Chapter 2: Breaking the Blockade
We over see the city of Robotroplis. A huge city/Factory for the genius and mad scientist and creator of the Badniks named Doctor Ivo Robotnik. We see Separatist battle droids patrolling the streets of Robotroplis to search for any freedom Fighters or any animal life to capture and roboticized and be part of their army.
Droid Fighters fly over the main HQ of Robotroplis and we cut to a huge room with machines making both Separatist droids and Badniks while droid workers are making sure things are alright and working well.
Above then factory looking down at all this while standing on a walk with was a female officer named Jessica who is the Separatist officer of the Separatist army.
Jessica looks down at the works while two battle droid works up to her and she turns to them.
Battle droid 1: Ma'am we lost contact of the scout time 5 hours ago.
Jessica: Are they attacked by the Freedom Fighters?
Battle Droid 1: Well kinda but you may wanna se this.
The battle droid hands her the datapad and she takes it and looks at the image of Noble Squad ane realised that the Republic have discovered this planet.
Jessica: I must report this to my supervisors. Continue on the work and make sure things are working well while I'm gone.
Battle droid 1: Roger Roger.
The two droids left while Jessica walks off to report this news to her supervisors. Aftera while walking through the hall she turn to see the door that his guarded by two Super Battle droids and Snively who is Robotnik's assistant as she walks up to him.
Snivley: Hold it right there. What is your business here officer?
Jessica: I have something that they need to know. This will be a problem to all of us. I need to get in and tell them.
Snivley: Hmmm do you have permission to be here.
Jessica: Snivley-
Snivley: That's "sir" know your place officer.
Jessica: (sigh) Fine. Sir, please let me in so I can report this to our supervisors.
Snivley: Hmmm very well. You may enter.
Snivley moves out of the way and opens the door for her. Jessica really hated him ever since she was assigned here but she ignored his smirk and walks inside the room. There was see Robotnik and Separatist General Jelcho turn to face Jessica.
Robotnik: What do you want now? We are in the middle of something here.
Jessica: My apologies sirs but we may have a problem. A squad of Republic Commandos have discovered Mobius and now they have teamed up with the Freedom Fightera.
Robotniks: (shocked) What?! How did they get past your blockade!?
Jelcho: That would explain why the missiles suddenly gone off. If that is true, that means we might be waiting for an Republic fleet to inade the planet.
Jessica: I believe so sir. Do you want me to sent a small army to track them down?
Jelcho: Don't bother. They might be at the Freedom Fighters base by now. Order the droids to stay high alert and report anything to me at once.
Jessica: Yes sir.
She turn and left the room while Jelcho walks off while Robotnik calls out.
Robotnik: Where are you going?!
Jelcho: I must be at my fleet and wait until the Republic Fleet will arrive. I'm sure you can handle things down here, Robotnik.
Then Jelcho walks off while Robotnik grind his teeth in anger and turn to the screen to monitor things from here.
Y/n, Brains, Rusher, Cleaner, R2-J8 cross over the bridge and make their way through Knothole leaf by Sonic who knows more about Knothole then they do.
Knothole's civilians came out and were either nervous or surprised to see military clone soldiers here in Mobius and Y/n and the rest seem surprised that they never heard of the Republic before.
Y/n: So how long did you and the rrst survived here in the woods?
Sonic: As long I could think. Knothole is not the only shelter to keep us alive by Eggman and the Separatist. There is several others but....some didn't make it long enough.
Brains: How do you know about the grand army ofnthe Republic?
Sonic: During our scouting mission. We over heard those droids talking about the Republic and how the pain you guys were to them. We knew that you guys maybe the good guys so we sneak into Robotroplis communications station and contact help towards the Republic. Guess they sent you four here.
R2-J8: (anger beeps)
Sonic: Oh five then. My bad.
Y/n: It's not just us. There is a large Republic fleet ready to attack the blockade and break through to assit your battle against the Separatist.
Sonic: (smirk) Good luck with that. The blockade up there maybe hard for them to get through.
Y/n: We'll find a way.
Soon they arrive at the Freedom Fighter HQ and in front of it was a young yellow fox with two tails on his back. He looks up to see Sonic and Y/n's team.
???: (surprised) Wow, who are they Sonic?!
Sonic: (smile) Tails these are the Clone Commando's of the Republic. Y/n, Brains, Rusher, Cleaner and R2-J8. Guys, this is Tails, my best friend and brother.
