Chapter 8: Battle of South Island (Arc 3)

The streets of South Island were filled with Separatist droids marching through the street looking for any survivors. Bodies or clone troopers along with destroyed vehicles are seen as they march by while smokes are seen coming out from different areas of the city along with blaster fire from both sides are heard.

Then a gunship flies by over the city heading to the Republic base to give them special back up on this mission. This Gunship is seem to be different to the rest of the gunships which is blue with the front of it has a spray paint of a shark to strike fear to Separatist forces.

Soon after the gunship arrives at the Republic base and lands at the landing pad with the President and Zack there to greet them and thank them for their arrival.

The President: I hope these clones will be best to contact with.

Zack: Never worry President. Their he best Arc troopers ever within the Republic.

The gunships doors open and blue Arc clone troopers step out of the gunship along with their leader Captain Fordo stepping out and walking up to Zack and the President and give them a salute.

Fordo: You called sir?

Zack: (smile) Nice to meet you Captain Fordo. How is things with you and your team?

Fordo: Took down a Separatist factory sir. Wasn't that difficult.

Zack: (smil) That's good. This is the President of South Island.

The President: Yes hello there.

Fordo nods to him and then the trio make their way through while Y/n and the rest looks over to see Fordo walking with them and discussing about the situation that is going on.

Sonic: So that's Captain Fordo huh. He looks good but why is he viewed as the best Arc trooper around.

Tails: What even is Arc troopers?

Brains: It stood for "Advanced Recon Commandos." They are kinda like us but they go out into large scale battles then us and shown to be more clever to make plans in battle.

Rusher: In other words, their like us but a little bit better.

Cleaner: Captain Fordo is famous within the Republic. I heard he saved a group of Jedi from a jedi killer and survived.

Y/n: Fordo and his squad survived many battles during the war so it be interesting to be working along side him on this mission.

Sally: Well just be careful while your away okay. Don't want you to be missing again.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry, it may happen once but twice that will be less possible.

Sally: (giggle) Guess your right on that one.

Then Tails got a message from his datapad and looks at it and tells everyone.

Tails: Looks like Zack is calling all of us to the meeting. Seems like there is some news.

Y/n: Well let's head there and see what it might be.


We see them within a crowd of clone troopers and South Island's commanders and staff. Fordo, Zack and The President were standing on stage and once everyone is here and seated, Zack starts off by telling them the news.

Zack: Alright. Today I have news that may be difficult for this battle and it's about the new leader that is taking in charge of the Separatist attack. His name is General Grievous.

The clones were shocked by this including Noble Squad. But Zack lower his arm down to calm everyone and once that he gose on to say.

Zack: Knowing how desperate Grievous might be, we should speed up our defences and start out mission to get that chaos Emerald. Luckily we have a plan to take down the Separatist fleet. President.

The President nods and step forward and tells everyone while a hologram of a cannon is shown behind him as he wave his arm to it.

The President: This is the "Chaos cannon." This is use in case this city is under attack and all of our options has failed. The plan is we bring the Chaos Emerald to the cannon, plug it in and the cannon will wipe out the Separatist fleet, forcing the Separatist troops to fall back. We kept the Emerald within our bunker but we couldn't have a chance and now the Separatist are there and looking for it. Which is why Noble Squad will team up with Fordo's squad to get that Emerald. Fordo.

Fordo step forward and a hologram of the bunker with droids are shown at the front gate as Fordo Goss on with the plan.

Fordo: Separatist forces maybe guardian at the entrance and it be impossible for us to break through. We sent in scout droids and we found a hole on the floor and according to the data we received, this hole can lead us to the Bunker. Here is the plan, some of my squad will stay and guard while the other half, myself and Noble Squad will rope down to the hole and make our way to the Bunker which might lead us near the Chaos Emerald. Once that we go back the same way we come in, grab a gunship and get out of there as soon as we can. Any questions?

Everyone was silent but Sonic rais up his hand and asked.

Sonic: (smirk) You sure you don't want to bring one of the fastest hedgehog around. I can just dash over and grab the Emerald.

Fordo: I afraid that will not work. Separatist forces place down mines that can detect any sign of motion, even in fast speed.

Sonic: That blows.

Zack: We can't risk launching an attack at the Bunker, which is why we need to do this stealth and get the Emerald before it is too late. Now if everyone understood, let's move out.

Everyone leaves and once that Noble Squad gets their gears ready to head out to go with Fordo and his squad.

Cleaner: This is gonna be the best mission ever.

Brains: Why this is a stealth mission?

Cleaner: I know but the end will be interesting. We all now the plan will not go through, something will happen to change it.

Brains: I'm starting to think you might be right on this.

Rusher: Still even if the plan changes or not, at least we can show those Separatist scum a lesson or two.

Y/n: Agree. Let's get our gear ready and meet up Fordo and the rest.

