Chapter 17: Battle of Cascade (Arc 4)
Republic AT-TE and AT-RT are seen making their way through the abandoned city of Cascade so they can join up with Republic forces at the other side and aide them in their battle. There are five AT-TE walkers and ten AT-RT along with eight TX-130 Republic tanks with gunners on top of it as they keep an eye on the buildings for any Separatist snipers that might try to shoot them down.
Inside the first AT-TE walker we see Plo, Woffle, Raven, Molly, Rouge and Noble Squad as they are sitting and waiting for something to happen. Molly is seen still a bit hurt how her friends just betrayed her and what they were fighting for which Y/n noticed this and ask.
Y/n: You okay?
Molly: Just still hurt about before.
Y/n: Well don't worry about that. Your not like them, your with us.
Molly: Thanks.
Cleaner: So what's the plan to free Shadow and omega from the Separatists hands?
Rouge: First we need to deal with the Separatist forces on the ground, then we rescue Shadow and Omega. Besides Shadow wants us to complete the mission first.
Brains: But they may try to escape as soon as the battle is lost.
Plo: I have call in more back up so even if Jelcho's fleet try to escape, they will be block off.
Raven: We all do respect general, I believe Jelcho will not back down until he will punch through and escape.
Then Raven came down of the ladder and lands on his feet as he make his way to Plo and the others as Woffle tells Plo.
Woffle: He may got a point sir. You know how some September leaders will not give up and will not back down from a fight.
Plo: I agree. Then we must be quiet before we will miss our window.
AT-TE pilot: Sir! I got a radio call from Republic forces. They wanna know when you be arriving.
Plo make his way over there while the rest stand around until Rusher ask Raven.
Rusher: You think Plo's plan might work? We have no idea where those snipers are or how many of them is there.
Raven: Woffle?
Woffle: I trust my general. He knows knows he is doing.
Raven: Let's hope so.
Plo's forces make their way through the abandoned city as the gunners scan around for any snipers that might try to take them down. We then see one of those snipers appear on a building as we see a Commando droid aim down his blaster sniper rifle and take aim at the gunner. He has his finger on the trigger and was about to pull it when suddenly a bolt came out of nowhere and hits the Commando droid in the head, killing him immediately.
We then see cloaked Shadow Clone Troopers armed with blaster sniper rifle with thermal scope as they scan around and see more Separatist snipers and they take them out. Many Commando droids get shot and killed before they can even have a chance to snipe at Plo's forces as they walk by.
Rusher: Looks like those snipers are doing their jobs quite well.
Cleaner: Probably better then you (Chuckle).
Rusher: Oh shut up.
Suddenly there was a explosion follow by the AT-TE they were in shake as if there was a explosion happened right next to them. Then they heard blaster fire as they see the Separatist are now taking on the Republic forces the loud way.
Y/n: Looks like they are going with plan B.
Raven: Then let's show them how a bad idea this is.
The back of the AT-TE opens up and a ramp comes down ad Raven, Rouge and Woffle came out along with Rusher, Brains and Cleaner. Then Y/n grabs a DC-15S blaster rifle and gives it to Molly.
Y/n: Here, can't allow you to go out without a blaster.
Molly: (smile) Thanks. What about you?
Then he pulls out a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon which surprised Molly while Y/n smirked underneath his helmet and tells Molly.
Y/n: (smirk) Well I've been dying to try out this baby. Let's go.
The two race out and they already see Republic Troopers already out including Plo as he reflected the bolts back at the Separatist battle droids as they are taking cover as they fire back at Republic forces. A few Clone Troopers gets hit and fell onto thr ground while the rest pull them for cover and returning fire at them.
Plo: Sniper team we're being pinned. Assist us if you can!
Sniper team leader: (coms) Yes general.
Y/n fires his rotary cannons at the Separatist droids as they get hit by the bolts of his cannons. He dodged some bolts while he continues firing at the Separatist droids.
Woffle: Looks like your having fun.
Y/n: (smirk) What can I say Woffle, the bigger the blasters are, the funner it gets.
The Republic tanks and AT-RT open fire at the Separatist droids when suddenly one of the AT-RT gets blown up with a AT-RT pilot sent flying and land hard onto the ground.
