Chapter 7: Battle of South Island (Arc 2)

South Island is like a massive warzone between the Republic and the Separatist. Three gunships fly over the city with clone troopers as back up but suddenly one of the gunships is taking down by one of the Separatist Anti Arcraft Cannons and soon only one managed to survive and make it's way to one of the Presidents military base.

Once there we see Republic Clone troopers marching on one base to the other while Republic walkers are being parked for the next battle while Zack and Commander Shark are talking to the President about the situation while leaving the planning room.

President: You must get rid the Separatist forces while you can. I have a feeling they will try something to take control of this Island.

Zack: Never worry Mister President. We will drag the Separatist forces away and we will also find your daughter.

Shark: She should be with Noble Squad and they should be here right about now.

Soon a vehicle enter the base and it was Noble Squad, Sonic, Tails, Sally and Amy arrive to the base and once they stop their vehicle they hop out and they noticed Sara or Y/n wasn't with them.

President: Where is my daughter? Did you find her?

Sonic: We have but we were attacked by Separatist forces and gotten split up but Y/n is with her.

President: I hope so.

Brain: Never worry sir, Y/n is one tough clone Commando trooper, I'm sure he'll keep her safe.

President: Right. (Sigh) I need to sit down.

He walks off while Zack step in and ask.

Zack: Where were you before you lost contact with Sara and Y/n?

Rusher: At the other side of the city.

Zack: Hmm that is Separatist territory now. It will be hard for them to try to get out.

Sally: Can we sent in troopers to find them?

Zack: I'm sorry but there is too many Anti Aircraft cannons blocking our way. It be impossible to sent troopers out there to find them.

???: Perhaps we will go a find them.

They turn and three figures walk up to them which surprised Sonic, Tails, Amy and Sally a bit to see that "they" came.


Walking through the forest within the park we see Y/n with his blaster rifle aimed while Sara behind him as the two walk through the woods and trying not to get caught by any Separatist droids.

They hear Separatist fighters fly over them but luckily the trees are coving them from getting spotted but they need to be careful.

Y/n raised his fist and then quickly duck down when a Squad of Separatist droids march in front of them but they haven't spotted them yet and once they were gone they came out of the bushes and continue on walking.

Sara: (whisper) You must be pretty good with all of this "stealth" thing.

Y/n: (whisper) That's what we were trained to do. Get behind enemy lines and do our mission.

Sara: (whisper) Makes sense. So how tough are clone Commandos?

Y/n: (whisper) Well we can clear out a room of supee battle droids within 2 minutes without taking damage.

Sara: (whisper) Oooh I like a type a man with that streigh.

Y/n: (whisper) Huh?

Sara: (little blush) N-Nothing.

Sara heart beats as she looks at Y/n but then there was a large boom which Sara cover her ears. Y/n knows what that was and moves a bit closer and soon he move away the bushes and Sara join in and they see a Separatist Cannon with Separatist droids guarding it as it fires once more this time one of the Republic ships in the sky.

Y/n: This area might be filled with Anti Aircraft cannons. If they continue to fire then more clone will be taking out.

Sara: I thought the plan was to return back to the rest of your squad?

Y/n: Plans sometimes chance Sara, that's what Clone Commando units do in missions. Beside, I think they are not at the hotel anymore, I think they are now at tge Republic territory right about now.

Sara: Really? Why would they abandoned the hotel like you said?

Y/n: Because the Separatist are now going to be pushed back and it be too many Separatist droids for them to deal with so they have no choice.

Sara: Guess that make sense. So what's our now plan now?

Y/n: Those cannons have to go but we can't alart the droids, we need to find a way to distract them.

Sara: Wait I have one.

She then took out her phone which Y/n was confused but Sara rushes off and we see her place down a speaker as far as the woods gose and once that she returns back and press play on her phone.

Soon cries of men came out of the speakers as Droids hear it but don't know where it's coming from.

Battle droid 1: Where is that coming from?

Battle droid 2: I think it's coming from the woods.

