Chapter 24: Battle of Mercia (Arc 3)

It was the middle of the night at the Kingdom of Mercia as we see the battle droids on top of the walls surrounding the Kingdom while spotlights were placed around, shooting down at the castle walls as the battle droids make their patrol around the walls.

We see two battle droids walking about, doing their original patrols as the two droids stopped and look out at the forest as one battle droid ask the other.

Battle droid 1: You heard about new project plans about new upcoming droids?

Battle droid 2: Yeah. I heard they even going to replace us if this war gose on.

Battle droid 1: You think they will transfer our minds into these new droids or just scrap us.

Battle droid 2: I wouldn't be surprised if they do scrap us. I mean, do you think they ever care about us?

Battle droid 1: That's true.

They continue on walking while down below we see Noble Squad, Tangle, Friar, Alan, Munch and Thorn in the bushes as Rusher pulls out his Macrobinoculars and scan the walls to see battle droids patrolling on top of the walls and spotlights shining down near them.

Rusher: (whisper) Seems like this js going to be a lot more harder then we thought.

Cleaner: (whisper) When has that ever gonna stop us?

Y/n: (whisper) Alright everyone, we need to be carful while going inside the Kingdom. Who knows how many battle droids is there at the other side so we won't draw any attention, clear?

They agree and once that was settled they rush over to the sewer tunnel which Munch rip off the metal bars and they climb through the sewer tunnels.

Tangle: Ew this is gonna make my tail smelly and dity.

Thorn: (smirk) Have second thoughts about this?

Friar: I just hope we are not too late to save Rob and Bow.

Y/n: They seem like tough leaders. I bet they're be alright.

Friar: I agree.

Alan: (signing) And so we are off to save our dear friends, from our foes with our elite commando on our side, this will be the dangerous mission that we ever ta-

Munch: You will shut up!

Brains: Does he always sign a lot?

Munch: Very much.

Soon the reach the sewer lid which Y/n climbs up the latter and then open the lid and peak his head out to see the ghost is clear as they climb out of the sewer and see they were at the alleyway as Brains peaks around the corner to see the castle and an army of battle droids marching through the streets with their tanks behind them.

Brains: Looks like we need to get through all of those droids in hopes we get near to the castle.

Y/n: Then we need to make a destruction.

Frair: Let us cost a destruction while your team heads inside.

Y/n: Alright then. I'll have Rusher be sniper once he find a good spot the pop some heads.

Frair: (smile) We're grateful commander. Good luck.

Son Frair and the others left and now it was just Noble Squad and Tangle as they look out and move through the street, keeping an eye on droids coming towards them or any security cameras as Brains took some of them out.

After a while they reach to the entrance to the castle however its blocked by battle droids and two Separatist tanks that are protecting the castle.

Tangle: How do we get pass that?

Y/n: We just wait for Friar and his team to cost a destruction.

Brains: Yeah but what kind of a destruction?

Suddenly one of the Separatist tanks gets blown up and seconds later another tank came out at the right and open fire, taking out the second as the other battle droids was surprised by this as they make a run for it while the hijacked Separatist Tanks goes after them.

Brains: Never mind.

Y/n: Come on! That's our move!

They move towards the castle as Tangle use her tail to swing up to the second floor and then pull down her tail for Noble Squad to grab and climb up the wall. Tangle find it hard to hold on due to their armor and gear but once they did Tangle straighten her tail and then they move through the castles hallways.

Then they heard marching so Y/n slows them down and he pulled out his blaster pistol and peak out to see a group of battle droids marching over to them.

Battle droid commander: We got an report of an attack so be careful for any surprises.

They turn a corner and they were met with Y/n aiming hid blaster pistol at the droid commanders face while the rest aik their blasters while Tangle smirks and says

Tangle: (smirk) Like this one?

Then Y/n and Noble Squad open fire and took out the commander and a few them. Some return fire which they pudh back and get behind cover while they return fire. Bolts fly by as the battle droids get shot while some were taking cover and returning fire.

Y/n: Rusher, 12 o'clock!

Rusher looks up to see a chandelier above the battle droids as he changed his DC-17m to his sniper mode and aims at the chains of the chandelier.

Rusher: Got it.

He fired a bolt and hits the chains of the chandelier and it fell and crash on top of the battle droids, taking all of them out. Noble Squad and Tangle step out of cover but they turn around and see four Droideka's rolling around the corner and then unfold and once they deployed their personal shields they open fire at them.

Y/n: We need to pull back now!

They return fire while they fall back as Cleaner tosses a smoke grenade behind them to blind the droideka's for a bit while they get away.

They race through the hallway only to be cut off by two super battle droids and battle droids as they open fire which they took cover and return fire while Droideka's catch up to the, from behind and they open fire at Cleaner and Brains turn around and open fire at them.

Brains: We're boxed in!

