Chapter 15: Battle of Cascade (Arc 2)
Within the mountains of Cascads was the HQ of both the Freedom fighters of Cascads and the Republic as Republic forces set up many equipment and gear for the Cascad Freedom fighters in hopes they can fight along side with the Clone Troopers of the Republic.
Clones talk to many Cascad Freedom fighters while some were just walking through the halls of the base when we cut to the command centre where we see Plo Koon, Wolffe and a human cascade Freedom fighter named William who is the leader as William points at the base at the other side from them while in the middle was the abandoned city.
William: This is the Separatist main base here. Their fleet is just above them and we try to sent our pilots for a bombing run but failed. That base is the only way to shut down the droids and win this battle.
Plo: The base looks highly defended. It be tricky to try to sneak in.
Wolffe: So what's your plan sir?
Plo: We need to find a way to distract them so we can make our way inside and destroy it from the inside.
William: We've tried that....but it didn't work.
Woffle: What about Shadow? He can use Chaos control to teleport inside the base and destroy it from there?
Plo: That could work.
William: Still we need to get through the city which is dangerous. There is a lot of snipers hiding within buildings just waiting for anyone to come out and shoot them in the heads.
Plo: I see. The Separatist are very much ready for anything that comes at them.
William: Yeah I know. That's why we've lose a lot throughout this war. We should take a break from here and think about this later.
Plo: Understandable.
William nodes and make his leave while Wolffe stare at him and then turns to Plo.
Wolffe: Sir I have a bad feeling about him and us Freedom fighters?
Plo: Explain?
Wolffe: Well have you ever thought of how did they survive this long? The Separatist has wiped out everything but still there is some like this and the Separatist doesn't seem to go around looking for them. I just have a bad feeling about this.
Plo doesn't blame him as he too sense something as he look around and then place his hand on Wolffe's shoulder and tells him.
Plo: Keep your guard up Wolffe and if you ever see something suspicious then report back to me.
Wolffe: Yes sir.
Plo make his leave while Wolffe looks around to see most Cascad Freedom fighters looking at him before looking away. Wolffe stare back at them and then walk off.
We see Team Dark and Noble Squad at the armoury as Noble Squad is checking their weapons while we see two Clone engineers checking on Omega and repairing any damage from him as Rouge giggles and tells them.
Rouge: (smirk) You both be careful. He's very sensitive and might flintch a bit.
Clone engineer: Don't worry Ma'am we know what we are doing.
Then the doors open and Raven came into the armoury and walks up to them and tells Shadow.
Raven: Seems that everything looks to be good.
Shadow: Let's hope so.
Y/n: Any news from the General?
Raven: There is a Separatist base at the other side from us but in the middle is an abandoned city that is filled with snipers. It be hard for us to get through with those snipers in the way.
Brains: How many are they?
Raven: Unknown but judging the casualties they have lost, probably 10 or 15.
Rusher: Now that be a challenge for me.
Cleaner: Yeah good luck trying to take down 10 or 15 snipers in a large abandoned city.
Molly: That used to be our home.
They turn to see Molly standing at the entrance of the armoury as she walk inside and explains to them.
Molly: The city your all are talking about use to be the capital of Cascad before it was destroyed and left abandoned by the Separatist. A lot of lives were killed.
Y/n: We're sorry for what you've lost.
Molly: (smile) It's fine, just glad the Republic is here to help us.
Y/n: (smile) Well we're here right now and here to help.
Rouge: Wonder what Sonic and the rest are up to at Mubuis. They might get jealous of us that we've been through space and into another planet.
Shadow just stood silent while Brains asked Molly.
Brains: Say Molly those star fighters you and the rest have at the hanger. Are they from Cascad as well?
Molly: (smile) Yeah. They are more use for police but we've used them to battle against the Separatist. And let's just say I'm the greatest pilot ever in Cascad.
Y/n: (smirk) Your not the only one.
Molly: Really who?
Y/n: (smirk) Let's just say someone who is the master of piloting a star fighter into battle and lives on a planet 9f sand. Still can't wait to see that in battle.
Molly: (little blush) Yeah same.
William: Molly.
They turn to see William as he walks up to Molly and then tell her.
William: There is something I need you to do.
Molly: (smile) Sure what's the mission?
William: We've lost contact from a friend of mine from another base. His name is Leon and I need you to head there and find him. Also there is a data chip in the locker room. Head there and get I okay?
Molly: Right.
Y/n: Noble Squad will assist her.
William: That won't be necessary. There aren't no Separatist in the area so she'll be in and out within seconds.
Y/n: Still she needs more back up then just her. Besides our break is over, time for some action right boys.
