Chapter 4: Retake the village
We see the clone troopers of the grand army of the Republic sprinting towards Spiral Hill Village and finding cover as red blaster bolts fly down and take out a few hand full of Clone troopers while the Separatist battle droids have the higher ground and use their turrets and blaster cannons to take out the clones from below.
A few clones found some cover while some were shot by the droids on the hills of Spiral Hill that they turn into a castle like fortress with anti aircraft turret at the far back while a dorm enegry shield surrounding the village to keep Republic forces out.
One Clone trooper was injured and call out for a medic while blaster bolts zips by and he was about to be killed when Sonic speed over and grabs the injured Clone trooper and get him to cover with the rest of the troopers.
Clone trooper: Thanks for that, I own you one.
Sonic: (smirk) Just stay alive okay.
He nods and Sonic dashes over and rush over to Zack who is with Shark as he deflect the blaster shots while Shark fires atbthe droids. The trio hide behind soke cover while blaster bolts fly by them.
Sonic: Looks like they turn it into a fortress.
Shark: Yeah, no way we can't get pass them without getting shot.
Zack try to think of a plan when they look up and see a signal gunship fly over head with Sonic smirk to himself.
Sonic: (smirk) Alright back up has arrived.
But one of the Separatist cannon fired and a blast took down the gunship and it went down and crashed behind the Spiral Hill Village.
Sonic: Or not.
Shark: Noble Squad was in there.
Zack: I'm sure they are alright. A crash like that didn't surely kill them.
Soon after they turn to see two Gunship carriers as they drop down two Republic walkers into the battle field as the two walkers march towards the village while fire it's large cannons at it.
Sonic: (smirk) I gonna say, your military vehicles are a lot more cooler then ours.
Shark: That's teh grand army of the Republic for ya.
Zack: Alright, Sonic tell the troops from west to try to push through their defence and use riot shields to block the blaster bolts.
Sonic: (smirk) Right.
Sonic dashes off while Zack turns to Shark.
Zack: Shark, you are with me. Let's try to push through their defence.
Shark: What about Noble Squad?
Zack: They be fine now let's win this battle Commander, for the Republic!
Shark: For the Republic!
He, Shark and the rest of the clones pull oit of their cover and fire at the droids on the ground and charge towards them to try to push through and finish the fight.
We see the crashed gunship on the ground and behind Spiral Hill Village when the hatdh moves a bit and the it was kicked open by Cleaner and he, Brains, Rusher, Y/n and Tangle came out after that crash and they look around.
Tangle: Man that was rough. Dose this always happen to you four a lot?
Y/n: Yep and this ain't gonna be the last of it.
Brain check to see the clone pilot is still alive but when he check his body and pulse he sees that he is dead.
Brain: Pilot is dead.
Rusher: Great now what?
Cleaner: We're ain't close to the village so we can head there.
Brain: That would be a problem. That village is sounded by a shield dorm so trying to get in would be difficult.
Tangle: (anger) Man how dare they made our village into their base.
Y/n: We can get it back, don't worry. For now we need to find another way in.
Tangle: Oh Oh! I know, we use the sewer tunnel!
Brains: Sewers tunnel?
Tangle: Yeah there is a nearby sewer tunnel that might get us into the village easy. Follow me.
They follow Tangle and after a while they arrive at a large pipe that gose to Spiral Hill Village whidh was perfect. Brains open the sewer cap and shine his light onto the hole and see it's all clear.
Brains: Looks all clear.
Y/n: (smile) Nice work Tangle.
Tangle: (blush) Thanks.
The five of them enter the sewer and Rusher was last as he splash his feet onto the short water and they aim their blaster rifles around while Y/n signals them to move out.
They did so and tehy slowly move through the sewer pipe and try to get into Spiral Hill Village.
Tangle: So dose we have a plan? Because I'm pretty sure we may not have a plan.
Y/n: We were trained as Commandos to work behind enemy lines and have no contact from our jedi Generals. We also are trained to make our own plans when it comes to this.
