Chapter 5: Choa to the rescue

We take a veiw of a open field where we see friendly animal life such as rabbits and birds out about and doing what ever animal life dose best. They hear what sounded like something was coming towards them and the animals scattered out of the way when a Republic Gunship flies over head and flies through the field.

We then cut to Norble Squad gathered around with a hologram of Sally appear in front of them as she shows them all a small outpost that the Choa Garden looks like.

Sally: (hologram) This is the Choa Garden. It's a garden that is filled with small creatures known as Choa's. They are very friendly and very peaceful creatures and when your Republic forces came, they offered to upgrade the garden in case of a Separatist or Eggman attack.

Rusher: But you lost contact with the outpost?

Sally: (hologram) That's right. We have no idea what happened or how did this happen. I've contact another of our freedom Fighters to assist us but I figured you four will head there and meet them up.

Brains: Judging how far the outpost is, it might as well gonna attacked by Separatist troops.

Cleaner: But why would they bother to attack a Choa garden?

Sally: (hologram) Knowing of Eggman he might use them to power up his Badniks. We can't allow that to happen.

Y/n: We can investigate this Sally and we will find out what happened to them,

Sally: (hologram) Alright. Good luck Squad ane stay safe. Including you Y/n.

Y/n nods and once the hologram cut off Cleaner asked.

Cleaner: (smirk) She may have a thing with you?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Cleaner: (smirk) I don't know. How Sally seem to have a interest with a Clone Commando.

Y/n: (blush) Come on Cleaner really?

Cleaner: (chuckle) Just messing with you bro.

Clone pilot: (radio) Coming up the outpost now.

The gunship makes its landing at the landing pad near the outpost and once the gunship made a touch down the hatch opens the Noble Squad walks out and aims their blaster rifkes around while the gunship make it's leave.

Noble Squad looks around to see all Republic vehicles were clean and looked to be normal but see no clones around like this place was abandoned for a while.

Brains: Seems like there is no attack here but no clones.

Cleaner: Must be on their break.

Rusher: I don't like this one bit.

Then the door in front of them open and to their surprise three clones walk out of the base and walk towards them like nothing I strong.

Y/n: Yeah same here.

Noble Squad walks towards the three clone troopers with one of them spoke first by saying.

Clone trooper: Hello Commandos, did suspected you'll be here. Is there anything wrong?

Y/n: Your outpost lost contact with the rest of the Republic bases and we wanna know what happened.

Clone trooper: Nothings wrong sir. We have some issues that we are trying to fix.

Noble Squad look at each other and Y/n asked tye Clone.

Y/n: We would like to see the issue.

Clone trooper: There is no reason sir. We'll handle the issue.

Y/n: We assist. Now take us into your base.

Clone troopers: Roger Roger.

Y/n: (smirk) Nice try droid.

Then he and his squad take down the Clone troopers right in the ends and they fell onto the ground. Y/n walks over and pull off the helmet of a Clone trooper to reveal a droid commando droid.

Y/n: Guess that explains why this base was cut from communication.

Brains: Seems like those commando droids might be around I that base.

Y/n: Right. Come one Squad, let's

Suddenly they get tied up all of a sudden and fell to their knees and at first it was a commando droids but they hear a voice behind them saying.

???: Looks like we stop your ppan from entering the base before you harm anymore Clones.

They turn to see Sally's team that she sent to investigate that they walk over to them and look down at them.

Brains: Team Chaotix? What are you doing here?

Vector: (smirk) We were here to investigate this outpost when we saw you four killing three clone troopers and here I thought your royalty was to the Republic but we caught you four red handed.

Y/n: Wait those clones aren't actually clones. Take off their helmets.

Espio dose so and see that these aren't clones but droids.

Vector: (shocked) What the?!

Charmy: Creepy. What are they?

Brains: Commando droids. Unlike the B1 battle droids, these droids are sent on many higher class missions such as infiltration or sabotage.

Vector: So wait, you didn't betray us?

Y/n: Of course not! Now can you please let us go.

They done so and once they were freed they stood up and Noble Squad turn to the Chaotix.