Commander Battle droid: Then what are you waiting for, investigate it!

They take the order and move to the woods while the Commander and several of his droid units stay behind. This gives Y/n a chance to throw a detonator at one of the cells of the cannon and it blows up sky high along with the droids near it as the cannon blows up sky high.

Soon the droids that sent return back and were shocked by this while Sara and Y/n retreated back to the forest and Sara picks up her speakers and they leave the area and once that they arrive at the play park which they stop and look back to see they were not followed.

Y/n: Nice thinking Sara. Guess those droids didn't know what hit them.

Sara: (smile) Thanks. No one is not gonna mess with this city.

Y/n: (smile) Same here.

Then they hear more cannons being fired in the distance and Y/n counts them.

Y/n: Looks like there is four more to go? Ready for this Sara?

Sara: (smile) Ready as always.

Y/n: (smile) Good. Let's get to work.


We see the rest of Noble Squad, Sally, Amy, Sonic and Tails taking a break with one of the tents. Sally was worried and hope to see Y/n back safely including Sara while Amy yawns and rest her head on Sonic shoulder which Sonic wants out while Rusher just chuckles a little.

Cleaner: You sure leave the blue light at Separatist territory is safe?

Brains: R2-J8 will keep the ship claoked until either we return for it or the battle is over.

Cleaner: Let's hope he isn't mad leaving him behind.

Rusher: He'll be fine. Hey, Tails can I ask you something?

Tails: Sure what do you want to ask?

Rusher: How are you so good at technology in such a young age. You must have someone trained you how to make stuff.

Tails: (smile) I can see why. Well I just learn it on my own, at the start it was hard but soon I've gone used to it and soon I've gone better with it.

Rusher: Sounds interesting.

Brains: Actually I've been meaning to ask. How did you ans Sonic met?

Sonic: (smile) Oh it's a long story but you see, I arrive at this Island with "my" plane and once there I explore around a bit and when I return, Tails was there fixing up my plane and repaint it.

Tails: (nervous chuckle) Yeah I was....pretty embarrassed but soon we became best friends and gone on a few adventures.

Brains: Well that's a good way how to make friends I think.

Amy: (smile) I met Sonic when he saved me from Metal Sonic. It was like a dream come true.

Rusher: Metal Sonic?

Sonic: He's basically like me but made out of metal, really main and wants to kill me.

Cleaner: So an opposite to you. Got it.

Brains: So are you and Amy.....together like....together together?

Amy: (smile) Yep~!

Sonic: (sigh) No we are not.

Amy: Aww why do you have to be like that.

Rusher: (chuckle) Nice one Brain.

Brains: I was only asking a question.

Sally was silent which they noticed snd Brains asked.

Brains: You okay Sally?

Sally: (sigh) Yeah I apologise for being like this, it's just.....I don't know. I'm just worry for them out there and help they will find them.

Sonic: (smirk) Relax Sal, I'm sure they will find them in no time flat.

Brains: Speaking of them I notice that their leader looks like you but not.

Rusher: Yeah and what's with him saying "He is the ultimate life form." Or something like that.

Sonic: Yeeaahh he says that a lot.

Brains: Well I just hope Y/n and Sara can hold on as long they can out there.

Sally: Agree. (Mutter) Be safe will you Y/n.

Meanwhile we see Zack and Shark at tye planning room Figuring out Plans to counter attack the Separatist forces when a Clone scout trooper enter the tent and tells them.

Clone scout trooper: General I came to report that the Separatist Anti Aircraft cannons at the park are blowing up.

Shark: How is that possible?

Clone scout trooper: No idea but we believe that someone is out there blowing them out.

Zack: It might be Y/n. Contact Team Dark on their location as soon as possible.

Clone scout trooper: Yes sir.

The scout trooper rushes out while Shark turns to Zack and ask.

Shark: You think we can trust them? I really don't like their robot friend they have.

Zack: (smile) Have faith Commander. If they say theyare with us then they are with us.

