Chapter 18: Battle of Cascade (Arc 5 final)
Y/n, Brains, Cleaner, rusher, Rouge, Molly and R2-JB where making their way through the Separatist ship as alarms continues to make nosises across the ship while they were making their way through the ship. They were searching for Omega and Shadow after they were taking by the Cascade rebels and delivered by the Separatist for torture.
They go around corners and making sure they will be not jumped by behind as a few turned around and looked around for any droids but nothing. Soon they reach they to the security room which they get onto the left side of the wall and near the door.
Y/n turns to everyone and node to them which they node back and once everyone is ready he pulls out a pulse grenade and then open the door and tossed the pulse grenade into the room.
Once it gose off they breach into the room and secure the room as they see the battle droids are offline now and they have cleared the room. R2-JB plug himself into one of the controls and seconds later a hologram of the ship appear with two red dots in different locations of the ship.
Rouge: Looks like Omega is at the scrapping room. They may or may not have gotten information from him and now scrapping him for parts.
Molly: That's not good. What about Shadow?
Cleaner: Looks like he's in the prison section of the ship.
Y/n: Then that means we have to split up. Me, Brains and Rusher will rescue Shadow while Rouge, Molly, and Cleaner will head to the scrapping room and break out Omega. R2-JB, find you way back to the ship and get it online.
Rouge: What about Jelcho? This is our chance to take him down so Eggman will not have his general.
Y/n: Raven and his small Shadow Clone Troopers will make their way to the bridge to take him down but once we get Shadow and Omega we heaf to the bridge and take him down. Let's hope he's still in the ship.
Molly: Let's hope so. He's going to pay for everything he did to this planet.
Y/n: Agree. Let's go guys, time is against us so let's move out.
Y/n, Brains and Rusher were slowly making their way through the halls of the ship when suddenly the doors in frontbof them closes all of a sudden which blocked their path.
Rusher: What the hell?
Y/n: Looks like someone is watching us. Brains, get this door open.
Brains: Right away.
As Brains was doing his work a hologram of Jelcho appears behind them as Y/n and Rusher turn to face him.
Jelcho: (hologram) Ah a Clone of commandos of the Republic. I knew one day that the Republic will sent one of their best to take me down.
Y/n: Your finished Jelcho. You lost this battle and as soon we free our friends, we go after you.
Jelcho: (hologram) You really think you can stop me? Good luck trying commander. You know, I was once loyal to the Republic and even after the golden days of the Republic. I was proud of being a Republic citizen and that's why I wish to work for the military as a fleet commander or general. But when I get there they just laughed and told me insulting things about my race so I left. When I realised what the Republic have been treating my people and other none humans race, I knew now that the Republic are nothing more but racist and selfish people who never allow none humans to the military. And so I join the Separatist to get revenge and we are, talking as I tell you this story.
Y/n: I'm sorry about that.
Jelcho: (hologram) Even know I was weak and naive back then I knew now that I must battle the true enemies of the galaxy and that is the Republic. Say you can join us you know, abandoned the Republic and join the Separatist. What do you say?
Y/n: I have to refuse that offer. We're loyal to he Republic and will not abandon or betray it.
Jelcho: (hologram) I may not know for how long but when the time comes you will question the Republic's actions and finds out which sides are your true enemies, us or them? But enough talk, see you around.
He disappeared and the door behind them open as Brains was done but they see Super battle droids behind the door so they immediately find cover as the Super battle droids open fire at them.
They get some cover and open fire at them. The Super battle droids continues to fire at them while marching towards them as the trio pulled back.
Rusher: Crap they're just too tough!
Brains: Let's not forget too many of them.
Y/n: We need to punch through or find another way around them!
After they get some cover, Y/n and Rusher open fire at them while Brains looks through his helmet hud and search for a alternative route.
Brains: Looks like there and good news, this route will lead us to the prison.
Rusher: And where is that?
Brains: Follow me!
They rush away while they return fire at the Super battle droids while they continue to fire at them.
Cleaner, Rouge and Molly where making their way through the halls and finally arrived to where Omega is. They were making their way towards the door but suddenly the door blow up which made them to step back a bit.