Vector: Sorry about the misshapen gentlemen, we didn't know that those clones was actually...Well not clones.

Y/n: That's alright. I bet the clones in there might as well fallen into that trap.

Then the door from the base swing open and a Squad of commando droids came in and open fire at them.

Y/n: Get to cover!

They find some cover behind the Republic vehicles as red bolts from the commando droids fly by with Brains and Cleaner returning fire. Espio thrbwhos ninja star at them bit it bounce off while the commando droid continues to fire at them.

Espio: It seems that their armor is stronger as we thought.

Rusher: Maybe your ninja stars ain't gonna work. Watch this.

Rusher claims on top of the Republic Tank and fires a shot at the commando droids head and takes them out while the rest of the Commandos take them out also aiming in the heads.

Once that was done they walk over to them and Charmy kicks one of them only to jump around on how hard they are while Vector says.

Vector: If these commando droids are inside the base then that means this might be bad news.

Y/n: Agree. Let's just hope the other clones are alive in there.

Vector: Yeah and Cream and Cheese.

Y/n: Who?

Espio: Cream the rabbit. She is a child ane Cheese is her pet.

Charmy: Before Sally called us, Creams mum actually hired us to head there since she drop her off to visit the chaos.

Vector: But Cream for some reason isn't responding to any calls so she sent us to check up on her. Guess we now know why.

Y/n: I see.

Brains: What ever the commando droids plan is, we have to stop them before it will be too late.

Y/n: Yeah. Noble Squad and Team Chaotix, let's move out.

They walk towards the entrance which the doors open and once through the doors shut behind them.


We see a fee droid Commandos within he control room and typing things trying to get into Republic's system while one commando droid turn to their commander and said.

Commando droid 2: It seems that Republic forces have survived and they are now in the base.

Commando droid 1: We must push them back before they will reach to us. Get all commando droid unit to stop them at once.

Commando droid 2: Roger Roger.

Then peaking over the second floorm we see Cheese who flies back through the vent and travels through the vent unril he arrive out of the vent and mets up with Cream and three other clones. Spike, Slice and their Sargent Hater.

Cream: What do you hear Cheese?

Cheese: Chao Chao Chao Chao.

Cream: (smile) That's great!

Spike: So what dose he say?

Cream: (smile) Cheese said rescue has arrived.

Spike: (smile) Well finally. I thought they would never come.

Slice: Yeah but seems that rescue are finally here.

Hater: Anything else?

Cheese: Chao Chao Chao Chao.

Cream: Cheese said the main robots are gonna try to stop them.

Hater: Like a surprise attack. Great, I hate surprise attackes.

Slice: (smirk) You hate everything Sargent.

Hater: Well I hate you talking over me private.

Slice: Sorry sir.

Cream: This ain't the time to argue. We gonna work together in order to help them.

Cheese: Chao Chao.

Spike: They are right. There have to be something we could do to warn them about a surprise attack.

Hater: Guess so. Alright here is the plan, We head to the security room and active the security defence systems. That way, we can give them covering fire.

Spike: Sounds like a plan. I'm in.

Slice: Same here sir.

Hater looks down at Cream and Cheese and bend down to them and told them.

Hater: I know your maybe scared but we need you to be brave and stick with us alright?

Cream: Yes sir.

Hater: (smirk) Alright. Let's do this.


We see Noble Squad and Team Chaotix slowly walking through the halls of the outpost when they gone pass a open window that veiws the Chao garden but it was completely empty.

Charmy: It's weird there is no Chaos around. It be less spooky.

Rusher: Probably get uses to it kid.

Y/n: So tell us more about these Chaos. What are they?

Vector: Well the chaos have been around ever since thsi planet was born. It's unknown where they came from but some believe they came from Angel Island.

Brains: I heard something about that before.

Espio: Angel Island is a floating island and it is Homed to Knuckles and the Master Emerald.

Brains: Yep that's it.

Cleaner: Why would people believe that's where they came from?

Vector: You may see them as just normal and cute creatures but they actually have chaos engery within them, possibly how they are closed to the Master Emerald and the Seven Chaos Emeralds. Some doesn't know while some knows and can do crazy stuff.