They agree and they head into the weapons room to get their gear and weapons ready. Y/n was the first to come out and waiting for him was Sara which surprised Y/n a bit.

Y/n: (surprised) Oh hey Sara, didn't know you were here.

Sara: (smile) Just wanna come ans say good luck on your mission and be safe.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks but don't worry. We be back, that's a promise.

Sara: (smile) Yeah.

Y/n: Say where is Team Dark? Haven't seen them around the base.

Sara: I think G.U.N order them to return back to base.

Y/n: What for?

Sara: No idea, you know them, they are very mysterious when it comes to orders.

Y/n: (smirk) I can relate.

Sara: but seriously good luck and try not to get yourself killed out there.

Y/n: (smile) Never worry. We be fine.

Soon the rest of his squad came out and once they were ready, they head out whioe Sara watch them leaves and hopes they will be alright, including Y/n as well.


The gunship flies through the forest managed to block the Separatist radar so they won't detect them. After a while they arrive and the pilot makes its landing and once the pilot lands the hatch opens the Fordo and his squad came out of the gunship along with Noble Squad as they search around to see no Separatist troops ready to ambush them.

Y/n: Looks like it's clear.

Fordo: Maybe. Push on.

Fordo walks off while Y/n signals Noble Squad to follow them as they make through the woods looking for this hole that Fordo said. They move quietly through the woods with Fordo only stopping to throw away any sticks so if the sticks make a sound, it will alart the droids and their cover will be blown.

Noble Squad scans the area in their HUD and detect no droids or even stealth droids waiting to cone to their line of sight and ambush them.

Then their heard something which made Fordo rais his fist to stop them and lower his arm to signal them to duck down whidh they did. In front of them pass the bushes was a squad of Separatist droids along with a Separatist tank driving by. They march pass them and once they were gone Fordo wave his arm and they cross the open road and to the other side.

Cleaner: (whisper) How long do we have to walk until we find this hole?

Brains: (whisper) Not for long.

Rusher: (whisper) You think the Separatist might cover it up?

Y/n: (whisper) Best not to jinx it.

After a while walking through the forest they break to a small open feild and stood in the middle was a hole that is fit for them to go down. Fordo walks over to the hole and pulls out a data pad and scans the hole. After a while he puts away the datapad and stood up.

Y/n: Is this the hole?

Fordo: Yep. You know the drill, let's do this.

Noble Squad place down ropes while half of Fordo's team stay behind and guard as they rope down to the hole one by one. Soon they were inside a cave and after the last squad made it down, they make their way through the cave as they hear drips of water dripping near them while theye aim their blaster rifles around while slowly making their way through the cave.

Brains: So where should we be looking for?

Fordo: A large metal wall. Find that and that's our bunker.

Rusher: This place is starting to give me the creeps.

Cleaner: What, scared of the dark Rusher?

Rusher: Shut up.

Y/n: Wait!

They stop and they stood there in silence as they look around until Y/n asked.

Y/n: Do you get a feeling that we're being watched.


Suddenly Fordo fire a singal bolt and hits something as it lands hard onto the ground. Fordo walks over and picks up what looked like a Separatist probe droid.

Fordo: Looks like they might know we are here.

Rusher: Those sneaky droids.

Brains: What now?

Y/n: We can't turn back now. We made it this far, time to finish it even if with a bang.

Fordo: Agree. Let's move out everyone.

They keep going and hope they can make it to the Bunker soon and after a while tehy turn a corner and see a metal wall which means they are here. They walk up to the Bunker and Fordo place down a charger to blow up this wall and once that order everyone to find cover.

They did so and once that Fordo pulls on the trigger and the wall blows up follow by red bolts fly by them like the Separatist knew they be coming out from that wall. They return fire as they fire their rifles at them ane shot down a few droids and after a while the Separatist troops were taking out.

They enter the bunker and aimed their weapons around while Fordo looks around and then quickly fire two bolts which hits two battle droids that turn a corner bit were quickly taking out by Fordo.

Y/n: Nice shot.

Fordo: More will come. Find Door four, that's where the Chaos Emerald might be at.

Y/n: Right. Noble Squad let's move out.

Noble Squad moves out while Fordo and his team holds off the Separatist forces as they come down the steps and open fire at them which they return fire while taking cover. We then cut to Noble Squad rushing through the halls looking for door four and after a while they spotted it but two super battle droids were there as they turn and open fire at them which they take cover.

Two battle droids were busy cutting through the door and they were alsmot done of cutting through.

Rusher:  Their almost through!

Cleaner changed his rifle to a cannon as he said while he takes aim.

Cleaner: I got this.

Brains: Cleaner don't! If you fire that cannon, you'll blow up this hall and the roof above us will caved in.

Cleaner: Well any other ideas?

Y/n: Time to use pulse grenades boys.