Tangle: (surprised) Wow so cool, so you do have a plan.
Y/n: Yep, listen up team.
They all stop and Y/n pulls out a holopad and opens up a hologram of Spiral Hill Village which Tangle never seen this kind of technology in her life so this amazed her.
Y/n: Listen up team. Our first objective is to shut down those anti aircraft turrets to clear away for Republic gunships to drop off some more troops. Second objective is to shut down the dorm engery shield so Republic forces can enter the city ans take down the droids. Last objective is to capture their command base and shut off the automation turrets that is holding our brothers and jedi General back.
Tangle: (smile) Awesome plan!
Y/n: Alright, if everyone agrees with the plan we should-
Rusher: Hang on.
Rusher feels like something is there so he turn and fire a signal blue shot that hits something and it fell into the water.
Rusher walks over casual and picks up what looked like a spy bot.
Rusher: Looks like they know we're here.
Brains: And know what we're planning.
Y/n: Let's move it Squad, double timing!
They rush through the sewer tunnel and when they turn back that see something marching towards them and they fully turn around and see Super Battle droids marching towards them and aiming their wrist twin blasters and fire at them
Y/n: Move Move Move!
They return fire while they rush to find the exit. One super battle droid fires a missile from his arm rocket and it travels towards Tangle but Y/n grabs her and use himself as a shield for her to block the blast.
This made Tangle surprised by how tough he is and also blush a little to see that he saved her life. Once that they continue running until they stop to see a dead end but they look up to see their exit but the letter was high up and they need to pull it down so that can claim.
Super Battle droids slowly turn around the corner and open fire at them.
Brains ane Cleaner get some cover and return fire ane take out a few Super Battle droids while Tangle, Rusher and Y/n find some cover as well.
Rusher: we need to get that letter down!
Brains: Don't think none of us ain't tell enough to grab it.
Tangle: Wait I can use my tail to bounce myself up there.
Y/n: Alright Tangle, we're counting on you.
Tangle nods and Noble Squad fire at the super battle droids while Tangle use her tail and she dose a super jump while she reach out her hand to grab the latter and then she grab it.
The weight of it cost the latter to fell down and it slam onto the ground just as Noble Squad was about to get overwhelmed by Supee Battle droids.
Tangle: It's down!
Y/n: Everyone let's get out of here!
One by one they start to claim up the latter and make their way up to the led and soon Tangle was the first to open it and Noble Squad followed her as well and once they were thrown Y/n close the sewer led and trap the super battle droids down there and they take a breather.
Brains: Thought we were done for.
Cleaner: Yeah. Thanks a lot Tangle, you saved us.
Tangle: (smile) It's no problem.
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet while he stood up and look around to see they were in the alleyway. Y/n peeks oit to see battel droids marching through the streets and Y/n looks above to see the dorm engery shield pouring out enegry.
Y/n: Alright let's split up into teams. Brains, Rusher, you two take down the anti aircraft turrets while me and Cleaner shut down that dorm shield.
Tangle: What about me?
Y/n: You did enough to help us. Stay here, we don't want you to get hurt.
Tangle: (smirk) Are you kidding? I faced battle droids, nearly died by a Droideka, nearly died from a crash and escape from super battle droids!
Brains: I have to say she may have a point there.
Instead of getting mad at Tangle he smirks because he too see her point and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright, guess you'll coming with me and Cleaner to shut down the engery dorm but stay with us okay?
Tangle: (smile) On it!
Y/n: We rejoin at the control room. Good luck.
They nod and they head off to Complete their goal.
(Brains and Rushers side)
We see the two slowly walking through the alleyway while trying not to get spotted by any droids until Brains stops Rusher and he peeks around the corner to see the anti aircraft turret and see a few battle droids walking about.
Rusher: Somhow many droids are there?
Brains: four super battle droids, ten stander battle droids, two anti aircraft turret gunners and a commander.
Rusher: You kidding? This is gonna be easy.
Brains: I said four super battle droids so we need to do something about them.
