure your ready for this?

Y/n: Yeah I won't let those creeps get their hands on Rebecca. Besides....I don't wanna lose her.

Quinlan sees how he loves Rebecca and smirks before patting him on the shoulder and said while he turns and walks off.

Quinlan: Well good luck, we keep this ship up above and waiting for your return.

Y/n nods before he join up the rest as they enter Lancers ship and Lancer starts up the engines and exit out of the hanger and flys down to Guilts to rescue Rebecca at any cost.


The capital of Guilts was like an apocalypse as the streets were filled with dangerous people and there is even blaster fire ring out in the city.

We see Lancer peek out of the alleyway and behind him were Y/n and the rest as he see the area is clear and singals them that the streets are clear and they exit out of the alleyway and walk through the streets.

Lancer: (whisper) Stay quiet and don't fire until I tell you to. We don't wanna draw any attention to our self's.

Shiki: (whisper) Your pretty good at this stealth thing.

Lancer: (whisper) It's what we were made to do. We were the best army within the Republic before the empire change everything.

Weisz: (whisper) And you decided to not join your brothers within the empire?

Lancer: (whisper) It's not their fault for their change.

Y/n: (whisper) What do you mean?

Lancer pulls out his fist to tell them to stop and peeks out to see a few gangs In the corner standing around.

While they wait Lancer turns to them and explains.

Lancer: (lancer) The Kaminoan's on Kamino implanted inhibitor chips in all Clones heads so we be loyal to the Republic but....they serve a different purpose. Within these chips holds many excursion orders that once activate, the clones will do what the orders say. One of which is Order 66.

Pino: (whisper) Order 66?

Lancer: It's in case the Jedi order betray the Republic and the new power gose to the higher up Government or those who are higher ranked. Bit it was the lit by the sith to kill all the Jedi by surprised.

Oki: (whisper) How do you know about this?

Lancer: (whisper) I was at a bar within Coruscant when a Arc trooper named Fives was talking to Kix while I was I the bathroom stall and Fives was talking about the inhibitor chips and the sith using them against the Jedi order. Sure Kix or another clines don't believe him when he died but just in case I removed mine in secret and waited to see if he was right. Before I knew it....he was right.

Y/n: (shocked) So....Fives knew about the inhibitor chips ans no one didn't believe him?

Lancer: (whisper) I wished I would believe him or join him but it was too late before he was killed and the theory with it.

Lancer peeks out to see the gang has moved and singal the rest to move out. They run through the city for a while until they reach a church that said "Rouge out" above it.

Shiki: What's this place?

Homura: This is where those group of bounty hunters that token your friend hang out.

Yogi: Looks pretty creepy my must say.

Lancer: It's run by Sister or is tbe leader of the rogue out. If you wanna know where they have taken Rebecca at, they might know.

Y/n: Then let's go.

Y/n force push tbe door open and they walk inside. They see the place was dark and no sign of Rebecca or anyone here as they walk through the room ans stop in the middle.

Pino: No sign of Rebecca.

Weisz: Or thoer bounty hunters.

Shiki: They gonna be somewhere.

???: Oh I see we gave some guests.

They all draw out their weapons and Y/n active his lightsaber and then a second trap door opens up with steam and a female android wearing a Nun as she looks at them and all weapons and pointed at her.

Shiki: So you must be Sister then?

Sister: (smirk) Indeed. It is nice to see the demon king along with his friends here at Guilts.

Y/n: Where ie Rebecca?

Sister: (smirk) Oh I see. Your here for your B-Cuber friend huh? Well, she is at Illega tower along with the rest of the B-Cuber girls.

Oki: So Rebecca is not the only one.

Y/n: (thought) That would explain why that bounty hunter was going after Labilia.

Sister: It is soo nice to meet you but I have some other business here. But I leave you alone with my toys.

She snap her fingers and suddenly assassin driods comes out snd draw their blasters at them.

Lancer: This can't be good.

Y/n: I'll say.

Sister dissappear underground whipe her assassin droids open fire at them. They all take cover while Y/n deflected some back at then and shot a few down. Oki sne her Rebel troops open fire at them while they take cover.

Shiki use his gravity gear and sent the droids flying while Lancer shot them down with his twin blasters. Then blaster fire zip pass them and he fires back at them and shot a few down.