Y/n: Sounds interesting. It's similar to thr force that Jedi and Sith used.

Vector: Neat.

Then Y/n raised his fist which made everyone stop and star at the door that they were about to walk towards.

Y/n: Get to cover!

They did so and just in time just as commando droids surprise attack them and open fire at them. Red bolts fly by them while they return fire and take a few out.

Vector: Looks like those droids doesn't know how to quite.

Y/n: We need to clear them out.

Vector: (smirk) Allow us. Team Chaotix, let's do this.

They charge at them with Charmy gets them first and start to distract them which worked while Espio throw his ninja star that was tired up with a rope as the rope raps onto the commando droids legs and he pulls them that force them fell onto the ground while Vector finished it off with a smash from his fist as he crash them.

Once they were taking out Noble Squad was impressed and walks towards them.

Y/n: (smile) Nice work.

Vector: (smirk) If that impressed you, just you wait we have a full team with us.

Y/n: (smirk) Can't wait for that.

Brains: More Incoming!

They turn to see more coming at their way and they were about to fight them when the turrets behind them active and fires at the commando droids and takes them out.

Vector: (surprised) That was....unsuspected.

Hater: (speakers) You all alright?

Y/n: We're fine Sargent, thanks for the help.

Hater: (speakers) No problem. Meet us at the security room and we can talk.

Y/n: On our way.

(Short while later)

They arrive at the security room and Cream ane Cheese rushes over and hugs Vector and the rest of Team Chaotix just to be glad they are being saved.

While Noble Squad walks up to Hater and Hater give them a Salute.

Y/n: At ease Sargent. What's the situation?

Hater: Well not awhile ago a fee clones arrived in front of the outpost. At first we thought they are here as back up but-

Y/n: They were droid Commandos

Hater: Yep, that's right. They attacked us and killed most of our clones while taking soke to holding cells. We were also gonna join them but Cream and Cheese manage to cost some distraction so we can make our escape.

Cream: (smile) It was the least we can do.

Cheese: (smirk) Chao Chao.

Espio: What about the Chaos? What happened to them?

Hater: See for yourselves.

He points at one of the monitors and they see a droid shuttle with some B1 battle doids as they watch them load in captured Chaos into the shuttle to be transport to somewhere to be used as lab rats or turn them into batteries for their Badniks.

Y/n: How long was this?

Slice: Not so long ago. They came inro the hangers with their shuttle and start loading them up before you all came.

Spike: And it looks like they are about to take them to somewhere to never been seen again.

Cream: We got to help them! We got to.

Cheese: Choa choa.

Y/n: And we will. We need to split up. My squad can enter the hanger bay and rescue the Chao.

Vector: Right and my team will head to the control room and contact Sally to request some back up.

Hater: And my team will head to the holding cell and free pur brothers.

Y/n: Alright.

Cream: I wanna go as well.

Y/n: It's too dangerous to go out there.

Cream: It maybe so but i been through many adventures and been through a lot of difficult situations. Besides, I'm brave and I can do this.

Cheese: Chao Chao Chao!

Hater: (smirk) Man i hate when the kid has guts.

Y/n: Alright. You stick with Team Chaotix but stay close, okay?

Cream: Okay.

Y/n: Alright. Let's move out!


Team Chaotix made it to the control room and Espio peeks around the corner to see two guards at the front door so he turn invisible and takes them out and once that they stand near the door and Vector knocks at the door.

Commando droid: Who is there?

Vector: Break.

Commando Droids: Break who?

Then the door slides open and Vector bites the commando droid and throws it away and calls out to the rest.

Vector: Time to break your all up into tiny pieces!

The community droids were about to grab their blasters but they were taking by an invisible Espio while Vector smash them up as they clear the room.

One manage to grab it's blaster and aims it's blasted at Vector but a bucket was droids onto the commando droids head cost by Cream ans Cheese from above just as Espio takes out the commando droid and soon they clear up the room from any droids and race to the controls.

Vector: This is Vector to Sally, do you copy over?

Sally: (radio) I hear you. Is everything alright over there?

Vector: This base is overrun by Separatist droids. Request some back up.

