Chapter 1: Let's be friends

Space. A dark but mysterious place where stars and planets are. There are billions and billions of planets where there is different kinds of species as the galaxy is a huge place to be in.

While the galaxy is sometimes safe it also has darkness as we pinned down to two capital ships slowing moving through space as these ships are Star destroyers as they belonged the most evil military force within another galaxy known as the Galactic Empire.

We then cut to a chamber within the star destroy as we see a dark cloak figure bowing down to his emperor as we see a hologram of the emperor looking down at him as he says.

Emperor: (hologram) The jedi purge was an success with no the Jedi have been destroyed. However I have senses a disturbing within the unknown region. Have you sens it my inquisitor?

Then the dark cloak figure looks up at the Emperor and spoke in a dark voice.

???: I have.

Emperor: (hologram) The empire will not allow this unknown force stopping our plans. Which is why I have sent you and the whole army of fleets to take over worlds and find this strong force.

???: What if this force is a jedi survivor?

Emperor: (hologram) Then you must destroy this jedi and continue your journey. I fear that the jedi is not the only thing that disturbs me. You are the last of my Inquisitors within the emperor so do not fail me.

???: It shall be done.

The hologram of the emperor dissappear as the inquisitor stood up. He then turns away and walk out to leave the chamber as will do what his emperor ask him to do.


At a planets known as Granbell we see a small fish like ship riding through the ocean as we cut to a teenage boy named Y/n L/n on his kneels meditating as the room around him was slince.

Then he hear a mysterious by familiar voice echoing through his ears as this voice says to him.

???: Never give up, fight for what the force and your heart tells you to.

Y/n: (thought) Master.

Then he heard a knock at the door that snap him out of his meditation as he hears Happy at the other side.

Happy: Hey Y/n, we're almost at the island.

Y/n: Right I be there.

He stood up and once that he exit out of the room as he looks down to see Happy which he is a blue talking cat as Happy asked.

Happy: What where you doing in there?

Y/n: Just some cleaning up but nothing that important.

Happy: OK well anyways we're almost to Gtanbell soon.

Y/n: Isn't it that famous theme park that has been left for years?

???: Yep but we're gonna see what's there.

Y/n and Happy looks over to see Rebecca as she walks over to the two.

Rebecca: (smirk) Soon we get there and star filming the more viewers we get.

Y/n: (smile) Well at least this is gonna be great unlike the last planet we been.

Rebecca: Yeah remind me to never go to a planets that everywhere you go I get a heart attack.

Y/n: Note it.

Rebecca smiles a bit and so dose Y/n as they arrive at shore and they gotten out and walk through the forest to get to the kingdom. After a while of walking they stop at the front gates were they see the kingdom in front of them with the sign of Granbell above it.

Y/n: (surprised) I must say this place looks pretty nice.

Rebecca: (smile) Yep and this area will be great to get some views for our channel.

Happy: Can we even get in?

Y/n: Look there is a robot there, maybe I ask him.

Y/n walks up to the bot which was dress like a Knight as Y/n walsk over to him.

Y/n: excuse me but is there any payment so we can enter?

Robot knight: of course not sir but....are you customers?

Y/n: Yes, the names Y/n and these are my friends. Rebecca and Happy.

The robot Knight was silent for a minute which confused them until he pulled out a trumpet and blow on it. Y/n and the rest step back in surprise as the robot Knight says.

Robot knight: Everyone we have customers that has come!

The robots of granbell hears this and get their shops open as they were getting ready while Y/n, Happy and Rebecca watched as they all form into a line and says.

Granbell robots: Welcome to the kingdom of dreams, Granbell!

Then fireworkds shot out of the sky which surprised Y/n, Rebecca and Happy as they watch the fireworks go off.

Granbell mayor: So what dreams do yous have? Would you go on and adventure and be a hero? Or would you like to stay within the castle and be like a king or queen? This kingdom will make your dreams come true.

Y/n: (smile) This place is pretty cool.

Rebecca: (smile) We wanna make 1 million views for our channel.

Robot mayor: Channel?

Y/n: We're here to take videos to your planet and many other planet across the stars for people entertainment. I'm her bodyguard but I enjoy taking part of the video since it's fun.

