Chapter 27: Being a experiment

(5 months before Padme's visited to Mobius)

Groans can be heard as everything around him is all black when suddenly he was awaken by a lord alarm as he quickly sat up and looks around, finding himself inside a small square box as he quickly stood up and look around as there is no window nor no door as he punched the walls around him and calling out.

???: Hello?! Hello?! What is this?! Let me out! Let me out!

Then there was a massive shake which cost him to collapse onto the floor and he felt like he is on a ship and it has landed. He slowly gets up and there was a moment of silence when suddenly the wall opens up, blinding him with light as a figure came over and revealing to be Jessica and two B1 battle droids.

Jessica pulled out of her datapad and looks at the information while she said.

Jessica: Eric. Your from a farming planted I see. How interesting and it seems you have a interesting bloodline.

Eric: What do you want from me?

Jessica: Something you can never believe. Congratulations, you are being picked to be apart of an experiment.

The two battle droids approaches him but Eric wasn't gonna be taking so he kicked the battle droid back, grab the other battle droids blaster which shot out some bolts before Eric kicks the battle droid off and pushed Jessica put as he race out of the ship only to see he is at a large factory which is actually robotroplis as he couldn't believe what he is seeing.

???: Going somewhere?

Behind him was Ventress as Eric quickly turn around and fire a few bolts but Ventress block it with her light saber and then snatched the blaster off of his hand while Eric charge towards her only for Ventress to use the force to lifted him off of his feet and then slammed him onto the ground.

Ventress hold him down while a couple of battle droids surrounded him as Jessica came out as she shake her head.

Jessica: He's a strong fighter.

Ventress: He may not be a Bounty hunter or mandalorian but his families history as soldiers will do us better.

A battle droid step up and aim his blaster at Eric as the droid stun him and he falls unconscious as everything around him becomes black.


We find Eric in his cell and laying in bed as he slowly wake up and shake his head as he climb out of bed and look around him. He sees he is inside of a cell as he approach the metal bars and look out to see multiple of cells that contains prisoner that the Separatist has captured.

???: Your awake.

He quickly spin around and a rabbit mobain wearing a red jacket and blue treasures as he came up to Eric.

Eric: Who are you?

Johnny: The names Johnny, Johnny Lightfoot. And your name?

Eric: Eric. Where the hell I'm I?

Johnny: Your at Robotroplis on Mobius.

Eric: That's a new planet right?

Johnny: That's right. Say your the first human to be captured here. What did you do?

Eric: I don't know. I was at home relaxing when I heard a door knocking. I came over to the door and open it and next thing I know......I blacked out.

Johnny: I see. Where are you from?

Eric: I'm from Dantooine. I work as a farmer but at first I wanted to be a soldier for the Republic but when they introduced to clones I decided to abandon that dream.

Johnny: I see. Sorry to hear that.

Eric: It's why are you here for?

Johnny: I was apart of the Freedom fighters until I was captured. There is a lot of Mobians that have been captured and taking here to be roboticized.

Eric: Roboticized?

Johnny points outside od the cell which Eric looks out and sees a droid that looks like a mobian walking outside of the cell as Johnny explains.

Johnny: Those ain't your normal droids. They were picked by Dr Robotnik to be turned into robotic slaves.

Eric: (shocke) That's horrible.

Johnny: Strangely enough they don't usually captured humans and take them here. They'll just take them to Separatist camp sites but I wonder why they brought you here?

Eric: No idea. Something about me being an "experiment" or something. I'm not too sure. Still how can we get out of here?

Johnny: It's impossible to get out. Trust me, I've tried but it is impossible to get out.

Eric looks around and poke a bit of his head outside of the bars and noticed a panel for their cell. Eric had an idea as he turns to Johnny and tells him.

Eric: I have an idea but you have to trust me.

Johnny: I have a feeling you might get us killed.

Eric: Trust me. I know what to do.

They waited for a while and soon two battle droids came over to their cell and their cell open.

Battle droid 1: You there human. Your coming with us.

Eric: (smirk) Sure thing.

He rasies his hand and slowly walk towards them onky to headbutted the first droid and grabbing the other battle droids arm amd throws him across the room, slamming onto the wall as John sees this so before the second battle droid can do another. Johnny came over and kick the droid in the face.

Eric took down the other droid and pick up his blaster while Johnny also pick up the other blaster.

Johnny: (surprised) That was nuts! Since when you can do that?!

Eric: (smirk) My father used to work for the Republic military a long time ago and after he retired he train me to use all the skills in case I wanna join the Republic military.

Johnny: (smile) That's very cool. So what now?

Eric: We head to the security room and find our escape. Come on!

Johnny follows with him. They stay low and avoided the guards as they hide within the darkness and taking the any droids that were in their way. Soon they reach the security room and Eric opene the door and aims his blaster and took out three droids while Johnny took out the rest.

Johnny: All clear!

Eric race to the control console and gets into the system and soon located the hanger and scans around until he sees a Separatist tank.

Eric: There! We can use a Separatist tank to escape the place.

Johnny: Not too sure. The hanger is filled with Separatist droids. You sure about this?

Eric: Of course I am. Come on, we gonna hurry before they-

Suddenly the alarms go off meaning they noticed that Eric and Johnny have escape so they race through the hallways, trying to reach the hanger so they can escape. Battle droids came out in front of them and fire their blasters at them.

