Chapter 20: The Guardian angel
A Republic gunships flies through the open field where its making it's arrival of a a town which is near a Republic outpost that the Republic clone troopers are protecting the town from the Separatist forces. While making their way there we see Noble Squad inside the gunship as Y/n placed the holopad in the middle and a hologram of Shark appear in front of them.
Shark: (hologram) Noble Squad, your be taking to Republic outpost 24 to investigate strange reports about a vigilant helping out Republic forces.
Y/n: A vigilant sir?
Shark: (hologram) That's correct. For a while there have been many reports of a mysterious vigilant taking out Separatist forces and aiding the Republic forces within the far. The General would like to know who is this mysterious allie maybe and maybe have him or her help us in this battle.
Rusher: So this person is a sniper?
Shark: (hologram) That's right. Intel reports that this person , who it is uses a sniper blaster rifle as a way to take down his or her targets. Still we have no clue which side this vigilant is truly are so stay sharp.
Y/n: We'll get the job done commander, count on it.
The hologram of Shark disappeared and while Y/n's picks up the holopad Cleaner turns to Rusher and tells him.
Cleaner: Looks like your not the only best sharp shooter on this planet.
Rusher: I'm still am once I spotted this vigilant.
Brains: Still why do they sent us to find her? Surely this could be the work of the jedi right?
Y/n: Best to not ask, jedi are busy when it comes to war. Besides it seems whoever this vigilant maybe isn't on the side of the Separatist.
Brains: True.
Soon theie gunship makes its landing at the outpost and lands at the landing pad. The doors open and the four climb out of the gunship and walk away while the gunship takes off as the four were apoorched by the Mayor of the town who is a human as he walked up to them.
James: (smile) Pleasure to meet you Noble Squad, my name is James, Mayor of this town. I've heard a lot of tales of your missions and battles.
Y/n: Indeed sir. We were to investigate this vigilant that is in your town.
James: Ah you mean the Guardian angel.
Rusher: Guardian Angel?
James: Allow me to explain. Ever since this vigilant has been reported, most of the people called it The Guardian Angel since it strikes on enemies from out of no where like angels have strike on the enemy and protecting the weak from far away. Whoever this vigilant maybe we wish to know who he or she maybe and maybe have her work with us.
Y/n: Well we can't be sure if this Guardian Angel would work, but we can look for this vigilant. What dose he or she look like?
James: Hard to say but many people say she wears a mask and according to some, she or he a wolf Mobian but it was not clear but he or she dose look like a wolf.
Brains: Where was the last time you or your people spotted her?
James: A group of Clone troopers were returning back from their patrol only to be attacked by a Separatist ambush. Then the droids were immediately shot by the Guardian Angel. There is a road that will take you to where it all happen.
Y/n: Alright thank you sir, Alright team let's move out.
The four head off to start their investigation on this vigilant and hopefully find some answers which is to know who this vigilant might be.
(Hours later)
The four arrived where the Separatist made their ambush and see droid bodies laying on the floor with holes in their heads and chest. Brains approaches one of them, kneel down and suspect the droids while the others look around.
Brains: Whoever this vigilant maybe it was smart, he or she took out the important parts of these B1 battle droids with clean shots.
Rusher: It looks like the droids didn't suspected ti get ambushed themselves.
Cleaner: You think she might be long gone?
Brains: No it looks like these droids been here for a hour or longer. Maybe this vigilant is still around.
Y/n looked around and look into the forest and sees something flashing meaning someone is watching them. He pretending to not noticed it and hand singals them where the vigilant is to which they noticed and they get the message.
Y/n: Let's check in the forest and see if this vigilant is there. Brains deploy the flyers.
Brains nodes and a small hatch open at Brains Republic bag and several small droids came out and fly around while the rest heaf inside the forest and look around. They enter the forest as they lowee their blaster to shown they are not the threat but have their guards up just in case.
They look around while Brains looks down at his screen on his wrist to watch the footages of the droids as they spread away and searching for any movement. Then one of the droids spotted something to which it was nearby.
They turn to a big tree which they apoorches the tree and once there Y/n gose first as he look behind the tree and there was nothing.
Y/n: Nothing. Must be a wild animal.
Suddenly a commando droids drops down and attacks Y/n as he punches Y/n in the face while the others pulled out their blaster rifles when suddenly more commando droids came out of theie hiding spots and open fire at them.
They return fire while Y/n fought the leader of the commando droid squad as he was pushed back and then the commando droids pulled out his sword and charge towards Y/n and swings at him.
Y/n dodges a few swings and then catches the commando droids arm as he moves it under his armpit while he gets right in front of the commando droid as he elbows the droid a few times but the commando droids pushes him back and pulled out his blaster rifle amd fired a few shots at Y/n which hits him a few times.
Brains: Y/n!
He stumble back as he was in pain but he still fight as he charge towards the commando droid but the droid grabs him and slammed him against the tree and strike a few blows at him while the rest were getting overwhelmed by the commando droids so Y/n tells his team.
Y/n: Get out of here Noble Squad!
Rusher: Not without you!
Y/n: That's a order, now go!
Brains: But Y/n!
Y/n: You have your order, now take it!
With no choice they fall back as they escape while the commando droids continue to fire until they were out of sight. The head leader of the commando droid grabs him by the neck and holds him while the others circle around them.
