Chapter 30: Infiltration of Robotroplis (Arc 3)
At the security room Javier, Sally, Sonic and Tangle were on their knees when the entire room begins to shake and once the shaking immediately stop they stood up and wonder what was that.
Tangle: Okay that was something.
Sonic: What in the world was that?
Sally: Not sure. Nicole?
Nicole: (datapad) You may not believe this but it appears the whole entire city just became a space station.
Tangle: (surprised) Say what now!? You mean this whole city just transformed into a space station?! For what?
Nicole (Datapad) Correct.
Javier: What is Robotnik planning.
Sonic: Whatever plan he may have it can't be good.
Then the doors od the security room open and droids appear at the other side. Before they can fire Javier force pushes the droids back and immediately shut the door and lock it.
Javier: There are too many droids at the other side. We need to get out of here and regroup with Noble Squad.
Tangle: But how? We're trapped.
Sally: Look there's a vent.
They see a vent and once Javier opens the vent they begin to crawl through the vent. They crawl through the vent with Javier leading while Sally, Tangle and Sonic are behind as they continue crawling through the vent.
Sonic: So what do you guys think Eggman is doing?
Sally: There are a lot of possibilities of what his plans maybe. I just hope we can stop him before it is too late.
Tangle: Yeah. I mean having a gaint space station sounds cool but if it is run by a mad man? Yeah I might not take it.
Javier: Just hope Noble Squad is alright.
Molly: (radio) This is Molly to anyone. Does anyone copy?
Sonic: Is that Molly?
Sally: Yes this is Sally, what's going on out there?
Molly: (radio) Well I'm looking at a gaint space station floating around earth. It took out two Republic ships.
Sonic: That's not good.
Sally: Keep your distance. We'll contact you whenever we need pick up.
Molly: (radio) Copy that.
After a while of cracking they come across another vent which Javier opens and they leap down into a unknown room.
They look around and the room seems dark but Javier active his light saber ans shines around. Immediately he got jumped by a face which made him to jump back however the face didn't move.
He gets closer and sees that the person is within a carbonite. Javier looks around and realised there is a like of Mobians frozen in carbonite and soon the rest noticed.
Tangle: Well that's surely not creepy.
Sonic: What is all of this?
Javier: Looks like Eggman has been keeping some important Mobians here.
Tangle: Yeah he's right. Isn't that guy a city council? And that guy a President of another country? These must be leaders that Robotnik kept as trophies.
Javier: All thanks to the Separatist. We need to get out od here before we are spotted. Wait....where is Sally?
Sally: Guys.
They turn and found Sally looking at something so they walked over and Sonic and Tangle are shocked when they see two Carbonite that looked familiar.
Javier: Who are they?
Sally: (shocked) My parents.
Sonic: (shocked) No way! They have been here this whole time!
Tangle: (shocked) Yeah. Well let's free them then.
Javier: Don't! Trying to release them might be dangerous if not do this properly. We need to take them to the Republic in order to free them.
Sally: He's right. Sonic, Tangle grab them and let's-
Suddenly green smoke begins to pour into the room. At first it seems harmless however Tangle feels tired ans dizzy and soon collapses onto the floor.
Javier: Knock out gas!
Sonic collapses on one knee and try to run but he too falls unconscious as well as Sally. Javier hold his breath and then the doors open and commando droids enter and begin to stun him.
He block the shots and force pushes them back. Suddenly a sharp object jabbed Javier in the neck and he immediately turn around to see Jessica while wearing a gas mask and a syringe on her hand. Soon Javier feels like the room is spinning but he stood his ground which impress Jessica.
Jessica: Impressive. Your hard to go to sleep.
She took out a electrostaff and the two have a short dual. Javier tried his best to hold his ground but the drug along with the gas begins to weaken his body and making him tired.
Jessica knocks his saber away and then zaps Javier with her staff and then he couldn't stood anymore and falls onto thr ground. He stares up at the ceiling as two commando droids and Jessica walks over to him and Jessica order them something before he slowly falls unconscious as everything around him goes dark.
We see Noble Squad taking out the last battle droids and once clear they poke their hears out and sees that the hallways were different.
Brains: I'm starting to think we may get lost.
Y/n: Sally this is Y/n we need to regroup. What is your location?
There was no response which begins to worry Y/n a bit.
Cleaner: Sounds like they are in trouble.
Rusher: So what's the plan?
Y/n turn to Eric who is picking up a droid blaster as Y/n walks up to him.
Y/n: Your good with blasters right?
Eric: Yeah I am.
