Chapter 16: Battle of Cascade (Arc 3)

We see Noble Squad outside of the base trying to figure out a plan to sneak their way inside the Cascade Freedom Fighters base and free the Republic forces along with the general. Molly is inside the Blue Light, feeling betrayed by the fact that her own Freedom fighters just betrayed their own planet and their Freedom just to sided with the enemy that they have been fight for all these years.

Brains step out of the Blue Light and walks over to Y/n and the rest as they stand around in front of the base waiting for Brains which they turn to see Brains walking up to them.

Rusher: So have you connected the fleet?

Brains: Indeed and they can't sent more back up to help us. There is too many Separatist ships and more has arrived. We're on our own.

Cleaner: So any plans to sneak our way inside the base and save the General and the Republic forces inside?

Rusher: There must be tons of Cascade Freedom fighters inside just waiting for us to come back. There's no way we can't stand against all of them, especially getting inside.

Y/n: We have Molly. Remember she was one of them and she can help us.

Brains: Yeah but are you sure about this? How can we be sure Molly isn't going to betray us just like them?

Y/n: You saw her reaction she didn't know this would happen and she is shocked as all of us are. If she was going to betray us, she would have killed us all at the control room.

Brains: True you have a point.

Rusher: Yeah but they cast her out of their group so what makes you think they're gonna let her in?

Y/n: Maybe she knows another way inside. Let me speak to her.

They node as Y/n make his way inside the Blue Light and find her sitting near the hologram with R2-JB next to her as she place her hand on top of R2-JB while the droid made a sad noise as Y/n walks up to her.

Y/n: How are you feeling?

Molly: Not good. I just can't believe they would do such a thing. Our planet was in ruins because of the Separatist and they join them because the Republic didn't came to help?! Unbelievable!

Y/n: I know how you feeling and believe me I'm angry at them as well. But right now we need to get inside the base and rescue he general and many Republic troopers and your the only one that knows another way inside the base within being detected.

Molly lower her head down which Y/n bend down to her and then ask her.

Y/n: Please Molly. I know your shaking of this but please, do this for your the right thing and help us.

Molly looks over to Y/n and then ask him.

Molly: How can you trust me?

Y/n doesn't say anything and took off his helmet and look at her and guve her a warm smile and said.

Y/n: (smile) Because I know your fighting for freedom and you'll do anything to protect this planet and bring justice to those who have fallen. Don't let any of your friends deaths be forgotten, do this for them.

Molly is surprised by his trust towards her and her heart rush a bit as Y/n stood up and lend out a hand to her. She then take his hand and help her up. Then she hugged him with a smile along with a singal tear while Y/n hugged her back.

Soon the other Squad were inside the Blue Light ad Molly opened a hologram of the Cascade Freedom fighter base and points to the top of the mountain.

Molly: There is a hatch at the top of the mountain that can lead you down and soon you'll be at storage room.

Brains: That's close to the prison room and we can rescue the general and the Republic forces.

Rusher: Seems like it but not ti be suspicious but how can we know we won't be detected once we're on top of the hill.

Molly: Well your ship has stealth mode right? We can use that to sneak up top of the mountain and land there before they noticed we're up there.

Y/n: (smirk) Sounds like the plan to me. Squad get ready your gears, time to head back and rescue our general.

The Squad nodes and once that Brains and Molly head into the cockpit and switch on the Blue Light while Brains ask Molly.

Brains: Do you know how to pilot this ship?

Molly: (smile) Sure. Seems to be easy to pilot it.

Then Brains is surprised when the Blue Light start to lift up in the air which Molly gives him a friendly smirk while eh said.

Molly: (smirk) See. Told you I can pilot it.

Brains: (surprised) Well done. Anyways let's do this.

The two lifted the Blue Light up in the air and they fly off as they make their return to Cascade Freedom fighters base.


We see both Cascade Freedom fighter soldiers and Separatist forces inside the base as the droids and Cascade Freedom fighters throws the last Clone troopers inside of a cell and lock them up as they actived the red shield in front of the clones and then left. Once that they make their leave while we see Plo and Woffle stripped from their weapons and armor as Woffle looks around to try to find away to escape while Plo sat on the floor meditating.

Woffle: Blast it! I can't seem to find a way out of here.

Plo: Be patient commander. Rescue will come soon.

Woffle: Sorry sir but I don't think no one isn't going come.

Plo: Rescue will come when you at least suspect. There is Noble Squad that is still out there.

Woffle: Still I don't think they won't stand a chance against this army sir.

Plo: We'll see Commander. We'll see.