Both Eric and Johnny get behind cover and return fire. They took out a few droids and soon they clear the hallway. Then more bolts fly by them as they turn to see more coming their way so they race through the hallway while turning back and firing their blaster bolts and soon reach the hanger.

Eric: There's the tank! Go, Go, Go!

They race towards the tank and get inside with Johnny being the driver while Eric on the cannon.

Eric: You know how to drive this?

Johnny: It looks simple enough. You know how to use a cannon?

Eric: Little but one way to find out.

Johnny starts up the tank and it works as they started moving. More droids came out and sees them on the tank which they open fire. Eric turns the cannon around, took aim and then fired, blowing up multiple droids.

Eric: (smirk) Hell yeah! This is fun!

He turns the cannon around and fire at the droids even more, blowing them up as Johnny got use to the controls and make their leave of the hanger. Other Separatist tanks came out and open fire at them which Eric fires back managing to blow up one tanks before they successfully escape the hanger and onto the street.

Eric: Hell yeah we're out!

Johnny: Not exactly. That was just the main base. We have to get through the battle droids in the streets in order to escape. It's like a huge city.

Eric: Oh come on!

Suddenly the tank moved violently as Separatist fighters came down, firing at them which Eric points the cannon up and fires a few massive bolts, blowing up a few fighters as they fly by them and changed into their walker form and open fire at them.

Johnny sees this and then he pushed a button and six missiles came out of the tank and blowing up the Separatist fighters on the ground as they drive by them.

Eric: (surprised) Nice one Johnny!

Johnny: (smirk) Guess you can say I have the lucky foot.

Eric: (smirk) I'll say! Let's keep going!

Johnny nodes and they kept going ad they punch through Separatist forces that try to block their way while they each take out the Separatist tanks or fighters that were coming after them.

After a while they see the exit in front of them.

Johnny: We're almost out!

Eric: Hahaha! Yeah! Take that you Separatist scum!

Suddenly Eric spotted bombers coming so he fired at them and took some out but one fired a missile towards them which was going to fast.


Immediately there was a huge explosion that sent the tank flying and then crash onto the ground with fire appearing  on the street and around the tank. Then Eric kicked the hatch open and he drag Johnny out who is coughing uncontrollably and bleeding.

Johnny: Eric.....Eric you have to leave me. I'm just gonna hold you back.

Eric: No way! I'm not leaving you, come on!

He pulled Johnny up and carry him towards the gate as Johnny sees Eric's heroic side and how he is like a trooper in a battle zone.

Suddenly a super battle droid came up behind them as Johnny sees this and pushes Eric away as the super battle droid fired, hitting Johnny multiple times as he fell onto the ground.

Eric: NO!

He turn to the super battle droid and pick up both his and Johnny's blasters as he open fire at the supee battle droid as he yells in frustration until the super battle droid drops dead. Eric throws the blasters and bends down to Johnny as he is slowly breathing and doesn't have long to live.

Eric: Johnny stay with me! Johnny! Look at me!

Johnny slowly turns to Eric, smiles for the last time and then mutter out.

Johnny: (smile)

He then dies at Eric's arms as Eric is sadden by his death as he lower his head and felt utter guilt that he drag Johnny to his death. Then a figure came out from the flames as he approaches Eric as it turns out to be Count dooku as he looks down at Eric and then he said.

Dooku: I am impress. You managed to survive your escape and nearly escaped. You see, we have been watching you and it seems you are a great pick for our project.

Then Eric was filled in rage as he picked up a steel pipe and turns to Dooku, about to siwng it when Dooku shot out force lighting at Eric as he falls onto the ground as lighting hits his entire body and hurting him like hell as he let out a painful yell of pain.

(4 days before Padme's visited to Mobius)

We find Eric strapped onto a table looking bruised up, exhausting, experimented on and so much more that he couldn't think off. Dooku stood next to him when the doors in front of them open as Eric slowly open his eyes and sees three figures.

The middle was Dr Robotnik while the other two approaches Eric and once close Eric is shocked to see himself. Two clones of himself as he stood there, almost like he is looking at a mirror as Dr Robotnik approaches Dooku as he tells him.

Dooku: You dis really Doctor.

Dr Robotnik: (smirk) Yes. It took us a while but I have managed to successfully made our first clones for the Separatist. These two clones are the first but there is more along the way.

Dooku: Very good doctor. How's about we give them a test. I have word that Princess Padme Amidala is coming to visit Mobius. Sent the two clones for an assassin job and let's see how they are.

Dr Robotnik: (smirk) Of course.

He take the two clones to put on clone trooper disguises and once they were gone Eric slowly turn to Dooku and he spoke very weakly.

Eric: You have what you got. Now.....what will you do to me?

Dooku: As for you. Well we can't let you go nor we can't kill you for unlimited dna. Unfortunately for you, you have to stay here for the rest of your life.

Eric: (angry) I will kill you!

Dooku: Now no need for that.

Then Dooku shot Eric with force lighting which made him scream in pain as his screams can be heard throughout the halls of Robotroplis as we pan out to the veiw of Robotroplis as Eric will never give up because he know that one day he will be rescue by the Republic and he will not break or show weakness to the Separatist until he is saved.

To be continued........................................

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