Cleaner aim his blaster rifle and suddenly a battle droids flies out from the room and smashed into a wall and then Omega came out of the room as another battle droids open fired at him only for him to grab the Battle droid and rip him in two.
He tossed the droid onto the ground while Cleaner lower his Blaster rifle.
Rouge: (smirk) Nice one Omega.
Cleaner: Let me check for any trackers. Don't want to bring him home with a Separatist tracked on him.
He walks over and checks around while Molly ask Rouge.
Molly: You think Omega will function alright?
Rouge: (smile) He's been through tough situations so he'll be fine.
Molly: Well that's good to hear I guess.
Rouge: (smirk) So....what's with you and Y/n?
Molly: (blush) Oh um no reason!
Rouge: (smirk) You sure about that?
Molly: (blush) Y-Y-Yes I'm sure!
Rouge: (smirk) Alright then.
Cleaner: Looks like your all clear big guy. Guess the Separatist were not thinking about placing a tracker on you.
Cleaner: Um right? Say is it normal for this droid to be this bloodthirsty?
Rouge: (smirk) It's normal if you were in team dark. Because aren't you like a Demolition expert?
Cleaner: True but I don't just blow up a whole army of battle droids and laugh like a psychopath.
Rouge and Molly:..................
Cleaner: Okay I may do that just a bit.
Molly: Let's hope Y/n and the other got Shadow.
Rouge: (smile) Sure they will. Let's meet up with Raven and his team and hopefully Y/n and others will meet up.
Y/n, Rusher, and Brains arrived at the prison section of the ship and after looking through the cells they found Shadow as Brains slice through the door and soon the cell doors open and Y/n and Rusher rush inside and get Shadow out from the cell.
Y/n: You alright Shadow?
Shadow: Yeah....I'm fine. They are gonna pay for that.
Y/n: Won't blame you. What did they ask you while you were captured?
Shadow: Basic stuff. Locations to the Freedom fighters base, GUN base and many other things. They were also asking me about my birth and who made me.
Rusher: Why would they ask you that?
Shadow: Because I was made to be the ultimate life forms so they wish to gather some Intel so they can make their own unlimit life form for the Separatist.
Rusher: It's a lucky thing you didn't give them.
Shadow: Yeah. Still thanks for the save.
Y/n: No problem Shadow. We-
Suddenly there was a explosion which cost the ship to shake all of a sudden.
Y/n: What was that?
Brains: One od the ships thrusters was hit. Seems like one of our Republic walkers must have a lucky shot and took down one of it's engines.
Rusher: Is that a problem?
Brains: Well yeah. If the flames continues to spread then it will destroy more thrusters and soon, this ship will not be floating anymore.
Shadow: How long do we have?
Brains: We only have 20 minutes for this ship to go down. Which ment we need to head to the bridge and get back to the Blue Light before the ship crashes onto the surface.
Y/n: Right. Let's go team!
Soon they arrived to the bridge and once there they already see the rest in the room as they turn to see them. They walk inside whioe Rouge rush up and hugged Shadow.
Rouge: (smirk) Good to see you Shadow.
Shadow growls a bit which Rouge can say he's glad to see her as well. Y/n walks up to Raven as he ask him.
Y/n: Where is Jelcho?
Raven: Not here. He must have escape the bridge before we got here. We're tracking him right now.
Y/n: Lock down both the hangers and escape pods. We can't allow him to escape.
Brains: But what about the engine failure?
Raven: He's right. The fire is spreading and we lost another thruster. Soon this ship will crash and we all will die.
Y/n: Then we open one hanger door and take that as our escape. Let's hope we can catch up to Jelcho before he dose escape.
Raven: Right let's get moving!
And so they leave the bridge and make their way through the halls of the ship and soon they arrived at the hanger and just see a Separatist shuttle flying out of the hanger.
Y/n: Everyone into the Blue light now!
They rushed towards the Blue Light and once inside they take off and fly out of the hanger as they are behind the Separatist shuttle and fly through the complete destruction of the Separatist fleet.
Raven and Brains take control over the Blue Light's cannons and they open fire at the shuttle. The Separatist shuttle dodges the incoming shots while Brains and Molly stay on its tail.
