Chapter 14: Battle of Cascade (Arc 1)
We see the Blue light flying through the cloads as Noble Squad is heading to G.U.N HQ for a mission. While they wait they pass the time doing other stuff, we see Y/n at his room writing his journal ad he updates his journal about the few past missions and the people he met. Then his holopad start the beep so he place his journal away once he is done and pulls out his holopad and place it on the table as a hologram of Sally appears on the holopad.
Sally: (hologram) Near to the location?
Y/n: Almost there, say what do you know about G.U.N so far?
Sally: (hologram) Nothing much. It's where Shadow, Rouge and Omega worked as agents. They have been holding off against Separatist forces for a long while until the Republic arrive. We believe G.U.N has given them special equipment to help them in battle.
Y/n: Sounds interesting. What kind of special equipment?
Sally: (hologram) I'm not too sure but what ever these equipment are very important for the Republic.
Y/n: So they sent us to test them or something like that?
Sally: (hologram) Maybe but one way to find out. Good luck Y/n and be safe.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you Sally.
She smiled while the holo call ends and they arrive to their location. The Blue light flies over a massive military base that has two venator class star destroyers docked while soldiers are down below ad the blue light make it's landing at the landing pad.
The ramp opens and Noble Squad exit out as they look around to see G.U.N technology and Republic technology around which impressed them while a G.U.N soldier walks over to them and ask.
G.U.N soldier: You four must be Noble Squad?
Y/n: That's us.
G.U.N soldier: That's good. Our commander doesn't like those who is late.
Cleaner: Well tell your commander that we're the best around.
Y/n: We would like to visit your commander about this mission.
G.U.N soldier: Of course, right this way.
They follow the soldier across the base while they look around to see Republic engineers repairing G.U.N vehicles and making some improvements while they enter the base and make their way to the bridge. Once there they enter inside they see their commander at the holotable as he looks at I before looking up to see Noble Squad.
Abarham: So you must be the Clone commando unit called Noble Squad. Well the names commander Abarham Tower, glad to have you four here.
Y/n: It's a honour sir. What is this mission you wanted to sent us sir.
Abarham: We've just called for help from a nearby planet near Mubuis. We believe this planet is invaded by the Separatist forces and it have been for some time. We believe the Separatist are setting up a base on that planet after the Republic forces invaded Mubuis and trying to make create a base on that planet. We can not allow this so you be teaming up with Team Dark along with Commander Raven to invade the planet, help any forces that are fighting against the Separatist and recapture the planet for the Republic.
Cleaner: Sounds simple enough.
Brains: Do you mind telling us about this planet and it's name.
Abarham: The planets name is Cascade. Not much is known about this planet but we do know the Separatist wants to take over with it which is were you along with Team Dark will go, we can not allow this mission to fail so complete it the mission at all cost.
Y/n: Yes sir, we get it done.
Abarham: Good. Team Dark along with Commander Raven will be at their quarters, my men will take you there.
Y/n: Thank you sir.
They follow the G.U.N soldier as they make their leave. After a while they arrive to Team Darks quarters and before they can open the door, the door swings open and they were surprised to be met with a black Clone trooper with his visor red as he looks at them.
Shadow Clone trooper: You must be Noble Squad, Commander Raven and the rest are waiting for you four.
Y/n: Thanks trooper.
They walk pass the trooper and soon they see more and more of Shadow Clone troopers as they talked to each other while some watch Noble Squad walking by.
Brains: I never seen those types or armor before.
Rusher: Must be a gift for G.U.N by the Republic.
Brains: If you ask me, they must be prototypes to me.
Y/n: Well let's see their commander and see what he has to say about this.
They open the door and enter their quarters as they see their commander talking to his troopers about the plan which they node and walk off while he looks over to see Noble Squad as they walk up to him.
Y/n: You must be Commander Raven.
Raven: That's right. Nice to meet Noble Squad here. Guess we be working together for this mission.
Y/n: Seems like it. Is there any other Clone units that may join us?
Raven: I believe the wolf pack are at Cascade trying to break through the blockade, we're just waiting for their singal and we can get into action.
Y/n: Can't wait for that.
Raven nodes while a small hand appears on the holotable behind Raven as Noble Squad looks over to see a small Chao climb up onto the holotable and once on he turn to them while they look back at the Chao as he have red and black colours just like Shadow's.
Brains: Um is that your Chao?
Raven turn to see the Chao which lend out a chuckle whipe he gently picks up the choa and pet on him while he turn to Noble Squad.