Rebecca: Hey can yous say that again? When you say "granbell!"

Happy: Rebecca your cat ears!

They watch as Rebecca and Happy where getting ready as Y/n and the robots watched.

Robot mayor: Your friends seem to enjoy taking videos.

Y/n: It's a living. Can you tell me more about this planet and how it was made?

Robot mayor: Of course. This beautiful kingdom was made by the humans many years ago. It was created to be a land of dreams and we were created to make those dreams come true.

Y/n: How come there is no humans around?

Robot mayor: The humans stop visiting it and abandoned the place but we have waited patiently for one day humans will come and visit this land.

Y/n: I must say I am impressed about this place and I must apologise for this abandonment.

Robot mayor: No need for apologise. We're just glad after all these years humans has finally come and visit us.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah at least that's good to hear.

(Short while later)

We then see Y/n, Rebecca and Happy at a bar where Rebecca has cat ears on her as they enjoy the food the robots made for them.

Rebecca: (smile) This is great, a whole theme park to ourselves. How lucky is that.

Y/n: (smile) Very lucky but it is sad that they have been abandoned by their human creatures for years.

Happy: True but they seem not to be mad by it.

Rebecca: So what do yous wanna do?

Y/n: Let's explore around the island. Maybe we can find aome interesting stuff around here?

Happy: Yeah and we can maybe take up this job.

Then Happy pulls shows the job paper in front of them asY/n takes it and read through it.

Y/n: Looks like if we complete this job we get a prize.

Rebecca: (smile) Sounds like fun, let's go there and check it out.

Y/n: (smile) Right, let's go.

(A while later)

We see the three walking through the dirt path as they enter to a forest as they can hear the wildlife around them. Y/n can't help but smile a little as he enjoy the nice and peaceful forest but he kinda feels something odd. He feels like something or someone is near them but he wasn't sure what.

Rebecca: (smile) It sure is a peaceful planet, don't you think Y/n?

Y/n: Huh oh yeah it is pretty peaceful.

Rebecca was a bit nervous when around Y/n as she have a crush on him for months since Y/n work with them as his bodyguard but one then she doesn't know is about Y/n's past like where was is born or why did he came to BlueGarden.

Rebecca: So Y/n can I ask you something?

Y/n: Sure.

Rebecca: I know you've been with us for a while but we never know about your planet or where we're you born?

Happy: yeah you said to Came to BlueGarden but never tell us what you did before you came to BlueGarden.

Y/n was a bit nervous as he try to think of something to answer their question. He doesn't want them to reveal on what he really was and so he says.

Y/n: I was born on this planet that is far away form where we are now or in BlueGarden. The reason why I came to BlueGarden is because I wanna go on my own path and a new life.

Rebecca: Sounds pretty cool. What planet was it that you were born?

Y/n: Oh.....ummmm its a planet called-

Then they hear a thud as they turn to their front and see a large and long neck like cat as it moews at them which creeps them out a bit.

Rebecca: N-Now I actually think about it, it looks pretty cute.

Happy: Here we go again.

Y/n: Didn't you also said that to that chocolate cat that nearly eat us?

The huge cat moews at them while Rebecca has her cute Happy smile as she says.

Rebecca: (smile) So cute.

Y/n: (thought) Weird I sense something odd. I feel like something is on top of this cat machine?

Then the cat fell onto the cat with a huge thud as Rebecca, Happy and Y/n jumper back as Y/n draw out his blaster and aims it at the cat.

Y/n: Wait, what the?

Y/n lowe down his blaster which both surprised and confused. Rebecca and Happy stood up and turn to the cat and they have the same reaction to Y/n. On top of the cats head.......was a male human as he has a rench on his lift hand as Y/n, Rebecca and Happy were confused by this.

Y/n: (thought) A human here? I thought we were the first humans here? By the force is going on here?

Then the male human looks up at them in a serious and scary look which Rebecca was scared but Y/n stood his ground as he was the first to ask.

Y/n: Excuse me but who are you and why are you here? I thought we were the only humens here?

???: Hu.....male human?

He then rushes over to Y/n as he was up at Y/n's face. Y/n step back a bit as he looks at Y/n as he says.

???: You look different? I never seen different male human before?