Then we cut to the bridge where we see William talking to Jelcho as his hologram can be seen on the holotable as Jelcho tells William.

Jelcho: (hologram) You have done a excellent job. Now the Republic forces on Cascade will fall and we will achieve victory.

William: Thank you sir. Those Republic scum will pay for ignore our cries for help.

Jelcho: (hologram) You were lucky I show you and what's left of your planet's people mercy and spare you if you join me to take vengeance apon the Republic.

William: I-Indeed.....I made the right call.

Jelcho: (hologram) You did perfectly. Now I have detected a lot of Republic forces coming at my way. I will contact you once the battle is won.

William: Yes sir.

Soon the call ends as William looks down in silent for a bit and then walks off. Then we cut to the top of the mountain as we see the Blue Light invisible as it lands on the mountain and then Noble Squad walk out and walks over to the hatch which Brains opens up and they look down.

Y/n: Molly we contact you once the base is clear. Stand clear from the base until then, got it?

Molly: (radio) Got it. Be safe boys.

Soon Molly takes the Blue Light and flies off while Rusher stabbed a small pole onto the ground and tie up a rope onto it and throws it down the hatch.

Rusher: That should be long. Let's just hope they're not waiting for us down there.

Brains: Molly say the storage room is huge so I won't even know we are down there.

Y/n: I trust Molly and besides there's no turning back now.

Cleaner: So what's the plan Y/n?

Y/n: We head to the cell block to rescue the general and then head to the control room. Set your blasters to stun if Cascade Freedom fighters discovered us. We need them alive so bolts only for droids.

Brains, Rusher and Cleaner: Copy.

Y/n: Alright then, let's get to work.

(Stealth music start)

One by one Noble Squad gtab on the rob and slide down through the hatch and soon enter the storage room. Soon Rusher was last while the rest were already on the ground aiming their DC-17m blaster rifle as they scan around while Rusher lands on his feet and joins with them. Y/n made rasied his hand and waves it to his front which they move out.

Y/n and Brains were taking point while Rusher and Cleaner were behind them making sure no one will not sneak up behind them. They slowly walk through the shelfs of the storage room and soon they see a door up ahead which they slowly make theie way towards when suddenly the door open and two Cascade Freedom fighters step inside while Y/n rasies his fist, signalling his team to stop.

The four watched as they talked while standing at the door before they make their leave from the door to check the supplies they have. Once they were gone Noble Squad moves towards the door and exit out of the storage room. Once out they sneaky walk theie way through the halls of the base while avoiding security camera on the walls above them. Soon they heard footsteps up ahead which they stop while Y/n gets close to the corner and pulled out his Vibroknife from his wrist and once the droids appears in front of him, he grabs the droid by the neck and before the droid would say anything Y/n stabs the droid in where his battery is at and shuts the droid down.

Then a door open near them from behind which a Cascade Freedom fighter turn and spotted them but quickly Rusher stuns the freedom fighter before he could sound the alarms.  They hide both the unconscious Freedom fighter and the killed droid inside of the room and lock it. Once that they keep on moving and soon they reach the holding cell as they hugged the wall with their shoulders and get close to the door.

Y/n: (whisper) Brains get that door open.

Brains: (whisper) Copy that.

Brains skips over the line and get in front of Y/n to slice open the door while the rest stand guard. Soon there was a beep and the door open while Y/n pulls out a flash bang and turns to Cleaner.

Y/n: (whisper) Cleaner. Clean the room up.

Cleaner: (whisper) Yes sir.

Y/n tossed a flashbang into the room and once the flash bang gose off, Cleaner gets in and use his repulsor blast to sent Cascade Guards and battle droids down to the ground while the rest of the squad came in and stun the Cascade Freedom Fighters while take down the battle droids.

Y/n: Room check!

Brains: Clear!

Cleaner: Clear!

Rusher: Clear!

Y/n: Room Clear!

(Stealth music ends)

They make tueie way towards the cells and deactivated the energy shields and the Clone troopers walk out of the cells. Y/n released Plo and Woffle along with the other Clone troopers with them as Plo tells Y/n.

Plo: Good job commander Y/n. You and your squad did a good job.

Y/n: Thank you sir. Just glad your safe.

Raven: Noble Squad!

He turn to see Raven his troopers along with Rouge as Rouge tells them squad.

Rouge: The Separatist took Shadow and Omega to Jelcho.

Brains: Why?

Raven: Because Shadow is the ultimate life form and they believe they can use him as a way to make secret weapons while Omega is taking to be reprogrammed to fight against the Republic.