They fly by destroy Separatist ships with Republic fighters cleaning up any Separatist fighters as they continue to chase Jelcho's shuttle before he can escape.
Brains: Damn it! We can't take him down!
Shadow: (coms) Brains, Molly get me close and I can teleport inside.
Brains: You sure that's a good idea?
Shadow: (coms) Just do it!
Brains: right!
They get as close as to the shuttle and once close Shadow use chaos control and teleport inside the shuttle and takes down the droids within he shuttle and then knocks out Jelcho before moving to the cockpit and take down the pilots.
Shadow: (coms) I got control of the ship. You can stop firing right now.
They stop firing and they fly back to where Plo and the others are and soon they make their landing in front of Plo, Woffle and his troops as they exit out as Shadow has Jelcho in cuffs as he hands him to two Clone Troopers as Plo tells them.
Plo: Good job. Now we have their general, it will be easy for us to win the battle and clear Mobius from Separatist forces.
Y/n: Seems like it sir.
Then a GUN ship flies over them and then make it's landing. Once landed Abarham and two GUN soldiers came out from the ship as they approach them as Y/n tells them.
Y/n: Mission is complete. This planet is clear from Separatist forces and we won the battle.
Abarham: That's good to here. Now hand over the traitor.
Y/n: Traitor? You mean Molly?
Molly: (shocked) What?! B-But I didn't do anything wrong!
Abarham: Your rebels not only joined the Separatist but also captured GUN's best team. You along with your rebels will pay for this.
Molly: But....but I didn't-
Y/n: Wait a minute! Sir she didn't betrayed us, she was shocked as all of us when they betrayed us. She had no idea they were actually working for the Separatist you got to believe us!
Brains: Yeah ans she help us take down not only the rebels but also Jelcho. Now we have the Separatist general, we can vleat Mobius from Separatist forces.
Abarham: I don't care about that right now! Molly and her rebels needs to pay for her crimes for treason! Now move out of the way!
Y/n and the others stood in front of her and refusing to move which angers Abarham a bit and he was about to arrest them whne Plo step in.
Plo: There is no need for arresting her. The Republic will take care of her.
Y/n: Plo!?
Abarham: You sure about this?
Plo: The Republic will make sure thst she will pay for her crimes for sure. You can count on me.
Abarham: Very well then. Team Dark, Raven let's go.
They obeyed and go with him as they enter the ship while the rest turn to Plo which Plo ensures them.
Plo: Do not fear. I'm not actually gonna do it. What Molly did was heroic and she shows true loyalty to the Republic and to her planet.
Cleaner: Thank god for that.
Molly: Thank you for that Master Plo.
Plo: Do not thank me Molly. We should be thanking you for being loyal to us disbite your rebels betrayal. You really are a great soldier.
Molly: (smile) Thanks.
Y/n: So now what?
Plo: We gather as much Republic forces and make some repairs of this planet.
Brains: They did wreck everything they see.
Molly: Yeah. I hope I will go back to normal one day.
Y/n: Bet it will.
Plo: We can take care of things here, your team will heaf back to your general and get some rest.
Y/n: Sure thing sir, thank you.
And so Noble Squad and Molly make their way towards the Blue Light as Y/n have a idea and turn to Molly and ask.
Y/n: Hey Molly?
Molly: Yeah?
Y/n: (smirk) I've been thinking. How's about you be apart of our team and be our pilot.
Molly: (surprised) Really? You want me? But I'm not a Clone like you guys.
Y/n: (smirk) It doesn't matter. Not only you have a strong loyalty but your also a good pilot. We would like a good pilot as our team ain't that right?
Brains: (smile) Sure I really don't mind.
Cleaner: (smile) Same here.
Rusher: Just as long she doesn't spin the ship around, I think I'll be fine about it.
Molly: (surprised) Then in that case sure thing! I'll be your pilot.
Y/n: (smirk) Then welcome to Noble Squad Molly, glad to have you aboard.
She smiled and so they make their way to the Blue light and climb inside and once they are inside Molly and Brains starts up the engines and once it comes online they take off as they leave the planet and once into space they jump into Hyper space as they return back to Mobius to get some rest for a job well done.
To be continued......................................
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