Y/n: (thought) Seems this person never seen human life before? I wounder why?

???: (surprised) Wow so soft.

Then Y/n sees that the boy was gone as he turns to see him grabbing Rebecca on the face, the cheeks and on her breast which Rebecca kicks the boy away.

Rebecca: Don't touch me creep!

Then he lands hard on the ground as Rebecca covers her chest as Y/n asked.

Y/n: So is there more humans here or what's going on here?

???: Nope. I'm the only human here. Say what's this?

Then he has Y/n's blaster as he looks at it which Y/n snatch it out of his hand as he says.

Y/n: Don't touch that! It's a blaster and it's very dangerous if you touch it like that!

Then he give Y/n a serious look as Y/n was a bit nervous. Then he pulls out his hand back as Y/n was ready for it but he shows Y/n his hand which confused Y/n, Rebecca and Happy as he says.

???: Let's be friends shall we?

Y/n, Rebecca, Happy:..........What?

???: Let's be friends.

Y/n Um.....sure?

Y/n shales the boys hand and after that they head back to granbell so he can explain everything to them.


Once back at granbell we see them at the bar as the boy intoduce himself.

Shiki: (smile) Names Shiki Granbell, it's nice to meet more humans here.

Y/n: (smile) Well it's nice to meet another human here.

Rebecca: I thought there were no humans here?

Shiki: That's true, there hasn't been humans here before I came here since I was young. After I came here my friends in granbell took care of me.

Y/n: So you know the people of granbell?

Shiki: (smile) Yep we're good friends.

Y/n: (smile) That's nice.

???: Hey Shiki.

Then a robot wearing a large hat walks over to them  as Shiki says to Y/n and the rest.

Shiki: (smile) This is Michael. He's been around me since I was a kid along with my grandpa.

Rebecca: Your grandpa?

Michael: His name was Ziggy and he took care of Shiki as like a grandpa for years.

Y/n: That must be kind of him to do so.

Shiki: (smile) Yep so what about yous?

Rebecca: We're floggers, we make videos to our channel as we explore the galaxy.

Shiki: Galaxy?

Y/n: You don't know what the galaxy is?

Shiki: I haven't been to the galaxy and never have been. If I leave my friends will get broken and shut down.

Y/n: I see.

Shiki: So are your Rebecca's friend?

Y/n: Yes. I'm her bodyguard and we been in a few planet taking films and nearly get in trouble time to time.

Rebecca: (nervous chuckle) Yeah don't ask.

Y/n: (smile) Rebecca and Happy are actually my first friends I've met at BlueGarden.

Shiki: You never have friends before you met Rebecca and Happy?

Y/n: W-Well no. I'm usually alone and other people.....find me weird most of the time.

Shiki: That's not right. You need friends to watch your back no matter what. If you need friends to watch your back then I'm your guy.

Y/n smiles a bit as Rebecca also smiles as well. Then they have a small party as they eat a lot of food and having a great time.

Outside we see a lone archer bot as he watches them having a party as he rushes back to the castle.

Once there he enter to the throne room where we see Castllen sat down in his throne chair with wires attached to him as the archer bot says.

Archer bot: My lord. It's them and they have a jedi with them.

Castllen: I see that. It seems we have a problem involving with a jedi. I think it's time we connected our allie.

Then he pushes a button as a hologram opens up beside him as a sith inquisitor turns to Castllen as he asked.

???: (hologram) What is it?

Castllen: We have what we believe to be a jedi within our planet. We are hoping that your army will deal with this problem.

???: (hologram) Very good. I will sent Lieutenant Saburo to your planet by tomorrow and he'll hold this jedi until I will arrive.

Castllen: understood.

Then the hologram cuts off as Castllen stood up and says.

Castllen: It's time that we will have our revenge once and for all.


We see Y/n and the rest sat down as they finish up their meal as Rebecca feels like she's gonna burst. Y/n smiles but as he turns to Shiki and says.

Y/n: This was a great meal and thank you for your time with us Shiki.

Shiki: (smile) No problem glad to have more humans around.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah same here.

Then Shiki yawns as he feel tired as he fell onto the table and breaks the table as he fell onto the ground as he fell asleep.

Rebecca: (surprised) Wow he must be strong.

