Chapter 28: Infiltration of Robotroplis (Arc 1)
We found Noble Squad, Tails, Sonic, Sally, Shark and Zack gathered around the medical table where a clone body is being held as Tails did some scans to the mysterious clone, making sure it is indeed a clone but after a while Tails read through the scanner and then said.
Tails: Yep. This is a clone alright.
Shark: That's impossible. How can the Separatist created clones from a different DNA.
Y/n: Have we gotten any whose DNA it is?
Tails: I may have to look through the Republic citizens files for a much. This may take a while.
Zack: Understood. Commander Shark will give you what you needed.
Shark: Will do sir.
Shark and Tails leave the room and once they are gone Sonic said.
Sonic: If Robotnik is making a clone army for the Separatist then we need to stop him and end his cloning work.
Sally: But where could be making these clones?
Y/n: Where is but the capital of his empire. General, permission for me and my Squad to sneak inside Robotroplis and shut it down.
Zack: I'm not too sure. That place is still highly defended.
Y/n: Sir if they are making a clone army then this would cost a massive threat to the Republic. We can't allow the Separatist to have a clone army of their own.
Brains: Y/n is right sir. Its too much of a risk.
Zack: Very well then. You have my permission. Your objective is to sneak inside Robotroplis and stop their cloning.
Y/n: On it sir.
Javier: Can I tag along?
They turn to see Javier as he over heard their talk as he walk over to them. Zack and Y/n look at each other and then Zack turns to Javier and tells him.
Zack: Okay but be carful okay, follow what Y/n tells you okay?
Javier: Of course master.
Sonic: (smirk) Heck, I'm not gonna miss the opera of trashing Robotniks stuff so count me in!
Sally: (smile) Me and Nicole will come along. Nicole still had the map of Robotroplis so we can sneak by without sounding the alarm.
Zack: Okay then. My the force be with you all.
Noble Squad saluted to their general as Zack soon leaves the room as the rest get ready for their mission.
(Hours later)
It was Midnight as we see Molly piloting the Blue Light towards Robotroplis as we see everyone inside getting ready for this mission.
Sally: Okay everyone listen up. The last time we been there was a mess so we need to be extremely carful. As long you stick with me, we won't get lost or get jumped, sound good?
Sonic: (smirk) Sounds good to me.
We see Javier meditation as he can scene something as he open his eyes and then said.
Javier: I've feel....pain....suffering and hopeless at that place. I can feel it miles away from here. That place.....its filled with darkness.
Sonic: Yep. It sure is.
Y/n: Is everyone ready?
They node and they were about to head to the exit when they see R2-JB tapping on the floor so Y/n kneel down and open it to find Tangle inside.
Y/n: (surprised) Tangle?!
Tangle: Oh hi there! Are we there yet?
She climb out of her hide away while R2-JB beeps since he saw her hiding inside the ship.
Cleaner: The hell are you doing here?
Tangle: Duh, joining this cool mission. I overheard you guys are going to Robotroplis so I decided to tag along.
Sally: You know it is extremely dangerous right?
Tangle: (smile) Yeah and can I tag along?
Y/n: Sure as long to be carful okay?
Tangle: No problem. Carful is my little name.
R2-JB: (Beeps)
Rusher: Yeah I have bad feeling about this as well.
Molly: (radio) We're approaching the location. We're high up so their cannons will not target at us. Good luck.
Y/n: Same to you. Let's go everyone.
We see the Blue light hooving over Robotroplis as Y/n opens a ramp as he look down and everyone begins to jump off one by one. Soon Sally was last as she kiss him on the cheek of his helmet.
Sally: (smirk) See you down there.
She jump down while Y/n smirked and then he too jump down. They fall towards Robotroplis as they avoid the lights that were shining up at the sky. As soon they are reaching the ground Noble Squad activated their jetpacks to slow their fall. Sonic uses his spin dash down a building and onto the street, Tangle uses her Tails to swing down safely and Sally throws a dish that burst to a airbag that she lands on.
She climb out of the airbag and meet up with Sonic, Sally and Tangle as Noble Squad slowly makes landing and soon touches the ground.
Cleaner: Hey Where's Javier?
They look to see him still falling but he calls apon the force to slow his fall and soon he was floating as he was inches to thr ground. Then he lands perfectly onto the ground as he turn to everyone else as Sonic claps.
Sonic: Nice one kid.
Javier: (smile) Thanks.
Y/n: Where to Sally?
Sally pulls up Nicole and Nicole shows her the map. After a while of looking she tells them.
Sally: This way.