Tails: (smile) Nice to meet you.
Y/n: Same to you.
Rusher: (whisper) So I'm just gonna ignore the fact he has two Tails?
Y/n: (whisper) Rusher, be nice.
Tails: (smile) I'm glad you all are here. Sally needs us at the meeting hall and she'll be surprised seeing you five here.
Y/n: Is she your leader?
Sonic: (smile) Yeah and sometimes a pain in the butt sometimes but that's Sal. Come on, I'll introduce to her and the rest.
They step into what looked like a castle with acorn banners hung on walls to symbolised loyalty as they walk through the halls. Soon Sonic opens the door and the Clone Commandos enter the room to see Sally, Rotor, Bunnie and Antoine as they gathered around of the holpad with Nicole appear in it.
They look over to see Y/n and his squad enter the room and they Salute to them while Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Clone Commando squad: Noble Squad is ready for action!
They were surprised to see the Republic have gotten their message ane sent them here to help them.
Bunnie: (surprised) Wow I know the Republic is a large military in the galaxy but never know they be THAT strong.
Rotor: (surprised) Yeah and look at their armor and weapons. They seem to know how to use them.
Antoine: They don't look elite.
Sally: It's nice to see the Republic sent some troops. I'm thankful for that.
Y/n: It's no problem ma'am.
Brains: So what are you all doing?
Sally: Trying to plan out our way to destroy the blockade up above our planet but it seems like our plans aren't working.
The Commandos gather up with Sally and the rest and join in the plan. Y/n stand beside Sally and asked.
Y/n: Have you try every?
Sally: Yes but Nicole put out the possibility of success and its not good.
Nicole: My apologies but I seems like no plan of breaking through the blockade up above.
Sally: There has to be a way.
Sonic: We'll find a way, don't worry Sal.
Sally: I know.
Y/n thinks of one and so dose his squad. Then Brains asked.
Brains: Sonid told us you used Robotroplis Commandos station to sent out a signal towards the Republic forces right?
Nicole: That is correct.
Y/n: What are you thinking?
Brains: Well if the signal can reach Republic comms. Why not we do the same to the Separatist but thus time lower them away from the planet.
Sally: Excuse me?
Brains: The Battle droids can obay to any orders no matter what they are. Since it's only a just five of Republic forces and the fleet up there didn't see us when we fly by, it be easy to trick them by heading to that communication station and transmitted an order for the droids to move away from the planet so Republic fleet may enter.
Sally and the rest seem surprised by the plan and Nicole calculated the odds of success and the odds of that surprised her.
Nicole: It seems like we have a 50% chance we can succeed if we do that.
Sally: (surprised) Really?
Y/n: (smile) That's why he is called Brains.
Cleaner: So are we gonna get started on the plan?
Y/n: We rest up first and get some food in our stomachs and after that, we start our mission.
Brains: Sounds good.
Sonic: (smile) Awesome. I know one place we can get some food.
They were at Sonic's uncles Chili dog restaurant which is small but the food smells good.
Uncle chuck dish out some chili dogs and hand them to Sonic and the Nible squad. They took off their helmets and set them in the table and take their first bite on the chili dog and they were good and kinda hot.
Brains: (surprised) Wow, this is delicious.
Y/n: (smile) Never have something this good I our lives.
Chuck: (smile) I'm glad your enjoying it it's Sonic's favourite food.
Sonic: (smile) Yep, best food around.
Rusher: So tell us? How can you run fast and done all those skills when we first met.
Sonic: (smirk) I was born with them. Pretty cool do you guys think?
Rusher: Guess so.
Sonic: So is that the reason why they call you Clone troopers?
Y/n: Yeah. We're clones from a bounty hunter named Jango Fett, he is a mandalorian bounty hunter before the Coone wars began.
Sonic: He sounds nice.
Brains: You could say that. Some of the Clone trooper like us were pulled to him and teach us the ways of the Mandalorian and we were trained to be together as brothers.
Sonic: (smirk) Cool, glad you guys are here to help us.
Cleaner: Well just as long we get the mission done. We take out the Separatist here and blow them up sky high.
Rusher: You'll telling me.
Y/n was the first to finish his chili dog and stood up ane said.
Y/n: Thanks for the meal, I'm gonna go and over look at the plan back the base.
