Chapter 26: The princesses
A Naboo Starfighter exit out of Hyper space, arriving at Mobius and making it's way to the planets surface. The Naboo starfighter exit through the clouds and flies over the forest until arriving at Knothole and make its landing at the landing pad where we see Zack, Commander Shark and Javier as they approach the Naboo starfighter as it lands.
Once landed the doors open while a ramp was drawn down as R2-D2 and C3-Po exit out of the starfighter and then Padme exit out of hee star fighter as both Zack and Javier bow as the three approaches them.
Zack: Welcome to Mobius Senator Amidala. It is an honour.
Padme: (smile) The honour is all my masted jedi. I have come here to speak with the leader of the Freedom Fighters.
Zack: Of course. We will take you to her.
Zack, Shark and Javier lead Padme, C3-PO and R2-D2 through town and soon enter the Freedom fighters HQ where Sally is there speaking to Sonic about something when the doors open and Zack, Shark and Javier came into the room with Padme, R2-D2 and C3-PO behind them as the two face them and Zack says to them.
Zack: Sally this here is Senator Padme Amidala. She's the Senator of Naboo.
Sally: (smile) A pleasure to meet you. I am Sally Acorn, leader of the Freedom fighters and Princess of the Royal Acorn family.
Padme: (smile) A pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you and it amazed me how a princess like yourself have been fighting the injustice throughout your lives.
Sonic: (smirk) Well we do what we do best. By away the names Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog but I believe you already know me?
Padme: (smile) A Hedgehog who can run really fast? Yes, I do know you and it is an honour.
Sally: So what brings you here?
Padme: I've come here to talk about the possibility you be joining the Republic Senate. Perhaps we can talk this somewhere private.
Sally: Sure thing.
Padme: Good. R2, C3, you two go with Sonic and explore around Knothole.
C3-Po: As you wish.
Sonic: (smirk) Cool. Let's go and check up Noble Squad.
He then dashes off but seconds later he came back and look at the two droids.
Sonic: Um aren't you two coming?
C3-Po: Unfortunately I cannot move as fast as you are.
R2-D2: (beeps)
Sonic: Great.
We find Noble Squad hanging out in their ship as Rusher, R2-J8 and Cleaner play sabacc and Brains, Molly and Y/n were checking on the turrets with Molly inside the turret as the two do some screws and then they were done.
Y/n: Alright done. Give it a try now.
Molly turns on the turret and at first it seems working as the turret comes to alive only a puff of smoke burst out of the turret and cover Y/n and Brains as they coughed while waving away the smoke as Brains check to see what went wrong.
Brains: Looks like a part is getting old. Probably need to order new parts so this Bkue Light will work perfectly.
Y/n: That sucks.
Brains: The good news is the top turret is working fine for now but the bed news is that we be targeting from the bottom for sure.
Molly: Hey at least I'm a skilled pilot.
Y/n: (smirk) That you are.
Sonic: Hey guys!
They turn to see Sonic walking up to them with C3-Po and R2-D2 behind him and once the trio approaches them Brains ask.
Brains: Who are these droids behind you?
C3-Po: I am C3-Po and this is my good friend R2-D2. We have come here by Senator Amidala to talk to Sally about taking part in Republic politics.
Y/n: (surprised) Senator Amidala? You mean "The" Senator Amidala is here?
Molly: She sounds important.
Brains: Very important. She's the Senator of Naboo and fought against the trade federations which where the first contact with the Separatist before the war. She survived many assassin attempts before the start of the war.
Y/n: She's pretty famous to some. What I heard is she's the voice of reason to the Republic.
C3-Po: That is correct and she has come here to speak with Sally Acorn about her being part of the Senate.
Brains: Guess that would make sense. Since the two of them have been through the injustice and fought back.
Y/n: Yeah. I bet they are having a great time talking about politics or something wherever they are at.
We find Sally and Padme at the park as the stroll down the park as Padme enjoys the park they have which she tells Sally.
Padme: (smile) This is incredible.
Sally: (smils) Thank you. We tried our best to keep it safe from the Separatist.
Padme: I understand why.
Sally: Anyways I'm not too sure I am ready being part of the Senate. Its too much responsibility on my shoulders.
Padme: I completely understand. Its never easy leafing a Rebellion against an evil rule only to be part of the Galactic Senate.
Sally: You also have this feeling of responsibility as well?
Padme: Of course. Even though Jar Jar is the representative of Naboo, I feel like I'm taking rules of both Princess and Senate sometimes. But I tried my best to see the good of everything.
Sally: Same here.
Padme turns to Sally and then she ask Sally.
Padme: You and I are alike aren't we. We are both Princess, we take part in Rebellion leadership and other things.
Sally: (smile) Yeah. Guess your right.
Padme: (smile) But what about relationships? Do you have someone you love?
Sally: (little blush) Yeah. He's actually a clone commando and I fall for him. I mean it sounds wrong but-
Padme: (giggle) That's okay. I too fall to someone that's impossible but work. A jedi.