Shark: What ever you say sir.


An explosion is hard at the park as we see Y/n ans Sara rushing out of the park and once that they catch their breath and turn back to see flames and smoke.

Y/n: Looks like that's the last of them.

Sara: (smile) Yep. Take that you bunch of Clankers!

Y/n chuckles a little while Sara turns to him and also chuckles as well. Even though they are on a mission, she never have this much fun before and she start to get closer towards Y/n and thinks they will get along very well.

Battle droid Commander: Freeze!

They turn and droids start to surround them while aiming their blasters at them along with their tanks which their cannons aimed at them. Sara gets behind Y/n while Y/n aim his blaster rifle at them.

A droid place down a holopad and a hologram of snivley appeared in front of them.

Snively: (hologram) So you must be the Clone Commando that take down our anti Aircraft cannons. I suspect you to be....tough.

Y/n: Well I suspect you to be taller then Eggman.

Snivley: (hologram) That is Dr Rokotnik to you and I'm not short!

Y/n: Sure keep telling yourself that.

Snivley: (hologram) You are one rude clone Commando. Still you maybe tough and smart but you will never stop us and our plan.

Y/n: The Republic will not allow you to take South Island.

Snivley: (hologram) You are a fool. We are not interested with this pathetic Island no more. Our new objective have been set to find a chaos Emerald in this island and once found....we bring this island down from the sky.

Sara was shocked by this while Y/n is both shocked and angered by this as Snivley smirks and tell the droids.

Snivley: (hologram) Kill them.

Then he disappeared and the droids aim their blasters and cannons at them while Y/n was ready for one big fight.

???: Chaos spear!

Suddenly yellow spear like engery hits two Separatist tanks which they blow up before the droids were gunned down from behind while Y/n and Sara ducked down and soon the battle droids were taking out. Then a large Badnik stomps over to them while Y/n stood up and aim his blaster rifle at him.


Y/n lower down his blaster and then a black and red hedgehog suddenly appear beside the badnik and step forward to Y/n and Sara.

Y/n: Thanks for the assist. Thought we were down for.

??? 2: Save the thanks once we get out of here.

Y/n: You sounded nice. Mind we know who you two are before we leave?

Sara: That's Team Dark. Shadow the Hedgehog and Omega.

???: Don't forget about me.

Then a female bat fly down and lands next to Omega.

Rouge: (smirk) Call me Rouge. Rough the bat, nice to meet you Y/n and Sara.

Y/n: Team Dark huh? I heard something about you guys but never see you.

Rouge: We are agents of G.U.N and we were sent here to assist the Republic forces and sent to find you.

Shadow: And now our mission is complete we should return back to base.

Y/n: Alright, besides I got some news that will shock all of you.

Shadow: Okay. Let's move already.

They move out and leave before more droids would arrive to stop them.


They were back at Republic territory and Sally was glad yo see Y/n was alright and the President was glad to see Sara back as well. We now see them at the planning room with the rest as Y/n tells them about what Snivley said which surprised them.

Sonic: (surprised) A chaos Emerald is here?!


Y/n: Indeed. They believe a chaos Emerald is here and once they fund it, they will destroy this city by any means necessary.

Brains: But how can they destroy a large floating island. I don't think their fleet cannons can't be powerful enough to destroy it?

President: (sigh) No but the only weak point is within the Island it self. You see, deep underground is a massive crystal that is powered to keep this island at float. It ain't the master Emerald but it has the power to keep it at float.

Sara: If that's destroy then this whole city will crashed into the surface below.

Shark: Coordinate to intel and help with Nicole, there is a massive amount of ocean below us and if this island lands, it will create a massive wave that will drown all nearby cities and any life.

Zack: The Separatist will do any in their power to win this battle even by means dropping this island to the surface.

Y/n: So what's the plan sir?

Zack: Well......scout teams reported that there is a large amount of Separatist forces just north from the island.

President: That must be were the bunkers are.

Cleaner: Bunkers?