She follows Sally as they enter the alleyway and make their way through Robotroplis. They avoided the cameras, battle droids and patrolling tanks as they hide within the darkness.
They keep on moving until they reach a run down restaurant as they enter inside and look around to see that the ghost is clear.
Rusher: Why are we here?
Sally: Many years ago we write up location tunnels that leads up to Robotniks fortress. We abandon that when the Separatist came.
Y/n: I see. You know being in the heart of Robotroplis base, I can see that everything is dead.
Sally: It used to be filled with so much life. People walking about, children laughing with smiles and people living normal and free lives. All of that is gone now.
Javier: It awful to see how everything is taking away all because of one man.
Sonic: Yeah. It's sad but that's what fills up our spirits. One day.....We'll take everything back from Robotnik.
Sally: Yeah and we'll keep fighting until we do.
Y/n: And the Republic will aid you and your Freedom fighters in this battle.
Sally: (smile) At least we know that the galaxy has good people.
Y/n: Yeah.
Brains: Guys, I got a transmission from Tails. He has something.
They all gather around as Brains place down a holo pad that Tails appeared as he tells everyone.
Tails: (hologram) I did a DNA scan and I got him. His name is Eric, he's from a farming planet and get this. His family bloodline are soldiers that dates back in the old Republic.
Y/n: So we need to locate Eric and rescue him.
Rusher: That's gonna be hard since the base is massive.
Sonic: Unless Nicole can get access to the security systems.
Sally: Good idea.
Tails: (hologram) I'll sent a image of him as soon as possible. Be carful, you'll lose coms once inside the base.
Y/n: Roger that Tails. Over and out.
Once that Sonic reveals one of the tunnel within the restaurant and they started to crash through the tunnel. It was kinda tight and there was dust everywhere.
Tangle: (coughing) Man so much dust! (Coughing)
Sally: This place hasn't been used a long time but it won't be long.
Rusher: Hope so. I feel like I might lose some air.
They keep on crawling until they reach a vent which Sonic open and they jump out of the vent and land onto the ground and look around to see everything is dark.
Y/n: Noble Squad, night vision mode.
They turn them on and immediately Y/n got jumped when a metal skeleton was at his face. He stumble backwards from that as his squad let out a chuckle as Javier pulled out his light saber and activat it, shinging it and revealing broken down Badniks that has been abandon for years.
Brains: Look at this place.
Ruaher: So many broken clankers.
Tangle: At least we're safe.
Sally: Let's keep on moving.
They agree and they keep walking. They walk across the room and everything seem fine until they heard something which they turn. Noble Squad aim their blasters at where the Noise is coming from and soon they watched as piles of broken down Badniks slowly rasie up and once on their feet they charge towards them.
Y/n: Open fire!
Noble Squad open fire as they tear them apart with their bolts while Javier cuts them down with his singal bladed light saber as Sally pulled out two energy blades out of her wrists and starts cutting along side Javier.
Tangle uses her Tails to grab them and toss them while Sonic spin dashes them as more and more undead Badniks came up and keep on going.
Javier: We have to run! There is too many!
Y/n: Brains, poppers!
Brains node and throws pules detonators which go off which give them a chance to run. They see the exit up ahead and once at the door Nicole hacks into the controls and once the doors open they rush through and shut it behind them.
Cleaner: Well that was fun...close....but fun.
We see them standing at a hallway as they look around to see nothing as Sally pulls up the map.
Sally: This might be harder then I thought. The whole base has been upgraded meaning they added new hallways and new rooms. Seems like we're lost.
Y/n: Maybe. Here's the plan. Me and my Squad will head to thr prison cells to locate Eric while You, Sonic, Tangle qnd Javier will head to the security room and locate him from there.
Sally: You sure you can handle this?
Y/n: Sure thing Sal. We'll be fine.
Sonic: (smirk) Good luck. We promise we'll record any cool moments throughout the cameras.
Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks. Be safe you guys.
Sally: (smile) You two.
Two teams split up with Sally's team heading to the security room while Noble Squad heading to the prison. Soon Noble Squad come across a room which Brains slices through while the rest stand and guard.
Brains: Okay I'm detected some life forms so be ready to brech.
The rest node as they step away from the door and ready their blasters. Shortly Brains open the door and they all rush in and aim their blasters into the room only to lower them down in shock.
Y/n: (shocked) Holy crap.
In the room were thousands and thousands of tube, containing clones of Eric on standby mode as they all look exactly the same almost like a mirror as Noble Squad stood there in complete and utter shock of how many the Separatist are making as their own army of Clones for the Separatist.
To be continued..........................................
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