Sonic: (smile) Sure. Go rigut away.
Y/n nods and grab his helmet and walks out of the restaurant and make his way back to the planning room. Once there he enter the building and was surprised to see Sally still there and looking over the plan. She looks up and gasp a little in surprised but chuckles a little and said.
Sally: Whoops sorry, didn't know someone would come here.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright. I know that feeling.
He set his helmet onto the table and walks over next to Sally and looks at the plans and asked Sally.
Y/n: You alright?
Sally: Yeah just don't want to lose more of our troops again.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Sally: Well we lost a fee troops when we try to contact help to the Republic and we lost quite a few numbers.
Y/n: I know that feeling. Losing your own men in battle and felt ashame for leading them to their deaths. But that's war, sometimes there will be casualties.
Sally: Guess so.
Y/n looks over the plans and he lend his shoulder a bit to Sally who start to get nervous with her heart skip a beat to even near him. She looked at him and his face and even though his squad are clones, something about Y/n made her blush a little and looks away and look at the plans.
Y/n: You alright Ma'am?
Sally: (blush) Y-Yeah but call me Sally, alright?
Y/n: Oh, sorry.
Sally: (blush) No need to apologise.
Y/n: Alright. Looks like we are ready to start the plan. Ready up your team and I'll ready up mine.
Sally: (blush) R-Right.
Y/n walks off before he grab his helmet and puts it on ane was about to leave the room before Sally said.
Sally: Hey Y/n?
Y/n turns to her and she said.
Sally: Thank you....for answering our calls for help.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Sally. It's what we do.
Then he walk off and Sally felt her heart skip a beat a little and can't stop thinking about Y/n. Something about him is making her heart warm.
Hiding in a ditch were Sonic, Sally, Rotor, Antoine and Noble Team as Y/n peeks out and see a few Super Battle droids guardian the main entrance which is the tall commutation statue that gose up to the sky.
Not only the super Battle droids were there but Separatist tanks and a few droid Commandos patrolling the station within Robotroplis.
Sonic: What do you see?
Y/n: A few Commando droids, super droids and two tanks. Looks like they don't want anyone enter that station again.
Antoine: So the mission is a failure?
Sally: No! There has to be the way we can get in.
Y/n: Rusher head to that building and give us sniper cover.
Rusher: Yes sir.
Rusher sneak his way to the building while Y/n tok out two thermal detonators and pass them to Sonic.
Y/n: Sonic stay here and on my signal, use your speed and drop them into those tanks.
Sonic: Right.
Y/n: And the rest of us will push into the station and signal the Separatist fleet to move to a different location so Republic forces will break through.
Rotor: How would you know they will fall for it?
Brain: I can sent a false distress signal to the Separatist fleet and the will cost the to head to that signal.
Cleaner: Yeah but as soon they realied they been tricked, they will come back and rain hell of the Republic Fleet.
Brains: But it will take a while for the fleet to turn back and that will give the Republic a clear opening for tjem to enter the planet and sent out troops and some supplies.
Y/n: That suits for me.
Sally: Everyone ready?
They all nod and Y/n turns to Rusher who is already on the roof of the building with his sniper rifle aimed at the guards and Y/n signal Rusher to fire.
He nods and open fire a blue bolt and hits a head off of a commando droid and they were surprised by that. Then they all claim out of the ditch and the Y/n and his squad open fire at them and take them out. Sonic rush over and quickly drop down the detonators and soon they blow up.
They push forward and they took out what's left of the guards and they race towards the door ane once open they were met by a swat bot who looks down at them.
Swatbot: Don't move!
Y/n pulls out a small vibroblade on his wrist and stab it into the swatbots chest as sparks fly out and the swatbot fell back and went offline.
Y/n: Rusher stay outside and of you see anything, contact us.
Rusher: (comms) Copy.
Y/n and the rest head inside and made it to the elevator and they head up. Soon they arrive at top and they were met by battle droid workers who turn to see them ane one of then said.
Battle droid worker: Not again.
They blast them and soon the station was clear and Brains leap onto the chair and start to hack into the Separatist fleets comms.
Brains: This maybe longer as I thought.
Sally: Hold on. Let Nicole help you.
She plug Nicole into the system and this helps Brains to hack through the comms more easy and soon he managed to hack into their comms.
