Chapter 19: A good day with a Princess

Both Zack and Javier are seen training as they train light saber combat as we see them in front of Tails work shop as we see them train. Sonic arrived to check up with Tails only to see the two jedi clashing theie blades at each other while Tails came out while watching them train.

Sonic: Hey Tails, looks like they are using your landing pad for their training.

Tails: Yeah but I must say those light sabers are interesting. Powered by a singal crystal is incredible.

Sonic: (smirk) Just imagine if there was even a bigger one? Heck, they might need to build a huge space station to activate it.

Tails: (chuckle) Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen.

Both Zack and Javier continue their training until they were done as the two deactivated their sabers as Zack places a hand onto his palawan's shoulder.

Zack: (smile) Good job. Your swordsmen skills are getting good, keep up the work.

Javier: (smile) Thank you master.

Sonic: Say kid, how did you get your saber to be double bladed?

He walks over to Javier as he turn sto Zack which he nodes as Javier shows both Sonic and Tails of his double bladed light saber as he tells them.

Javier: It was hard working on this type of light saber hilt but I've managed to get it working.

Zack: There is other hilts that jedi can make that either suit their fighting style or help them more to control their sabers.

Tails: (smile) That's pretty interesting.

Sonic: (smirk) And cool as well. You think I can get one someday?

Zack: (smirk) Maybe if you are force sensitive then maybe you can have one and no, your speed doesn't count.

Sonic: Nuts.

Javier: (smile) Maybe next time.

Shark: General.

Then Commander Shark walks over to them as Zack walks up to him as Zack ask him.

Zack: Give me a report Commander.

Shark: Everything seemed to be calm sir. We have sent a few scouts to secure Robotropolis but no sign of anything as we speak. We also got some supplies delivered 3 hours ago so these supplies will keep us going no time soon.

Zack: Good, I'll tell Sally the good news right away.

Shark: You might need to wait sir. She's taking leave to relax and she won't be back within 5 hours.

Javier: That's odd, wonder where she might be?

Tails: Come to think about it, Y/n was gone and his team told me that he's just away for a bit.

Sonic: Huh that's weird. Wonder where he is?

Zack: (smirk) Who knows but I bet those two will be alright.  Anyways I'll speak with the jedi council and our progress with our battle.

Shark: Yes sir.


We see a nice town that is near a beach site were people go there to have fun and to relax. A bus stop at the bus stop and then coming out of the bud stop was Sally and Y/n coming out of the bus stop with Sally have sunglasses on her while Y/n wearing some normal clothes with a hat and sunglasses on him as well so no one will not know he's a clone.

Y/n: So may I ask why you brought me here?

Sally: (smirk) We're here to relax silly, you've been through a hard battle on another planet while I've been organising soke forces against Eggman and the Separatist. I figured we both deserve some relaxation.

Y/n: Guess so. Say, you usually do this?

Sally: (smirk) Sometimes now come on!

She grabs Y/n's hand and they run through town in hopes to enjoy their fun and relaxation. They walked through town just exploring around and trying to find something fun to do while being here. Y/n noticed something which he walked over towards a arcade game with guns that have wires attached to the arcade machine as he pulls out the weapon and looks at it while Sally walks over to him.

Sally: Have you ever play arcade games before?

Y/n: Not really no.

Sally: (smile) Well this one is easy, all you have to do is to shoot the targets that appear on the screen.

Y/n: Huh, sounds easy enough.

Sally inserts a coin into the machine and the game start as targets appear on the screen which Y/n aim down and fire at the targets, shooting them down while earning some points. Sally is amazed how well is aiming skills was with each shot he hits and he managed to shoot all the targets without missing.

After what seems like minutes, he managed to gain a new high score which was better than anyone else as Sally clap for Y/n while she said.

Sally: (smirk) Nice sharp shooting skills.

Y/n: (smirk) You know me Sal, I never miss.

He realised what he call her and immediately said.

Y/n: Sorry, I mean princess-

Sally: (giggle) That's okay. Sal or Sally is alright with me. Now come on, let's see what else we can do.

And so the two head off to explore more and soon they stop by shops to look around. Y/n has never been to a shop before and he seen many interesting stuff while being here and some cool stuff.

Sally: Hey check this one.

He turn to see Sally showing Y/n a hat that has a silly looking Robotnik on it which made Y/n chuckle while Sally smiles. Soon they were at a small museum where we see then looking around the art and history as Y/n learn about a great war that happened many years ago before the Clone wars started as he research about the great war and ind it very interesting.

Soon they moved a nicelooking view at the beach were Sally looks at the nice veiw while Y/n stood next to her.

Sally: (smile) It's soo beautiful.

Y/n: (smile) Sure is. I can imagine all this would've been ruined by Robotnik and his forces.

Sally: Yeah that's the reason we made the Freedom fighters, to fight back in hopes to take back what he has taking from us.

Y/n:......Say I gonna ask, what was the world like before Robotnik rise into power?

Sally: Very peaceful. This whole world used to be nothing but green hills, tall trees and beautiful landscapes. Many kingdoms were formed and civilization were made to keep going to a bright future for all of us.

Y/n: I see. It would've been nice if Robotnik hadn't ruined all of this or just didn't exist.

Sally: That's what all of us were thinking. We wish for a world without Robotnik but we onky wake up to see terror and destruction. I wish to bring everything back and rebuild everything that was destroyed.

Y/n: And the Republic will help you and your people once this battle is won.

Sally: I'm not too sure about that. Disbite the wins we have gotten throughout the months, Robotnik and Separatists forces have been building up outposts and bases across this planet. This planet is very important to the Separatist so they won't give up, even if they are out numbered.

Y/n: True, but once we kick them all out of this world, we will help you to rebuild this world, no matter what.