Y/n: (thought) I wounder who he end up in this planet?

Michael: He was left here by the demon King.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow you can listen to my thoughts?

Michael: Of course. We have chips that can allow us to listen to people's thoughts. For example when you dress up in a fancy suit, Rebecca thinks you look handsome.

Y/n: (surprised) Huh that is pretty co- wait, what was that last part?

Rebecca: (blush) Hahaha nice joke Michael but can you explain to us about this demon king thing?

John: Years ago a demon king left Shiki to this island and so we take care of him. Since then he is one of us for years ever since.

Y/n: I see.

Y/n turns to Shiki as he can't help but sense something within Shiki but he doesn't know what.

Rebecca: Hey....can yous do something to Shiki's hair. It's kinda bothering me.

John: borthing you?

Michael: We don't know why humans have problems with their hair time to time. But if you want we can do that.

Y/n sighs to himself as he can't help but smile a little. It was getting dark as we see Y/n at Rebecca and Happy own room as Happy was laying on his bed with Rebecca next to him. Y/n was sitting on the ned of the bed as he asked.

Y/n: So we got enough filming so far?

Rebecca: (smile) Yep this is great. We just need a few more and 1 million views is ours.

Y/n: (smile) Can't wait.

Y/n hops out of bed and walks over to the door as he opens it and says to Rebecca and Happy.

Y/n: Goodnight you two.

Before he leave Rebecca asked.

Rebecca: Hey Y/n.

Y/n turns to her as Rebecca asked.

Rebecca: Tell me. Did you used to have friends before you met us and if so, what happened to them.

Y/n was a bit silent as he hear blaster fire in his head while his master calling out for him to head to the bridge while more blaster fire. He then snap back to reality as he turns to Rebecca and says.

Y/n: I......I used to.....until something happen that I never forget.

Before Rebecca could asked anything Y/n left the room leaving both Rebecca and Happy wondering what dose Y/n mean by that.

We then cut to Y/n as he sighs to himself as he says to himself.

Y/n: I can't believe I'm lying them. What kind a friend I'm i? Still I'm doing this for their safety so they will be safe. I'm sure nothing will be alright tomorrow morning.

Then he head off to his room as he fail to notice Michael and the rest of the bots down below staring at them as all three have a nice night.

(Next day)

We see Y/n laying on his bed as he some reason moves around on his bed as he feels something isn't right. He then wake up as he shot up of his bed as he feels a disturbance within the force.

He get out of his bed and once changed he exit out of his room and looks down at below and see no one is here.

He walks down the steps and looks around as he calls out to anyone.

Y/n: Hello? Rebecca? Happy? Michael? Anyone? Shiki?

Everything was silent as Y/n feels this disturbance once again and this time was stronger this time.

Shiki: My hair!

He turns as Shiki runs down the stairs with his hair shorted as he sees Y/n and asked.

Shiki: Look my hair is shorted all of a sudden!

Y/n:'s a very long story but you see-

Shiki: Hey? Where is everybody?

Y/n: No clue but I feel something isn't right.

Then they hear a sound outside as Shiki looks out of the window and asked.

Shiki: What is that thing flying over us?

Y/n was confused as he walks over to a window where Shiki is at and his eyes widen in shock as he see a tie fighter flying around Granbell as if it's looking for someone.

Y/n: (thought) Oh no.

Then Y/n steps away from the window in shock and in fear as Shiki turns to Y/n as he asked.

Shiki: What's wrong?

Y/n realise something as he dashes back up the stares and swing open Rebecca and Happy's door only to see no-one there.

Y/n: (thought) No No No nononononono No!

Y/n rusn down the stares and run up to Shiki as he says to Shiki.

Y/n: Shiki find Rebecca and Happy and get them to our ship as fast as you can. Don't let them capture you or do anything.

Shiki: What about you?

Y/n: I'll be at the ship to get something but I meet you there.

Shiki: OK.

Y/n runs out of the bar including Shiki as the two split up as Y/n runs back to the ship quickly and making sure the empire hasn't find him.

(Short while later)

Y/n arrive at the ship as he enter the ship and rushes to his room and opens the door. He runs over to he bed and get down to his knees as he pulls out his set of jedi clothes as he set it onto the bed.