Brains: Okay I got it. Now sending a false distress signal far away from here as possible.
Y/n: Do it and make it's quick.
Brains types it away and soon he calls out.
Brains: Done!
Brains press a button and a hologram of the fleet opens up and it worked. They see half of the Separatist ship turn and they jump into Hyper space.
Brains: That should do it.
Y/n: Good. Let me sent a signal out to the general to tell him that the blockade has been waken.
Travelling through Hyper space we see the Republic venator class star destroy Travelling through Hyper space and we see Zack at thr Bridge looking through the window when Commander Shark walks up to him from behind.
Shark: Sir, we have reserved a signal from Noble Squad. They said that the blockade has been waken and we should begin the invasion.
Zack: Very good Commander. Let's begin our attack.
Shark: Yes sir.
Soon the Zack's Republic fleet jump out of Hyper space ane fly towards Mubius. The now three Separatist ships summons fighters to push the back but they're numbers are against them ane Republic Fighters were sent out to battle the Separatist Fighter and clear away for the gunships and other drop ships to fly towards Mubius and make their landing down to the planet.
Y/n and the rest see through the hologram that the Republic Fleet as arrived and pushing the September ships back while senting down Republic dropships down to the planet.
Cleaner: Now that's a large fleet.
Brains: Agree.
Sonic (smile) Now this is way pass cool.
Rusher: (comms) Sir Separatist reinforces are coming and you need to get out of there now!
Y/n: Understood Rusher. On our way out!
They all enter back to the elevator and make their way down to the ground and exit out of the station and turn to see a large army of battle droids marching towards them and behind them was a large Separatist tank carrier slowly floating towards them.
Rotor: That is a lot.
Antoine: We need to get out of here now!
Sally: Antoine is right. Everyone we are leaving!
They rush while the battle droids open fire at them while tehy make their way out. The tank carrier turn it's cannons towards them and Y/n see this and push Sally and Sonic out of the way before it fires at him. The blast missed him but an explosion near him was enough to sent him flying and land onto the ground.
They turn back to see he is in trouble ans Sonic rush over and once there he help him up.
Sonic: You alright?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine, thanks.
Sonic smiles and one battle droid was about to fire at them but a blue bolt hits the droid and that was from Rusher who rush over to Y/n and Sonic.
Rusher: Let's go sir.
Y/n: Right. Let's get out of here.
They catch up with the rest and they escape into the forest and make their way back to Knothole and meet up with the Clone armor ane General Zack.
(Moments later)
Republic gunships and drop ships fly over the great forest and make their lending do to the grass outside of Knothole and standing out of the way of the landing were Y/n his team along with Sally and Sonic as they watch the ships made their landing to the grass.
Once they made a landing the hatch opens and an armor of plain white Clone troopers exit out and form up a line facing Knothole.
Clone trooper 1: Go Go Go!
Clone trooper 2: Move out!
Sally ane Sonic were impressed to see how many they were and soon Jedi Knight Zack and Commander Shark walks over to them and Noble time give them a salute.
Y/n: General.
Zack: (smile) At ease Commando. You and your team did excellent work.
Y/n: It's not just us sir. They help us.
Zack turns to Sonid and Sally ans give them a smile and reach out to Sally and she shakes on it.
Zack: (smile) My name is Jedi Knight Zack. Are you the leader of your army of rebels?
Sally: (smile) Indeed but I am also the Princess among the people but just call me Sally, if that's alright with you.
Noble Squad were surprised that she is a princess and and wonder she is the leader of the Freedom Fighters. Zack wasn't phase by this and nods before Sonix step in.
Sonic: (smile) Guess that leaves me. Hi, Names Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, nice to meet you.
Zack: (smile) Same to you. I bet we will get along quite well in this battle against Robotnik and the Separatist.
Sally: (smile) I believe so. Thank you for answering our calls for help.
Zack: (smile) No problem Sally.
He turn to Noble Squad and said.
Zack: (smile) As for you four. Get some rest, you deserve it ane maybe get along with the people within Knothole and possibly make friends of them.
Y/n: (smile) Sir yes sir!
Zack smiles as the Clone troopers set up some equipment and made several camps throughout the great forest and make plans to make Knothole more stronger ane more secret for the Separatist to find as now the Republic is know working with the Freedom Fighters to take by Mubius and their freedom from Robotnik and the Separatist army.
To be continued...........
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