Sally: (smile) Thanks. Disbite you being a clone you do act like all of us.

Y/n: Well...I would feel the same if my home was destroyed or ruined by the Separatist.

Sally smiled and they head off to enjoy more fun and soon they arrive at the beach which they choose a private spot so no one will not noticed them. We see Y/n wearing his swim shorts, he feels a bit nervous wearing it but he just ignore it and wait for Sally to be done changing.

Sally: (smirk) All done~!

He turn to face her and immediately blushed to see her in her beach bikini as she look over to Y/n to see him blushing red.

Y/n was blushing red and staring at her until he snap back to reality and immediately turn away while he called out.

Y/n: (blush) M-My apologies! Didn't mean to stare at you like that!

Sally stare at him a few seconds and then let's out a giggle and soon a small laughter as she ensures him.

Sally: (smile) It's alright Y/n, no need to feel surprised or nervous.

Y/n: (little blush) You sure?

Sally: (smirk) Do I look like I'm gonna slap you?

Y/n: (little blush) N-No! I-I don't think so.

Sally smirked and then rush by him while grabbing him by the hand as he drag him into the ocean as they rush into the ocean, theie feet splash through the water as Sally leaps backwards and splashes into the water, while Y/n stood there as Sally floats on her back as she tells Y/n.

Sally: (smirk) What are you waiting for? Lay on your back and enjoy the sea.

Y/n comply and lay on the ocean as his body faces the sky and then find himself very relaxed and enjoy the ocean moving slowly as he shut his eyes and let out a relaxing sigh.

Y/n: (thought) This......This is good. This feels nice.

Y/n was relaxing when suddenly a splash of water hits him and he looked over to see Sally onto her feed amd splashing water at Y/n. He then start to laugh as he start to splash her back which cost Sally to laugh as the two have a water fight as the two were laughing and having fun for hours.

After hours the sun was about to set down and we see the two sitting on shore with them sitting on a blanket as they stare at the sun set.

Sally: (smile) Now that's something I needed.

Y/n: (smile) Same. Say Sal?

Sally: Yeah?

Y/n: From all the clones you could have picked, why me? I mean we are clones after all.

Sally: (smirk) I guess I find you special.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Sally: Not too sure. For the moment we met i feel like your different to the rest of your clone brothers. Even if you all have similar face, same voice and all, I still find you different to the rest which I don't know what. But I see you as different to them, I see you just as normal being as anyone else on this planet.

Y/n: (surprised) Thank you Sally. Its just......well.......

Sally: Don't say anything. You maybe a clone but your just like everyone else. Besides your very much brave, shown to be far more intelligent and more independent then the rest of the clones. Plus, your way more hotter then the other clones.

Y/n: (little blush) W-Well thank you Sal. You...some people think of us to be droids just following orders but we see ourselves as loyal soldiers for the Republic.

Sally: (smirk) And I love a loyal soldier like you.

The two get close to each other and the next thi g they know the two kiss and start to make out. Sally let out a sexxy moan while Y/n is surprised how good it is to kiss someone, it made his heart race a beat as the two make out even more.

Then Sally get onto Y/n's lap, press bee breast onto his chest while Y/n wrap his arm around her back as the two continue to make out and sharing theie moans to each other. Their tongues fought within their mouths while Y/n grabs Sally's butt which she let out a surprise moan and allows Y/n to dig his mouth even farther into her mouth as the two continue for who knows how long.

Then the two stop making out to catch their breath as they were breathing heavily while they stare at each other with love in their eyes as they stare at each other.

Y/n: (surprised) heart. Its beating so fast.

Sally: (smirk) That's what love feels like. What do you think of it?

Y/n: (surprised) It feels.......amazing. Its mind is all clear from worry and troubles.

Sally: (giggle) Guess clones don't have any romantic relationships to anyone?

Y/n: Well the Kaminoan's believe this form of relationship is dangerous and no point. We'll just die during battle.

Sally: (smile) Well I won't let that happen because I fall for you.

Y/n: (smile) Same to you Sally.

Sally smiled once more and then the two make out once more as they enjoy their time together on the beach as the sun sets down for the night.


At Robotropolis, we are Robotnik talking to Count Dooku through a hologram as a hologram of Dooku is seen as Robotnik informs him his situation which disappointed Dooku.

Dooku: (hologram) How disappointed. The Republic is gaining upper hands as we speak and you fail to crush them.

Robotnik: I can ensure you that everything will be secure and the Republic forces will be crushed.

Dooku: (hologram) I hope so Doctor. I cannot wait to see your progress once i arrive at your facility.

Robotnik: (surprised) You mean?! Your coming here?!

Dooku: (hologram) Yes. Gather your high ranking leaders of your.....empire. Also, my master will wishes to speak with you about a project.

Robotnik: Y-Your master?

Then a hologram of Dooku disappeared and was replace with a cloaked figure which struck Robotnik in fear as he calls out to him.

???: (hologram) Doctor Ivo Robotnik, I wish to speak to yo about something.

Robotnik: (shocked) O-Of course! What do you want me to do?

???: (hologram) I wish for you to work on a project that can ensure us a great victory for the Separatist and I wish for you to work on the project in secret.

Robotnik: (scared) O-Of course sir! What project do you want me to work on?

He then show him a hologram of something that amazed him while the cloak figure tells him.

???: (hologram) I wish for you to build a copy version of the space station and report back to me once it is complete. We must make sure there will be no errors or any mistakes so the Republic will not stand a chance.

Robotnik: Of course! I'll get that to work right away.

???: (hologram) Good and remember Doctor......I want no failures, or else.

Robotnik swallow his worries and the hologram call of Dookus master ends as Robotnik let's out a sigh and said to himself.

Robotnik: I need a relaxation.

To be continued...............................................

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