Sally: (surprised) I thought Jedi's are not allow to fall in love?
Padme: (smile) Well this one is different and we even got married but somewhere private.
Sally: That's very incredible. Do you sometimes worry for him?
Padme: All the time. But at the bottom of my heart I know he will be alright.
Sally: Yeah, same to mine. So Senator Amidala.
Padme: (smile) Please, you can call me Padme if you like.
Sally: (smile) Alright then Padme, what is Naboo like?
Padme: Very peaceful and beautiful. You should have seen it, it's nothing but beautify. Hey, did you know I was a Princess when I was a kid?
Sally: (shocked) Really?
Padme: (smile) Well a young age but back then I do look like a kid so yeah.
Sally: (giggle) That's crazy.
Padme: (giggle) I know.
The two giggled and talk more and then we cut to Noble Squad as we see R2-D2 and R2-J8 getting along inside the ship while we see Molly and C3-Po at the cockpit as Molly is underneath the controls while C3-Po is holing the tools..
C3-Po: I must say I've never met a none-clone working along side the grand army of the Republic. How is it like?
Molly: It's very interesting and cool. Working along side with Clone troopers and the Republic is something I could ever imagine.
She stick her hand out which C3-Po hands her the tool and she use it while C3-Po ask.
C3-Po: I'm sure it must be very existing for you to be apart of the Republic. You know humans try to join the grand army of the Republic only to be rejected.
Molly: Why?
C3-Po: The Senate believe clones is more faster to be deployed into combat rather then recruiting civilians and training them. Plus they are not as perfect as close troopers of the Republic.
Molly: I mean yeah not all of us ain't perfect to clones but would it be more better if they do recruit some civilians to make their army bigger?
C3-Po: I afraid that's only the Senate to decide.
Molly: Guess so.
She was done as she slide out underneath the controls and then turns it on and it worked.
Molly: (smile) Perfect. All done.
We then cut outside to see Noble Squad just sitting around and talking when two clone troopers approaches them which Y/n turns and walks up to them.
Y/n: How can I help you two?
Clone trooper 1: We were wondering if you can point to use Senator Amidala's star fighter. We're here to check to see if hee starfighter needed to be fixed.
Y/n: It's at landing bay 3. You won't miss it, it's the shinny pointy star fighter.
Clone trooper 1: Thank you sir.
The two clones leave while Y/n turns back only to stop for a moment and turn back and stare at the two clone troopers and his gut feelings tells him that something isn't right about them.
Sonic: What's wrong?
Y/n: I don't know why but I have a feeling something is wrong with those two clones.
Cleaner: What do you mean? They are going to repair Senator Amidala's starfighter right?
Y/n: Yeah but still.......wait here. I'll be right back.
Y/n follows them while the rest look at each other while we see Y/n tailing them as they walk up to Padme's starfighter which Y/n get behind the bushes and watched as two clones node to each other, kneel down and open their bags and pulled out explosions which Y/n can perfectly see.
Y/n: (whisper) I knew it.
He walks up behind one of them just before he was about to plant the explosions in onky for Y/n to aim his blaster pistol at his head.
Y/n: I don't know how you got pass our security but your coming with me.
The clone slowly gets up and quickly turns around and punches Y/n in the face which he stabs back and then he kick the clone back only for the second one to launch at his bed and the two struggle around while the first clone pulled out his blaster pistol and aims at Y/n only the bolt he fired to hit on the second clone in the head when Y/n moved and fall onto the ground.
He rush over to the first clone and grab his blaster pistol as the two move around while the clone fired a few shots before Y/n punches the clone in the face and fired a few shots at the clone, killing him.
He let out a sigh as he approaches the clone and take off his helmet.
Y/n: Nice try command-What the?
He sees that he thought was a commando droid but it was indeed a human face but not a clone like hie brothers but someone else. He then turn to the Second clone and took off his helmet and sees it having the same face as the first one.
Y/n: (shocked) What the hell is this!?
We see him with Zack, Shark, Sally and Padme as the droid medic scan the bodies that Y/n have taking out only to get a reveal.
Droid medic: According to my scanners, they are indeed clones from a different DNA.
Shark: How is that possible? How can someone clone new troopers and more importantly who clone them?
Zack: The biggest question is what DNA are these clones belong to.
Shark: This is bed if whoever is cloning them is apart od the Separatist.
Padme: I'll inform this to the Senate and I'll also inform my life being saved by you Commander Y/n. Your a real hero saving my life.
Y/n: Just doing my job ma'am.
Sally: (smirk) Like always.
The two smirked with Padme sees that it was Y/n that Sally was talking about which she just simply smiled and turn to Zack and the two shake hands.
Padme: It's nice meeting you. Now I must go but good luck with the battle.
Zack: Thank you Senator Amidala and May the force be with you.
She smiled and once that she left with R2-D2 and C3-Po with her as they head back to Coruscant while the rest needs to investigate on whose DNA's od these new mysterious clones are from and who cloned them.
To be continued....................................
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