Sally: (radio) Alright. I have clone troopers to be sent there. Where ie Noble Squad?

Vector: (smirk) Let's just say, they are gonna cancel their flight.


We see a fire fight at the hanger bay with droids open fire at Noble Squad while they found some cover and returning fire at them.

A few were taking out while one B1 battle droid rushes to the shuttle and close the hatch and start to start up the engines and was about to launch.

Brains: It's gonna to escape!

Cleaner: And taking the chaos with them!

Y/n: No in my watch!

Y/n leaps out of cover and and fire at the droids and leaps up ane grabs the legs of the shuttle as it takes off oitbof the hanger while Y/n holds on. He then claim his way to the cockpit and once there he open fires at the two droid pilots and tak ether out while making a large hole that he leaps in ane take control of the shuttle and turns it around and flies back to the hanger.

Noble Squad was about to get out numbered when more clones freed by Hater ane his team came into the hanger bay and open fire at the droids and take them out just as the shuttle returns and lands down gently while they take out the last droids.

Once that Y/n opens the hatch and exit out and turns to them and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like these Chaos ain't going no where.

Soon gunships flies into the hanger bay and clone troopers exit out and secure the hanger bay just as Team Chaotix, Cream and Cheese came out and Cream sees Vanilla which is Creams mum.

Cream: Mum!

Vanilla: (smile) Cream, Cheese you two are okay!

They rush over and they hugged as Vanilla is glad to see Cream and Cheese are safe and sound. Noble Squad sees this while Hater, Slice and Spike walks over and Hater says.

Hater: Man I hate feeling sad to see them hug like that.

Y/n: (smile) You hate everything Sargent.

Hater: (smirk) Guess so.

They smiled while the rest of the clones troopers released the Chaos and they were happy to be freed and they fly over to Noble Squad and they were hugging them and saying Chao whidh Cream said.

Cream: (smile) They were saying thank you for rescuing them and got them home safe.

Y/n: (smile) Well that's our job.

Vector: (smile) Yeah but one heck of a job.

Team Chaotix walks over to them and Vector and Y/n shake hands while Vector said.

Vector: (smile) Thanks for helping us. Couldn't have done it without you and your team.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. Just glad this outpost is now secured.

Espio: Still we must be careful of those Commando droids next time.

Hater: We cwn install a system that can detect any commando droids that might be disgusting as clones.

Vector: That might be a good idea. Talk to Tails, maybe he can help.

Hater: Right. Thanks for the rescue.

Then he walks off to regroup with his clone trooper as they take the chaos back to the chao garden.

Cream: (smile) Come on, let's help them out and maybe play with the chaos.

Cheese: Chao choa.

Vanilla: Don't rush Cream.

They make their way to the Choas while Noble Squad watch them go.

Brains: (smile) They looked like a good family.

Cleaner: (smile) Yeah but so do we.

Rusher: So what's happening now?

Y/n: (smile) We return back to Knothole and get some rest and wait for our next up coming mission.

Vector: Sounds like a good idea. Since our job is order we probably suspect payment from Sally once back home.

Charmy: (smile) Yay payment! Weeeee!

Y/n: (smile) Well glad we work along side you, wish we can meet the rest of your team.

Vector: Well Knuckles is actually apart of us while the other two are Mighty and Ray.

Y/n: Where are they?

Vector: Knuckles is guardian the master Emerald whole Mighty and Ray are off to look for something but we hope they will return on what ever they are looking for.

Charmy: They have been senting letters everyday so we might get word on where they are next.

Espio: Hopefully they will be alright.

Y/n: If you want, we can go and search for them and check up on them.

Vector: No tahnks. They maybe two but they are tought, promise me, you don't want to challenge Mighty to an arm wrestle.

Y/n: (smile) Alright then. Guess we see you when ever we see you.

Vector: (smile) Same here, take care Noble Squad.

And so Noble Squad hops onto the gunship and once that the gunship takes them back to Knothole for a break while we see Metal Sonid watching them fly off.

Once the Gunship was out of site, Metal Sonic active his jet boosters and take flight to report this fail mission back to base and to his master which is Robotnik/Eggman.

To be continued...............

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