Brains, Rusher and Cleaner agree as William just node and walks off. Once that they gather their gear and weapons and once that make their way out of the base as Team Dark and Raven watch them go.
Raven: Noble Squad are strange clones.
Rouge: (smirk) Yeah but i like them. What about you shad?
Shadow: Let's just hope they won't screw up.
Clone engineer: (surprised) Wow!
They turn to see Omega's arms nearly hit a Clone Engineer but slowly lowers down as he look back at the rest and gose back to work while Rouge just smiled while Shadow just looks away.
We see the Blue light flying towards their location as we see Molly looking at R2-JB while Rusher is lend back with his feet on the table while Cleaner is making something to eat as Molly ask them.
Molly: This is a interesting bot. What dose he do?
Cleaner: He's an astromec, he can repair things around the ship if anything seems to be not working.
Rusher: But this one mostly sits there and get himself in danger most of the time.
Rusher lend out a chuckle while R2-JB came over and zaps Rusher which cost him to move back while Cleaner just chuckle including Molly. She stood up and walk around the rest of the ship until she stop by a door which she open and sees Y/n sitting on his desk without his helmet on and doing some in his data pad until he looks over to see her.
Molly: Whoops sorry I didn't know this was your room.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright. Anything you need?
Molly: (smile) No thanks. I was just looking around. Say what are you doing?
Y/n: Just updating my journal. Figured I helps me keep taps on what me and my squad were doing throughout the Clones wars.
Molly: That's interesting.
She sat on his bed as she looks over to see his helmet as she grabs it and looks at it.
Molly: (surprised) Wow this s quite heavy.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah but you'll get used to it. So tell me, how did you became a pilot for Cascads Freedom fighters?
Molly: (smile) Well my father worked as a test pilot for Cascad before the Separatist came so when I was a child, he taught me about piloting and tells me what to do.
Y/n: He must e a good father. What about your mother?
Molly: I've....never get to know her. She passed away after I was born. But my father told me she was a sweet and kind women and she's glad to give birth to me.
Y/n: I'm sorry for your lost.
Molly: It's alright. What about your parents?
Y/n: We....never have parents. The only thing we can call family are each other since we were made by the kaminoans on Kamino.
Molly: Oh right. Guess that explains why you are called Clone troopers. I get it know but......even so if the war would end and eveyething is peaceful, do you ever thought about making a family? Like having children and have a wife by your side?
Y/n: I-I don't know that be allowed. Clones were made to fight battles but....the thought of what to do after the war is still in our mind. We may not know what to do after the war.
Molly: Yeah I see why. Still it be nice to have a family right?
Y/n: (smile) would.
Brains: (radio) Y/n. We're reaching to our location.
Y/n: Copy that Brains.
He stood up ad Molly gives him his helmet which he takes and puts it on.
Y/n: Ready to get some action?
Molly: (smile) You know it!
The Blue Light make it's landing as we can see the base and once the blue light landed the squad came out with Molly from behind while Y/n on point. They aim their blaster rifles around while making their way towards the door.
Once there they hugged the left side from the door as Y/n singles Brains to slice the doors open which he came over and bend down of the controls and start doing his magic.
Brains: Seems like this will take a while.
Y/n: Copy. Squad in defence.
They node as they form around Brains and aim their blasters at the distances and hills while Molly find it to be cool. After what seems like a while there was a spark coming out from the controls follow by the doors opening. The doors open slow as they turn and see inside was dark once the door fully open. Molly pulls out her flashlight and turns it on while Noble Squad actived their night vision on their helmets and they head inside.
They move slowly through the halls as they see no one here to greet them which gives them the creeps. Molly was worried that there is no survivors as they continue walking through the walls until they turn a corner and see a dead Freedom fighter trooper as they walk up to him as Brains bend down and check his pules.
Brains: He's dead. Been dead a while.
Y/n: Is he Leon?
Rusher bend over and search his pockets until he pulls out a ID card and looks at it and tosses it towards Y/n qhich he catch it and look at it.
Rusher: No. His name is Sargent Jimmy. Guess he was killed when the Separatist raided the base.
Brains: I don't think it's wasted the Separatist.
Molly: What do you mean?
Brains: Judging by the face reaction who ever attacked them was caught by surprise. Plus the bolt is a bit smaller then the Separatist.
Molly: So who could have done this?
Y/n: Best we keep on moving and see what else we even find. Let's keep moving squad.
They agree and they keep on moving. They see the halls were trashed by who ever attacked this base as nearby windows were smashed and broken. They found more dead bodies but none were not Leon.....that is until they reach the command center when they enter and look around.