Y/n: Good because we're gonna save our friends. Noble Squad get ready because this is going to be one hell of a fight.
They node and get theie gears and blasters check while Y/h turn to the other prisoner some were injured so he tells his team.
Y/n: Cleaner, Rusher take the prisoners to a nearby hanger and have Molly to pick them up. Shut down the tractor beams and cannons. The rest of us will rescue Sally, Sonic, Tangle and Javier. If we're not in the hanger within a hour, leave us.
Cleaner: You know we won't do that.
Y/n: That's a order. Eric, Brains let's go.
The trio leave the room and head off while Rusher and Cleanee lead the prisoner to the hanger. We cut to Y/n, Eric and Brains running through the hallway and just then Brains have a singal.
Brains: Looks like we got Sally's singal. This might be a trap.
Y/n: If it is we'll take it.
Eric: This can't be good.
Y/n: Nothing about this isn't good.
Before they can turn a corner bolts fly by which they take cover as droids were blocking their way. Y/n and Brains roll out of cover and return fire at the battle droids and soon Eric joins in as he begins to shoot them.
They shoot at the battle droids for sometime and soon they took them out. They continue to run down the hallway and taking out any droids they come across. They keep going until they arrive at where the singal is coming from.
Y/n opens the door and slowly walk inside. They look around as they step into the room only for the doors behind them close and there was a laugh.
The lights immediately came on and they quickly turn and see an army of clones of Eric wearing clone trooper base armor but looked like the B1 battle droids as they aim their weapons at them.
Robotnik stood in the middle in front of his clones as he had a sinister smirk.
Robotnik: (smirk) So your Noble Squad. Clone Commandos of the Republic, must be a honour.
Y/n: In the name of the galactic Senate and the Republic! You are under arrest for crimes against this planet and to the Republic!
Robotnik: (smirk) Hoho! You clones are always loyal to your government. It is sad.
Eric: I'm not.
Robotnik: (smirk) No but rather.....a lab rat. I have to thank you for giving me your DNA to create a clone army for the Separatist.
Eric: (anger) You will pay for what you did to me!
Then Eric begins to fire at Robotnik but it gets blocked by a shield. They realised there is a energy shield blocking them as Robotnik tells them.
Robotnik: (smirk) I suggest you three surrender and lay down your blasters.
Y/n: Or what?
Then Robotnik and his clone army step aside revealing Sonic, Sally, Tangle and Javier each within tubs and standing under a roboticizer as Robotnik explain.
Robotnik: (smirk) If not then all four will be turned into my new robot slaves. we have a deal?
They couldn't do anything to save them so with no choice they drop their blasters which pleased Robotnik.
Y/n: What are you planning to do with this space station?
Robotnik: (smirk) I'm glad you ask. This space station is build to house millions of factories that are making new battle droids and cloning machines to clone Separatist clones! My plan is to use this army to aid the Separatist army by taking over other planets and then I will use my new found power to take over the Separatist alliance for good! I'll overthrow Dooku and be the true leader of my new empire!
Y/n: So your planning to betray Dooku so you be be leader?
Brains: You don't know what Dooku is capable of.
Robotnik: (smirk) Hahaha! Dooku is just a simple fool. He maybe a sith but I now have the army to overthrow him and take over the galaxy! Once I defeated the Republic, all the planets will bow down to their Emperor of the galaxy. Those who tried to stop me will be crush by my might! This is the beginning of my empire!
He begins to laugh all awhile Javier begins to wake up and noticed the situation. He quickly look around and sees the Roboticizer above him so he focus.
He use the force to move the roboticizer as it begins to shake and soon slowly falls apart. Robotnik was laughing when he noticed the noise.
Robotnik: What is that?
He turn and immediately move as Javier throws the Roboticizer at him and the clones. He dodges but the clones get crush but suddenly the Roboticizer begins to malfunction and then there was a burst of electricity that zaps Robotnik or anyone back and they hit the ground.
Y/n, Brains and Eric get up and rush over and free the rest which they soon begins to wake up.
Y/n: You okay Sally?
Sally: Yeah I'm okay. Thanks.
Y/n: Let's get out of here.
Sally: Not yet. There is something else we need to get. Y/n your with me.
Y/n: Right. Brains take them to the hanger.
Brains: Right. Be safe brother.
He nodes and he and Sally go while Brains take the rest to the hanger while Robotnik slowly gets up and is now mad as he get into coms.
Robotnik: All droids! I want the intruders dead on site! No one leaves this station alive!
To be continued...................................................
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