Rusher: Allow me.
Rusher claims onto a building and soon he gets onto the of roof and change is blaster rifle to sniper ane he aims down at the scope ane zooms in onto four super battle droids ane he scans around and see high explosion canisters near the super battle droids.
Rusher lick his lips underneath his helmet and fires a signal blaster shot and it hits the canister and it blows up taking four super battle droids away.
Battle droid: (shocked) What the-
Then Brains came out and fire a fee rounds of his blaster rifle at the battle droids and took some out. Some was about to fire back but Rusher snipes them from above ane take out a few battle droids and gunners.
Once that was clear Brains walks over to the turrets and place chargers onto it ane set it up. Once that Brains gives Rusher the all clear while he gets to cover.
Rusher nods and pulls out a trigger and he pressed it and the turret blows up sky high with smoke filling the sky's.
Rusher: Anti aircraft turret is down. How is the dorm shield in yoru end?
Y/n: (radio) Approaching ut now.
(Tangle, Y/n and Cleaner's side)
We see the four peeking out of the corner and see the energy shield generator but they also see a few battle droids, spider droids, swat bots and one tactical droid within the control station and behind the command station was the enegry shield generator.
Tangle: (whisper) Boy looks highly defended.
Cleaner: (whisper) Yeah. So I don't think stealth is not an option.
Y/n: (whisper) There is but I think it's time for some gire works.
Cleaner: (whisper) Thought you never ask bro.
Cleaner change his blaster rifle to a grenade launcher and he aim his distance and fire two grenades that once on impact at the two spider droids it bpow super ane surprised the droids.
Then another fre explosions from Cleaner rain down at them ane blow them away. Smoke fills the air so Tangle ane Y/n rush into the smoke and Y/n fire his blaster rifle while Tangle throws them away with her tail.
The tactical droid was confused on what's going on but he felt someone grabbing his neck from behind which was Y/n who pulls the tactical droids head off and destroy it. The body fell onto the ground while Y/n throws the head away and once the smoke was clear all the droids were taking out.
Cleaner: Now that's I like to call a fireworks.
Cleaner casually walks over with Tangle give him a thumps up follow by her saying.
Tangle: (smile) Heck yeah it was!
Y/n: (smirk) Well thsi ain't the end of it. Let's place some explosions around this generator and watch a big one.
Cleaner: (smirk) Epic.
They place explosions around the generator and once that they move back and Y/n press the trigger and the generator blows up and the dorm energy shield shuts off giving the Republic forces from the ground a chance and they charge up the hill lead by Zack, Sonic and Shark as they claim up the hill.
Tangle: (smile) Alright! Take that yo stupid droids!
Y/n: (smile) Nice job team, let's regroup at the control room and let's finish this.
They nod and they regroup with the rest or the squad to take control of the control room and end this for good.
We se Brains and Rusher already there with Y/n, Tangle and Cleaner rush up to them with Rusher said.
Rusher: You three are late.
Tangle: (smirk) At least we were close to see the fireworks.
Rusher: (smirk) Far point.
Y/n: What's the situation Brains?
Brains: According to this there should be a commander officer within this room.
Y/n: Copy, prepare to breach Squad.
They stand the left side of the door with Cleaner place down a charge and once down her move out of the way.
Cleaner: Clear!
Y/n pulls out the trigger and was about to pull it but he looked at Tangle and hand it to her while he said.
Y/n: Wanna do the honours?
She was surprised by this and blushes a little whidh she accepts and once that she pulls the trigger and the door blow open follow by Cleaner tossed on two pulse grenades and shut down the droids within.
Y/n: Move Move!
They enter the room and they take out the battle droids and the two commando droids that is guarding the commander and once the room his cleared they walked over to it and Spon the chair around.
They see Jessica but it was a hologram of her meaning she isn't here.
Jessica: (hologram) I may say you were close but not close enough.
Y/n: Who are you?
Jessica: (hologram) That's right, this is the first time we met have we? Very all then, my name is Jessica and I am the commander of the Separatist Alliance.