Y/n slicea up a few assassin droids before one pulls out a rocket launcher at Y/n and fires a rocket.

Oki: Y/n behind you!

Y/n turns to see a rocket coming towards him. Then Homura got in front of him and slice the rocket in half and the ticket exploded behind Y/n.

Y/n was surprised to see she too have Either gear and as a enger like blade which he asked.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow you have either gear too?

Homura: Indeed. Its called Either Soul blade.

Shiki: (surprised) Wow Samurai's are soo cool.

Y/n and Homura see assassin driods surrounding them and they were back to back and rise their blades at them.

Y/n: (smirk) Gonna say never meet a Samurai.

Homura: Same to Jedi's like you. It is an honour.

Y/n: (smirk) Same. Let's see how many we can slice up.

Homura nods and they charge at the droids and they slice them up while everyone watch them do their job. Lancer smirks inside his helmet and remembers the good old days with Zen and Y/n slicing up battle driods.

Y/n force push the driods back and Homura slice them and turn and Alice up a few more driods until the church was clear.

Y/n deactivate his lightsaber and Homura's blade vanished while Shiki and the rest step out of cover and Shiki said.

Shiki: (smile) Yous were awesome!

Y/n: Thanks bit what Sister tells us is true then we need to head to Illega's tower and save Rebecca and the rest.

Shiki: Right.

Y/n: Oki, Weisz and Homura, yous stay here and mind our base. Lancer, Yogi, Shiki, Pino yous are with me to the tower. Let's move.

Lancer: Yes sir.

Y/n was glad to hear that from Lancer and it is good to have one clone on his side. The four head out while Oki and the rest stay at Rouge out base until they return.


Outside of Illega tower we see a few assassin driods guarding the main entrance until a blaster fire takes out one droid before Shiki rams one to the wall before the driod would even have a cable to fire.

They reach to the main entrance and Yogi throws smoke bombs inside and smoke fills the room. They rush in there and beats up the guards just as the smoke clears up.

The guards were knocked out and they see a few statues of females in some pose which Shiki said.

Shiki: Jeez this guy must be a creep.

Yogi: So where are they holding up Rebecca and the rest?

Y/n use the force to sense any prisoners and soon he senses them and said.

Y/n: Follow me.

They follow Y/n up the stairs and rush through the halls. A few guards came out to block their way but Y/n force push them and they were sent flying and crash into the wall.

Soon they reach to the room and opens the door and take out the guards inside snd once the room was all clear, Y/n press a button snd the doors open.

Y/n: Don't worry, we're here to-

But at the other side pink bubbles came out and they look inside snd see B-Cuber girls naked which Y/n, Yogi and Lancer look away while Shiki asked.

Shiki: Why are they naked?

Lancer: Just look away!

After they all hand them cloths snd they get change. Y/n asked them all.

Y/n: Have yous seen Rebecca here?

Milon: Yeah but she manage to escape through the vent and we have no idea where she might be at.

Y/n: Alright. I'll go find her. The rest of yous get these girls out of here.

Shiki: Alright.

Lancer: Be careful Y/n.

Y/n: I'll be fine. I refuse to lose anyone else ever again. I refuse that.

Then Y/n exit out of thr room to find Rebecca while Shiki and the rest take the rest of the B-Cuber girls and help them escape.


We see Rebecca crawling through the air vent and trying to find her way out so she can come back and free the rest of the B-Cuber girls. She managed to find her way out and break through the vent and land down onto what appears to be a storage bay.

She looks around snd said to herself.

Rebecca: Alright time to head back and-

But then a tough raps her leg and tug her that cost her to fell onto the ground and looked back to see Illega as he sticks out his tongue so she won't escape.

Illega: (smirk) Your one sneaky girl if you think you can escape from me.

Rebecca try her best to get lose but it was no good. Illega chuckles to see her struggle and said.

Illega: There is no point little missy. Your gonan be one of my statuses like the rest of the girls I've have to my collection.

Rebecca: Let me go or I swear your gonna regret it!

Illega: (smirk) Like who? Your just a simple B-Cuber. Who can be foolish enough to come and save you?

Assassin driod: (Hologram) Sir.

Then a hologram of one of his assassin driods appear and Illega said.

Illega: What is it? Can't you see I'm doing something here?

Assassin driod: (hologram) My apologies but we have an intruder slicing up our troops.