Raven: Sorry about this little guy. He always find is way here, probably got that from Shadow. Still no this little guy belong to Team Dark but he is cute.
Chao: Abah?
Y/n: (smile) Guess he is very cute. Never know Shadow allows a Chao here?
Raven: Yeah let's just say he wants him to be a fourth member which.....didn't work out but they still keep him as their cute pet ain't that eight little guy.
Chao: Chao!
Y/n: Speaking of Team Dark, where are they?
Raven: At the training court along with some Shadow Clone troopers. They be here any second right about now.
Rouge: Hello there boys.
Then Team Dark enter the room and walk over to them as they stand around the holotable.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you three again. Never seen you since the battle of South Island.
Rouge: (smirk) We were busy but good to see you along with your team as well.
Shadow: So you will be assisting us in this mission.
Y/n: Seems like it. We're ready for any combat.
Cleaner: Like this droid.
Cleaner: Alright, what ever you say.
Brains: So what should we do once we arrive to the planet.
Raven: Glad you ask. We enter one of the stealth gunships and make our landing to the planet. We are suppose to meet up with a rebel group within Cascade and meet up with General Plo Koon there along with Commander wolffe there as well. Once there we can plan out our attacks at the Separatist main base at the rebels base and assist them in battle.
Y/n: Any information about these rebel forces?
Rouge: They have been holding off against Separatist forces for a while then us. They have lost so many people in their battle against the Separatist and now they need the Republic's help.
Brains: Wonder how many planets are being controlled by Separatist forces?
Shadow: We can question that later, right now we need to wait for the singal to activate.
Then there was abeep at the holotable as they turn and see that is the singal Raven calls all his men.
Raven: That's the singal boys! Let's move out! GO GO GO!
They scramble to gather their gears and blasters and once that they heaf out along with many Shadow Clone troopers while Noble Squad and the rest catch up and get into their venators and wait until they arrival to the planet.
The venators travelling through Hyper space as we see Yn enter Ravens quarters as he see him looking at his helmet before he looks over to see Y/n and put on his helmet and turn to him.
Raven: Hey there Y/n. Anything you need?
Y/n: Nothing, just here to talk to you about your armor. Where did you get it?
Raven: This was just made by the Republic. This was made to make the next generations of Clone elite troopers for the Grand army of the Republic. This is the first line of it.
Y/n: That's interesting. So your like Shadow Clone troopers?
Raven: (smile) Guess you can say that. Still Shadow seems to like it.
Y/n: (smirk) Of course he would. It's basically Clone trooper armor with colours just like shadows.
Raven: (chuckle) Yeah guess so. Say, mind I talk to you about something?
Y/n: Sure what's on your mind?
Raven: It's.....It's about Rouge.
Y/n: What about her?
Raven: I have this weird feeling inside of me that feels good but at the same time.....feels kinda wrong.
Y/n: You mean a crush?
Raven: Is that what you call it?
Y/n: Yeah, so you have a crush on Rouge?
Raven: Well I guess. She is clever and flirts around me ever since I first met her. Still I don't know if I want to lobe her or not. I mean we're clones, we're not suppose to show any feelings towards anyone.
Y/n: Why not? It doesn't matter we're clones or not. We have names, a heart, soul and feelings. We maybe clones but we're normal like the rest of eveyr being in the galaxy.
Raven: You think so?
Y/n: Bro if I see a human married to an alien, I'll just shrugged and clap for them. It's just love and there is nothing weird about loving someone in your life.
Raven: Still wouldn't that be treason?
Y/n: For what? Loving someone while still as a soldier? As long you complay to orders you'll be fine. Besides your higher ranked so you'll also be fine as well.
Raven: Guess so. Thanks Y/n, guess you have someone that you like more.
Y/n: Yeah I think I have a few that do like like me.
Raven: (surprised) Seriously?! Hehehe your one lucky Clone.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah I get that alot. Say speaking of higher ranked, how did you became commander?
Raven: I was trained by arc troopers and soon I became the commander.
Y/n: Sounds interesting. So your a arc trooper?
Raven: (smile) Guess you can call me that. Don't suspect me to go soft on you if you challenge me for a rumble.
Y/n: (chuckle) Wasn't thinking about it.
The two lend out a chuckle while the venators make a exit out of Hyper space and fly towards the planet and see a few Separatist ships being destroyed and floating through a space while the two venator make it's approach towards the planets surface. Once they gone pass the clouds they see nothing but hills and mountains as it looks like a empty planet with no plant life or anything.