Commando droids leader: Tell us everything you know.
Y/n: Not......a Separatist scum.
With that he had a blaster bolt arms at his head as he was about to be killed as the commando droids leader was about to pull the trigger when suddenly a bolt took out a commando droid which shocked them and one by one they were shot by something within the shadows and soon it was only the commando droids leader but before he can do anything, he was immediately killed in the head and drop to the ground while Y/n sat by the tree and let out a few coughs follow by a groan a bit from he injuries he gotten.
Then he heard a branch snap and he quickly turn and spotted a masked female wolf Mobain as she approaches him and kneel down next to him.
Y/n: Oh hey, you must be the guardian angel then huh?
He groan a little while she look at his injuries and then pulled out a syringe and jab it into Y/n's shoulder and the pain eases a bit.
Y/n: Hey thanks and thanks for saving me earlier. Your one crack shot, got a name?
Whisper: (whisper) Whisper.
Y/n: Huh?
Whisper: (whisper) My name is Whisper.
Y/n: Oh. Odd name but why I'm i complaining, many of my clone brothers have some weird names.
Whisper: (whisper) Brothers? You see each other as brothers?
Y/n: I mean yeah. We were created, trained and fought together.
Whisper just node and then she walked over to a few commando droids and pulled out small chips to which Y/n ask.
Y/n: What are you doing?
Whisper: (whisper) Collecting information.
Y/n: I see. Those are commando droids, who knows what top class information they have in their memory banks, well if they do since you shot them in the heads.
Whisper: (whisper) Only need the leader, nothing else.
Y/n: I see. So you gonna leave?
Whisper: (whisper) No. Stay. Your team will come back soon.
Y/n: Huh your not only a good sniper but smart. Bet they are bringing some back up.
Whisper: (whisper) They will.
Then Whisper sat next to him as Y/n let's out a sigh while he stare up and then look over to Whisper and then ask.
Y/n: Have you met a clone before? You know, up close and talking?
Whisper: (whisper) No.
Y/n: I see. Your not much a talker aren't you?
She shakes her head which he understand. Then he took off his helmet and set I beside him which allows Whisper to see his face as he turn to her and smirk a bit.
Y/n: (smirk) First time seeing a clone without a helmet?
Whisper just stare at him and then look away while the two sat there in silence with commando droid bodies around them as they sat there in slince for a bit and then Y/n ask her.
Y/n: So why are you helping us? Aren't you a Bounty hunter or something?
Whisper: (whisper) Mercenary.
Y/n: Ah I see. Still why are you helping us?
Whisper: (whisper) I'm not helping just the Republic, I'm helping everyone.
Y/n: I see. You know, you'll be great joining the Freedom fighters, they could use skills like you.
Whisper: (whisper) Rather not, don't want to join.
Y/n: I see. Still I can take you have been alone for a while and maybe you could join a team so you can do better. Just think about it.
Whisper just sat there in slinet until there was movement as Republic back up arrived as Y/n turn to see Clone troopers apoorching him. When he turn to Whisper she was gone. He put on his helmet and gets up as the Clone troopers take Y/n and carry him to their outpost while Whisper is seen on top of the tree as she finds Y/n very interesting to her and there was a small hope they can meet again.
At the medical bay of the outpost we see Y/n laying in bed with bandages wrapped around his body while his team sat around him.
Rusher: Damn Y/n will you stop getting into situations like this?!
Y/n: (chuckle) Sorry if I worry you brothers. Don't want any of you to be killed along side me or be captured.
Brains: Well it was a good thing your armor protected you from those bolts otherwise you might be killed.
Y/n: (smirk) Lucky me.
Then Zack and Shark enter yne medical bay as they approach the team and once there Zack asked Y/n.
Zack: You alright Y/n?
Y/n: I'll live sir, nothing too serious. But I do have information about this vigilant. She's called the Guardian Angel but her real name is Whisper. It seems she is fighting are own war against the Separatist on her own. I offer her to join the Freedom fighters but she refuse and once Republic clone troopers arrived, she was gone.
Zack: I see.
Shark: How skills is she?
Brains: She took out B1 battle droids in perfect weak points and manages to surprised the commando droids before Y/n was about to be killed.
Rusher: She's a marksman sirs.
Shark: I see. Still it's not enough information about her.
Zack: But it's enough and it seems she is on our side but not fully.
Y/n: So what should we do about her?
Zack: Nothing. She's not breaking any law and it seems the people do like her so it's best we leave her be.
Y/n: Understood sir.
Zack: Well as soon your healed up, you and your team as a signed with another mission. You will be teaming up with my Padawan, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy on a search mission. We have located another Chaos Emerald and we need your team to aid them on the search.
Y/n: Understood sir.
Zack: (smile) Good, now get some rest, you need it.
Zack and Shark make their leave and once they were gone the others look at each other and then Brains ask.
Brains: So what should we do now?
Y/n: (smirk) You guys wanna watch some sports?
They agree and so they watch some sports on the TV as they relax for a bit before they will go on another mission while on top of a hill looking down at the town we see Whisper as she stare at the town, thinking about Y/n and their talk and then turns and make her leave to continue her war against the Separatist.
To be continued...........................................
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