He then pulls out his lightsaber as he looks at it as he never feel his lightsaber or used it for a very very long time.

Y/n: It has been a while hasn't it?

Y/n stood there in silence as he wounder dose he have a chance to defeat the empire or would he just run. But he doesn't want to abandoned his friends and he suddenly remembered what Shiki told him about friends having their backs.

He may have lost his master because how he was betrayed by the clone troopers he work along side with but Shiki, Rebecca and Happy are his new friends and this time....he won't abandoned them again.

He then put on his jedi clothes that he made as once that he look at himself through the mirror and see it's good.

Y/n: (smile) This feels good to wear after all these years. Now.......

He then grab his brown cloak and puts it on him as he puts a hood over him as he says.

Y/n: Time to face the music.


Granbell robots: All humans are our enemies!

Then the robots start yo beat Shiki up as Castllen has place a virus on them as Saburo has his blaster on Rebecca cheek as his stormtroopers watched the bots beaten Shiki up.

Saburo: (smirk) I bet the jedi took your ship and fly off like many jedi would. I would know because they do that a lot.

Rebecca: Stop this right now!

Tears start to pour down Rebecca's cheeks as she gets flash backs on how Shiki is happy to be around with everyone on granbell after so long.

Rebecca: (tears) This isn't right! How could yous do this to someone you been lived with all these years?! Shiki is your friend in this land, he's everyone's friend. He even says that everyone is his friend!

Saburo: I said shut it or you'll friendships with life ends here.

Rebecca: (tears) This is just (sniff) just so cruel.

Rebecca: (tears) Geing friends gossip beyond being humans or machine!!!

Shiki: Rebecca.

Saburo: I have enough from you! Say goodbye.

Shiki: No Rebecca!

(Them starts)

Rebecca closes her eyes as Saburo was about to pull the trigger until his blaster was pulled out of his hand in surprise.

Everyone turns as a cloak figure grabs Saburo's blaster and stood there. The stormtroopers didn't waste time as they lind up and aim their blasters at him.

Saburo: (smirk) I knew that you will come.....Jedi.

Y/n stares at the situation as he sees the empire stormtroopers and Granbells peoples beaten up Shiki as he throws away the blaster and says in a serious tone.

Y/n: Let my friends go.

Saburo: (smirk) And why do you care?

Y/n: Because like Shiki says......I needed a friend that will watch my back.

Shiki was confused until he know that voice form somewhere. Y/n grab his hood to reveal himself but he stopped as he turns to Rebecca and Happy and says to the three.

Y/n: Shiki, Rebecca, Happy I'm sorry for not telling yous the truth about me. But's time.

Then he throws where his cloak which leaves Shiki and Rebecca shocked as they see it's Y/n as he pulls out his lightsaber and turns it on. The blue saber is revealed as he swings it around before he points his blade at the empire and says.

Y/n: Yes my name is Y/n L/n, a bodyguard to both Rebecca bluegarden and Happy. I am also their friends and I will watch their their backs no matter what it cost because.....I am a jedi!

Rebecca and Shiki shocked as Y/n stood there as Happy woke up and asked.

Happy: Morning Rebecca and shiki....what's happening?

Saburo: (smirk) This will be interesting. Stormtroopers open fire at the jedi!

Red blast shots fired out of their blasters as Y/n blocks them with his lightsaber which Rebecca, Happy and Shiki were shocked as Y/n reflected back at the stormtroopers as they get shot.

Then Y/n dashes over as stormtroopers continues to fire at him while Y/n blocks their shots with his saber. Once closed he slashes their blasters in half before he use force push to sent them flying back.

They crash into walls as some smash through windows as Saburo was surprise. Y/n throw his lightsaber as he cuts the robs off of Rebecca and Happy as they were free as Rebecca turns to Y/n as Y/n catches his lightsaber and turns to Rebecca.

Rebecca: Y/n.

Y/n looks down as he feel ashamed of himself before blaster shots went by himself from behind. He turns and see more stormtroopers rushing out of the corner and firming shots at him.

Y/n blocks the blast shots with his lightsaber as Saburo grabs a blaster from a fallen trooper and aims it at behind Y/n.

Saburo: (smirk) Time to die jedi.