Once the area was clear they try to find the way to get the systems by online. Brains gets to work with Molly helping him while the rest search through the bodies for Leon. Soon the holotable gose online just as Cleaner turns a body around and check his ID.
Cleaner: Found him!
Y/n: K.I.A?
Cleaner: K.I.A but it looks like he was strangled to death then being shot.
Molly: (shocked) Who could have done such a thing.
Brains: I think I know.
Y/n: What did you find?
Brains: According to these records it looks like William's forces were here for a check up but then something happened and then his men left the base.
Cleaner: You think his men must have something to do with this?
Molly: No there is no way! There have to be a reason for this.
Y/n: Still we need to collect the data chip from the locker room. Rusher, Brains head to the locker room and find it. The rest wait here and see we can find something else.
Brains: On it.
Rusher: Be back before we know it.
The two make their leave while the rest stay at the control centre to search for anything else. Soon Brains and Rusher arrive to the locker room and search around. They open each lockers trying to find the data chip but there were in their for a minute as Rusher slams a locker in frustration and said.
Rusher: Where is the damn data chip at!
Brains: (smirk) Carful Rusher, your starting to sound like shadow.
Rusher: Oh will you shut up Brains. How are we going to find the data chip if there is tones of lockers.
Brains: Well I think I know.
He pulls out his data pad and after a while he wave it in front of him and looks through the lockers around them. After a while Brains sees something and points it to Locker 66.
Brains: That one.
Rusher: Nice.
He walks over and was about to open but then Brains stops him.
Rusher: Now what?
Brains: There's something else in there.....hang on a minute.
Brains gets Rusher back and then pulls out a EMP grenade and tossed it towards the locked and zaps something inside when it gose off. Once that Brains walks over and pops the locker open and sees it as Rusher walks over and he too was shocked as him.
Y/n: (surprised) There was a bomb?!
We see Brains and Rusher came back with Brains holding a bomb as he toss it onto the table in front of Molly, Y/n and Cleaner as Brains tells them.
Brains: Indeed. There was no data chip at all. This was a trap set up by someone to kill us when we open that locker.
Cleaner: Man those Separatist are really going to get it.
Brains: I'm not sure we're not facing the Separatist. I think we might be facing something else.
Molly: Like who? If there is a unknown threat out there we must contact William right now.
Brains: I don't think it's not a good idea.
Molly: Why?
Brains: That bomb is not just a bomb. That Cascad technology and the only people who can make this bomb is the people who lives in Cascad and I should tell you that I've seen this bomb before.
Y/n: Where?
Brains: At the Cascad Freedom fighters base. In the armoury were bombs underneath a sheet when we first came in. Those bombs are the same to that bomb that nearly blow us up. This means only one thing.......
Cleaner: Son of a bitch.
Molly: Wait! There is no way William is a traitor?! Why would he ever want to betray us! This doesn't make any sense!
William: (hologram) I'm sorry you have to find it this way Molly.
They turn to the holotable and see William appear on it as he turn to her before turning to the rest and said.
William: (hologram) We've defected from the Republic and now working along side with the Separatist to destroy the Republic and help them win this war. We have already captured your jedi general so it be best you surrender.
Molly: (shocked) William why!? What about our goal, our duty to free this planet from the Separatist?!
William: (hologram) I'm sorry but we're sick of fighting and running away. We figured joining them is the only option we have in order to succeed. We also wanted revenge on the Republic as well.
Y/n: Why? We haven't done anything to you?!
William: (hologram) Exactly. The Republic ignore our cry for help and now our planet is nothing but nothing thanks to the Republic ignoring our calls.
Y/n: What are you talking about? Our forces were spread thin, we didn't have any forces left to help your planet from the Separatist.
William: (hologram) What ever you say. The Republic are nothing but selfish government that only call about the rich and the power rather then own galaxy which is why the Republic has to be destroyed in order for a new chance for the galaxy. We're not the bad guys here but you are. You call yourself soldiers fighting for justice? Your nothing but slaves for the Republic, being forced to take part a war you have nothing to do with? You should have tried to escape from the Republic when you have a chance.
Y/n: We will never betray the Republic unlike you!
William: (hologram) Shame. How about your Molly? You can still join us and bring peace to the galaxy. What do you say?
Molly is shocked and broken by this as she slowly forms and fist and tells William.
Molly: Never. I will not join you. I won't betray the Republic unlike you.
William just look at her in disappointment as he turns to the rest and tells them before he cuts off.
William: (hologram) Then goodbye then....Noble Squad.
To be continued................................
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