Clone Trooper: We got a tank incoming!
At the left side they see three Separatist tanks coming up towards them and taking each shot and blowing up the Republic AT-TE and AT-RT walkers. The Republic tanks turne their cannons around and fire back at the Separatist tanks while the Separatist tanks fire at them.
A few Republic tanks gets blown up or heavily damaged ad they fire back at them. Plo sees this and reach out in the force to use the nearly destroyed building to break and then fell on top of the Separatist tanks, destroying them for sure.
Plo turns and reflected the incoming shots and race over and slice off the Battle droids and super battle droids with his light saber. He then force pushed them away, sending them flying and slicing a few more battle droids and soon all droids are no more.
He deactivated his saber and turns to see how many Clone Troopers that are still standing. We then see a Commando droid taking aim at Plo as he have his finger at the trigger and was about to end the jedis life. Suddenly a bolt takes down the Commando droid and we see the sniper teams arrived at the last minute.
Plo: How many men did we lost?
Woffle: Just a few sir. They really surprised us.
Plo: Right. Everyone back to the walkers, we're moving out.
They did so as they climb back at the AT-TE walkers and once all of them are on board they continue their journey to meet up with the other Republic forces before it's too late.
Within Jelcho's ship we see him along with two Magnaguards as they zapped Shadow with electro staffs while he is inside a force feild as he yells in pain and collapse onto both of his knees while Jelcho stare at him as a battle droid walks up to Jelcho.
Battle droid: We did some scans to him and it seems he is completely different to any other Mobain.
Jelcho: I see.
He finds it very interesting so he turns to Shadow and ask him.
Jelcho: Tell me, how did you came to existence?
Shsdow: I won't talk!
Jelcho: Is that so? Well you must understand that we are fighting for what we believe is justice. The Republic isn't your friend Shadow, they are nothing but corrupt people who wished to rule the galaxy in their way and not allowing us to rule our own way. We are fighting for freedom here.
Shadow: Damn right. You attack both planets and for what? Winning the war?
Jelcho: Sometimes we must do what is necessary to win our war against the Republic. If they won't listen then they will once this war ends with the a Separatist victory.
Shadow: You will never win!
Jelcho: We will see about that.
He then turn and leaves the room while Magnaguards continues to zap Shadow as best they can while Jelcho is seen enter the bridge and once he enter a one of the droid crew informs Jelcho.
Droid crew: Sir we lost contact with William and his forces.
Jelcho: They must have been taking care of by Republic forces. We remain here and wait for more Republic forces to come and then destroy them all once and for all.
Plo and his Republic forces arrived at the location as they can hear huge explosion and many blaster bolts as Molly and Noble Squad came out of the AT-TE walker and climb up a hill and once at top they see a huge battle happening down below.
They all watched while Y/n looks up and sees a few Separatist ships hooving over head them.
Y/n: Looks like Shadow and Omega is in one of those ships.
Rouge: Then that would mean we need to head up there ans save him and Omega.
Then Rouge and Raven walks up to them while Plo came out on top of the tank as he tells them.
Plo: I'll leave the rescue to you all. Contact us as soon you find Shadow and Omega.
Y/n: Yes sir.
Plo climb back inside and once that the walkers begin to climb down the hill so they can aid Republic forces while they look up at the Separatist ships as Brains ask.
Brains: So how do we get up there?
Raven: Any way to call apon you ship?
Just then the Blue light appear as it fly over head them and then land next to them with a walk way came down and R2-J8 came out and wave them over to them.
Y/n: Seems like it. Buckle up everyone, this is gonna be interesting.
They make their way over there and seconds later we see the Blue light flying towards the Separatist fleet and it wasn't long for the Separatist fleet to noticed them and sent out fighters to take them down.
Brains: We got incoming fighters!
Y/n: Everyone battle stations!
They rush down the halls as Molly and Brains pilot the Blue light while Raven and Y/n each take turret of the Blue light as Separatist fighters start to open fire at them as the blue light dodge theie incoming bolts including the fighters itself as they fly around the Separatist fleet while fighting follow them.