Shiki sees this as he try to get up but the robots were on top of him. Then his hand start to glow as Saburo turns and sees the glow.

Saburo: What the hell is-

Then a blast knocks all the granbell bots including Saburo as Y/n turns and he sees the glow in Shikis hand.

Y/n: (thought) That must be something I felt through the force.

Shiki turns to Castllen as Y/n walks back to Shiki as they were back to back as Y/n was facing a whole army fo stormtroopers while Shiki stares at Castllen and the people of granbell.

Shiki: Ready for this?

Y/n: No matter what, I have your back.

Shiki: Same to here.

Castllen: Do you think yous can have a chance against us?

Shiki: Of course. No matter what I will fight for the tears of my friends and I will make sure I'll be their friends no matter what!

Shiki charges at Castllen as he fights him while Y/n turns to the stormtroopers and charges at them.

(Theme song ends)
(Battle theme stars)

The stormtroopers fired third blasters at Y/n as he blocks them with his lightsaber before he force push them all back as they were sent flying.

Three stormtroopers open fire at Y/n as Y/n blocks them and one of them try to hit him with the back of his blatser but Y/n dodges it and elbows the stormtrooper in the stomach before he use the force to grab a two stormtroopers up into air before he throws them as they crash into a squad of stormtroopers.

Then green blast nearly hits where Y/n is standing as Y/n dodge the shots and looks up to see a tie fighter coming down and fireing shots at Y/n.

Y/n dodges the blast shots as he leaps up and lands his feet onto the wall as he wall runs up and then leaps into the air. The tie fighter was at Y/n's face as Y/n swings his lightsaber before he lands safely onto the ground.

The tie fighter goes up before the left wing was cut off and the tie fighter circles downwards before crashes into the forest followed by a fireing explosion.

Rebecca and Happy were surprised of Y/n's jedi skills as Happy says.

Happy: (surprised) I never know he have those skills.

Rebecca: Same but he's so cool.

Then there was a earthquake as shiki managed to land a punch at Castllen to the ground as the ground formed into a large hole as Rebecca and Happy fell in.

Y/n reach out to the force as they stop falling and they were hovering. They look at Y/n to see him using the force as he lift them out of the whole and set them onto the ground as Y/n takes a breather.

Y/n: You alright?

Hqppy: Aye, we're good but you were awesome.

Rebecca: (smile) Yeah and thank you for saving us.

Y/n: Yeah but I'm sorry for not telling yous that I'm a jedi.

Rebecca places a hand on Y/n's shoulder as Y/n looks at her as Rebecca says.

Rebecca: (smile) Don't worry about it. You can tell us once we get back to the ship.

Y/n: Right.

Then Shiki flys over to them which surprises Y/n but he shakes it off as Shiki asked.

Shiki: Where is your ship again?

Y/n: At North.

Shiki: Right, grab on.

They grab on to Shiki as he and the rest takes off flying as Saburo stands up and see them getting away.

(Battle them ends)

Saburo: Don't let them escape!!!!

Soon they made it back to the ship as they turn and see the granbell robots coming in our way.

Shiki: You guys go and get away as far as possible.

Rebecca: What about you?

Shiki: I hold them off.

Then Shiki sees Michael among the crowd as he looks down for a minute until Y/n grabs Shiki by the back of his shirt as he drag him to the ship while saying.

Y/n: We're not gonna leave you alone here. I refuse that.

Shiki looks at Y/n as Y/n turns to Y/n as he have a small smile on his face as they enter the ship. Once the doors closed Rebecca hops into the pilot seat and stars off the engines.

Their ship open up it's wings and take soft into the sky as stormtroopers arrive and open fire at the ship but it managed to escape as Saburo see them escape and cries out.

Saburo: (anger) DAMN YOU JEDI SCUM!

male stormtrooper: Maybe we shouldn't have captured the jeids girlfriend?

Saburo kicks the stormtroopers between the legs as the stormtrooper fell onto the ground grabing his balls as Saburo storms off.


We see the four in the ship as they take to the stars. Shiki was amazed to see space as he never been to space for ever. Y/n was sitting on the couch as he check his lightsaber as Rebecca walks over to Y/n and says.

Rebecca: Looks like we got away safely.

Y/n: At least that's good.