President: They are used in case the island gets attacked. But we didn't have a chance to use them, the Separatist took us by surprise.

Rusher: If that's where the Chaos Emerald is then we must go there and find it.

Shadow: Problem is there will be too many Separatist forces and who knows how powerful they might be.

Zack: Agree, which is why I've contacted a squad of Src troopers to assist us on this mission.

Y/n: Arc troopers sir?

Zack: (smile) Yep. I think you know a Squad callrd Muunilist 10.

Noble squad was shocked to hear that while Sonic and the rest were confused on what it is as Zack continues on by saying.

Zack: He will be arriving very soon. For now it's best you all get some rest while waiting.

They agree and they leave the tent. Sally wants to speak with Y/n in private while the rest walks off with Sonic ask.

Sonic: So what is Muunilist 10?

Brains: They are one of the best of Arc trooper squad ever and their leader is a legend to us clones.

Rusher: He and his squad were pinned by snipers but they were calm and took them out with only two clones killed.

Cleaner: He and his squad even save a group of jedi from a jedi killer and show true bravery as he saved them and he was honored one of the rarest metals within the Republic and he refused it, instead wants to give the metal for two Clone trooper within his squad who fall in battle.

Amy: (surprised) Wow what's his name?

Brains: Arc 77 but clones calll him, Captain Fordo.

Sonic: (smirk) He sounds cool. Can't wait to meet him when he comes.

Brains: (smile) Same and Y/n is a fan of him and his work so the two will get along very well once he arrives.

Meanwhile we see Y/n and Sally walk through the Republic vehicles and Y/n looks at Sally which he said.

Y/n: Sorry if it might took me long to return.

Sally: Oh it's fine. I know it takes a while for you to return. I'm just glad to see you back.

Y/n: Alright. So what is it do you want to talk about?

Sally: It's nothing really I just wanna ask you something.

Y/n: Sure, ask me away?

Sally: (little blush) After this battle is you mind we hang out. You know just you and me?

Y/n was surprised by this and doesn't know what to say.

Y/n: (surprised) You sure? You are a princess and....Well....

Sally: (giggle) It's fine, I don't mind it. Besides I can tell Sara have a lot of fun with you out there.

Y/n: It was kinda like a mission then fun.

Sally: (smile) Still she have fun right. So, what do you say?

Y/n: Sure. I can hang out with you if you want.

Sally: (smile) Awesome. Can't wait for it.

Y/n smiles a little to see her smile. He never have actually fun before so it might be interesting for him.


Within the Separatist ship we see Snivley enter the bridge when he got news of a new leader taking his place which deeply angered him a bit and asked.

Snivley: (anger) I just gotten word that someone us taking my place in command.

Battle droid 1: Yes sir. He just arrived here not so long ago.

Snivley: And who would that be?

???: I am.

Then a chair turn and Snivley step back in fear to see a mechanical and feared general standing up and glare at Snivley to strike him with fear.

Snivley: (scared) G-General Grievous. I-I'm surprised yo have you at my ship.

Grievous: Your ship. This is my ship now.

Snivley: (scared) O-O-Of course, M-My apologies general.

Grievous: Good. Now tell me, why is the main forces far out of Republic territory.

Snivley: W...We're looking for one of the several chaos Emeralds. My orders is yo capture on of them snd bring this island down.

Grievous: You are a fool to believe this such a thing. I want all main troops to attack the main Republic HQ and destroy them!

Snivley: (scared) M-My apologies but those are my orders.

Grievous just glaerat Snivley while he thinks he is done for but Grievous turns away and stare out of the window and says.

Grievous: Very well. Order half of the troops to march towards the Republic territory while the other find this Chaos Emerald that you said.

Snivley: Y-Yes general.

Snivley left the bridge while Grievous was disappointed to see high command hire a small and scared Snivley in charge but they will change soon as he sit down on his chair and looks at South Island and he'll make chances to the battle and crush the Republic and anyone that stand against Grievous way.

To be continued................

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