Rusher: No need to explain your rank.
Jessica: (hologram) Shut it! Your the cline Commando's that first came to this planet ane thanks to you four, the Republic has arrived.
Y/n: You sounded like we're the bad guys.
Jessica: (hologram) That's because you are. The Republic has been corrupt for years and it even corruption my father who is the senator of Kowak. I join the Separatist to show my father how corrupt the Republic has and join me yo fight against it.
Tangle: And you believing inslaving my village will make it better?!
Jessica: (hologram) It is a cost that the Separatist must make. This is the end out our chat but I hope you all will make it out of live. See ya.
Then the hologram disappeared and they hear beeps around the base and Y/n realised this room is about to blow.
They all rush out and once out the command room was blown up that cost them to fell onto the ground because of the shock blast.
They turn to see in flames while they stood up just as two clone troopers rush over to them and once there one of them asked.
Clone trooper: Are you five alright?
Y/n: We're fine trooper, thanks. What's the situation?
Clone trooper: The Battle droids have been defeted. The Republic has taking back Spiral Hill Village.
Tangle: (smile) Awesome! Thank you so much!
Y/n: (smile) No problem Tangle. That is our job.
Tangle smile with a little blush while gun ships fly over them and they head to the middle of the village and see many mobian citizens of Spiral Hill Village returning and they cheered to see I return back to the way it was.
Jewel: Tangle!
Then Jewel tackle Tangle to the ground and she hugs her to see Tangle alright and Tangke hugs her back also glad as well. Noble Squad smiles while Zack and Sonid walks over to them and they turn to them.
Sonic: (smirk) Nice Work, never know you'll survive in that crash.
Y/n: (smirk) Hey no one can't beat down a Clone Commando Squad like that.
Sonic: (smile) Heck yeah.
Zack: Thanks for your actions, we have managed to take back Spiral Hill village but this is the start of it. There is a lot of village, towns and cities to retakein order to have a chance against Robotnik and his forces.
Y/n: What ever it is sir, we can do it.
Zack smiles with a nod and then Shark walks over to them and said.
Shark: I heat to break the mood but we have a problem.
Zack: What is it commander?
Shark: I've received a transmission from Sally that she has lost contact her Freedom Fighter soldiers at the Chao garden, she believes the Separatist or Robotnik have something to do with this.
Brains: What's this "Chao Garden"?
Sonic: It's a garden where the chaos hang out. When the war began Sally sent in a group of Freedom Fighters to protect it bit it looks like they need some help. Never worry, I'll head there and check it out.
Zack: I'm sorry but we needed you here in case the Separatist sent in troops to attack Spiral Hill Village.
Sonic: Really? That sucks.
Y/n: Let us take up the job. We can investigate on what happened to them.
Zack: Alright. I'll contact you four a gunship and you four will head there. Good luck Commando's.
They give their general a salute before they walk off tomeet up with their gunship. The gunship lands in front of them and they start to hop on and Y/n was about to hop on when Tangle ane Jewel rush over to them.
Jewel: Wait! The clones told me what you did in the cave and wanna say thank you all for saving mine and the rrst of citizens of Spiral Hill Village.
Y/n: (smile) No problem, that's what clone commandos do to protect the citizens from the Separatist.
Tangle: (smile) Yeah you guys are really cool, maybe some day you come and visit if your not busy.
Y/n: (smile) Sure we be happy to visit some day. Take care you two and see you both next time.
Tangle and Jewel waved goodbye for them while Y/n hops onto the gunship and the gunship started to go up into the air and then it took off.
Tangle: (smile) Man they are a cool, including Y/n.
Jewel: (smile) Indeed, maybe we can see them next time.
Tangle: (smile) Yeah. Hey let's help out the rest rebuilding this village and have a huge party.
Jewel: (smile) Right.
They head off to help everyone else to repair their village and once that they will have a party to thank the Republic to save their village and the citizens of Spiral Hill Village.
To be continued............
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