The Separatist ships cannons start to open fire at them which they dodged them as well while Separatist fighters was on their tail and fire at them. Raven and Y/n turns their Cannons 360 and open fire, taking out a few Separatist fighters while Molly and Brains dodge the incoming bolts as they spin around as bolts fly by them.
Rusher: (coms) Can you not do that!
Brains: (smirk) Spinning is a good trick Rusher, appreciate our piloting skills.
They dodge more incoming bolts as Ravne takes out a few more fighters while he calls out to Y/n.
Raven: We can't take them all on for long! We need to know where Shadow and Omega is and get in!
Y/n: Rouge any ideas?
Rouge: (coms) I have. I got Omega's signal and it seems they are on a ship near us. I'll sent you the coordinations.
Y/n: Got that you two. Head to that signal.
Molly and Brains: (coms) Right!
They head towards where the signal is at and they see Jelcho's ship up ahead but more bolts fly by as Brains and Molly try their best to dodge them but they get shot and alarms start to go off.
Brains: Crap we're hit! Someone check and see if nothing important is damaged!
Cleaner: (coms) On it!
Then there was a explosion as smoke appears at the back of the Blue light as they start to lose power while Brains and Molly try their best to have the Blue light hold it a bit longer.
They were getting closer the ship until Brains immediately realised and radios in everyone.
Brains: Everyone they have a force shield, I don't think we can't get in if that's on!
Raven: (coms) Allow me.
Raven turns his cannons around and fire bolts at the shield generator at top and destroy it.
Y/n: Nice one!
Raven: Now let's go in!
They dodges more incoming bolts and soon they made a rough landing at the hanger as the Blue light slide across the hanger and slowly stopped. Everyone shakes from the crash as Molly, Brains, Y/n ans Raven came up to the rest as Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Everyone not dead?
They said no which Y/n is glad. Then R2-J8 looks at one of the screens and sees a lot of Separatist droids surrounding the blue light and they were waiting for them to fome out. The rest sees this and knows they are outnumber.
Raven: So what's the plan?
Y/n: It's a huge hanger and a lot of clankers. Guess we have no choice but to take them all.
Raven: Aren't you Commando's not train to take on battle droids that is bigger like that one?
Y/n: Let's just say we can handle bigger army's then this one.
Cleaner: (smirk) Now this is going to be fun.
Brains: Still we need to find Shadow and Omega before Jelcho will do something to them.
Molly: And maybe capture Jelcho for his crimes.
Y/n: That's right. If we find Jelcho and capture him, this battle with end.
Cleaner: And Eggman will lose his allie.
Rusher: But first we need to deal with a huge army of droids right in front of our door.
Y/n: Yeah your right. Well let's get our gears and let's do this.
They head to the small armery and start to loot up with blasters and some explosions. Molly was given some armor for protection from incoming blaster bolts while the rest gear themselves up and they were ready for battle.
We then cut to the Separatist droids taking aim at the Blue light and waiting for them to come out. When the ramp came down they start to open fire at the ramp but they stopped when they realise they didn't came down.
Y/n: Looking for us?
They look up to see them on top of the blue light and before they can fire they quickly shoot first and take out a few battle droids while they leap down and open fire at the battle droids while they take cover. Many battle droids open fire at them with a few get shot and fell onto the ground.
Raven, Cleaner and Molly throw detonators and blow up some Separatist battle droids that sent their parts flying while they continue to open fire at them. A few fighters within the hanger came online and they deal some heavy shots at them as a few of them open fire at them.
Brains: Looks like things aren't going in our favour here.
Rouge: Over here!
They look over to see Rouge at the door that is open so they race over there while some fire at the battle droids as they get shot. Soon they made it to the door as Rouge kneel down and try to shut the door while the battle droids march towards them.
Y/n: Any time now Rouge.
Rouge: (smirk) Never worry. I got this.
Soon the doors closed in front of them and they were save. They breath a sigh of relief while they turn to the empty hallway of the Separatist ship as Molly ask.
Molly: So where to?
Y/n: Ons way to find out. Let's go everyone.
They make their way down the halls and seeing g they can locate Shadow and Omega or maybe locate Jelcho so he can tell them where they are while take him down so this battle will end.
To be continued.............................
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