Cleaner: You got a plan Y/n?

He continues to fire at the battle droids but once he gets to cover he looked around and then looks at the ground and calls out to Cleaner.

Y/n: Blow open a hole there!

Cleaner: Understood!

He pulled out his grenade launcher and fired at the ground which blows up and leaving a large hole.

Y/n: Jump into the hole! Go, Go, Go!

They each jump down the hole while the battle droids try to stop them but they got away as they walk up to the hole and look down.

Supwe battle droid: Sir Republic commandos have escape and currently at the prison cell.

Hood: (radio) Let my Bounty hunter handle those commandos. They won't survive long.


The five of them landed in a dark area which Noble Squad turned on their flashlights attached to their blasters and scan around to see cells filled with citizens of Mercia.

They look tired and Zombie like as they stare at them and cover their eyes when they shine their flash lights at them.

Tangle: (shocked) What has happened to them?

Brains: Possibly Hood using his brainwashing abilities and leaving them in here like zombies.

Cleaner: He's really going to regret this.

Y/n: Right now we're at the prison cell, let's go and find Bow and Rob.

They agree and they push forward and look at the cells to try and find them but there was no sign of them anywhere. They keep on moving as they go deeper and deeper to the prison and soon come across a large circular room as they look around to see nothing.

Rob: Up here Noble Squad!

They look up to see Rob and Bow inside of a hanging cage above them.

Y/n: Bow, Rob you two alright.

Rob: Yes we are okay.

Bow: But watch yourself! Your not alone.

Then they hear a laughter that echoed throughout the room as Noble Squad looked around while aiming their blasters and flashlights around.

They see nothing at first but suddenly Brains was in the head by Durge as they turn and aim their blaster rifles at him as he lifted Brains up in the air. Before he could snap his nexk Tangle cover his eyes with her tail, making him drop Btains as Durge struggles to see.

Tangle: (smirk) Can't see big guy?

He then grab her tail and tosses her across the room and slammed into the wall and falls unconscious.

Y/n: Tangle!

Noble Squad open fire, even Cleaner fired several grenade launchers at Durge but it doesn't phase him as he rushed towards them, knocking them all down as Durge picks up Y/n by the leg and lifted him up in the air only for Cleaner to snipe at him in the head several times as Durge turns to him and kicks him back, slamming him into the wall as Durge slams Y/n into the wall and the water whike Cleaner and Brains fired off several grenade launches at Durge.

Then Brains pulled out his gauntlet and shot out a electro shock blast at Durge, shocking him and making him drop Y/n as Cleaner catches him.

Cleaner: Gotcha!

Y/n: Thanks brother. Protect Tangle, she's unconscious.

Cleaner: On it!

He rushes over to protect Tangle while Y/n lost his DC-17m while being grabbed so he pulled out his Dc-15S blaster rifle and open fire at Durge.

Then Durge had enough of the bolts fired his flamethrower out of his gauntlet and towards Y/n and Brains as they moved back. Rusher aims his scope at the gauntlet and fired which blows up Durge's hand off.

Rusher: Hell yeah!

Then they watched as his hand grows back to nowhere as Durge turns to Rusher.

Rusher: Oh come on!

Durge pulls out his second Gauntlet and fires spikes at Rusher which Brains gets in front of him and deploys a force field to cover Rusher and himself.

Brains: With his ability to regenerate limbs and body, I don't think it's possible we can beat him.

Rusher: Then how can we beat him?

Y/n: We don't have to beat him! We run!

He then fired a bolt at the chains, dropping the cage and landing it onto Durge as Bow and Rob kick the cages doors and they rush out as Y/n pulls out s detonator and throws it at the wall and blows up open while turning back to fire a fee bolts at Durge.

Y/n: Come on We're getting the heck out of here!

Rob and Bow run through the hole follow by Cleaner carrying the unconscious Tangle and soon Rusher and Brains go through as Y/n fired a few bolts and then tosses two more Detonators at Durge which blows up and Y/n rushes through the hole and makes a run for it while the smoke clears up and we see Durge's body damaged but his wounds soon healed itself as he gets up and laughs and sees in a monster like tone.

Durge: You can run but you can't hide. I will find you and I will kill you all for sure.


We see Munch and Thorn piloting the stolen Separatist tank as they fire at the Separatist droids while the rest battle the droids outside.

Soon the streets were clear as Munch and Thorn came out and climb down of the tank.

Munch: (smirk) Now that was awesome!

Thorn: (smirk) Yeah, we're totally keeping this tank for sure.

Friar: (smile) Good work. Now we need to help our allies before Hood will get to them first.

???: Think again.

They quickly turn around only to be brainwashed by Hood with some commando droids with him as Hood approaches them as they were forced to kneel down while Hood smirks.

Hood: (smirk) Those commandos you sent are no more. all are mine now. (Evil laughter)

To be continued....................................

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