Illega: Impossible?

Rebecca: (smirk) Oh it is.

Illega looks at Rebecca and see her smirk as she smirks at him and said.

Rebecca: (smirk) Because....I have a body guard and once he gets up here. He will make you pay for taking me away and let's just say....he's dose more then slicing up driods.

(Hallway theme song start)

All Assistant driods with the building ignore any orders and get ready for they attack on Y/n as he is coming up in an elevator.

They all draw out their blasters at the elevator doors and see the left was almost there to the level they are in.

They stand their ground and after a while the elevator doors open and Y/n appears as he active his lightsaber and the assassin driods open fire at him but he deflected their blast sne even slice some driods up as he push through to get to Rebecca.

Y/n slices up all Assassin driods and deflecting their blast back at them as he pushes through. Y/n will not lose Rebecca just like he lose his Jedi order, his master, his clone commander or anyone else ever again.

Then his arm start to glow gold and appears until he was right up to his cheek and everything around him slows down ans blast shots slowly travels towards him. Y/n dodges them and slice up a the driods in front of him snd got in behind him.

Time turns back to normal and the driods fell onto the ground slice up. Y/n continues on and more driods block his path but he pulls back his arm and thust it forward that suddenly made a massive force push that completely destroyed the driods bodies and the wall behind them as it made a huge wall to outside.

His either gears glows brighter and brighter as he continues on and slicing up the driods in amazing speed and pushing or throwing them away by using the force until he finally made it to where Rebecca is at.

(Hallway theme ends)

He force push the door open snd Illega and Rebecca see only smoke but Y/n step inside the storage room and Rebecca noticed his arm was glowing gold just like Shiki and Weisz.

Rebecca: (thought) Wow his arm! Dose that mean, he had the Either gear too?!

Y/n: Let Rebecca go creep.

Illega looks at Y/n for a moment before he burst into laughter and said.

Illega: So your mist be the jedi that everyone has been talking about huh? Your even more pathetic as I thought. No wonder the Jedi order was destroyed.

Y/n shake his fist in anger when Illeha continues.

Illega: (smirk) That's right. I know about the orders fall because the Empire told me aboit them and one of them was a fallen Jedi named Master Zen? I guess he seen how the jedi order has fallen and I understand why. Still he must either a coward to abandon his Jedi brothers and Sisters so he can have his life spared or.....he thinks the order must fall including his own friends as well.

Y/n: Please shut up.

Illega: (laughter) Your order was even weak to forseen the Clone betrayal and let the Sith rise up! I gonna say their nothing but stupid fools and glad they are gone for goo-

Then suddenly Illega can't breath and was suddenly lifted off the ground. He accidentally lefts Rebecca go as he grabs his neck to try to breath.

Rebecca turns back to Y/n and Y/n reaching out his hand with his burning angery glaring at Illega as he slams Illega onto the wall and screams our in rage.


Rebecca have never seen Y/n this angry in her life snd now she has. Y/n slams Illega around the room as flashes of his friends within the order came popping to his head.

Obi Wan, Yodo, Ahsoka, Anakin, Plo Koon, Kannan and eveyone one in the order and even Zen were in his head as he will never see them again and now Illega was mocking them and their deaths.

Y/n slams Illega onto the ground as he force chocks him even more before Rebecca see this has gone to far and calls out to Y/n.

Rebecca: Y/n! Y/n snap out of it! He has enough! Y/n!

Y/n can't hear her as he chocks the living hell out of Illega and before he would kill him, a familiar voice belonged the force calls out to him.

???: Killing him, you must not. Let go the hate, you must.

Y/n eyes widen in surprise to know that voice and he let's go of Illega and he can breath once more and passes out. Y/n looks at Illega before he looks at his hands and see what he has done.

He turns to Rebecca and said.

Y/n: I'm so so sorry for you to seem me like this. I'm really I'm sorry.

Rebecca walks over to Y/n and gently wraps him around his neck snr she kissed him on the lips. Y/n was surprised by the kiss but he too kiss her back and for a while they stop and they look at each other and Rebecca said.

Rebecca: (smile) It's alright. I'm just glad your here to rescue me.

Y/n smiles back a little before he hugs Rebecca and she hugs him back as well. They break off the hug and Y/n said.

Y/n: (smile) Let's get out of here Rebecca. Let's go home.

To be continued.............

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