Y/n: That can't be good. Still we need to capture William before we can find out where Shadow and Omega is.

Raven: Right. We head down to the armoury to gather our weapons and gear. We're join you at the control room.

Y/n: Copy that.

Plo: Stay safe Noble Squad and may the force be with you.

Y/n: Understood sir. Noble Squad move out!


At the control room we see William looking through the battle at the holotable while a battle droid walks over to William and tells him.

Battle droid: Sir we've have no signal from the guards at cell block C-3.

William: They must have broken free. Alert all personnel that we have a breach at Cell block C-3 and take oit anyone who dares to stand against our way.

Battle droid: Roger Ro-

Suddenly the door opens and two flash bangs was thrown into the room which William realised this but it was too late as the flash bangs go off and him and the Cascade Freedom Fighters were blind when Noble Squad enter the room and fire at the battle droids, taking them out within seconds as they haven't have a chance to fire back and soon all droids were taking out.

Y/n: Everyone stand down now! Your all under arrest by the Republic!

The Cascade Freedom Fighters doesn't know what to do so they drop to their knees while thei rasies their hands up in the air. William has no choice but dose the same. Noble Squad gose around handcuffing the Cascade Freedom Fighters while Y/n walks over to William and then handcuffed him as William just look at him and said.

William: How dose it feel to arrest a group of people that is only fight for their planet huh?

Y/n doesn't say anything and soon Republic Clone troopers enter the room and take the Cascade Freedom Fighters away while Plo and Woffle enter the control room while Y/n drags William towards the two as Plo looks at William and tells him.

Plo: We apologise for not answering your call sooner but you have no reason betraying us even after we've answered your call for help.

William: (smirk) It doesn't matter. Our planet is now in ruins because the Republic didn't come and help us. Your all just selfish and care about important planets like Mubuis then planets that are begging for help like us.

Plo: Again we are sorry.

Soon Republic Clone troopers takes William away and once that Plo turns to Y/n and his squad.

Plo: I appreciate with the rescue Noble Squad. As soon this battle is over, I'll notify the Chancellor of you and your teams heroic action.

Y/n: Thank you sir but we couldn't have done this with the help of Molly.

Woffle: Molly? You mean she helped you?

Brains: Yes. She actually was the one that showed us the hatch on top of the mountain. If not for her then things would have been different.

Plo: I'm glad that she's truly on outside. Where is she by away?

Y/n: I'll contact her and you can see her sir.


The Blue Light lands at the hanger and once the Blue Light lands Molly step out along with R2-JB and as soon she step out she sees Plo, Woffle amd Noble Squad as she walks over to Plo and bows in front of him.

Molly: I'm very sorry for what William and our Freedom fighters has done to you. Please if you wish the punished me then I accept any punishment you will give to me.

But then she felt a hand gently grab her shoulder which she look uo to see Plo as she stood up straight and then Plo tells him.

Plo: There is no need for punished. Disbite your Freedom fighters turning against us, your the only one that is still loyal to the Republic and to your planet. You must be proud of yourself.

Molly: Still I can't help but feel I betrayed the Republic.

Y/n: No you haven't Molly. You helped us and thanks to you, the general is safe along with our brothers. We own you our thanks for saving our brothers and our jedi general Molly.

She is surprised and smiled while she node to Y/n while he and Noble Squad smiled and node to her back. Then Rouge and Raven walks over to the rest as Rouge tells them.

Rouge: Hate to break this mountain here but we still have a problem.

Raven: Rouge is right. I just gotten word that Republic forces are engaging Separatist forces across from us and Jelcho has Shadow and Omega.

Plo: Then we must get our gears ready and move out.

Molly: But the only way to get their is by walking through the abandoned city which is filled with Separatist snipers.

Woffle: Then we have no choice but to punch through them and get to the other side.

Plo: I believe there is another way to take care with those snipers.

Woffle: Got a plan sir?

Plo: Indeed Commander. Ready your troops Woffle, we'll be leaving in 7 hours.

Woffle: Yes sir!

Y/n: Let's do the same Noble Squad. Let's gather enough gear we have and let's move out.

Noble Squad agrees as they walk off but then Y/n turns to Molly who is standing there and Y/n called out to her.

Y/n: Hey Molly. Coming with us?

She looks at Y/n in surprised and then she smiled and node back. Molly and R2-JB catch up with them as the Republic forces get theie gears ready and be ready to move out to join the fight against Jelcho and his Separatist forces and rescue both Shadow and Omega.

To be continued.............................

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