There was a moment of silence as Happy and Shiki sat across to Rebecca and Y/n as Rebecca finally asked.

Rebecca: Who where they and why were they going after you?

Happy: Yeah and what dose Jedi mean?

Y/n was silent as he knows he must tell them so he tells them the truth.

Y/n: I'm not from your galaxy and their not also. I'm from a galaxy were their is a government known as the Republic. The Republic controls our galaxy and makes sure peace and order is standing. The jedi are peace protecers as they go to planets and stop anything that threaten the galaxy. However.......we seem to fail when the Clone wars began.

Happy: The Clone wars?

Y/n: The Clone wars is a blooded war were Jedi was involved as we lead the clone trooper in battle against the Separatist. The clones were copes of the famous bounty hunter and jedi killer known as Jango Fett and the Separatist use droids or machines as their army.

Shiki: That must be terrible.

Y/n: It was. Many clones and jedi have lost their lives during this bloody war. My master named Zen Kon was like a father figure to me and guide me to be a better jedi. We were close until.........

Y/n was silent as he doesn't want to continue but he wants to let it out as he says.

Y/n: Near the end of the war we were sent to a planet known the unknown region which is near your galaxy to stop a Separatist attempt to make a massive army within your galaxy. We succeed in our mission but then......the clones turned on us.

Shiki, Happy and Rebecca were shocked by this as Y/n places his hand onto his head as he goes on to say.

Y/n: My master sacrifice his own life so I can escape to the unknown region as he may have died by his own clones. You see.....that's why I didn't tell yous about my past otherwise they will find yous and torment yous for information about me. But I failed and now yous are gonna be in the ends of the empire because of me.

Y/n feels ashamed to himself as he failed to prevented to keep this secret and now the empire is gonna hurt then because of him.

Shiki: Don't blame yourself.

Y/n looks up at Shiki as Shiki says.

Shiki: I may not know what happened to you galaxy but those clones would never betray you or your master like that. If I learn on thing, friends never betray friends.

Happy: Aye and you have been helping me and Rebecca for months and you shown to be a great bodyguard. Now your told us your a jedi this is gonna be more cooler.

Rebecca places a hand on Y/n's shoulder as Y/n turns to her as she says.

Rebecca: (smile) I never know what jedis are but I do know you saved us and id jedis do that then the empire is the evil once. I'm really sorry for what you been through when you were young but your now with us and we be without no matter what.

Y/n wa surprised by their worlds as they will stick around Y/n no matter what. Y/n smiles at them as he says to them.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you.....thank you so much.

Shiki: (smile) No problem, that's what friends are for.

Shiki reach out a hand to him as he smiles. Y/n smiles back and grabs Shikis hand and they shake on it.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right.


At granbell a fleet of star destroyers are hovering by as we see Saburo and his stormtroopers helping their men up when Saburo hears someone asking.

???: Report.

Fear struck Saburo as he turns and see the Inquisitor along with two purge troopers with electric staffs as the inquisitor walks over to Saburo.

Saburo: (scared) Oh um well you see the jedi have managed to escape but we have identified three of his friends as they escape.

The inquisitor walks pass Saburo as he looks down at Castllen as he is laying on the ground as the inquisitor says.

???: Right. Get all troops back to the star destroyer Lieutenant. I will join yous soon.

Saburo: (scared) Y-Y-Yes of course sir.

Saburo runs off as inquisitor turns to Castllen and says.

???: You failed to capture the jedi. You the your droids are nothing more but useless trashes.

Castllen: You may say that......but your empire will end.

???: Why is that?

Castllen: shiki......Will one day change this universe and soon.....he'll defeat you and your empire once and for all. The empire will end.

The inquisitor was silnce as Castllen smirks a little before the inquisitor active his red lightsaber and then he raised it into the air and then stab it into Castllen chest as he goaned a bit.

The robots in granbell starts to shut off as they fell onto the ground as they all start to shut off. Then the inquisitor pulls out his lightsaber as Castllen looks at him one last time before he shuts off. The inquisitor turns to walk off as he says to the offline Castllen.

???: No. The empire will be strong and defeat this new threat. Once the jedi along with his friends are dealt with.....this galaxy will ruled by the galactic empire.

To be continued..........

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