They agree and Y/n pulls out some and throws then then the super battle droids and they get electrocuted before Noble Squad takes them out with a few blasted shots. Once that the battle droids cut through the door and opens itbut they get stabbed by Y/n and Rusher. Once that was done they look over to see a red Chaos Emerald inside a glass case.

They rush over and Y/n press on the buttons and after that the glass case opens and he grabs the Emerald.

Y/n: Wow this feels weird.

Brains: Agree. It's giving out some enegry. An enegry I've never seen.

Y/n: We have what we need boys, let's pull back.

They agree and Brains was the first to leave but he was kicked by a commando droid and pinned to the ground. Noble Squad aim their blasters at the Commando droid as he taps his blaster to Brains helmet and tells them.

Commando droid: Hand over the Emerald who your brother will die.

They aim their blaster at the Commando droid while the commando droid still aim his blaster at Brains head and said it again.

Commando droid: Hand it over now or he will be kil-

Suddenly a blot bolt hits the Commando droid in the head and fell onto the ground. They look up to see Fordo aiming his blaster pistol and then lower it down and walks over to help Brains up.

Brains: Thanks. Glad your here just in time.

Fordo: I sense you four might be in trouble so i came to see if I was right. Still we have another problem.

Y/n: What is it?

Fordo: The entrance we came in is now blocked. The only way out is to go to the original entrance of the bunker and fight our way out.

Brains: how many floors are there until we get to the surface?

Fordo: This is the third floor so two floors and we be out.

Rusher: Well what are we waiting for, let's get out of here.

Fordo: Agree. Let's move out.

They follow Fordo and they claim the steps and made it to the second floor to see Fordo's team getting pinned by Separatist forces with turrets on the second floor, firing at them as they take cover.

A few of Fordo's team were either injured or killed but tney need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Fordo: We need to get pass those turrets.

Brains: The possibility of us getting shot by those are high. Really high.

Rusher: I think i have an idea. Grab a table and follow me.

They did so and once they grab a table they charge forward while firing at the gunners which they take quickly took them out with ease. Once that they through away the table and fire at the last few droids and once that they make their way up the steps.

They make it to the first floor and burst through the exit but they were quickly surrounded by Separatist forces as they aim their blasters at them while walking towards them.

Then seconds later they were blown up by their gunship as it flies around and soon comes back and make it's landing in front of them. The other half of Fordo's squad came out to cover them while they rush to the Gunship.

Once all of them are inside the pilot shut the door and takes off. Soon it takes off flying as Fordo contacts Zack and a hologram of Zack appear in front of them.

Fordo: Sir we have the Emerald and heading back right now.

Zack: (hologram) That's good but we have our own problem here. The Separatist forces has broken our defences and now the base is under attack.

Y/n: Is everyone alright?

Zack: (hologram) Sally and the rest are trying to hold them off but get here before it is too lat-

Then the call cuts off as Fordo calls to his pilot.

Fordo: Double time Pilot!

The pilot nodes and flies faster back to base and hope Zack will hold off the attack until they get there.


The base is under attack by Separatist forces as their gunships drops off Separatist droids while Clone troopers fire at Separatist droids with Zack and Shark with them as they fight off the Separatist forces.

Sonic is seen homming attack Separatist droids while getting injured troopers to safety while going back and deal with more Separatist droids. He dashes over to Zack and asked him.

Sonic: Just hope they will arrive here on time.

Zack: Hope so too Sonic.

Shark: Sir we need to defend the President's building as much we can.

Zack: Agree. Shark, take some of your troopers and protect the building along with the President and his daughter.

Shark: Sir yes sir!

Shark take a handful of clone troopers and rushes off while Zack deflected the Separatist blaster bolts and soon they were taking out. Then a Separatist shuttle appears out of the smoke and make it's landing in front of Sonic and Zack.

The doors open and magnaguards came out and spread apart while Grievous steps oit of the shuttle and looks at Zack and Sonic.

Grievous: Ah so this is the blue hedgehog that I was told, and here I thought you were some warrior. But I see now your just a fool that is stepping to your doom.

Sonic: (smirk) But ain't afraid to run away either.

Zack: Sonic it's best you go while I'll deal with Grievous.

Sonic: (smirk) Oh come on he doesn't look that hard to defeat.

Grievous: Think again.

Then he arms split apart and he grabs four light savers oitnof his belt and active them are four of them and walks towards them along with his magnaguards.

Sonic: Ooooooohhhhhh that's why.

Zack: Which is way it is best you must go. Grievous is too dangerous for you to fight.

Sonic: (smirk) I faced many dangerous still over the years. Sure Grievous has four light sabers on him, but he ain't as fast as me.

Zack: You sure?

Sonic: (smirk) When was I never been too sure? Let's do it to it!

Zack: Agree. Let's do it to it.

They get into a fighting pose while Grievous chuckles to see their fates while he and his magnaguards walks towards them which Grievous was looking for to face against a Jedi and the fastest hedgehog around.

To be continued..............

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