Soon the Stealth Gunships exit out of the hangers and flies down the planets ground as we see Noble Squad along with the rest at the first stealth Gunship as the gunships make it's landing and once landed they exit out of the stealth gunships and looks around. Once they see the area is clear they make their walk with blaster rifles in hand as they move out.
They aim their blaster rifles around just in case of a Separatist ambush while they keep on moving.
Raven: Rouge any word from General Ploo or Commander Wolffe?
Rouge: No all communications are blocked. Looks like the Separatist doesn't want us to talk to our friends.
Raven: Right, Shadow use Chaos control and see what you can find up ahead.
Shadow: Right. Chaos control!
He teleport away to scout ahead while Rusher tells Y/n.
Rusher: I wish I can do that.
Soon Shadow teleports backs and tells Raven.
Shadow: It looks like there is a battle happening up ahead.
Y/n: Republic forces?
Shadow: No. Rebel forces. They are trapped inside of an abandoned base while Separatist forces are pushing forward.
Raven: Then let's help them out! Move out troopers!
They move out ad they sprint and soon they reach to a hill and look down to see Separatist forces firing at a abandoned base while rebel forces are trapped inside and returning fire at the Separatist forces. They slide down the hill with Raven take down the few Separatist droids while the rest follow as they open fire at them and taking our Separatist forces.
Shadow fores Chaos spears at them and taking them out while Omega start to gunned them down along with Noble Squad as the Separatist forces are being taking down lefg and right so they fall back. Once they retreated they approach the abandoned base as the doors open and rebel soldiers came out to see Republic forces. The first one was a female as he walks over to Raven and said to them.
???: Thank you for coming. We thought we be done for.
Raven: No problem. Your the leader of the rebels?
Molly: No I'm the lieutenant. Names Molly, thank you again for the help.
Raven: No problem. I'll call in a sinagl so plo's troops will see us.
Raven walks off and fire a flare into the sky. After a short while four Republic gunships fly over them and make it's landing around the abandoned military base. Once landed Clone troopers exit out along with Plo and wolffe were first as they walk over to Molly and Plo bows to her.
Plo: A pleasure to meet you along with your rebels. My apologies for the long wait.
Molly: (smile) It's fine, thanks for coming.
Plo: I hope your troops were alright holding off the Separatist forces.
Molly: We have some that were injured inside but they be alright.
Plo: I'll have my medical teams to load them into the gunships as soon as possible. Wolffe, order the medical teams to get the injured loaded to the gunships.
Wolffe: Yes sir.
He orders the medical teams to enter the base and help the injured while the other Clone troopers secure the area while Molly turns to Noble Squad and walks over to them.
Molly: (smile) Nice armor you four have. Let me guess, you four are elite team?
Y/n: (smile) That's right. We're Noble Squad, names Y/n, this is Brains, Rusher and Cleaner.
Brains, Rusher and Cleaner: Sup.
Molly: (smile) It's nice to meet you.
Brains: So your the lieutenant of the rebels on this planet?
Molly: (smile) Yeah. I'm not just a ground trooper, I'm also a very skilled pilot as well.
Y/n: (smile) Is that so. Well I know one general who is a skilled pilot like you.
Molly: (smirk) You don't say. So how skilled are you?
Y/n: We're pretty good when I comes to combat. We be sent out to do any high dangerous missions for the Grand army of the Republic.
Molly: (smile) Sounds cool to hear. So tell me, are all Generals have those sabers attacked to their belts?
Y/n: Yeah, those are Jedi. They serve the Republic and they been so for many years.
Molly: Sounds interesting. What makes them different to our general?
Brains: You have a general?
Molly: Yeah he's a old friend of mine. He may not look like one but he is very good as a rebel leader.
Y/n: Can't wait to meet him.
Molly nodes while they look over to see Clone medics helping the injured load onto the gunships while Plo walks up to Molly as she turns to him.
Molly: (smile) Thank you for this. I own you our lives.
Plo: It's my pleasure. Would it be alright you show us to your base and allow me to speak with your leader?
Molly: (smile) Of course. I'll show you our base, let's go!
Molly walks off with Plo and the rest follow as they enter the gunships and they take off while we cut to one of the Separatist ship where we see Jelcho at the bright as a droid commander walks up to him.
Droid commander: Sir, Republic forces are now heafing to the rebels base right now.
Jelcho: Good. Report back to me once they're guards are down.
Droid commander: Roger Roger.
The droid commander walks off while Jelcho lend back from his chair and smirks to himself.
Jelcho: (smirk) You thought you are helping the rebels you Republic scum.......but once you enter to their will see that you will be their target once your guards are down. (Evil chuckle)
To be continued...........................
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